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Taking Propaganda to the Next Level

Saturday Night Live displayed a brilliant analogy of just how out of whack our news media has become. What if the right wing media treated sports news the same way it treats political news. The analogy is apt, because sports fans can show the same kind of fervor as Trump’s base.


Corona Christmas

Funny skit from SNL.

The cold open is pretty funny, too.

Kate McKinnon is almost unrecognizable as Dr. Fauci.


Fauci for Christmas

The perfect Christmas present. Saves lives five ways!


The Hypocrisy of Fox News

This video shows how Fox News responds to two different protests, and they couldn’t have been any more hypocritical.

First are the Staten Island Protests, which were protesting a bar that was shut down for defying both city and state Covid-19 closure orders. Deputies attempted to arrest the owner for serving patrons in violation of the law, but the owner tried to drive away, and struck one of the deputies and kept driving for about 100 yards with the officer hanging onto the hood where he was struck. Note that there is strong evidence that bars are one of the worst spreaders of the deadly disease caused by Covid-19.

Next are the Black Lives Matter protests. Can you guess the Fox News response to those compared to the Staten Island Protests?


Party before Country

Republicans seem hellbent on destroying not just our democracy, but also our country. Why? So they can blame it on the Democrats.

They have given up on their claims of fraud in the presidential election, and now they have resorting to just trying to overturn the election. They will fail at this, but it is a distraction we sorely do not need right now while we are trying to end the pandemic and keep the economy afloat.

Speaking of the pandemic, the Republicans and Trump refused to order enough doses of vaccines needed in order to be effective.

They are refusing to pass a stimulus bill sufficient to keep our economy running, so when the economy goes south they can blame it on the Democrats. They also refuse to send needed money to the states and local governments, even now that red states have become the hardest hit by the pandemic.

Trump is threatening to veto the Defense Authorization Bill, unless Congress adds a completely unrelated provision to punish social media sites for supposedly discriminating against conservatives.

They are doing everything in their power to hamstring Joe Biden even before he becomes president, and I’m sure they will continue to block everything Biden and the Democrats do for his entire term (just like they did for Barack Obama).

© Dave Granlund

Vaccines are Coming!

And not just for the coronavirus. We are going to need a whole bunch of novel vaccines to get things back on track.

© KAL – The Economist

Fiddling While America Burns

Rudy Giuliani was hospitalized yesterday with the coronavirus. Now there is nobody left in Donald Trump’s orbit to claim that the election was stolen. Well, nobody but Trump himself. So Trump will go down like the worst losers do, alone and raving, deserted by allies and maybe even family.

© Tom Tomorrow

The U.S. of Eh?

Having lived in Canada, I find this even more hilarious:

If you don’t think they are serious, read this.


Responding to the Worst Responder

I really hope the Dems are able to pull off a miracle and elect two senators from the previously red state of Georgia. The main reason for this is because we desperately need to get rid of Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader.

The Majority Leader gets to decide, unilaterally, which business comes up for a vote in the Senate. Which is why he was able to block Merrick Garland’s appointment to the Supreme Court. McConnell can block any appointment to the judiciary, as well as Biden’s cabinet picks, if he wants to.

Believe it or not, I can understand why some people vote for Donald Trump, more than I can understand why McConnell keeps getting reelected.

© Brian McFadden

Deficit Hawks

Once again we see the pattern of Republicans spending like drunken sailors when they are in power, and then becoming deficit hawks when they lose power. During the George W Bush administration, VP Dick Cheney famously said “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”

Cheney was talking about the midterm elections, which the GOP had won. Despite prosecuting two expensive wars, the Republicans wanted to cut taxes for the rich, but Treasury secretary Paul O’Neill objected because growing budget deficits posed a threat to the economy. Cheney was saying that the voters don’t care about deficits. He was right, the wealthy got their tax cuts, and O’Neill was fired.

Now, with Biden about to assume the presidency and the coronavirus pandemic completely out of control, the Republicans suddenly care about deficits again. In reality, they want to cripple the Biden administration and then blame the resulting economic problems on the Democrats.

They did that with Obama, after they then handed the new president an economy in freefall. Now, they are doing the same thing with a pandemic that they are continuing to refuse to fight. Will Americans be fooled again?

© Ruben Bolling

Vaccine Line

The NY Times has posted a simple interactive tool “Find Your Place in the Vaccine Line” that will give you an idea of how soon you might be able to receive a vaccine for Covid-19.


Donald Trump Library

If you haven’t seen this yet, here is a beautiful (and hilarious) mockup of the Donald Trump presidential library.


Moving On

Donald Trump actually said that if the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden, then he will certainly leave the presidency.

© Keith Knight

For some strange reason, he did it from behind a rather tiny desk. Maybe White House staffers are secretly replacing his desk with a slightly smaller one each day, to nudge him out.


Election Math

Finally, Joe Biden gets to start the transition.

© David Horsey

UPDATE: Joe Biden’s popular vote total is now over 80 million votes. The largest in history.


It’s That Simple

You gotta love the Scottish National Health Service.
