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Planning on having multiple people over for a traditional, in-person Thanksgiving dinner? If you are dying to do that, this year that might be literally true.

According to one study “About 40% of Americans plan to attend a Thanksgiving gathering with 10 or more people.” Here’s a sobering map from the Washington Post data reporter Christopher Ingraham.

If you have more than ten people, your odds increase.

© Adam Zyglis

No thanks!

I’ll be participating in a Zoomsgiving, where existing households will each have their own Thanksgiving dinners, connected to other households of family and friends over the internet. I’d rather see a few additional turkeys die than any of my loved ones.

© Christopher Weyant

New Alternate Realities



The stooges in the White House have gone absolutely insane. The main stooge isn’t Donald Trump anymore, it is Rudy Giuliani, who seems to have gone totally insane. As for the third stooge, I vote for Lindsey Graham, who appears to have committed felony election fraud in his effort to install Trump as dictator for life.

Besides appearing to melt down (literally!) today, Giuliani also seems to have lost his memory when he dropped their Michigan ballot lawsuit, claiming that they had achieved their goal of getting the state to decline to certify the election results, when in fact the state had certified the results. Is he that out of touch?

Is this some kind of alternate reality?

© Tom Tomorrow


Randy Rainbow Reviews

Great version of Kayleigh McEnany.


The Power of Propaganda

Jodi Doering is an emergency room Registered Nurse, working in South Dakota.

That’s right, she is seeing patients who are dying of Covid-19, but they believe the propaganda, misinformation, and outright lies spewed by Donald Trump and the right-wing media, that their last words before they die are that the pandemic is a hoax and that they will be fine. Their last breaths are not used to talk to their loved ones, or to get their affairs in order. Instead, they are angry and in denial about being told they have contracted Covid-19.


The Faces of Racism

Once again, our nation will depend on incompetence for its survival.


Masks of the Narcissists

There is no way to sugarcoat this: The pandemic is out of control in the US. On Friday there were over 181 thousand new cases. Eight days before that, we had just passed 100 thousand new cases for the first time.

With the tremendous surge in new cases, an equal surge in deaths will follow in a week or two. We know how to solve this, as has already been done in Australia, South Korea, even in China, but we won’t.

What is wrong with us? Do we have no will to live? Do we really not care if hundreds of thousands of people die?


Oh No, She’s Bach

It has been a very long time since we have heard from Michele Bachmann. No surprises, as she is even crazier than ever. The first 45 seconds of this video is Bachmann praying loudly that God will intervene and make Trump the president. Somehow, given how things are going, I don’t think God is listening to her.

Besides, if God followed Bachman’s prayers to smash deceit and delusion, one would assume that the first thing He would smash might just be Trump.


Math History Repeats Itself?


Now that Alaska and Arizona have been called, and assuming that Georgia goes to Joe Biden, and North Carolina goes to Donald Trump, the electoral college result will be 306 to 232.

Back in the 2016 election, Trump received 304 electoral college votes, and Clinton received 227. However, there were seven “faithless electors” — two of whom refused to vote for Trump and five who refused to vote for Clinton (all voted for other people). Which means that if the faithless electors had voted for the person to whom they were pledged, the result would have been 306 to 232. In fact, that was where it stood immediately after the election, before the meeting of the Electoral College.

Except this time Trump was on the losing side. However, back in 2016, when he won, his campaign declared it “Landslide. Blowout. Historic.

© Pat Bagley

You’re Fired!

From Australia. You gotta love ’em.


Trump Refuses to Concede

Trump not only refuses to concede the election, he claims he won (by a lot!). And the Republicans are enabling him:

“Let’s fight back and give President Trump all the due process the law allows him.” — Lindsay Graham

“President Trump is 100 percent within his rights to look into allegations of irregularities and weigh his legal options.” — Mitch McConnell

If you thought this post is all about hypocrisy, you would be right.


Final Incompetence

I’m sure most of my readers have heard about the Trump administration’s insanely stupid goof-up over scheduling an event at the “Four Seasons”. But this video will still put a smile on your face:

The landscaping company just started selling merchandise with the slogans “Make America Rake Again” and “Lawn and Order!”.

UPDATE: Did Corey and Rudy stumble across the Four Seasons landscaping business while shopping at the sex emporium or while disposing of a body at the crematorium? With an adult store on one side and a crematorium on the other, I bet Rudy doesn’t know if he’s coming or going.



Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. — Oscar Wilde

America’s allies were also openly jubilant about the election:

“Welcome back America!” — Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo

“Joe Biden has been a true friend of this nation throughout his life.” — Irish Prime Minister Micheál Martin

“[It’s] time to get back to building bridges, not walls.” — London Mayor Sadiq Khan

“Congratulations Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Our two countries are close friends, partners and allies. We share a relationship that’s unique on the world stage. I’m really looking forward to working together and building on that with you both.” — Canadian PM Justin Trudeau

“Heartiest congratulations @KamalaHarris!” — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

“How proud that a woman, Afro, Indian, Jamaican, great professional and extraordinary leader, became the Vice Presidency of the United States for the first time! With every woman who wins, we all win!” — Claudia Lopez, mayor of Bogotá, Colombia


Trump’s Reaction?

Donald Trump issued a statement, refusing to concede the election to Joe Biden. Here’s just the first sentence, so you don’t have to read the whole thing: “We all know why Joe Biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner, and why his media allies are trying so hard to help him: they don’t want the truth to be exposed.”

But remember Barack Obama’s anger translator? Someone did the same thing for Donald Trump, and this is what came out (via Twitter, of course):

Kamala Harris Makes History

Joe Biden made (dubious) history today as the oldest person (77 years) to ever be elected president. But Kamala Harris made even more history. She is the first woman and first person of color to be elected vice president. Harris was born to a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, so her ancestry is not only Black, but also South Asian.

Harris is no stranger to records. She was the first Black woman to be elected Attorney General of California. She was only the second Black woman to serve in the US Senate. Even her husband (Douglas Emhoff, who is white and Jewish) is making history as the first “second gentleman”. And who knows, he may someday become the “first gentleman”.

© Gary Markstein