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Aborted Stance

Does anyone know where Mitt Romney actually stands on abortion and choice? It seems to change every day.

Last week, Romney told an Iowa newspaper that abortion legislation would not be part of his agenda if elected. “There’s no legislation with regards to abortion that I’m familiar with that would become part of my agenda.”

But less than 24 hours later, Romney promised that he would govern as a “pro-life president” and would “immediately” defund Planned Parenthood. He also said he would prohibit funding to any international family planning groups that provide abortions.

Just to confuse things further, in the middle of all this Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said “Mitt Romney is proudly pro-life, and he will be a pro-life president.” She later added Romney “would of course support legislation aimed at providing greater protections for life.”

Wow, a direct contradiction in less than 24 hours.

He did the same flip flop when he was running for governor of Massachusetts in 2002. He promised to maintain the status quo of abortion rights, and even filled out a Planned Parenthood questionnaire saying that he supported “the substance” of Roe v Wade. He even told abortion rights advocates that he would be a “good voice” for them. But once he was elected, he vetoed a bill that would provide emergency contraception using the “morning after pill” because that drug would “terminate life after conception”. Romney also cited his anti-abortion views in taking a stand against using embryos for scientific experimentation.

And of course, Romney’s running mate, Paul Ryan, co-sponsored a “personhood” amendment that would mean that terminating a pregnancy would be illegal, even in cases of rape.


Late Night Political Humor

“During Wednesday’s debate Mitt Romney said that even though he likes Big Bird, if elected he would stop the subsidy to PBS – it’s a surprising threat considering that ‘Mitt’ is such an excellent Muppet name.” – Seth Meyers

“Romney went on to say if elected he would no longer borrow money from China to pay for PBS. China funds PBS? I guess that explains why this week’s Sesame Street was brought to you by the letter this.” – Seth Meyers

“According to Nielson numbers, more than 70 million people watched Wednesday’s debate either on TV, online, or from one of the podiums.” – Seth Meyers

“In an interview promoting his new tell-all, Arnold Schwarzenegger said his marriage to Maria Shriver fell apart because of him and that he hopes to one day win her back. And what better way to win back her love back than to write a book about all the times you tricked her?” – Seth Meyers


Turn to the Right?

© Tom Toles

Did the first presidential debate really change things that dramatically? Or is the media jumping on this in order to keep the horse race close and attract election-weary viewers?

Did Joe Biden’s debate performance stop the Democratic freak out? Or at least slow it down?


Sexism Down Under

We now take a short break from moaning about the sorry state of US politics to see that things are just as interesting in the rest of the world.

Here’s an interesting video of the Prime Minister of Australia opening a can of whoop-ass on the opposition leader on the floor of their parliament.

What happened is that the Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, led the charge to sack the Speaker of the House after a court released misogynistic text messages that the Speaker had sent. Abbott called the texts ‘vile’. Julia Gillard, the Prime Minister of Australia then lays into Abbott for his hypocrisy in calling someone else a misogynist, bringing out a range of choice quotes made when Abbott was a Minister (sort-of like a cabinet member here) under John Howard’s Liberal Government (which confusingly for Americans, was a center-right government).

[Hat tip to reader Steve Thomson]


Eternal Elections

John Oliver sees a bright side to all the election spending, and wants more:


Late Night Political Humor

“New job numbers came out today. Unemployment went way down from 8 percent to 7.8 percent. Of course, a lot of this was because of the ever-expanding industry of Mitt Romney fact checkers.” – Bill Maher

“You got to hand it to Mitt Romney. He was in full command of his bullshit. In one single night, he was reborn as this taxing-the-rich, regulation-loving centrist. When these people say they’re going to reboot a campaign, they don’t just reboot. They erase the hard drive, take it out, and smash it with a hammer.” – Bill Maher

“I have to tell you, it worked. He shook the Etch-A-Sketch, reversed himself on everything, and now, according to the latest poll, twice as many people think Mitt Romney cares about them. They totally took him back. Today Chris Brown said, ‘That motherfucker is good’.” – Bill Maher

“Mitt Romney is such a different guy, Ann Romney says she no longer has to pretend she’s making love to someone else.” – Bill Maher

“It’s Mormon in America again. I haven’t seen Romney this energized up since HBO canceled Big Love.'” – Bill Maher

“Mitt did a great job. After the debate he celebrated with a bottle of caffeine-free diet soda.” – David Letterman

“Now we know what Romney looks like when he is all charged up. And now we know what Michael Jackson looks like on diprivan.” – Bill Maher

“Romney looked like the big winner, and Obama looked like the Big Lebowski.” – Bill Maher

“Obama’s wedding anniversary was Wednesday and that was the same day as the debate. He apparently had the sex first and was completely spent, had nothing left.” – Bill Maher

“In a new interview, first lady Michelle Obama said that she would choose Will Smith or Denzel Washington to play her husband in a movie. Or as Democrats put that, ‘Any way they can play him in a debate?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I’m sorry, Obama sucked. He looked tired. He had trouble getting his answers out. It’s like he took my million and spent it all on weed.” – Bill Maher

“I have not seen a black man look that disinterested and annoyed since I dragged Chris Rock to that Beach Boys concert.” – Bill Maher

“At one point Obama looked so dead, Romney tried to baptize him.” – Bill Maher

“Your choice now is pretty clear. You can either vote for the guy who got rid of bin Laden or vote for the guy who wants to get rid of Big Bird.” – David Letterman

“In a new interview, Mitt Romney said that he is against marijuana being used for recreational purposes. When stoners heard that, they were like, ‘Well, what about just for fun?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Twitter said today that Wednesday night’s debate was the most tweeted event in political history. Really, in history? Do you think that has more to do with the fact that Twitter is only six years old?” – Jay Leno


Weird Science

© Keith Knight

Where do these people come from? And how do they get elected and put into positions of responsibility over our future?


A Quote Everyone Can Agree On

A dead-on quote from Matt Taibbi that I think everyone, regardless to where they fall on the political spectrum, can agree:

What we Americans go through to pick a president is not only crazy and unnecessary but genuinely abusive. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent in a craven, cynical effort to stir up hatred and anger on both sides. A decision that in reality takes one or two days of careful research to make is somehow stretched out into a process that involves two years of relentless, suffocating mind-warfare, an onslaught of toxic media messaging directed at liberals, conservatives and everyone in between that by Election Day makes every dinner conversation dangerous and literally divides families.

The entire (rather short) article is worth a read.


Friendly Fire

If you do a Google image search on “completely wrong” (or just click the link), you’ll get back a bunch of images of Mitt Romney.

Some sites are calling this a “Googlebomb”, where social networkers deliberately attach a phrase to a person (the most famous being “Santorum“)

But I suspect that this one was not done on purpose. I think it is more likely that it is the result of Romney himself saying that his comments about the 47% were completely wrong.

Hat tip to CBS DC.


Thanks, but no Tanks

Who could resist an article — from CNN of all people — with a headline of “Thanks but no tanks”? Not me, obviously.

Good thing the article is definitely worth a read. It details how the same Congress that is screaming about deficits is insisting that the military spend $181 million for tanks that the Army doesn’t want or need. Yes, the same Congress that proclaims that presidents should listen to generals won’t listen to them.

According to one defense expert:

The fact that the military is having such a hard time getting this relatively small amount of money to be saved, I think is an indication of the huge uphill fight that the military faces when it comes to Congress. Congress is going to fight tooth and nail to protect defense investments that benefit their constituents and the people that live in their states.

In other words, welfare is ok when it goes to corporations, and especially ones that suck from the defense budget.

© Chris Britt


Mister Romney’s Neighborhood

Jimmy Fallon plays Mitt Romney playing Mister Rogers:



The Village Voice has an excellent article listing “the ten most corrupt tax loopholes”. Mitt Romney says he will balance the budget (while cutting taxes and increasing military spending) by closing tax loopholes. But he won’t tell us which loopholes.

For example, the loophole that allows Apple to pretend they are an Irish company and thus avoid taxes on their most valuable assets. If Apple were a drug pusher, they would be arrested for money laundering. And not just Apple — money laundering like this is practiced by corporations like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Eli Lilly, and Pfizer.

Or the “loophole” that allows passive investors to pay less in taxes than people who work. Even Ronald Reagan made the capital gains tax the same as the highest personal income tax rate.

There are eight others, including breaks for shipping jobs overseas, allowing corporations like Facebook to undervalue their stock and write off the difference, $20 billion given to the oil industry that even they say they don’t need, Delaware — our own onshore corporate tax haven, allowing the rich to save on their yacht using the home interest deduction, and (my personal pet peeve) tax bribes to get companies to move factories from one state to another.

These loopholes represent hundreds of billions or even trillions in dollars of revenue lost to the government. Of course, Romney and other Republicans have been the prime beneficiaries of lobbying money that is going to keep and expand these loopholes. Not to mention that Romney himself made most of his own money exploiting these loopholes to the max. And the lobbying has paid off — previous laws to eliminate these loopholes have been viciously blocked by Republicans. Does anyone actually believe that Romney will do anything to eliminate them?

© Clay Bennett


Media Balance

© David Horsey

Who else thinks that defunding PBS has nothing to do with balancing the budget, and everything to do with pushing the Republican agenda. After all, you can’t buy public television.

As the cartoonist David Horsey put it:

So, after many long months of campaigning and promising to cut the deficit while also cutting taxes, the single genuine and specific spending reduction Romney has stipulated is the one one-hundredth of a percent of federal expenditures that helps pay for Big Bird, Downton Abbey and the rest of the PBS lineup. Defenders of PBS were quick to point out that eliminating the federal subsidy for public television would trim an amount equal to just six hours – 360 minutes – of spending at the Pentagon.

It seems as if it would be more effective to leave PBS with its minuscule piece of federal largess and, instead, cut six hours – or maybe 24 or 48 hours – of military spending, right? Apparently not to Romney. Rather than trimming the Defense Department budget, he has proposed a radical spike in defense outlays that would take military spending to the highest level in 60 years.

We already spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined. We need more weapons, and less education for our young children? That sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Late Night Political Humor

“After months of buildup, last night was the first presidential debate at the University of Denver. Of course, a lot of big names didn’t show up to the event — Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, President Obama.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s like Obama wasn’t even there. He hasn’t done this poorly since he debated Clint Eastwood.” – Stephen Colbert

“They say close to 60 million people may have watched the debate. In fact, the only person who didn’t tune in was President Obama. What happened?” – Jay Leno

“There is no red America! There is no blue America! There is only the America that can’t believe how bad this guy did in the debate.” – Jon Stewart

“A lot of people disappointed in President Obama’s performance last night. Last night, critics say President Obama spent too much time looking down at something on the podium. And today the president apologized and said, ‘At the next debate, no more angry birds’.” – Conan O’Brien

“The president seemed a little bit out of it last night. He had all the enthusiasm of a husband talking to his wife’s friends at a dinner party.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama talked last night about finding new sources of energy. He couldn’t muster enough energy for the 90-minute debate. And to make matters worse, last night was his anniversary. The only way his wedding anniversary could have been worse was if he had forgotten it.” – Jay Leno

“Most analysts think Mitt Romney won the debate last night. Which means President Obama lost two fights on his anniversary last night.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The president seemed a little bit out of it last night. He had all the enthusiasm of a husband talking to his wife’s friends at a dinner party.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“At one point last night President said the one thing about being president is learning to say no — especially when someone asks, ‘Do you feel ready for this debate?'” – Conan O’Brien

“The president seemed to give long-winded, disjointed answers during last night’s debate. Even Gary Busey was like, ‘Dude, you’ve got to focus.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The consensus is that Mitt Romney won the presidential debate last night. The only people who thought Obama won were the replacement refs.” – Jay Leno

“Now you know me. I’m a staunch conservative and I condemn any Republican who distances themselves from everything he has said on the campaign trail. But it worked, so fuck it.'” – Stephen Colbert (on Mitt Romney lying at the presidential debate)

“Say what you will about Mitt Romney. Less night I thought he was energetic, he was crisp, he was dynamic. What have you done with the real Mitt Romney?” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney did so well last night, hell he may even release his tax return. He did so well last night, he might even let poor people vote.” – David Letterman

“He just told the moderator — who works at PBS — I’m going to throw your ass out on the street old man! Not only you, but all those free-loading Muppets! That doesn’t just take one ball, it takes TWO! TWO ENORMOUS BALLS! Ha-ha-ha!” –Stephen Colbert (impersonating Sesame Street’s The Count, referring to Romney’s attack on the popular children’s show)

“During last night’s debate, Mitt Romney said he’d cut funds to PBS, even though he loves Big Bird. He’s definitely against whatever the hell Bert and Ernie are up to.” – Conan O’Brien

“During last night’s debate Mitt Romney said that he loves Big Bird. What made it even more awkward was that the question was, “Can you explain your tax plan?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Mitt Romney said he’s going to get rid of Big Bird and slash PBS. And then he mentions Donald Trump, who endorses Mitt Romney. It’s interesting — one is a comical TV character with synthetic yellow hair, and then you have Big Bird.” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney went after PBS last night. It’s about time someone went after those guys. It’s about time someone took some starch out of their collars.” – Conan O’Brien

“60 million people watched this from around the world. And from the Cayman Islands, even Mitt’s money was watching.” – David Letterman

“Moderator for the debate last night was Jim Lehrer of PBS, and Jim was as in control of this evening as a replacement referee.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Jim Lehrer had trouble making sure the candidates stuck to the rules last night. Even NFL replacement refs were like, ‘This guy’s a disaster!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The only thing that could have salvaged the president’s performance would have been if the body of bin Laden fell from the ceiling onto the stage.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Stuck in the Middle

© Tom Tomorrow

Revenge of the Penguin Plutocrat? The Empire Strikes Back? Stay tuned for the Return of the Jedi.
