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How can they be so wrong?

Easy peasy! As long as you’re willing to be wrong for powerful special interests, you’ll never have to worry about having a job. And we have drugs if you can’t sleep at night.

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Don’t believe it? Ten years ago, Phil Donahue was fired from MSNBC for speaking out against the war in Iraq. The owners of MSNBC — including General Electric — went on to make piles of money on the war. According to Donahue, he was told that he had to have two conservatives on the show for every liberal.

Television news celebrities are in the business of sales, not journalism. They peddle the ideology of the corporate state. And too many of us are buying.

Even PBS put tremendous pressure on Bill Moyers to toe the line.


Late Night Political Humor

“As you know, we have a new Pope. He is Pope Francis of Argentina. He is a 76-year-old man with only one lung. This could be just the burst of youth and vitality the Catholic Church needs.” – Jay Leno

“The new Pope had part of a lung removed when he was a teenager. I knew those Catholic school nuns were really mean, but I had no idea.” – Jay Leno

“It took the cardinals less than 24 hours to elect a new Pope. It took a year to replace Regis.” – David Letterman

“Pope Francis was the runner-up to Pope Benedict in the last election. And this time he got elected. You know what that means? There’s still hope for Mitt Romney.” – Jay Leno

“A bakery in New York is already selling cookies with a picture of the new Pope on them. Which is perfect for anyone who was hoping to feel even more guilty after eating a bunch of cookies.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Pope Francis was a beloved cardinal in Argentina. He gave up all his worldly possessions. He gave up his house to live in a tiny apartment. He gave up his car to ride the bus. You know what that means? Right now every divorced guy is saying, ‘I could have been Pope’.” – Jay Leno

“The new Pope is a man of the people. Immediately after they elected him, he went back to the hotel by himself, brought his luggage downstairs, and checked himself out of the hotel. There was the fight about the mini bar charge but other than that, he was humble.” – David Letterman

“Everyone is still talking about the new Pope. It turns out that he used to be a high school chemistry teacher. Or as most people put it: ‘Breaking Bad’ spoiler alert!” – Jimmy Fallon

“Pope Francis actually put himself through school by working as a bouncer at a nightclub. Which will come in handy now that he’s kind of the bouncer for Heaven.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The new Pope gave his first speech in Latin. Everybody’s after the Latin vote.” –David Letterman

“It’s been announced that Twinkies will be back on the shelves sometime this summer. Isn’t that great? This new Pope is already getting things done.’ – Conan O’Brien

“With Washington in the middle of a budget crisis, the White House is facing criticism for spending $250,000 a year on calligraphy. You can tell you’re spending way too much money on calligraphy when you spend ANY money on calligraphy.” – Jimmy Fallon


Late Night Political Humor

“We have a new Pope. The Vatican has chosen the first ever Argentinean Pope. So once again, a bunch of old white guys got a Hispanic to do a job they didn’t want to do.” – Conan O’Brien

“We have a new Pope! He is Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio. He is from Argentina. Tens of millions of Hispanics celebrated. And that was just here in L.A.” – Jay Leno

“The big news is the new Pope. His name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. If you’re saying to yourself, ‘Boy, that name sounds familiar,’ you’re right. For seven years he was the ace reliever for the Yankees.” – David Letterman

“People all over the world celebrated differently. In Rome they prayed. In Dublin, they sang. In New York, they chugged super-sized Mountain Dews.” – Jay Leno

“The new Pope, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is now Pope Francis the 1st. ‘Francis’ was not his first choice for a name. But the Vatican wisely talked him out of ‘Pope Boo Boo’.” – Craig Ferguson

“The new Pope has chosen the name Pope Francis. A little advice for the Vatican: If you really want to make a strong stand against homosexuality, don’t go with a girl’s name.” – Conan O’Brien

“But their job is not done yet. The 115 cardinals are going to stay in Rome a few extra days and try to find a replacement for Joy Behar on ‘The View’.” – Jay Leno

“What do we know about Pope Francis? Well, he’s 76 years old. He’s a former archbishop, and he likes long walks on the beach, giant hats, and the music of Coldplay.” – Craig Ferguson

“Thousands and thousands of people at Vatican Square were looking at the chimney. And the white smoke means we have a white Pope.” – David Letterman

“The last Pope, Pope Benedict, will now be known as Pope Classic.” – Craig Ferguson

“We’re learning more about the dead Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. It seems he amassed about $2 billion in personal fortune while president — and he was a socialist. Imagine how rich he could have been if he didn’t believe in redistribution of wealth.” – Jay Leno


Republicans Repudiate Reality! Really!

I don’t watch Rachel Maddow (or much TV of any kind) on a regular basis, but sometimes I really enjoy the things she talks about. Plus I really like her guest, Ezra Klein. This segment is hilarious. It documents recent complete about-faces performed by Republican politicians. Yes, they really perform impossible flip-flops, sometimes in real time!

Watch House Speaker John Boehner say he supports background checks for all gun buyers, and then moments later change his mind, all on camera! See Ohio Governor John Kasich declare loudly he supports civil unions, and then clarify that he actually opposes them. And the biggest example, Rand Paul introducing legislation that would outlaw abortions without exception (no chance for a misstatement here!) and then turn around and say that there would be “thousands of exceptions” and that it should be a private conversation between a woman and her doctor. My head is still spinning!


Casting the First Stone?

This week, Pat Robertson had a segment warning his viewers about a pyramid investment scheme that lured suckers in with references to religious scriptures. “Beware of these scamsters, especially scamsters in religious garb quoting the Bible. I mean, run from them. They’re all over the place.”

But just a day earlier, Robertson had praised a couple who continued to donate money to him, even though they had declared bankruptcy and sold their house.

They were faithful. Listen, there is no way you can out give God. You can’t do it. And that which is given to him will come back 30, 60 and 100 fold. We encourage you to join the 700 Club… It’s just $20 a month. And if all of us do it together, it gets to be millions and millions and millions of dollars!

Uh huh!


First Sale Doctrine

In a 6 to 3, non-ideological and bi-partisan decision, the Supreme Court has upheld the “first sale doctrine”; a decision which will have far reaching implications. The “first sale doctrine” basically says that if you legally buy something, then you own it and can do what you wish with it. It is what allows libraries to lend out books that they purchase, video rentals, and allows you to sell your legally purchased books and CDs to others. Seems simple, right?

And yet, copyright holders have long tried to control what you can do with copyrighted works, even after you buy them. In the case in question, a student from Thailand attending an American university was fined $600,000 for selling eight textbooks that were legally purchased in Thailand and which he then sold on eBay to fellow students in the US (to help pay for his education). The award was upheld by an appeals court, which said that foreign copies are not allowed to be resold in the US without the permission of the copyright owners. The case then went to the Supreme Court, which struct down the lower courts.

Unfortunately, while Forbes magazine applauds the decision, they point out that the decision might soon become moot as publishers exploit loopholes to do a run around of the first sale doctrine.


Late Night Political Humor

“Today was the first day that cardinals started voting for the new Pope. Everyone has already voted except the cardinal from Florida, who’s still trying to figure out how the ballots work.” – Jimmy Fallon

“With the selection process going on for the new Pope, there’s a lot of papal trivial. For example, did you know that no Pope has ever in the history of the church been elected without carrying Ohio?” – David Letterman

“The cardinals are in seclusion until they choose a new Pope, and they don’t have access to the Internet. This is to keep them from being exposed to any press rumors and any “Walking Dead” spoilers.” – Conan O’Brien

“The cardinals each write down their choice on a small slip of paper and put it in a silver chalice and then they mix all the names up and they’re drawn out. It’s the same thing they do for the Vatican’s Secret Santa.” – David Letterman

“In accordance with Vatican tradition, the cardinals in the papal conclave will release white smoke when a Pope is chosen. The practice was started by those two ancient leaders, Cardinal Cheech and Cardinal Chong.” – Jimmy Fallon

“As of yet no Pope has been elected. Experts say the thick smoke seen pouring out of the Vatican indicates either the first ballot was a deadlock or that Willie Nelson has arrived for the vote.” – Craig Ferguson

“The cardinals at the Vatican will release black smoke if they don’t reach a decision and white smoke if they do. And blue smoke means they’re working on the Vatican Oldsmobile.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Pope has more than one designation. He’s also the bishop of Rome. He’s also known as the pontiff. And here’s what I didn’t know. He’s also known as Diddy.” – David Letterman

“A New York City judge struck down a proposed law to ban sodas larger than 16 ounces. I think Mayor Bloomberg should spend his time trying to improve stuff like education. New York needs a better education system if kids didn’t figure out they could get around the 16-ounce soda ban by simply purchasing two 12-ounce sodas.” – Craig Ferguson

“How would the government try to enforce something like that? It’s not like Obama’s got a secret fleet of robotic aircraft circling over, watching everything people do with little cameras.” – Craig Ferguson

“There are reports that Joe Biden will handle more foreign policy matters during President Obama’s second term. Though you know it’s bad when world leaders are like, ‘Can you just send Dennis Rodman instead?’” – Jimmy Fallon

“The nation of Iran is threatening to sue the makers of the movie “Argo.” They say the movie was an unrealistic portrayal of their country. You can’t do that! That would be like Scotland suing over the movie ‘Shrek’.” – Craig Ferguson



Jack Ohman
© Jack Ohman

So what is the GOP doing? Repairing the economy? Reducing the deficit? Well, Actually No.

Rand Paul introduces his “Life at Conception” act, which declares that life begins at conception, making abortion murder (so should that be punishable by the death penalty?).

And failed VP candidate Paul Ryan introduces a budget that cuts taxes for the rich twice as much as the budget he and Mitt Romney proposed (and voters rejected soundly). It increases the national debt by $5.7 trillion. Oh, and it repeals Obamacare. Even conservatives don’t like his new proposal.

I really wish they would give up. Seriously.


Late Night Political Humor

“In Venezuela they held the funeral for dictator Hugo Chavez. Many world leaders were there: Iran sent their president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; Cuba sent Raul Castro; and we sent Dennis Rodman.” – Jay Leno

“North Korea may attack South Korea. Thanks a lot, Rodman!” – David Letterman

“Now that Hugo Chavez is gone, the crazy nut-ball dictator void will be filled by North Korea’s Kim Jong Un. It’s nice of him to step in and fill that.” – Jay Leno

“Cardinals are starting to vote on a new Pope. Apparently for someone to become Pope, they have to receive 77 of the votes from the cardinals. They also have to win Ohio and Florida.” – Conan O’Brien

“When the cardinals are done selecting a new Pope, smoke appears up the chimney. White smoke means a new Pope. Black smoke means they have not reached a decision. Blue smoke means the cardinals are making ribs.” – David Letterman

“After tours of the White House were canceled due to budget cuts, Donald Trump offered to pay for them. All he’s asking is they rename it the Trump White House and Casino.” – Conan O’Brien

“A new poll indicates that President Obama is no better than George W. Bush at protecting civil liberties. In fact, the pollster had some follow-up questions but split when he saw a drone fly overhead.” – Jay Leno

“The Obamas’ dog Bo still travels with his own motorcade. After hearing this, Vice President Joe Biden said “Wait, why am I still taking the train?’” – Conan O’Brien

“The former mayor of Detroit has been convicted of racketeering and extortion charges. The sentence is pretty hard. He has to serve another term as mayor of Detroit.” – Conan O’Brien


How Far Will Someone Go to Get Elected?

There’s a fascinating article in BBC News that describes how Richard Nixon deliberately and clandestinely sabotaged the peace talks that were about to produce a halt to the bombing in the war in Vietnam. One of Nixon’s senior campaign advisors convinced the South Vietnamese to pull out of the peace talks, promising them a better deal when Nixon got elected. Nixon then campaigned on the result, saying that the Democrats couldn’t even get the South Vietnamese to the negotiating table.

A quick search shows few, if any mentions of this in the US media. Not only is the BBC reporting this, but they did the original research that uncovered this plot back in 1994. Unfortunately, the proof only just became available now that the LBJ library has released the final batch of transcripts from the Johnson administration.

The BBC doesn’t mince words, describing Nixon’s actions as “treason”. Indeed, after Nixon was elected (by a less-than 1% margin) he escalated the war into Laos and Cambodia, leading to the loss of an additional 22,000 American lives and the destruction of the South Vietnamese government, to whom he had promised a “better deal”.


Late Night Political Humor

“How about that Rand Paul? There was some old-fashioned Mr. Smith Goes to Washington excitement this week. He filibustered the old-school way. He stood up there for 13 hours and demanded an answer from the president about whether it’s constitutional to kill an American on American soil with a drone. And Obama shot back, ‘Don’t push me!’” – Bill Maher

“Back in 1957 Mr. Strom Thurmond stood up there for 24 hours, pausing only once to impregnate a black lady, so I’m not impressed.” – Bill Maher

“Obama took twelve Republicans out to dinner this week, at a restaurant; like a date, and he picked up the tab…he put down the White House credit card. Bad news for the economy, it was denied.” – Bill Maher

“Two key questions emerged from the dinner: 1) whether anything can get done without the Repbulican leadership; and 2) why do John McCain and Lindsey Graham always go to the bathroom in pairs. I’m just going to call them McCainsey from now on.” – Bill Maher

“They’re calling it Obama’s charm offensive because he took Republicans to dinner, and then he had Paul Ryan over for lunch. And it’s working apparently. This has been the problem all along. Republicans will put out, you just have to buy them a meal and tell them they are pretty first.” – Bill Maher

“If seeing this nice lady (Michelle Obama) on TV saying she likes the movies, or nutrition, or exercise fills you with rage, get help.” – Bill Maher

“The TSA this week announced that it will now allow airline passengers to carry previously banned pocket knives, baseball bats and pool cues on planes. And no one’s happier than Honkytonk Bar Fight Airlines.” – Seth Meyers

“North Korea this week announced they are sick of our shit and thermo-nuclear war is on. Which made everyone think ‘What the fuck did Dennis Rodman say?!’” – Bill Maher

“Republicans in Arkansas passed the strictest abortion law ever… they say in the bill that life begins when your sister gets drunk.” – Bill Maher

“A poll came out this week and said a large majority of American Catholics want someone younger and all the cardinals said ‘girlfriend, who doesn’t’.” –Bill Maher

“New Rule: If you buy the new hybrid electric Ferrari – fuck you. A one-million dollar hybrid – that ought to impress the hippie chicks selling soap at the farmer’s market. Finally, the car for a billionaire who wants his carbon footprint to be as small as his penis.” – Bill Maher


The Difference Between the Right and the Left

After the Nth Gun Massacre in recent history, there was a small attempt to discuss potential ways that we might be able to reduce gun violence. But the far right went nuts (even more nuts than usual), stockpiling guns and ammunition, calling for everyone to carry concealed weapons and allowing more guns in schools, walking around in public openly carrying guns, claiming that massacres are inevitable because we don’t have mandatory prayer in schools (yes, a major GOP candidate for president actually said that), but most of all screaming about how the government is trying to take away our rights.

But what happens when the shoe is on the other foot? Last week, Family Research Council senior fellow Pat Fagan appeared on Washington Watch to discuss the 1972 Supreme Court decision that overturned a Massachusetts law banning the distribution of contraceptives to unmarried people, saying it may rank “as the single most destructive decision in the history of the Court.”

The court decided that single people have the right to contraceptives. What’s that got to do with marriage? Everything, because what the Supreme Court essentially said is single people have the right to engage in sexual intercourse. Well, societies have always forbidden that, there were laws against it. Now sure, single people are inclined to push the fences and jump over them, particularly if they are in love with each other and going onto marriage, but they always knew they were doing wrong. In this case the Supreme Court said, take those fences away they can do whatever they like, and they didn’t address at all what status children had, what status the commons had, by commons I mean the rest of the United States, have they got any standing in this case? They just said no, singles have the right to contraceptives we mean singles have the right to have sex outside of marriage. Brushing aside millennia, thousands and thousands of years of wisdom, tradition, culture and setting in motion what we have.

It’s not the contraception, everybody thinks it’s about contraception, but what this court case said was young people have the right to engage in sex outside of marriage. Society never gave young people that right, functioning societies don’t do that, they stop it, they punish it, they corral people, they shame people, they do whatever. The institution for the expression of sexuality is marriage and all societies always shepherded young people there, what the Supreme Court said was forget that shepherding, you can’t block that, that’s not to be done.

So if the left acted like the right, shouldn’t progressives be screaming that the Family Research Council is trying to take away our rights? They are coming for our birth control! Shouldn’t we be stockpiling condoms? Having premarital sex in public? Calling for more sex education in schools? Screaming that after they take away our guns and sex, they will outlaw rock and roll?

Don’t believe me? Less than a month ago, over one third of the members of the Virginia State House of Delegates voted in favor of a law that makes cohabitation and sex outside of marriage (which includes all gay sex) punishable by a $500 fine for the first offense, and up to a year in jail plus a fine of $2,500 for a second offense.

Come on, where is the outrage?


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama took a group of Republicans to dinner last night. And at the end of the meal, the president personally picked up the tab. Afterwards, Republicans said ‘Typical Democrat. Spend, spend, spend’.” – Conan O’Brien

“All tours of the White House have been canceled due to budget concerns. Don’t worry, there’s another way get into the White House if you don’t belong. Fake your birth certificate.” – Craig Ferguson

“Tonight there’s a comet. A comet making the closest approach ever to earth. Now is it really a comet? Or is it one of President Obama’s drones?” – Craig Ferguson

“North Korea has threatened to nuke the United States. Which begs the question, what the hell did Dennis Rodman say over there?” – Conan O’Brien [I’ve been wondering this one myself! –iron]

“New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has a new crusade. He wants people to stop listening to loud music in their headphones. Wasn’t that the plot of ‘Footloose’?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Mayor Bloomberg must throw the worst parties ever. How long before he just starts showing up on street corners and whacking the hot dogs out of people’s hands?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Last week horse meat was covered in IKEA’s meat balls. This morning it was discovered in IKEA’s hot dogs. This is making me think twice about taking my family to dinner at a furniture store.” – Conan O’Brien

“Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a new Facebook news feed today. It promises to revolutionize the way we see pictures of our friends’ feet on vacation.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Irrational Exuberance?

Matt Bors
© Matt Bors

I don’t know why, but every time something financial keeps going up and up, despite there not being any particular reason for it doing so, I keep thinking that it is just another economic bubble about to burst. Have I really become that jaded? Or am I just one of the only sane people left?

Well, at least I’m not alone. Here’s a comment left on the above comic:

This is what happens when we have a demand side economic problem, persisting for several years, and the Federal Reserve keeps increasingly pushing supply side easing. The low interest rates, and now third round of bond buying keeps is supposedly pumping gobs of money into the system in the hopes of stimulating the economy. The problem is that the problem is not on the supply side. Banks have money to loan but aren’t loaning it. Businesses don’t need to expand to meet demand, so they are not expanding, meaning no jobs are being created. Both are looking for some place to stash all the cash that they have become bloated with and it is currently going into the stock market. This is what is driving the DOW up. It is yet another artificial bubble. The consumer of course gets to hold the damned empty bag by paying for it through inflation, which only exacerbates the demand side problems.

What I don’t get is why is it considered acceptable to give all this money to those entities who already have too damned much and are absolutely choking on it, but not to give any to those who desperately need it? Why is it considered acceptable to spend billions of dollars in foreign countries to aide them, yet here we’re cutting off unemployment benefits when people can’t get jobs. Unemployment figures down doesn’t equate to employment being up. In this case it is indicates the ranks of those who’ve fallen off the list and probably into despair.

If money were injected in at the bottom of the economy, it would work its way up through the supply chain, with the effect compounded several times over. When it is injected at the top, only a small fraction makes its way down and now, even that isn’t happening.

Remember the cash for clunkers deal? What was probably the most short lived of all the economic stimulus ideas and the one most loathed by those in power? It had an effect up and down the supply chain, from the consumer all the way to the steel mills.

Eventually this bubble is going to burst and when it does, look out below.

I totally agree.


Late Night Political Humor

“I must have missed the moment when racism ended. I wonder when it was? The time Ross dated Aisha Tyler on ‘Friends’? Or when Keebler added a black elf? Oh, I know. It must have been when they made slavery illegal in Mississippi all the way back in … four weeks ago.” – Stephen Colbert

“Former president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, died yesterday. Sean Penn actually went down to Venezuela and met Chavez a few times. He’s a polarizing figure that a lot of Americans really don’t like. Chavez was, too.” – Craig Ferguson

“The people of Venezuela aren’t sure who’ll replace Hugo Chavez. CBS suggested Ashton Kutcher.” – Craig Ferguson

“A major snowstorm has hit the East Coast. In Washington, D.C., everything ground to a halt – and then the snowstorm hit.” – Conan O’Brien

“Due to budget cuts, all tours of the White House have been canceled indefinitely. When he heard, Joe Biden said, ‘Now I’ll never see it’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell released a Harlem Shake video. So just when you think a trend is dead, it’s made cool again by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.” – Conan O’Brien
