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If at first you don’t succeed…

David Horsey
© David Horsey

After four (long) years of Obama bending over so far backward that he ended up looking more like a Republican than a Democrat, and getting nothing but hatred and contempt thrown back in his face, it takes a lot of chutzpah to accuse the president of not being bipartisan enough. Heck, Obama’s signature achievement — health care reform — was virtually copied from Republican proposals (including Romneycare), yet the Republicans attacked it as the worst thing ever to happen to the USA, and vowed to repeal it.

They filibuster just about everything, block Obama’s appointments, call him a liar, and compare him to Hitler. They even claim that he wasn’t born in the USA.

Now they are saying that their priority is to outlaw abortion, even though 70% of Americans support abortion rights, including a slim majority of Republican voters.

Will the GOP ever stop being the party of NO?

UPDATE: Great quote from Obama: “The truth of the matter is that my policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies that I had back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican.”


Late Night Political Humor

“The NRA made an ad saying that Obama is elitist because his kids have armed guards. Yeah, that crazy Obama thinking his kids need special protection. I love the NRA accusing anyone of being paranoid. It’s like a septic tank saying ‘You need a mint’.” – Bill Maher

“In a recent attack ad, the NRA claims that President Obama cares about his own children more than he cares about other children. In response, President Obama was like, ‘Yeah, that’s how families work’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“If the NRA keeps messing with the President’s daughters, they’re going to have to start worrying about Michelle Obama’s guns.” – Bill Maher (referring to the first lady’s arm muscles)

“Yesterday Joe Biden defended the White House’s gun-control initiative by saying that he actually has two guns himself. Then Biden was like, “And I never leave home without ’em.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Rick Perry said Obama’s suggestions for gun control disgust him. He said the real answer to this problem isn’t laws, it’s prayer. You know, i know you’re not supposed to say this about elected officials, but I would pay to see Rick Perry defend himself against a school shooter with prayer.” – Bill Maher

“I guess that’s just a crazy fantasy, Rick Perry in a school.” – Bill Maher

“The best advertisement for torture is not Dick Cheney and people like that who support it, it is Hollywood. At the Golden Globes, it’s movies. Ben Affleck won for playing a CIA officer, Claire Danes won for playing a CIA officer, Jessica Chastain won for playing a CIA officer and of course, Julianne Moore won for playing Sarah Palin, a master of counter intelligence.” – Bill Maher

“Hey, this week was the season premiere of ‘American Idol’. And this year people are able to nominate their talented friends who don’t want to audition. Yeah, making someone try out for something they don’t really want — or as Republicans call that, ‘the Romney plan’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I heard that President Obama’s inauguration will have its own iPhone app that includes a map to public restrooms. Or as Al Roker put it, ‘Download complete!’ (which is also what he said after pooping his pants at the White House.)” – Jimmy Fallon

“Happy birthday to First Lady Michelle Obama. She turned 49 years old today. She told a reporter she’d like a nice gift from Barack, but nothing extravagant. Oh, don’t worry. Obama is very responsible when he’s spending his own money.” – Jay Leno

“Today Russia announced plans to send a probe to the moon by the year 2015. Russian scientists say they’re excited to see what they could discover on the moon’s surface. I’ll tell you what they’re going to discover – an American flag!” – Craig Ferguson


Late Night Political Humor

“On Sunday the White House will hold a private swearing-in ceremony for President Obama. Not to be outdone, on Sunday Republicans will hold a private swearing-AT ceremony for President Obama.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama said this week that he wants to find a ‘pathway for citizenship’ for immigrants in the United States. Don’t we have that? It’s called the Rio Grande river.” – Jay Leno

“An American worker was arrested for paying someone in China to do his job for him. The man is being called lazy, irresponsible, and three years ahead of his time.” – Conan O’Brien

“Thousands of dead fish have now washed up on shore along the coast of South Carolina. Today the NRA said that this wouldn’t have happened if those fish had guns.” – Jay Leno

“The director of ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ has come out against torture. And the director of ‘Lincoln’ has come out against going to the theater in 1865.” – Conan O’Brien

“The beginning of the movie ‘Lincoln’ has been slightly changed to explain the Civil War to foreign audiences. Or as Lincoln put it, ‘I would have preferred a different ENDING’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Ann Romney, the wife of Mitt Romney, has reportedly turned down a chance to appear on ‘Dancing With the Stars’. Apparently, she has something called ‘self-respect’.” – Jay Leno

“Actually, she says she loves to dance and is a big fan of the show, but she said she’d rather stay home with the Biggest Loser.” – Jay Leno

“It’s reported that if you’re playing Angry Birds, the company is tracking your location. This may seem silly to you, but it’s actually how we got bin Laden.” – Conan O’Brien


Cut Off!

Mike Luckovich
© Mike Luckovich

I don’t think the word “compromise” means what you think it means.


Above the Law

If you wonder why no bankers ever went to jail for rampant criminal behavior that almost destroyed our economy, watch PBS Frontline explain it in a way that is so clear it is frightening.

This is an almost hour-long show, but everyone should be required to watch it. If we don’t learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s inaugural parade will feature eight floats, including a Hawaii float to honor his birthplace, an Illinois float to honor the first lady’s home state, and a Kenyan float just to mess with Republicans.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama told Congress it must raise our debt limit because the U.S. ‘is not a deadbeat nation’. Then the president added, ‘By the way, if China calls, I’m not here’.” – Conan O’Brien

“The president will push for a path to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants in the US. Obama says it’s all part of his plan to give every man, woman, and child the chance to pay more taxes.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The White House has rejected an online petition to build a planet-destroying Death Star like the one in the movie Star Wars. Officials said today the administration does not support blowing up planets. See, the White House believes the most effective way to destroy planets is with their economic policy.” – Jay Leno

“Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced that he will stay at the White House for President Obama’s second term. He said his mission is to make the U.S. number one in education, and won’t stop until our students are doing gooder.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke during a court session for the first time in seven years. He never speaks and he finally spoke. It’s already being called the best ‘that’s what she said’ joke ever.” – Conan O’Brien

“Wal-Mart made plans to hire 100,000 U.S. Veterans. Which can only mean one thing: Wal-Mart is going to invade Costco.” – Conan O’Brien


Jon Stewart on Guns

If you have any trouble with these videos, you can watch them (and even more videos) on the Daily Show website.


You can’t make stuff like this up

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

And you don’t have to:

Yes, the guy in the second panel really exists and really did say he would start shooting people if any more gun control laws are enacted. Some random loony? No, he’s a former police chief, and owner of two companies that provide tactical weapons and training to police and military units. And there are plenty of other people saying similar crazy things.

And the guy in the last panel is none other than Larry Ward, the instigator of Gun Appreciation Day, who really did try to use Martin Luther King Jr., a staunch promoter of non-violent protest who was himself assassinated by a gun, as a symbol for his gun rally. This is based on the fact that King once applied for a hidden carry permit, but was turned down. What Ward doesn’t mention is that King later said he was glad he was denied and would never carry a gun again.

And if all that weren’t crazy enough, there are conspiracy theorists who think that the whole Sandy Hook massacre was staged in order to take away our guns.


Late Night Political Humor

“Daniel Day-Lewis won a Golden Globe for playing Abraham Lincoln and Julianne Moore won for playing Sarah Palin. The foreign press realized that the greatest challenge for an actor in Hollywood is pretending to be a Republican.” – Jay Leno

“The Golden Globes last night had a lot of great moments. During Jodie Foster’s emotional speech she said she was gay, 50, and friends with Mel Gibson. Afterwards, her publicist told Jodie, ‘I’m going to need a raise.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Republicans and Democrats are working on a new bill to streamline the healthcare system. It will reduce the cost of mammograms and prostate exams. But don’t worry. They’ll still be free at the airport.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama’s half-brother is running for political office in Kenya. Donald Trump has already accused him of being born in the United States.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama held the final press conference of his first term in office this morning, talking mostly about the debt ceiling. He announced if Congress doesn’t raise the debt ceiling America will go into default on its loans and we might have to say goodbye to Florida.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama is coming under criticism that his new administration has less diversity than his first one. Which is why this morning Obama said, ‘All right, fine, I am a Muslim.” – Conan O’Brien

“An economist is suggesting that the U.S. Treasury mint a trillion-dollar coin and deposit it in the federal reserve – which is how ‘The Lord of the Rings’ starts, isn’t it?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Treasury will not mint a trillion-dollar coin. That is a shame. Wouldn’t it be nice to mint up nine or 10 and say we’re even?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, was seen partying in Mexico with Charlie Sheen. When will Charlie learn that people judge you by the company you keep?” – Jay Leno


Get the Lead Out!

Wouldn’t it be ironic if, after spending billions of dollars on prisons, police, and the war on drugs, the real answer to reducing crime was as simple as getting rid of lead in our environment?

That’s the conclusion of new research that strongly indicates that the hidden villain behind violent crime, lowered intelligence, and even attention deficit disorder is the use of lead in fuels (and to a lesser extent, in paint).

What? You think we already stopped using lead? Not really. We still use it in aviation fuel, spewing lead into the atmosphere. And for no good reason.

But the real irony is why this research isn’t getting more attention. Could it be that the prison industry doesn’t want you to know that our prison-building frenzy wasn’t really necessary? Or that vastly expanding the number of police and creating paramilitary swat teams didn’t actually do all that much to reduce crime? Or that the war on drugs was a complete waste of money?

And just because we banned lead in automobile gasoline doesn’t mean it isn’t still around, saturating the soil in American cities where car traffic was the most dense during the time that all gasoline was leaded. And every time the wind kicks up some dust, we are breathing it again. We have the technology to remove this lead and potentially bring down crime rates significantly, but we do nothing.


We should be screaming about this. We are poisoning our children. And the cost of the clean-up is small compared to the cost of doing nothing, paid in lower IQs, increased crime, and health problems.


Both Sides

Tom Toles
© Tom Toles

Who is going to win this debate, or do we lose either way?


Gun Appreciation?

Because of recent shooting tragedies, the Obama administration is attempting to increase gun safety with new regulations. In response to that, a number of right-wing organizations declared Saturday to be “Gun Appreciation Day”, with activities across the nation.

With predictable results:

  • Three people injured and sent to hospital at a gun show in Raleigh, NC when a shotgun went off while the owner was removing it from a case. The show was closed for the rest of the day.
  • An accidental shooting at a gun show near Cleveland, OH, sent another person to the hospital with injuries to his leg and arm.
  • A person loading a gun outside a gun show in Indianapolis, IN shot himself in the hand when his gun went off accidentally.

You would think that people who presumably have some training in gun safety would not do this poorly.

And these weren’t the only moments of crazy. At a demonstration in Davenport, IA, a state representative told the crowd that “serving overseas in the Navy taught him the importance of allowing average citizens to defend themselves against dictators”. At a rally in Frankfort, KY, a Tea Party leader told the crowd “Your government is out of control.” And Senator Rand Paul announced that he wants to introduce legislation to overturn Obama’s recent executive orders on firearms, and also said that teachers should be armed at school.

I totally support the right of people to own guns, but I’d like to close the loopholes that allow violent felons and the mentally ill to easily obtain guns, and to require gun owners to receive gun safety training (just like drivers are required to have car safety training). But these nut jobs somehow think that the second amendment is the only part of the constitution that is exempt from any limits. And if you pass even the most benign regulations increasing gun safety, they start making vague and not-so-vague threats of violence.

Not to mention that these idiots are claiming that Martin Luther King Jr. — a man shot and killed by a gun — would be in favor of gun rights.


Late Night Political Humor

“Ten days from now Barack Obama will be inaugurated. I’m telling you, it is really starting to look bad for Mitt Romney.” – David Letterman

“President Obama will be sworn in with his hand resting on two Bibles. Is that how screwed up Washington is now? One Bible can’t get the job done anymore?” – Jay Leno

“The inauguration will have a lot of corporate sponsors, big money, and corporations sponsoring the inauguration. It will be the same with the Kardashian baby.” – David Letterman

“Our huge state budget deficit is gone. Governor Jerry Brown announced the state budget for next year is projected to net an $851 million surplus and this year we’ll have a surplus of $785 million. You hear that, meter maids? Maybe you can stop giving us tickets for a couple of months.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s a huge achievement for Governor Jerry Brown. Apparently you can get a lot done when you’re not walking around saying ‘I’ll be back’ all the time.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A new survey found that 77 percent of Americans think politicians do serious harm to the country. Politicians are like, ‘Cool, at least they think we do something’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This year nobody was elected to baseball’s hall of fame. No player has ever gotten into the hall of fame without winning Ohio.” – David Letterman

“U.S. customs officials recently discovered 310 pounds of marijuana hidden in some frozen carrots. That’s one way to keep kids away from drugs – put them in vegetables.” – Jay Leno

“Carrots and marijuana – how good will your vision be after THIS combination?” – Jay Leno


Fountainhead Shrugged

David Sirota has a really good column in Salon today: “Ayn Rand is for children” that explores the mystery of why some people think the fiction of Ayn Rand actually describes a reasonable political ideology. And his argument of why it does not can also serve as a 12-step guide to how to grow out of an immature belief in her ideological sham.

One of Sirota’s arguments rings particularly true with me — that part of the problem with Americans is that we don’t travel. We don’t ever see those parts of the world that are living in the Randian world of rampant, unregulated capitalism, with “no obvious environmental, public health, or workplace safety laws”, where there is no social safety net, and the poor don’t look like the “takers” or “moochers” that American politicians accuse them of being.

According to government data, only 30 percent of Americans even possess a passport (which is a very low rate compared to citizens in other industrialized English-speaking countries). Additionally, of those who do, only a fraction use their travel papers to visit parts of the developing world that perfectly spotlight the failures of the Rand vision.

Sirota also experienced the same thing as I did, when on visiting China realized that it is communist in name only, and “as some American CEOs will openly admit, if you want to see a more purely Randian version of a socially darwinist free market than exists in America, head straight across the Pacific Ocean to China.” Where hopefully you won’t get sick from the massive pollution problems they are having.

Sirota’s bottom line?

To be a Rand groupie is to flaunt your immaturity, your ignorance, your desperation to justify greed or your lack of international travel. It is, in other words, to admit your blindness to how so much of the world already lives, and to ignore what America would look like if “Fountainhead Shrugged” was seen as a public policy manual rather than what it really is: a dangerous farce.


Between a Rock and a Hard Place

It is almost enough to feel sorry for Republican politicians. Americans increasingly view the GOP as the party of obstruction, while the percentage of Americans who want politicians to compromise with people with whom they disagree has increased from 40 to 50% in the last two years.

Unfortunately, the Republican base still wants their candidates to stick to their positions and avoid compromise by an almost two-to-one margin. The percentage of Republicans who want their candidates to compromise is 36%. However, this is still much smaller than for Democrats (59%) and Independents (53%).

This means that in a general election, a majority of voters wants a candidate to compromise, but in a Republican primary an even larger percentage of voters doesn’t wants their candidate to stick to their guns (at least figuratively) no matter what. So if fewer and fewer moderate, willing-to-compromise Republicans can get nominated to run for office, and in order to do so they have to take a position that makes them less popular with the general electorate, what is the future of the Republican party?

Hopefully, the Republican base will wake up and realize that compromise is the nature of politics. Indeed, the percentage of Republicans who want their candidates to compromise has gone up 4% in the last two years, but this lags behind Democrats, where the percentage has gone up 13%, and Independents, where the percentage has gone up 12%, almost as much as Democrats. Will the Republicans ever catch up?
