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The Year in Crazy, Part Two

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

It was one heck of a crazy year! Here’s to it being over, and hoping you have a lovely new year.


Moving the Cliff

Congress acted slightly after the last minute tonight, with the House voting to approve legislation to avert the so-called fiscal cliff. Taxes will not go up on families earning less than $450,000. But the whole point of the “fiscal cliff” was so that Congress would be pressured into dealing with the long-term deficit. Which they did not. They just kicked the can slightly down the road to the next budget, just a few months away.

Yeah, that’s right, we get to go through this again and again.

UPDATE: Why everyone hates the fiscal-cliff deal.


Out on a Limb

© Matt Wuerker

I might be going out on a limb on this one, but the tree party seems unable to branch out, and might be about to fall. Maybe this will root out GOP gridlock?


Another Year in Review

By Dave Barry.

My favorite month is August “when Hurricane Isaac fails to dampen the mood in Tampa at the wild and crazy spontaneous wacky funfest that is the Republican National Convention. The Republicans — eager to disprove the stereotype that they are the party of old, out-of-touch, rich white men — give their highest-visibility prime-time TV spot to: Clint Eastwood. Clint wows the delegates by delivering a series of fascinating sentence fragments to a chair that he either does or does not realize has nobody sitting on it. In other convention highlights, the Republicans declare their support for the Middle Class and pass a platform calling on the nation to get the hell off their lawn.”

But for balance, in September “the Democrats gather in Charlotte, N.C. for their convention, during which they declare their near-carnal passion for the Middle Class and celebrate the many major achievements of the Obama administration, including the killing of Osama bin Laden, solar energy, the winning of the War on Terror by killing Osama bin Laden, the Chevy Volt, bold presidential leadership in the form of making the difficult decision to order the killing of Osama bin Laden, wind power and many, many other major things that the administration has achieved, such as killing Osama bin Laden. The Democrats acknowledge that the economy is not totally 100 percent “there” yet but promise to continue moving steadfastly forward with their relentless attacks on the root cause of economic stagnation and continued high unemployment, namely, George W. Bush.”


Don’t Look Down!

© Jeff Stahler

Today is the last day to avert going over the “fiscal cliff”. Whee!


I’ll be working on the site on Sunday

Site is now rebuilt. It was definitely hacked into, but should be running much faster now.

This site has been getting slower and slower, and is acting up. I can only assume it has been hacked into again. I’m going to spend some time rebuilding it and cleaning it up tomorrow (Sunday night). So it may not be available on and off. Hopefully it won’t take very long to get working as good as new again.

Meanwhile, one of my favorite cartoonists, Matt Bors, has a review of his best comics from 2012, along with some interesting commentary.


Al Qaeda Outdone

According to satirist Andy Borowitz, the Al Qaeda terrorist group is disbanding, saying “our mission of destroying the American economy is now in the capable hands of the U.S. Congress.”

The now-former Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri declared that the idea of holding the entire nation hostage with a clock ticking down to the end of the year “is completely insane and worthy of a Bond villain.”

“Even we couldn’t come up with something like this. … As terrorists, every now and then you have to step back and admire when someone else has beaten you at your own game.”

Al Qaeda is now looking to the future, and new sources of funding. Maybe they should start selling copies of their “greatest hits”?

In related news, a consortium of billionaires led by Sheldon Adelson has warned that if their taxes go up, they will not longer have enough money to buy politicians.


It’s the End of the World, as We Know It

Jim Morin
© Jim Morin

Of course this is ridiculous. They would only filibuster it if Obama came out in favor of it.


The Anti-Claus and No-Click Christmas

Tired of the commercialization of Christmas? Here’s your answer!

Reverend Billy, pastor of the Church of Stop Shopping, is the Stephen Colbert of American hyper-commercialism. For more than a decade, the Reverend has been bringing Americans the Good News that there is life after Wal-Mart.

Fed up with all the Christmas advertising? Reverend Billy has an answer:

Advertisements are THREATS. The ads are telling us that if we don’t surround ourselves with their stuff, we are loners, we’re oddities, freaks, unhappy, and, in fact, dangerous, to be avoided. Different, outside, not part of the party. This is violence masquerading as market democracy.

And while I’ve participated in countless SantaCons, spreading the true meaning of Christmas during the holiday season, the Reverend takes it one step beyond:

Children, we are all of us shopping sinners. Each of us is walking around in a swirl of gas & oil, plastics & foil. We are not evil people, but somehow we allowed the Lords of Consumption to organize us into mobs that buy & dispose, suck fructose & pull triggers.

Yes, the Rapture of the Final Consumption, the Shopture, is underway. The fundamentalist consumers are lifted up into the air, to the Supermall of Eternal Convenience, where there are thousands of big boxes & chain stores above the clouds.

You can visit Reverend Billy’s website, “The Church of Stop Shopping“.


Ironically, 2012 was actually a very good year

You know, some people have quite a bit invested in convincing you that things are getting worse, that we are going to hell in a hand-basket, or even that the world is going to end.

Well, they’re wrong. By almost every measure, 2012 was the best year ever. Seriously.

Never has there been less hunger in the world, less disease, or more prosperity. Yes, the economies in western nations are a bit stagnant, but that is no surprise given how well they have done over the last few decades. Instead, economies in former third-world nations are doing great, and people all over the world are being lifted out of poverty in record numbers. Global inequality is lower now than at any point in modern times.

In 1990, the UN set a goal to reduce the number of people in extreme poverty by 2015. That target was passed in 2008. Life expectancy is going up all over the world. Indeed, in Africa the average life expectancy went from 50 to 55 years in the last ten years alone. The number of people dying from diseases like AIDS and Malaria is dropping.

Even western economies aren’t so bad. First world economies grew by six percent in the last seven years. Ironically, fossil fuel consumption in those same countries fell by four percent in the same time. Most of that drop was fueled by consumer demand for more efficient cars (driven by high gas prices), and lower energy use (including by more efficient light bulbs).

Incredibly, energy prices are also falling because we live in a time of energy abundance, not just from alternative sources, but because of breakthroughs in tapping conventional resources.

Violent crime rates have been going down. And deaths due to war have been lower in the last decade than any time in the last century.

Politicians and the media have a lot invested in keeping you afraid. Don’t listen. While things are not perfect (and probably will never be) life in general is the best it has ever been. Rejoice in the world. It is a wonderful place and with the right attitude, we can make it even better.


The Real Arms Problem

© Mike Luckovich

Is anyone else worried about Political Weapons of Mass Destruction?


All I Want For Christmas

In s must-read article in The Daily Beast, conservative Mark McKinnon says:

What I want for Christmas is a new Republican Party. Or I’ll take the old Republican Party of Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, or George W. Bush. What I don’t want is the Republican Party we have today. As former George W. Bush and John McCain adviser Nicolle Wallace said, “I’m just tired of the Republican Party being the Stupid Party.”

So what is the big problem with the Republican Party?

But here’s the deeper point and the bigger problem for the GOP. Increasingly, it is becoming clear that the party is against everything and for nothing.

Nothing on taxes. Nothing on gun control. Nothing on climate change. Nothing on gay marriage. Nothing on immigration reform (or an incremental, piece-by-piece approach, which will result in nothing). It’s a very odd situation when the losing party is the party refusing to negotiate. It may be how you disrupt, but it is not how you govern, or how you ever hope to regain a majority.

And so, we have a Republican Party today willing to eliminate any prospect for a decent future for anyone, including itself, if it cannot be a future that is 100 percent in accordance with its core beliefs and principles. That’s not governing. That’s just lobbing hand grenades. If you’re only standing on principle to appear taller, then you appear smaller. And the GOP is shrinking daily before our eyes.

Ronald Reagan was long thought to be the most conservative of Republicans. And by any standard today he is the most popular Republican in modern history. Yet he raised taxes 11 times, supported a ban on assault rifles and the Brady Bill, which mandated background checks, and established amnesty for 3 million undocumented workers.

McKinnon has thrown down the challenge. Now what we need is a New Year’s resolution from the GOP to stop believing their own propaganda and get to work. Real work. As the mother of John Yoo (the lawyer who formulated Dubya’s justification for torture) said about the Republican party:

To protect the ego, you have a defense mechanism: denial and projection. You deny your problem, saying it’s your fault and not mine. Instead of projection, blaming other people, we have to think of a positive solution. But I didn’t hear that yet. They are still grieving. I hope not for more than six months. The grieving process should only be six months. If it goes on for more than six months, it could go into a major depression.


The Latest in “Fair and Balanced”

Fox News continues to create their own bizarre reality. As of the time I’m posting this, an article from Dec 20 in Fox Nation still says “Bikers Turn Out to Protect Newtown Mourners from Left-Wing Westboro Cult”.

Yeah right, the ultra-conservative “God Hates Fags” WBC is a left-wing cult. And Fox News is fair and balanced. And my Christmas ham just started flying.

But it doesn’t stop there. They then say “Conservative bikers turned out yesterday to protect Newtown mourners from Democrat Fred Phelps and his Westboro cult from protesting.” Ah, so the leader of the WBC (you know, the people who own the website and who protested Clinton’s second inauguration) is a Democrat? Really? And why would his (purported) political affiliation have anything to do with this (purported) news story? And those bikers were conservative? Really?

And they can’t get anything right. They give attribution to the Cochrane Times (a small-town Canadian newspaper), but the article there calls the WBC a “vocal right-wing Christian group”. And those “conservative” bikers? They’re from New York, that bastion of right-wing motorcycle clubs.

And by the way, the WBC didn’t even show up. I guess even they realized that it might turn into their own funeral.

And just in case Fox News edits their story to remove the gratuitous political references, you can see it here, or here.


The Year in Crazy, Part One

This is always my favorite Tom Tomorrow comic of the year, for bringing back such fond memories!

© Tom Tomorrow

Stay tuned for part two!


Is the NRA doing for Gun Rights what the WBC is doing for Christianity?

I have to confess that I stole that headline from Fark, which phrased it as “The NRA: Doing for gun rights what the Westboro Baptist Church does for Christianity since 1871”.

It is too bad that the NRA couldn’t keep their fool mouths shut after the Conn. school shooting. Their initial statement pissed off just about everyone, including gun owners. But they just doubled down.

Appearing on “Meet the Press” on Sunday, NRA spokesperson Wayne LaPierre said:

Israel had a whole lot of school shootings, until they did one thing. They said we’re going to stop it and they put armed security in every school and they have not had a problem since then.

But Israeli security experts quickly said that LaPierre doesn’t know what he’s talking about. A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry said “What removed the danger was not the armed guards.” Another expert pointed out that Israel very strict laws licensing and controlling firearms, saying what should be obvious:

In a country where hundreds of thousands of people carry firearms, it is essential to manage the training, licensing and authorization of those who wish to be armed.

You know you’re in trouble when you compliment Israel by using them as a good example, and they respond that you are full of crap.

Back in the US, the response to NRA statements has been equally negative. Even Senator Joe Lieberman said “I have found the statements by the NRA over the last couple of days to be really disheartening, because the statements seem to not reflect any understanding about the slaughter of children.” Congressman Chris Murphy (D-Conn) called LaPierre’s interview “the most revolting, tone deaf statement I’ve ever seen.”

People who have followed this blog for a while know that I believe in the Second Amendment right for people to own guns. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have common sense laws that require background checks, gun training, and sensible safety rules for all gun owners. And most people — including gun owners — agree. Why is the NRA so out of touch with their own constituency?
