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Such a Meaningless Waste of Lives

© Brian McFadden

What other horrible and frightening things will happen when we legalize the demon weed?

Let’s find out!


Next Steps

© Matt Bors

Obama may have won the election, but that is not the end of the story. We have to keep up the pressure on all our politicians — not just Obama but Congress too — to do the right thing.

For example, right now a strong majority of Americans want the Bush tax cuts for the rich to expire, but we aren’t going to make that happen unless Congress knows what we want. It is so easy to write your elected representatives.


Late Night Political Humor

“They spotted Mitt Romney at Costco. One day you’re running for president of the United States. The next day you’re shopping at Costco for giant jugs of mayonnaise. While you’re at Costco, go ahead and return that Oval rug you ordered” – David Letterman

“Mitt Romney got a job at a Marriott hotel. President Obama’s trying to stop us from going over the fiscal cliff. Mitt Romney is trying to stop people from stealing towels.” – David Letterman

“Today in Washington, President Obama met with leaders of the American Indian tribes and they honored the president by giving him his own Indian name: ‘Running Deficit’.” – Jay Leno

“Native Americans are understandably very upset. This country used to belong to them. And, of course, now it belongs to the Chinese, so they are very furious about that.” – Jay Leno

“There was one really awkward moment with the American Indians. In the middle of the meeting, Joe Biden walked in wearing a Redskins jersey.” – Jay Leno

“Barbara Walters has released part of her ‘Most Fascinating People’ list. This year Hillary Clinton and Honey Boo Boo are both on it. That’s right. The woman who may soon be president – and Hillary Clinton.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new book coming out reveals that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was born a Catholic, became a Mormon, then returned to the Catholic church, then became a Baptist, then again returned to the Catholic church. And I think he’s at it again because he’s now asking people to call him Marco Rubinstein.” – Conan O’Brien

“The CEO of The Cheesecake Factory is now warning that Obamacare will be very costly. Hey, The Cheesecake Factory is one of the reasons we need Obamacare in the first place.” – Jay Leno

“McDonald’s just announced that it’s bringing back the McRib later this month. Or, as the Mayans put it, ‘Hey, we tried to warn you.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A record number of people are naming their babies after Apple products. It’s the perfect way to tell your newborn, ‘We’re planning to replace you in 6 months.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Santa Monica has banned nativity scenes on public land. Opponents want to use real people to make a display instead of statues to get around the rule. The problem is, it’s Los Angeles. So where are you going to find three Wise Men and a virgin?” – Jay Leno



© Tony Auth

Republicans have already broken Grover Norquist’s pledge by offering to close tax loopholes, so why are they so dead set against letting the Bush tax cuts for the rich expire? Those tax cuts were never supposed to be permanent, and there are many wealthy people who think their taxes should go up. As this comic points out, they have been doing very well lately, and can afford to invest a little more back into their country. And everyone agrees that huge deficits are bad. So why is there an impasse?


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney is going back to work. Romney is joining the board of directors at Marriott hotels. See, who says President Obama can’t create jobs? There’s one right there.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney has a new job. He’s going back to work. He got a job at a Marriott. When you’re at the front desk arguing over your mini bar bill, Mitt will be the guy that comes from out back and says, ‘I understand there’s some trouble?'” – David Letterman

“I think it’s great that Romney’s getting back to the workforce and not becoming one of those 47 percent looking for a handout.” – Jay Leno

“Mitt Romney of course lost the election. Think about it this way. One day you’re the Republican candidate running for president of the United States, and the next day you’re sitting in Applebee’s blowing on your soup.” – David Letterman

“Since losing the election, Mitt Romney is reportedly bored. After hearing this, Ann Romney said, ‘You’re bored? I’m sitting around all day with Mitt Romney.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Earlier today Mitt Romney was spotted on a Costco shopping spree. Romney ended up buying 14 Costcos.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A lot of dissension among conservatives. One of the leaders of the Tea Party has resigned after a major split in the movement. The Tea Party is now divided between angry whites and even angrier whites.” – Conan O’Brien

“Texas Gov. Rick Perry says he’s taking steps to run for president in 2016. In fact, this week he’s meeting with donors. He better hope they’re brain donors.” – Jay Leno

“The CEO of the Olive Garden blames his company’s low profits on Obamacare – which is odd because most people won’t eat at the Olive Garden until they have health insurance.” – Conan O’Brien

“General Petraeus is telling his friends he screwed up royally by having an affair with his biographer. Well, duh! If you want to keep an affair secret, don’t have sex with the woman who’s writing your life story.” – Jay Leno

“Kim Kardashian has been touring the Middle East, touching off angry protests among conservative Muslims. You would think conservative Muslims would be happy to see a woman who’s never had a job.” – Conan O’Brien


Another Cliff

© Stuart Carlson

Former Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole came to the Senate floor in a wheelchair last Tuesday to make a personal appeal for lawmakers to ratify a UN treaty to protect the rights of the disabled. Even Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) said that veterans he had visited “expressed without reservation that their lives would be advanced in the event that we are able to pass this treaty because their treatment in other countries would improve as other countries adopt principles that we have found useful, a practical means of helping the disabled.”

Ratification of the treaty would not impose any new regulations on the US. In fact, the treaty was largely based on the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) that was signed into law by George H. W. Bush in 1990.

And ratifying the treaty would be good for US businesses. Even the US Chamber of Commerce likes the treaty, even though they opposed the original ADA, because it would put US companies on an even footing with foreign companies, and thus improve our competitiveness.

But no matter, because after Dole was wheeled out of the chamber — and even with every Democrat voting yes — only 8 Republicans voted for ratification (in addition to Lugar, John McCain, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Scott Brown, Lisa Murkowski, and Kelly Ayotte voted in favor). Treaties require a two-thirds vote so it was defeated by the remaining 38 GOP senators voting no.

We should remind them of this the next time they claim they are supporting our troops, or that they are pro-business. Or the next time Republicans wonder why the opinion of the US around the world took a nose dive when they were in power.

© Jack Ohman


Late Night Political Humor

“The Obamas have decorated the White House with 54 Christmas trees. It’s all part of their ‘For the last time, we’re not Muslim’ campaign.” – Conan O’Brien

“While he was in Pennsylvania on Friday, President Obama said that he’s been keeping his own ‘naughty and nice list’ of lawmakers. Then Biden was like, ‘Great, now I’ve got to worry about his list AND Santa’s?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Clinton and President Obama played a round of golf over the weekend. President Clinton asked Obama what his handicap was, and Obama said, ‘Joe Biden’.” – Jay Leno

“Gay groups are apparently angry at former President Clinton because he hasn’t come out in favor of gay marriage. Clinton said he’d be willing to have two lesbians come by and try to convince him.” – Conan O’Brien

“I’m worried about the fiscal cliff in the same way I’m worried about Martians. Every now and then I look for them but I don’t know what I’ll do when I see them.” – David Letterman

“Friends of Mitt Romney are saying that he’s bored now that he’s no longer running for president – though not as bored as the rest of us were when he WAS running for president.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s a very proud night for myself and my family and my staff and my friends. I received a Kennedy Center Honor. And today the Republicans are trying to block it.” – David Letterman

“With the Kennedy Center Honors, I am now 17th in line for president.” – David Letterman

“Today it was confirmed that Prince William and Kate Middleton are expecting their first baby. You can tell the baby’s a member of the royal family, because Kate said she can already feel it waving.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Kate is said to be very nervous about giving birth. Giving birth to a baby wearing a crown is very hard.” – Craig Ferguson

“A new survey found that ‘Sophia’ and ‘Aiden’ were the most popular baby names this year. The least popular baby name was Kim Jong Sandusky.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Prince William and his lovely bride are pregnant. Buckingham Palace announced Kate is pregnant. They’ve been married for a year and a half. That’s like five marriages for a Kardashian.” – Craig Ferguson



I’ll be traveling for a week, so posts might be a bit spotty. Hopefully, you have a real life to enjoy while I’m gone. 🙂


When I worked as a CEO, it was exactly like this

© Ruben Bolling

I’m not sure when people started treating the end of a company as if it were the death of a friend. The “Hostess” brand, along with Twinkies and the rest of their brands, has likely been passed from company to parent company without you even noticing it. I’m sure some other company will buy the brands up during any bankruptcy proceedings and you will be able to get your Twinkie fix (even after a zombie apocalypse).


The Final Frontier

Great (and short) blog post from George Takai — “Tax Me, Please“.


Late Night Political Humor

“Mitt Romney had lunch today with President Obama. The White House is calling it a near-beer summit.” – Jay Leno

“Today Mitt Romney had lunch with President Obama. It was an awkward moment when the bill came and Obama only offered to pay 47 percent.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama and Mitt Romney had lunch the other day at the White House. Romney offered to pay. But Obama said, ‘No, no, it’s on our grandchildren.'” – Jay Leno

“President Obama had lunch with Mitt Romney. There was an awkward moment when Romney looked around and said, ‘So how much do you want for the place.'” – Conan O’Brien

“After weeks of the Benghazi scandal and the fiscal cliff crisis, Obama offers Romney a position in the administration – President of the United States.” – Conan O’Brien

“I guess it was a closed event: There was no press allowed, there were no cameras, no recordings – to which Mitt Romney said, ‘I’m not falling for that one again.'” – Jay Leno

“Powerball officials say two people won the $580 million. Congratulations to the winners – Mitt and Ann Romney.” – Conan O’Brien

“The man who got the Mitt Romney face tattoo is having it removed because he said ‘Romney has no dignity.’ Once you get a face tattoo, you’re no longer allowed to talk about dignity.” – Conan O’Brien

“Over Thanksgiving Joe Biden was in a cold-turkey ocean plunge fundraiser. The water was so cold that when he came out, he was talking coherently.” – Jay Leno

“Well, folks, only 28 more shopping days till we go off the Fiscal Cliff.” – Conan O’Brien

“Are you sick and tired of hearing the term ‘fiscal cliff’? people don’t understand it. It doesn’t tell you how serious the situation is. They need more colorful metaphors. Here’s how to explain it: ‘It’s 4 a.m. for our economy and Lindsay Lohan is behind the wheel.’ That says danger. People understand that.” – Jay Leno

“‘Fiscal cliff’ is a big fancy phrase right now. If you want people to understand though, use language they get: ‘We’re headed for Broke-Ass Mountain.’ That’s what it is.” – Jay Leno

“Rupert Murdoch is the guy whose tabloids hacked into people’s phones in England. He’s back in hot water today. The British parliamentary commission delivered its findings. The report assessed the standards and ethics of the British tabloids. Spoiler alert: They don’t have any.” – Craig Ferguson

“The investigation concluded that Britain’s current press watchdog has no teeth. I’m like, it’s Britain. Who the heck does?” – Craig Ferguson

“House Speaker John Boehner’s office was invaded by a group of nude female protesters. Boehner’s unsure what they were protesting, but says he’ll definitely keep doing it.” – Conan O’Brien

“A 69-year-old Florida woman was arrested for stealing hundreds of dollars’ worth of lingerie. Authorities released her after she threatened to model the lingerie.” – Conan O’Brien

“Over the four-day holiday weekend Americans spent $15 billion a day! That almost breaks President Obama’s record.” – Jay Leno

“A new study says the average American now weighs 176 pounds. May not sound too bad to you. But the study was conducted at elementary schools.” – Conan O’Brien

“A New York City policeman has become world-famous now for a viral pic of him giving a pair of boots to a homeless man. Then Nicolas Cage said, ‘Thanks for the shoes’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mexico’s new president said his country’s problems with the U.S. aren’t just about drugs and border security. He said it’s really about America’s insistence that Taco Bell is Mexican food.” – Conan O’Brien

“Jeff Zucker, the former head of NBC, is taking over CNN. And today Wolf Blitzer announced in five years he’s stepping aside for Conan O’Brien.” – Craig Ferguson


A Fiscal Cliff of Metaphors

© Matt Bors

Will politicians take a sound bite out of the $#!* sandwich?


Ad placement

I’m still shaking my head about this one. Can’t decide if it was intentional or accidental.


The Signal and the Noise

Public interview with Nate Silver at Google:

It’s long, but even just watching the first part is interesting.


Irresponsible Reporting

From Michael Grunwald in Time Magazine. Finally someone called them out on this:

It’s really amazing to see political reporters dutifully passing along Republican complaints that President Obama’s opening offer in the fiscal cliff talks is just a recycled version of his old plan, when those same reporters spent the last year dutifully passing along Republican complaints that Obama had no plan. It’s even more amazing to see them pass along Republican outrage that Obama isn’t cutting Medicare enough, in the same matter-of-fact tone they used during the campaign to pass along Republican outrage that Obama was cutting Medicare.

This isn’t just cognitive dissonance. It’s irresponsible reporting. Mainstream media outlets don’t want to look partisan, so they ignore the BS hidden in plain sight, the hypocrisy and dishonesty that defines the modern Republican Party. I’m old enough to remember when Republicans insisted that anyone who said they wanted to cut Medicare was a demagogue, because I’m more than three weeks old.

The whole thing is only four paragraphs longer and worth every word. Go read it.

For details on the GOP counter-offer for averting the fiscal cliff, see this article. It cuts $600 billion from Medicare and other health care programs, $200 billion from Social Security, but keeps the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. They also fail to specify which “loopholes” they would close to raise revenue.

UPDATE: Short and (not so) sweet evaluation by Paul Krugman of the Republican “proposal”. Includes an interesting infographic:

By far the largest driver of the deficit (especially in the future) are the Bush tax cuts. And notice that the deficit started going down after Obama was elected. So tell me why do we need to cut Medicare and Social Security?

Krugman ends with a good snipe:

Oh, and for all the seniors or near-seniors who voted Republican because you thought they would protect Medicare from that bad guy Obama: you’ve been had.

Oh, and we haven’t heard from Ralph Nader for a while, but he has a very interesting way to significantly reduce the deficit — a small financial transaction tax on purchases and sales of stocks, options, and derivatives. Almost everyone in the US pays sales taxes every time they buy something (including their cars and homes), but a trader on Wall Street can buy and sell stocks worth millions of dollars without paying a penny. Nader is proposing a half-percent tax. Such a tax would actually help calm our stock markets, since it would reduce rampant speculation, slow down computer-controlled high-frequency trading, and lessen the “froth” caused by the current short-term trading mentality.

This is not just some crazy idea — the US imposed a 2% tax on the sale of stock in 1914 (it was eliminated in 1966). Last summer, fifty financial leaders (including past and present executives from Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley) signed a letter supporting a speculation tax. And a number of countries with strong and growing economies already have a sales tax on financial transactions (including UK, South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland, and India).

Why is neither US political party willing to even consider this?
