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Noah’s Arc

This week, Texas Republican Joe Barton gave irrefutable evidence at a Congressional hearing that climate change is not man made:

I would point out that if you are a believer in the Bible, one would have to say the great flood was an example of climate change. That certainly wasn’t because mankind had overdeveloped hydrocarbon energy.

Yes, this is the same congressman Barton who apologized profusely to BP after their Gulf oil spill.


Late Night Political Humor

“During a fundraiser, President Obama raised some eyebrows when he called California’s Kamala Harris, quote, ‘the best-looking attorney general in the country’. Of course he said it was just a joke. Then Michelle was like, ‘Well, here’s another one: What’s black and white and sleeps on the couch?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“While at a fundraiser, President Obama called California’s attorney general, Kamala Harris, ‘the best-looking attorney general ever’. After the comment, the Secret Service added extra security to protect the president from first lady Michelle.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama said that Kamala Harris is the best-looking attorney general while at a fundraiser. So hopefully, that fundraiser was to buy a really nice necklace for Michelle.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today the president apologized for those remarks. And of course he had to apologize to Vice President Joe Biden because it’s Joe’s job to say stupid stuff that embarrasses the White House.” – Jay Leno

“We have a guy here in New York City who wanted to be mayor so he’s trying to bribe his way on to the ballot, laying out big, big money. And the scandal involves three Republicans and two Democrats. Finally, some bipartisanship!” – David Letterman

“North Korea has the same ability to launch a nuclear strike against America as I do. It’s like walking through a parking lot and getting barked at by a chihuahua locked in a car.” – Bill Maher

“Everybody’s excited about college basketball’s tournament. You know who is a big fan of the Syracuse Orangemen? John Boehner.” – David Letterman


Another Conservative Icon

David Fitzsimmons
© David Fitzsimmons

Margaret Thatcher is probably second only to Ronald Reagan as a conservative icon, but like Reagan, her views are considered socialist by today’s far-right Republican party. In fact, many of her views are similar to those of Obama. She supported and voted for abortion rights, was an advocate for Britain’s nationalized medical system (which is far more socialist than Obamacare — the doctors all work for the government), appointed gay men to her cabinet, and had a spokesman who was a professed atheist.


Late Night Political Humor

“Tensions continue to mount in this North Korea situation. The U.S. has moved a Navy warship off the coast of the Korean Peninsula. Is that going to scare the North Koreans? If you really want to scare them, don’t send a warship. Send a Carnival cruise ship.” – Jay Leno

“Right now there are two Kims in the news. There’s Kim Jong-Un, who’s the leader of North Korea, and then there’s Kim Kardaishian, the reality star who’s having a baby with Kanye West. It can be kind of tough to keep track of who’s who. Kim Kardashian’s life is like a roller coaster; Kim Jong-Un isn’t tall enough to ride one. Kim Kardashian’s favorite movie is called Failure to Launch; Kim Jong-Un’s nuclear program is called Failure to Launch.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This week, President Obama announced a $100 million initiative to map the human brain. Joe Biden said, ‘You can map mine for a lot less’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It seems like every single day, President Obama finds a new way to waste our tax dollars. I mean, two daughters? Seems a little redundant.” – Stephen Colbert

“Last night Jimmy Fallon — on his program, which used to be our program, which used to be Conan’s program — announced that he was taking over for Jay Leno. When I heard this I said to myself, ‘It’s amazing that this information didn’t leak out earlier.'” – David Letterman

“Jay, for leaving ‘The Tonight Show’ for the second time, gets $15 million. It’s the same deal that the Kardashian husband gets. It’s the same deal the old Pope got.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday NBC announced Jay’s retirement. And today they officially began regretting it. But you don’t have to worry. Jay always bounces back and that’s what Fallon ought to be worried about.” – David Letterman

“They give Jay $15 million NOT to host to ‘The Tonight Show’. They gave Conan $30 million NOT to host ‘The Tonight Show’. I have not hosted ‘The Tonight Show’ longer than both of them put together. WHERE IS MY MONEY?” – David Letterman


Birth Right?

Matt Bors
© Matt Bors

Yes, North Dakota purposely passed anti-abortion laws that they knew were unconstitutional.


Why Gay Marriage is Threatening

Here is an excellent essay on why some people are threatened by gay marriage. Not because gays marrying threaten the institution of marriage, but because they threaten traditional gender roles.

I’ll include one quote, not because this captures the entire (relatively short) essay, but just to get you to go read it.

Same-sex marriage makes a lie of the very foundation of traditional gender roles. Same-sex marriages say that a woman can run a household, or that a man can raise a child. This does not square with those whose lives and beliefs and relationships depend on upholding and living their lives based on differences between the sexes. Over and over on C-SPAN I hear people in 2013 arguing that both a mother and a father are needed in order to raise children – indeed, that children have a RIGHT to both a mother and a father. (And so, you see, proponents of same-sex marriage are not actually supporting the granting of rights, but rather the taking away of rights… of children. The twists in logic are mind-boggling.)


Late Night Political Humor

“Public Policy Polling asked a group of 1,200 registered voters, and 13 percent said they believe Obama is the Antichrist and another 13 percent were not sure. I feel if he were the Antichrist, he would be getting more legislation passed.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Yesterday President Obama shot baskets at the White House and made only two shots out of 22. Even Dick Cheney was like, ‘That guy needs to learn how to shoot’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama went only two for 22. It’s tough times for Obama – one minute, he’s asking Congress to raise the debt ceiling; the next, he’s asking them to lower the hoop.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today President Obama asked Congress for $100 million to map the human brain. And believe me, if anybody needs a map to find their brain, it’s Congress.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama will attend the dedication of George W. Bush’s library this month. Apparently there’s still a lot of debris around the new building, or as Obama put it, ‘Don’t look at me, I’m still cleaning up your last mess’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former President George Bush has invited President Obama to the opening of his presidential library later this month. President Obama said he’s looking forward to going through the library to see if there was anything else he could blame Bush for.” – Jay Leno

“The White House has now put together a website for kids. It’s a website to teach kids how to manage a budget responsibly. The website is called ‘’.” – David Letterman

“The Associated Press, the largest newsgathering outlet in the world, will no longer use the term ‘illegal immigrant.’ That is out. They will now use the phrase ‘Undocumented Democrat’.” – Jay Leno


The Force Will Be With You

Ted Rall
© Ted Rall

We now have two Republican Senators who are in favor of gay marriage. While only one of them has a gay son, it took a near-death experience to change the mind of the second one.


Late Night Political Humor

“The White House held its 135th annual Easter Egg Roll. President Obama and Mrs. Obama were there. The theme was ‘Be healthy, be active, be you.’ They had a yoga garden, which sounds like a place you threaten kids with when they are bad. ‘I will send you straight to the yoga garden, little mister’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Obamacare takes effect in less than eight months. Do you realize what this means? If you go to the emergency room now, you’ll be covered by the time you finally see a doctor.” – Stephen Colbert

“Now, Obamacare raises eligibility for Medicaid to 133% of the poverty line, allowing it to cover 30 million more Americans by 2022. Thirty million medical moochers. To put that in perspective, if you laid them all end to end, they would stretch to Canada, which is where they should move if they want free healthcare!” – Stephen Colbert

“President Obama is getting ready to unveil his new budget nine weeks after its original due date. Or as his dog Bo put it, ‘Yeah, yeah. I ate the first draft. I know the drill’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Folks, every day more and more freeloaders are sucking at the government teat. Which is especially troubling since Uncle Sam is a dude.” – Stephen Colbert

“Happy birthday to former Vice President Al Gore, 65 years old today. But sadly, he could not enjoy his party because he was so obsessed with how fast the ice cream was melting.” – Jay Leno

“I’ve never been a fan of Earth Day and it’s hippie dippy Kumbaya orgy of drum-circle-jerks.” – Stephen Colbert

“North Korea is now threatening the United States with all-out war. You can see they’re stepping it up. In fact, they released 10 more photos of Kim Jong Un looking through binoculars.” – Jay Leno

“According to the United Nations, more people have working cellphones than have working toilets. Hey, so do most Carnival cruise ships. That’s not unusual.” – Jay Leno


GOP Talking Point Decoder

Keegan Fife VerBurg
© Keegan Fife VerBurg


Late Night Political Humor

“North Korea is now threatening the United States with all-out war. What did Dennis Rodman say to these people? What did he do?” – Jay Leno

“North Korea is warning the U.S. that war with South Korea may break out at any minute. Or as Obama put it, ‘Can’t believe I’m doing this. Get me Dennis Rodman’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday President Obama told reporters that his NCAA tournament bracket is busted. Obama said they were the worst picks he’s ever made – then he looked at his economic advisers and said, ‘Ehh, maybe not.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano – the person in charge of our national security – recently said she doesn’t email, text, or tweet. So remember: If you see something, say something – because there’s literally no other way she’ll get the message.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Ashley Judd announced she will not be running for Senate in Kentucky against Mitch McConnell. And Mitch McConnell announced he will not be co-starring in any romantic comedies with Matthew McConaughey.” – Jay Leno


Freedom to Complain

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

Who knew Scalia was such a vanguard, protecting our freedom to complain and our freedom to be offended.

The actual quote from Scalia is from this article, which also contains other anti-gay statements by him.


Roger Ebert RIP

[from the end of his memoirs]

Kindness covers all of my political beliefs. No need to spell them out. I believe that if, at the end, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts. We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try. I didn’t always know this and am happy I lived long enough to find it out.

UPDATE: Also, read 10 Movies that Roger Ebert Really Hated.


Late Night Political Humor

“Today is the second day on which the Supreme Court heard arguments for and against same-sex marriage, commonly referred to as gay marriage, which is commonly referred to as the magic of Siegfried and Roy.” – David Letterman

“Bill Clinton now says he wishes he had supported gay marriage back when he was president. Clinton said at the time he was too busy campaigning for open marriage.” – Conan O’Brien

“I hope they legalize gay marriage because I need to be alive when ‘Gay Divorce Court’ hits the air. That’s how I’ll be spending my days.” – David Letterman

“The current marriage act defines marriage as a union between one man and one impossible woman.” – David Letterman

“Rush Limbaugh said that lesbians don’t have to worry about their appearance, so they are free to get fat. Moments later, Rush Limbaugh officially come out as a lesbian.” – Conan O’Brien

“A new poll shows that 64 percent of New Jersey residents don’t care about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s weight. That’s mostly because Chris Christie IS 64 percent of New Jersey.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last year at Easter, Governor Chris Christie was rushed to the hospital. It was an emergency. It turned out he had an impacted peep.” – David Letterman

“Last year there was some trouble at the White House’s Easter egg hunt. One kid looking for eggs turned up Obama’s birth certificate.” – David Letterman

“Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is under investigation for alleged misuse of campaign funds. She’s blaming the accusations on her arch nemesis: the facts.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday former CIA director David Petraeus apologized for having an affair with his biographer. He said he hopes this begins a new chapter in his life. It got awkward when he said, ‘Any of you ladies want to write it?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new survey found that the average American stays at his job for about four-and-a-half years. That is unless they’re a late-night host on NBC.” – Jimmy Fallon


Late Night Political Humor

“A recent poll found that 58% of Americans now think it should be legal for gays and lesbians to get married. And the other 42% object only because they don’t want to go to another goddamn wedding.” – Stephen Colbert

“The Supreme Court heard arguments on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage. It could be a major blow for those who believe that marriage should be between two bitterly and eventually overweight people of the opposite sex.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Some people traveled to Washington and paid as much as $6,000 to watch the Supreme Court’s deliberations on gay marriage. Yeah, $6,000. Maybe that’s why the Supreme Court launched its 41-city Monsters of Gay Marriage Deliberation Tour.” – Conan O’Brien

“The arguments against same-sex marriage were given by lawyers for conservative activist groups and the arguments for it will be delivered tomorrow in song.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Personally, I rarely make good decisions when I’m wearing a robe.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Happy birthday to retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. She’s 83 years old today. And listen to this: In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court wished her a happy birthday.” – Conan O’Brien

“Everybody’s still talking about March Madness, and it turns out that President Obama has correctly predicted 11 of the Sweet 16 teams. When Joe Biden was asked about his Sweet 16, he said, ‘It was great — I had a petting zoo and a clown.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night President Obama celebrated Passover by hosting a seder at the White House. There was an awkward moment when Sasha asked, ‘Hey, I thought we were Muslim.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last year the living expenses of the White House residents cost us taxpayers almost 4 million. The cost were mostly due to secret service pensions and Bill Clinton’s party bus.” – Conan O’Brien

“It was proposed this week that members of Congress use video conferencing and other remote technology to work from their home states instead of Washington. They figure they can get just as much ‘not done’ at home as they get ‘not done’ in Washington.” – Jay Leno

“Pope Francis met former Pope Benedict over the weekend at a Vatican retreat. They spent the weekend in prayer trying to figure out exactly what marshmallow Peeps have to do with Easter.” – Jay Leno

“I think I finally figured out where Sarah Palin came from. Someone cast a spell on a YouTube comment and it came to life.” – Jon Stewart
