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Romney’s 47%

It takes a while for the final final vote totals to be calculated, what with people in the military sending in ballots from overseas, etc. So even though it has been a few weeks, we are just now getting a relatively authoritative vote count for the presidential election.

Ironically, it looks like Mitt Romney is going to end up with 47% of the vote. This will be an easy number to remember, since one of his biggest gaffes was to claim that Obama was the candidate of the 47% of voters who “believe they are victims” and are “dependent on government”.

And lest you feel sorry for Romney as someone being piled on after losing the election, Romney himself doubled down on his 47% comments several days after the election on a phone call with his rich supporters, claiming that Obama won the election by giving “gifts” to minorities and women. As Time magazine put it “Has there ever been a less gracious presidential loser than Mitt Romney?”


Leave It To Beaver

© Ruben Bolling

On his show, Bill O’Reilly recently said “Traditional America as we knew it is gone. Ward, June, Wally and the Beave — outta here!”

I thought it was weird enough when conservatives attacked Murphy Brown, a fictional TV character. But now they seem to be basing their vision of conservative America on a classic sitcom — Leave it to Beaver.

But sure! Let’s take America back to the era of higher tax rates for the rich, back to less obscene pay for CEOs and hedge fund managers, back when politicians were spending more time bolstering the social safety net than trying to blame our nation’s problems on the poor or on immigrants (you know, the people who founded this country).

As Ruben Bolling said about his own comic:

The right has always fetishized 1950s suburbia as the idyllic landscape of “traditional” America, full of nuclear families, strong values, men in suits and Wonder bread (R.I.P.). But how would the world of Leave It to Beaver really see the 2012 election? Mitt looks an awful lot like Ward, but is Mitt’s Bain-inspired economic worldview one that Ward would approve of?

BTW, in an amazing show of overly sweet irony, the Wall Street Journal has a recipe for faux Hostess cupcakes but made with a high-brow bittersweet chocolate glaze and a white chocolate mousse filling, called Hostess Cupcake 2.0.


Happy Thanksgiving!

© Brian McFadden

For your Thanksgiving-dinner-with-your-relatives enjoyment, MSNBC has a list of handy retorts to use when your Fox-News-listening uncle Gary starts spouting off his latest talking points. My favorite is number 5:

When He Says: “Obama promised to be post-partisan, but he’s completely unwilling to work with Republicans.”

You Say: “Obama spent all of 2009 and much of 2010 trying to compromise with Republicans on the stimulus, health-care reform, deficit reduction, and financial reform. Meanwhile, even before Obama took office, the GOP held a meeting where they agreed on a strategy of knee-jerk opposition as a way to beat Obama in 2012. “If he was for it, we had to be against it,” as one participant explained it. Wanna blame someone for the lack of bipartisanship? Look at your own party.”


Late Night Political Humor

“Last night we had a rough audience, very unpleasant. And then halfway through the show they voted to secede.” — David Letterman

“After the election, 20 states said they’ve got to get out. They said, ‘We can’t take it anymore,’ so 20 states are working on seceding from the United States. We’re facing real economic problems, so take those 20 states that want to leave and charge them $10,000 apiece.” — David Letterman

“Facebook just launched a new app. They teamed up with the Department of Labor to create what they call the social jobs app. You can browse through two million job listings. You know it’s bad when even Facebook thinks it’s time for you to get a job.” — Jimmy Kimmel

“Facebook also has an app that can help you lose your job. It’s called Facebook.” — Jimmy Kimmel

“Facebook and the Department of Labor have teamed up for a new app that displays job openings. It’ll be weird when people find a job because of Facebook, then get fired from that job for using Facebook, then use Facebook to find another job. It’s the circle of life.” — Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday, President Obama gave his first press conference since being re-elected. And a lot of people are saying it looked like he was trying to cover up some of his gray hair. So I guess Obama’s major goals include jobs for women and Just For Men.” — Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday Barack Obama looked especially good. He looked relaxed and ready to lead, so he took questions from the press for 20 minutes then finished up with a few Al Green songs.” — David Letterman

“There are now reports that President Obama will name Massachusetts Senator John Kerry to be the next Secretary of Defense. Apparently this is part of America’s new defense strategy to bore our enemies to death.” — Jay Leno

“President Obama is in town today. He’s visiting the places that were destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. And he’s visiting people who lost their power. Those are Republicans, but that’s a different story.” — David Letterman

“Colorado and Washington just legalized marijuana. If Hostess can’t figure out a way to make money off of that, then maybe they shouldn’t be in the snack cake industry. I guess I’ll just have to take my business to Little Debbie.” — Jimmy Kimmel

“Arizona elected the first openly bisexual congresswoman. She’s a lady promising to reach across the aisle and grab whatever’s there.” — Conan O’Brien

“During his final speech on the House floor yesterday, Congressman Ron Paul said the Constitution has failed. Which must be a bummer because he’s actually one of the guys who signed it.” — Jimmy Fallon

“The economy is so bad that on the way to work I saw Phil Jackson holding a sign that said, ‘Will coach for food’.” — Jay Leno

“The economy is so bad, MSNBC had to lay off 300 Obama spokesmen.” — Jay Leno

“The economy is so bad, President Obama sent Susan Rice out to defend it.” — Jay Leno


Turning the Marriage Tide

After defeat after defeat, suddenly several states passed amendments and laws giving gays the right to marry. What turned the tide? The answer is in an interesting article on Buzzfeed.

I consider myself a moderate, even though in today’s partisan world moderates seem like a dying breed. So it is interesting to read an article that shows that one of the main reasons why so many states adopted gay marriage rights was because proponents adopted tactics aimed at moderates. This came after a yearlong research effort, which made significant changes to the talking points and television ads run in support of marriage equality.

Instead of ads talking about “rights”, the new ads focused on committed relationships. Instead of avoiding talk about “values” the new ads speek to values directly, emphasizing the golden rule and how values should be taught in the home. And probably most importantly, the ads made it clear that accepting gay marriage may not be an easy decision and gave voters permission to change their position (just as Obama changed his position).

The new message looks something like this:

My name is Bill Stevens. I was brought up thinking that marriage was between a man and a woman, but I came to realize that gay and lesbian people are just born that way. After all, who would choose that harder path? I also know the value of my marriage and the vows we made, so I understand why gays and lesbians would want to make that unique and important commitment, too. I teach my children not to judge others and to practice the Golden Rule. I feel confident that they learn their values from my wife and me and legalizing gay marriage is not going to change that, nor does it threaten my marriage. For all these reasons, I’ve now decided to support marriage for gays and lesbians.

And it worked.


Late Night Political Humor of the Week

“A decorated war hero has an affair with his own sexy biographer, who thinks the spy master is stepping out on her with a second girlfriend. So she sends an email from a secret account saying ‘step off or I will cut a bi-atch.’ And the second hottie freaks out and contacts her friends, FBI agents, who launch an investigation, but gets pulled off the case because he sexed her a shirtless photo. The spy master protege, also a general, has sent thousands of e-mails to the second woman. This isn’t just a love triangle, folks. It’s a love pentagon.” — Stephen Colbert

You seriously can’t make shit like this up. Could it get any weirder?

UPDATE: Ranker has a list of the top Spy Sex Scandals in history.


Rubbing It In, in Stone

from Daily Kos

The campaign to put Barack Obama’s head on Mount Rushmore is gaining steam. How many conservative heads will this cause to explode?


Late Night Political Humor

“It was announced today that former General Petraeus has agreed to testify before Congress. I guess he figured, ‘Why not?’ Those questions can’t be any tougher than the ones he’s getting at home right now.” – Jay Leno

“According to a study, there are three areas where humans now are getting dumber. High school kids. Retirees. And another group of dumb people? Four-star generals.” – David Letterman

“No wonder we don’t know what’s going on in Libya. They’re all too worried about chlamydia.” – Jay Leno

“This David Patraeus scandal is insane and has no signs of stopping. In a weird twist today, a jogger recently found the driver’s license of Patraeus’s mistress, Paula Broadwell, in a park. He knew it was her driver’s license because under sex it said, ‘Lots with David Patraeus’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This whole scandal has changed the way the White House does business. Like, you know the Situation Room? It’s now the Compromising Situation Room. They’ve changed it.” – Jay Leno

“See, when a general tells his wife, ‘I was pitching a tent in Afghanistan,” technically he’s not lying.” – Jay Leno

“It’s now being reported that General Petraeus wanted to run for president. But, you know, he can still win. He’s an older white guy with a sex scandal, so there’s something there for Republicans and Democrats.” – Jay Leno

“A woman in Arizona ran over her husband with her Jeep because she blamed him for Obama getting reelected. See, I don’t think the woman is being fair. If Obama hadn’t saved the auto industry, she wouldn’t have been able to run over her husband with an American-made car.” – Jay Leno

“It turns out that Democrats are actually considering Mitt Romney’s tax plan as a way to avoid the fiscal cliff. Three weeks ago, Obama was like, ‘Mitt Romney has terrible ideas!’ And now he’s like, ‘Hey, you gonna finish those ideas?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“There’s a petition for Texas to secede. It has 25,000 signatures. The signatures are from every state but Texas.” – Conan O’Brien

“Another big storm could hit the Northeast by Wednesday, preventing millions from visiting relatives for Thanksgiving. But there’s also a downside.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Rockefeller Center’s Christmas tree is being put in place this afternoon. They bring it in and hoist it with a crane and steel cables. It’s the same way they get Chris Christie into his pants.” – David Letterman

“Then they start decorating the tree with a beautiful array of Christmas lights and on the very top they put a tiny little Mayor Bloomberg. In fact, it actually is Mayor Bloomberg.” – David Letterman


Real Questions

© Lee Judge

Despite embarrassing themselves by jumping the gun attacking Obama over the Libyan Embassy attack, the Republicans don’t have any hard facts so they keep throwing innuendo around.

This is beyond hypocrisy. Just a few months ago at the Republican convention, they were trying to rewrite history by saying that George W. Bush “kept us safe”. In order to believe that, not only do you have to ignore the 9/11 attacks, the anthrax attacks, and (worst of all) getting us into a preemptive war of choice in Iraq that cost 4,488 Americans their lives. Was that “safe”? Heck, were the victims of Hurricane Katrina kept “safe”?

What makes this even more scary is that Romney surrounded himself with the same neo-cons who ignored the warnings about 9/11 and got us into a stupid war in Iraq.


Late Night Political Humor

“‘Skyfall,’ the number one movie at the box office this week, made over $100 million. It’s the biggest opening ever for a James Bond film. There’s not a lot of sex in the movie – it’s very downplayed. See, James Bond is just a secret agent. It’s not like he’s head of the CIA.” – Jay Leno

“David Petraeus was reportedly not well liked at the CIA where he worked. A tip to you fellows out there – don’t cheat on your wife if you work with professional spies who don’t like you.” – Conan O’Brien

“The new ‘Call of Duty: Black Ops’ video game was released today, and it actually features General David Petraeus. So I guess it’s safe to assume the game has plenty of cheat codes.” – Jimmy Fallon

“People are disappointed. A four-star general, highly decorated, brilliant strategist, director of the CIA – and yet he’s behaving like your common congressman.” – Jay Leno

“This David Petraeus scandal just keeps getting bigger. It turns out that another top general and an FBI agent had inappropriate contact with Jill Kelley, the woman who sparked the investigation. They need to stop this thing or we’re gonna end up with nobody left to run the government.” – Jimmy Fallon

“How about that General Petraeus? Then they got an FBI guy sending pictures of himself with his shirt off. Is that the surge or are you just happy to see me? … You know who I blame for all of this? Anthony Weiner. He’s the guy who started this whole thing.” – David Letterman

“Today a rare 76-carat diamond went up for auction in Switzerland. The jeweler called it ‘a priceless stone’ while David Petraeus’ wife called it ‘a start.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A woman is so angry with the election results that reportedly she got in her car and ran over her husband. She’s so mad that Romney didn’t win, she runs over her husband. It was Karl Rove’s wife.” – David Letterman

“Arizona has elected the first openly bisexual congresswoman. Apparently she did very well with swing voters.” – Conan O’Brien

“You remember Paul Ryan? He was Mitt Romney’s Gilligan, his little buddy. He wanted to be vice president but it didn’t work out. They did some of those focus groups and it turns out people didn’t want a vice president with two first names.” – David Letterman

“Folks, I’m no fan of ‘Sesame Street.’ They expose our children to dangerous liberal ideas like befriending the homeless, two men sleeping in the same bedroom and counting.” – Stephen Colbert

“The movie ‘Lincoln’ opened over the weekend. It’s getting unbelievable reviews. It’s so authentic. Daniel Day-Lewis plays Lincoln. Sally Field plays Mary Todd Lincoln. John McCain plays himself.” – Jay Leno

“I was surprised to learn Abraham Lincoln was not a vampire hunter.” – Jay Leno



© Adam Zyglis

I’m a huge fan of roadrunner cartoons, and love that moment when Wile E. Coyote realizes that he is not standing on anything and plummets back to earth.

Isn’t that exactly the situation the GOP is facing now? Everyone is talking about the fiscal cliff that is coming up. But they don’t often mention that the reason we face a fiscal cliff is because Republicans are holding our government hostage, refusing to even consider allowing Bush’s tax cuts on the rich to expire. They claim that raising taxes on the rich would slow down the economy and hurt job creation. However, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says that allowing the Bush tax cuts on the rich to expire would increase GDP by 1.3% and create 1.6 million jobs, and would also lower the deficit. In fact, holding the government budget hostage is what is damaging to our economy, so it is clear that the GOP is not actually concerned about that, and in fact may be purposely trying to damage the economy in order to blame it on Obama. Making this even more ironic is that exit polls during the election say that only one-third of voters think that taxes should not be raised. And if the government is forced to shut down, voters say they are more likely to blame it on the Republicans.

So you have a situation where the GOP is willing to do something that hurts our country, will cost them votes, and is based on blatant lies, just to give huge financial gifts to the rich. Are they really that beholden to the 1%? Now that they were repudiated in the election, you would think that they had learned their lesson. We’ll see how this plays out.

It also doesn’t help when the media uses false equivalency to make it sound like both sides are unwilling to compromise, as if there are actually two sides to this issue. Even dumb jokes, like Jay Leno saying “the Democrats are driving us over a cliff” (in the previous post) are extremely annoying to me.


Late Night Political Humor

“Florida has finally finished counting the votes. What is wrong with Florida? Why is it so hard for the people down there to count votes? We’re talking about a state where half the population can play 10 bingo cards at the same time.” – Jay Leno

“The presidential election officially ended this weekend, four days after the polls closed. The votes from Florida finally came in. So now Florida can get back to doing what it does best, which is eating early and driving slowly.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Get this. After all the confusion at the polls in Florida last week, Governor Rick Scott said he will review ways to improve his state’s voting procedures. It’ll be the biggest thing Scott’s done since he won that raffle to become governor.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The CIA director, David Petraeus, resigned. The FBI caught him having an affair with his biographer. Hey general, you work for the CIA, not the TSA.” – Craig Ferguson

“This weekend, it was announced that Justin Bieber and his girlfriend, Selena Gomez, have broken up. Bieber said, ‘Just tell me one thing – is it General Petraeus?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“There’s a double standard here. The head of the CIA gets caught having sex and has to resign. Meanwhile, a British special agent, James Bond, has sex with tons of women and makes $90 million at the box office. Where’s the justice?” – Craig Ferguson

“The James Bond movie ‘Skyfall’ came in No. 1 this weekend with $88 million. It’s about a spy who fights terrorists and sleeps with a lot of women. Critics are calling it ‘well-made’, while David Petraeus is calling it ‘relatable’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The truth is, many women are attracted to men in power. And powerful men are attracted to women who – well, women. So to recap, men are pigs but some of them have cool jobs.” – Craig Ferguson

“No one knows what David Petraeus will do next. All I know is he’s in for one awkward Thanksgiving.” – Craig Ferguson

“James Bond beat Abraham Lincoln at the box office. Boy, it’s really been a lousy week for Republicans, hasn’t it?” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney has a supporter in Indiana who thought it was a good idea to have the Romney/Ryan logo tattooed on his face. He’ll feel stupid when he finds out about campaign buttons. ” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Even Mike Tyson was like, ‘That’s a ridiculous tattoo’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I wonder if laser tattoo removal is covered under Obamacare. That would be ironic, wouldn’t it?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Republicans still will not admit that they underestimated the power of the Hispanic vote. As a matter of fact, Latinos are calling this Cinco Denio.” – David Letterman

“Both parties in Washington now agree that our country is headed toward a ‘fiscal cliff.’ The bad news: We just elected a guy whose campaign slogan was ‘Forward.'” – Jay Leno

“We’re in great shape. The Republicans drove us into a ditch and the Democrats are driving us over a cliff.” –Jay Leno

“But the good news: President Obama says we will run out of gas long before we get to the cliff. So don’t worry about it.” – Jay Leno

“Gas rationing. Welcome to 1974! Here’s the only good thing. We don’t have enough gas now to drive over the fiscal cliff.” – David Letterman


Cutting the Cord

© Clay Bennett

If it ever actually was a real grass-roots movement, the Tea Party was co-opted almost immediately by special interest groups with lots of money. They had their moment with the 2010 midterm elections, but now seem to have lost their mojo with the voters. It’s about time.


Late Night Political Humor

“According to poll data, President Obama’s victory on Tuesday was due largely to his popularity with both college students and the unemployed. So basically Obama became President the same way Budweiser became the King of Beers.” – Seth Meyers

“After this week’s election 19 women will now hold seats in the Senate, which is the highest number ever. And no one is happier about it than the pantsuit industry.” – Seth Meyers

“CIA director General David Petraeus resigned Friday after it was revealed he was having an affair with the woman who wrote his biography, ‘All In’. Of course when they first started working on the book, it was called, ‘Just The Tip’.” – Seth Meyers

“Navy officials said Thursday that seven members of SEAL Team 6, the elite unit that killed Osama Bin Laden, were given career-ending reprimands after they disclosed operational secrets to the makers of the videogame “Medal of Honor”. Now everyone knows Bin Laden was killed by A, B, A, B, up, down, right trigger, left trigger.” – Seth Meyers


Buying Votes

Republicans are claiming that the reason why they were defeated in the election was because Obama and the Democrats gave out “extraordinary financial gifts” like free healthcare and green cards to Blacks, Hispanics, young people, and other members of their base and then mounted an aggressive turn-out-the-vote effort to get them to the polls. You can hear loser-in-chief Romney and other Republicans say exactly that in this segment from the Daily Show:

(the second half of this segment is definitely worth watching as well)

Well, we’ve already seen how the Republicans tried to mount an even bigger get-out-the-vote effort for the election than the Democrats (deploying 34,000 operatives in key precincts and boasting on PBS “The Obama campaign likes to brag about their ground operation, but it’s nothing compared to this.”), but failed miserably.

As for the “extraordinary financial gifts” Obama was supposedly giving out, Ezra Klein points out that this was another classic example of Republican projection, because it is the GOP who are handing out gifts like candy. For example, one of Romney’s biggest and most advertised campaign promises was that the Republicans would restore the $716 billion that Obama had cut from Medicare. Ignoring the fact that these supposed cuts were false, and that Paul Ryan had proposed the same cost savings, even though Republicans say we have to dramatically reduce the budget they are simultaneously and hypocritically promising seniors that they will increase their Medicare spending. Sounds like a financial gift to me! Romney also promised to increase our already bloated military spending, a financial gift to the military-industrial complex.

But the biggest financial gifts that the Republicans keep giving are huge tax cuts to the rich, and financial deregulation. These financially dwarf what Obama is supposedly giving to his base. You couldn’t ask for a more obvious gift to the rich than cutting their taxes and eliminating laws and regulations that keep their companies from destroying the environment or cheating consumers. And these aren’t just promises, they are things the GOP has been actually doing, since before Reagan was elected.

The only difference to the GOP is that Romney’s gifts benefit Republican voters (and especially donors), and Obama’s gifts benefit Democratic voters:

That’s Romney’s political cosmology: The Democrats bribe the moochers with health care and green cards. The Republicans try to free the makers through tax cuts and deregulation. Politics isn’t a conflict between two reasonable perspectives on how to best encourage growth and high-living standards. It’s a kind of reverse-Marxist clash between those who produce and those who take, and the easiest way to tell one from the other is to see who they vote for.

When Romney thinks he’s behind closed doors and he’s just telling other people like him how politics really works, the picture he paints is so ugly as to be bordering on dystopic. It’s not just about class, but about worth, and legitimacy. His voters are worth something to the economy — they’re producers — and they respond to legitimate appeals about how to best manage the country. The Democrats’ voters are drags on the economy — moochers — and they respond to crass pay-offs.

This is the politics of division at its worst. To their credit, at least some Republicans have condemned Romney for his comments. Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal said “We need to stop being a dumb party, and that means more than stop making dumb comments.” Mississippi governor Haley Barbour said it more colorfully as “We’ve got to give our political organization a very serious proctology exam. We need to look everywhere.”

© Jeff Danziger

Romney’s attempts to pass the blame may backfire. As Electoral Vote puts it:

At this point, Republicans want Romney to exit stage right and never be seen or heard from again. It is rare for a party to reject its own candidate so strongly and so quickly after a loss. John McCain and John Kerry certainly were not told to shut up and leave after their respective losses.
