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Late Night Political Humor

“They taped Mitt Romney explaining his positions in a roomful of rich scumbags, I’m sorry, I meant heroic job creators. And he said 47 percent of Americans are basically welfare bums who are mooching off the government. And he said, ‘My job is not to worry about those people.’ You know, where do people get the stuff that Mitt Romney is a heartless, calculating cocksucker?” – Bill Maher

“This tape is like so incriminating. Everything that liberals suspect Mitt Romney says behind closed doors, now there’s a tape of Mitt Romney saying that exactly behind closed doors. It’s like if Republicans had a tape of Obama where he was reading Karl Marx with a highlighter while forging a birth certificate and getting blown by Cleopatra Jones.” – Bill Maher

“Even Republicans are now tiptoeing way from Mitt Romney. They’re very upset about this video. They say it shows Romney doing something very stupid: expressing the core beliefs of the Republican Party publicly.” – Bill Maher

At this point he kind of has to own it. His new campaign slogan is: ‘Get out of my sight, America, you make me sick.'” – Bill Maher

“A new poll says 75 percent of Americans feel little or no personal connection to Mitt Romney. And it gets worse. The poll was of his family.” – Craig Ferguson

“I saw a guy today scraping a Romney bumper sticker off his car. It was Paul Ryan.” – Jay Leno

“It’s gotten so bad for poor Mitt Romney that Tim Pawlenty – he was the co-chair of Mitt’s campaign – he resigned. Isn’t that kind of the ultimate sign that your campaign is in trouble, when Tim Pawlenty is afraid you’ll make him look like a loser?” – Bill Maher

“It’s been a rough week for Mitt Romney. Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has quit as co-chair of Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign. I think the technical term is ‘jumping ship’.” – Jay Leno

“New documents show that Mitt Romney’s campaign is $11 million in debt. First Romney’s advisers had to explain that he was running out of money. Then they had to explain to him what running out of money means.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A lot of people are commenting that Mitt Romney is looking extremely tan lately. In fact, if Romney gets any darker he’s not going to vote for himself.” – Conan O’Brien

“Political pundits are taking Mitt Romney to task, saying his latest gaffe was not ‘presidential’. Vice presidential, sure. That’s Joe Biden territory.” – Jay Leno

Polls show Obama is now pulling away Mitt Romney. What could be more natural than to see Mitt Romney and pull away?” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney just released a new campaign ad aimed at seniors too. It’s called, ‘Least we can do’ — named after how much he plans on doing for seniors.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Mitt Romney’s campaign released his 2011 tax return. Democrats still want him to release all his tax returns for the last 10 years. Romney says he can’t do it, and he’s got a good excuse. He says his dog ate them and then Obama ate the dog.” – Jay Leno

“In an interview with Univision, President Obama said if there’s one thing he’s learned, it’s that you can’t change Washington from within. So what is he saying — that if we want real change, we should throw him out?” – Jay Leno

“Obama has gone from ‘Yes we can.’ to ‘I’m sorry. No one can.'” – Jay Leno

“The economy is so bad, instead of Secret Service protection, the White House is using replacement refs to guard President Obama.” – Jay Leno

“Newsweek has a new cover story titled ‘Muslim Rage.’ Can you believe that? They’re still publishing Newsweek.” – Jay Leno


R U Paying Attention Now?

© Dan Wasserman

Maybe what we need are better referees for the “job creators”?

For over a day now, the top story on many news sites has been outrage over bad calls made by substitute referees during an NFL game. It is ironic that this situation mirrors our upcoming election.

UPDATE: Ezra Klein on “low information” voters, and why they won’t be deciding this election.


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s Fall. Unless you’re Mitt Romney, and then it’s freefall.” – David Letterman

“Romney said he doesn’t watch ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ because if Romney wants to see rich people say dumb things on camera he can watch that fundraiser video.” – Jimmy Fallon

“What are they talking about? Romney has given some very specific figures. For instance, he is willing to piss off exactly 47% of the voters.” – Stephen Colbert

“He attacks the 47 percent of the American people who he says pay no federal taxes. And he attacks, he, Romney? Attacking someone on taxes? I mean, Woah! That’s like me attacking someone for being passionate in politics.” – VP Joe Biden (using himself as part of the punchline of a joke)

“Mitt Romney says that about half the country are freeloaders. And freeloaders – that includes wealthy politicians who only pay 13 percent in tax.” – David Letterman

“I like Mitt. Listen to this. He has alienated the young people, alienated the old people, alienated women, alienated minorities, alienated gays. I’m telling you, this takes talent.” – David Letterman

“Yes, President Romney will not take God off our coins. And that is so important because right now, just like God, the value of our currency really has to be taken on faith.” – Stephen Colbert

“As part of the strategy for the upcoming presidential debates, the Obama campaign is attempting to lower expectations. And believe, if there’s one thing that President Obama is good at lately, it’s lowering expectations.” – Jay Leno


Fallopian Fists of Fury!

© Matt Bors

In general, I try to ignore media whores (which I define as people who say things to get attention, regardless of whether or not what they say is true). But who can resist a comic that uses the phrase “fallopian fists of fury”?

Yes, Limbaugh really did bring up an Italian study that found that penises are on average roughly 10% smaller today than they were 50 years ago. The study cites people’s heavier weight, pollution, stress, and smoking as possible factors explaining the shrinkage. But Rush instead blamed it on feminists, saying:

I don’t buy this. I think it’s feminism. I think if it’s tied to the last 50 years, the average size of a member is 10 percent smaller than 50 years, it has to be the feminazis, the chickification and everything else.


Why Romney Is Losing and Why He Still Might Win

Robert Reich has two interesting new articles in his blog that you should read.

The first one is an analysis of why Romney is losing the election. The conservatives are already trying to spin this as Romney’s fault. He is a bad politician running a poor campaign, and most of all, he isn’t conservative enough. He shouldn’t run from his statements about 47% of Americans being slackers, he should double down!

But that explanation doesn’t hold much water. If Romney is the problem, then why are other Republican candidates also dropping in the polls? Just a few months ago, Republicans were set to take over the Senate and increase their hold on the House. Now it looks like Democrats can hold the Senate, and some wishful thinkers are even talking about taking back the House.

Instead Reich argues that the Republican Party is the problem:

Americans are finally beginning to see how radical the GOP has become, and are repudiating it.

The Republican primaries, and then the Republican convention, have shown America a party far removed from the “compassionate conservatism” the GOP tried to sell in 2000. Instead, we have a party that’s been taken over by Tea Partiers, nativists, social Darwinists, homophobes, right-wing evangelicals, and a few rich people whose only interest is to become even wealthier.

These regressives were there in 2000, to be sure. They lurked in the GOP in the 1990s, when Newt Gingrich took over the House. They were there in the 1980s, too, although Ronald Reagan’s sunny disposition gave them cover. In truth, they’ve been part of the GOP for more than half a century — but never before have they held so much sway in the party, never before have they called the shots.

Romney’s failing isn’t that he’s a bad candidate. To the contrary, he’s giving this GOP exactly what it wants in a candidate. And that’s exactly the problem for Romney — as it is for every other Republican candidate — because what the GOP wants is not at all what the rest of America wants.

The second article gives four compelling reasons why Romney still might win the election.

First, who knows what will happen with the economy. Did anyone predict that the economy was about to crater just before the 2008 election? Would Obama have won if it hadn’t?

Second, Romney has an advantage in the debates. Obama’s strength in the 2008 election was not at the debates, where he could come off as slow and ponderous. He also has not been in a debate in four years, while the Republicans had more primary debates than anyone cares to remember, providing Romney lots of experience. Plus Romney has had plenty of time to practice recently, while Obama has a more-than-fulltime job.

Third, the Republicans still have LOTS of money to throw at this election. Seriously.

And finally, the Republicans have repeatedly shown that they will do anything to win an election. Have we already forgotten what happened to Gore in Florida? Eleven states have enacted voter ID laws specifically designed to suppress the turnout of Democratic turnout. And there are still plenty of Diebold voting machines in use.


Not Safe for Work, But Safe for Life

Sarah Silverman on Voter Suppression Laws. Caution, contains quite a few obscenities.



Romney once said that he always pays the taxes that the law requires — no more, no less — and “if I had paid more [taxes] than are legally due I don’t think I’d be qualified to become president.” But in his newly released tax returns, Romney deducted only $2.25 million of his $4 million in charitable donations. Why did he do that? Because if he had deducted all that he was entitled to, his effective tax rate would have been under ten percent.

Meanwhile, even Paul Ryan in 2010 called the Cayman Islands “the place you hide your money” even though Romney claims that the money he has there is not hidden. So why did he put it there?


Do as I say, not as I do

© Mike Stanfill

After Citizens United opened the floodgates for political money, will Romney’s presidential campaign go down in history as proving that you can’t buy any election just by throwing unlimited amounts of money at it?

UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal has an article “Super PAC Influence Falls Short of Aims“. Their conclusion is “So far, these super PACs are looking less than super.”


Death by Twitter

© derf

It’s true.

And all because he pointed out the irony of the US being the most technologically advanced nation in the world, while the majority of the people in it do not believe in evolution.


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney said the 47 percent of people who don’t pay taxes are going to vote for Obama. You know what that means? He’s going to vote for Obama.” – Jay Leno

“If you take the 47 percent that Mitt Romney says pay no taxes and add that to the people who Obama says cling to their guns and religion, that’s the whole country right there.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney said if he had Mexican parents, he’d have a better shot of winning… But unfortunately Romney was tragically held back by being born of rich white people.” – Conan O’Brien

“All of these political strategists are trying to explain why Mitt Romney can’t seem to get his message out. I’m no strategist but it’s hard to talk with both a silver spoon and a foot in your mouth.” – Jay Leno

“Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan told the crowd at the Values Voter Summit that if President Obama wins, there’s no going back. So basically what he said was, once you go black, you can’t go back.” – Jay Leno

“It is high time that the GOP stop trying to appeal to smart people – and letting Rick Santorum in front of a microphone is a great place to start.” – Stephen Colbert (on Santorum’s remarks that “smart people will never be on our side”)

“A Pakistani man died yesterday after inhaling fumes from burning an American flag. Good! Thank you. See, let me show you how incredible that is. We don’t have to defend the American flag. It can defend itself.” – Jay Leno


Who gets to decide the future of our country?

Saturday Night Live asks a very important question, and they want answers!


Off for the weekend…

I’m off camping for the weekend and won’t have any internet access. Back Sunday night. Besides, I need a break from the longest, most annoying presidential race in history.


Graven Images

© Ruben Bolling

God commanded “Thou shalt not kill”. Four words, each of one syllable. Could he spell it out any clearer?


Bullshit Mountain

Jon Stewart on Fox News defending Romney’s video comments calling 47% of Americans “freeloaders”:

I know they believe that the best defense is a (good?) offense, but um, seriously? “This is factually accurate, what Romney is saying.” ??? “I don’t understand what the controversy is. I think Mr. Romney should campaign on this point.” ??? “If I’m governor Romney, I run with this all day long!” ??? “It was the truth!” ??? “He’s a boss who says the truth, but the truth often hurts.” ??? “I think this will be seen as a win for Romney.”

It appears that Romney has the decency to not actually believe his own bullshit. But Fox News?


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney said if he had Mexican parents, he’d have a better shot of winning… But unfortunately Romney was tragically held back by being born of rich white people.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney was here meeting with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He’s looking for a housekeeper for his place in La Jolla.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Mitt Romney is in Los Angeles today for a fundraiser. So that’s one more handsome guy in L.A. auditioning for a role he probably won’t get.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mitt Romney was on ‘Live With Kelly and Michael.’ At one point Mitt was asked what he wears to bed. He said as little as possible. It’s the same philosophy that Mitt has in regard to paying taxes.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Mitt also admitted on the show that his guilty pleasures are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and chocolate milk. Even his guilty pleasures are boring.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Mitt Romney is trailing in the polls. After being accused of being too vague, Romney’s campaign team says they will start being more specific. When asked when, they said, ‘Soon-ish’.” – Conan O’Brien

“On Saturday, Mitt Romney took some time off from campaigning to watch his grandson’s soccer game. Though it got awkward when one team pulled their goalie and Romney was like, ‘Look at that – another job lost under President Obama.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to the Labor Department, unemployment fell from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent last month. But that’s because 368,000 Americans gave up looking for work. Today, President Obama said that’s a step in the right direction, and he is encouraging more Americans to give up looking for work.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama is attending a fundraiser in New York hosted by Jay-Z and Beyonce. Michelle is hoping Beyonce will sing ‘All the Single Ladies,’ while Obama is worried Biden will get up and sing ‘Bootylicious'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today is the one-year anniversary of occupying Wall Street protests. Remember those? They stomped out greed forever.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s Opening Day of the U.N in New York… Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is here. He says he hates gay people and he hates Jews. Boy is he in the wrong town.” – David Letterman

“I’m watching the news, and I see these protesters in countries like Egypt, Afghanistan, Tunisia. They’re all burning American flags. Where are they getting all these flags? If you hate us so much, how do you have a large supply of flags on hand?” – Jay Leno

“Anti-American crowds have been protesting and burning American flags over that anti-Islamic film. And the U.S. is now bracing for more protests next week when the film comes out on Blu-ray.” – Jay Leno

“All over the world people are chanting, ‘Death to America.’ Except in China, where they’re chanting, ‘Not until we get our money back’.” – Jay Leno

“Arnold Schwarzenegger has written a new book about his affair with his Hispanic housekeeper, and the book is actually called ‘Total Recall.’ In response, she’s written a book about their affair called ‘Alien vs. Predator.'” – Conan O’Brien
