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Jeb Bush in 2016?

“He’d be a marvelous candidate if he chooses to do so. He doesn’t need my counsel ’cause he knows what it is, which is ‘run’. … He’d be a great candidate and a great president.” – George W. Bush

“There are a lot of great families, and it’s not just four families or whatever. There are other people out there that are very qualified and we’ve had enough Bushes.” – Barbara Bush, his mom


Dancing Around the Issues

Scott Stantis
© Scott Stantis

Sounds hokey to me!


CNN Fail

Why is it that TV news has time and money for crap like this, but doesn’t have either for real investigative journalism?


Late Night Political Irony

“Do you believe Dennis Rodman is still talking about Kim Jong Un? It’s not a good sign when the friend who’s trying to explain that you’re not crazy is Dennis Rodman. That’s not the guy I would send out for my sanity test.” – Conan O’Brien

“Dennis Rodman claims the FBI wants to hire him as an informant. That makes sense because the first thing you want to do is to tell everyone you’re an FBI informant.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today, North Koreans celebrated the 101st birthday of their country’s founder. He famously said, ‘Let’s have a crappy version of South Korea. We can do that.'” – Conan O’Brien

“It was revealed today that someone sent President Obama a suspicious letter containing the poison ricin. It’s a deadly poison made from beans. They said it’s the third worst substance you can send in the mail behind anthrax and packing peanuts.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Federal law enforcement agencies say they believe it’s from the same person who sent ricin to a Republican senator yesterday. At least he’s bipartisan.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama offered to wash senators’ cars if it would lead to an immigration bill. Senators then told Obama, ‘If you’re going to wash our cars, why do we need immigrants?” – Conan O’Brien

“Today is April 15. You have 20 minutes to get your taxes in. This is the most stressful day of the year for accountants, small business owners, and Wesley Snipes.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Why does the government charge us postage to send in our tax returns? We have to pay them to pay them. It’s like giving a slice back to the pizza delivery guy. How about you just deduct 75 cents from what I already paid?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Happy birthday to Israel. The country of Israel turned 65. Now that it’s 65, Israel plans to retire and move to Florida.” – Conan O’Brien


We Have Nothing To Fear Except Failure

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

The last week or so was a heck of a fail. The Media is at the top of my list, who seem to have changed from making fun of blogs and other social media, to just repeating stuff they find on the internet verbatim with no fact checking what-so-ever. And how tone deaf is the Senate?

But the biggest fail of all is the Reinhart-Rogoff fiasco, which I talked about yesterday. So, now that Austerity has been shown to be a caused by a math error, do you think Republicans will change their tune?

Don’t hold your breath.

UPDATE: And the fails just keep on coming. Someone hacks into the twitter account of the Associated Press, posts a (false) tweet claiming that two explosions occurred in the White House and that President Barack Obama is injured. The Dow Jones immediately drops 140 points (but recovers after the hoax is revealed). Speaking of social media, read this account of the “misinformation disaster” on Reddit.


Liars Always Figure

Conservatives keep screaming that we have to cut spending in order to reduce the national debt, claiming that the high debt is what is causing the economy to stagnate. Never mind that some spending (cough, military) somehow seems to be exempt from this rule. But now there is new evidence of the bankruptcy of their ideology.

The argument that high public debt depresses the economy is largely based on a single paper published in 2010 by economists Reinhart and Rogoff, which claims that historically, when the debt-to-GDP ratio has gotten above 90%, the economy always tanks.

But last week, researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, released a new paper. The authors tried to duplicate the results of the earlier paper and ran into severe problems. So they reached out to the original authors and found that the spreadsheet used to provide evidence for the results of the original paper contained coding errors, among other problems. They corrected the errors and found that the results of the original paper were largely invalid.

If you’re curious, here’s a good summary of the situation up to that point (in language non-economists like me can largely understand).

But then it gets even more interesting. The original authors then issue a rebuttal to the new paper that questioned their results, acknowledging their original coding error, but making a series of excuses for the error, which, frankly, sound just like a bunch of excuses.

Which leads economist Paul Krugman to question not just their math (which they have admitted was flawed), and not just their results, but their motives. After all, even if their math wasn’t flawed in the original paper (so they did show that when the national debt is high that the economy doesn’t perform well), this (as people like to point out) in no way proves any causality. Indeed, it seems obvious that when the economy is bad, stimulus spending will make the national debt go up (spending that helps improve the economy!).

So even if their research wasn’t severely flawed, there is a much more reasonable explanation for their results (remember that their original results aren’t even valid, due to the flaws). And yet the authors are still claiming that their original conclusions (which were based on both a logical fallacy and a calculation failure) are still valid.

I guess conservative ideology is just a matter of faith.


Late Night Political Humor

“Stop buying the hype about North Korea. … Think about it – Monday is tax day. This is why your taxes are so high – because they scare you into giving your money to the Pentagon.” – Bill Maher

“Things are still very tense in North Korea. In fact, world leaders are still waiting to see if Kim Jong-un is going to actually fire a missile after this week’s deadline came and went. Apparently what happened was he messed up and bought Mentos and regular Coke. ” – Jimmy Fallon

“I want Kim Jong-un to test a missile because it’s always a spectacular disaster. He’s the only Asian in the world that doesn’t test well.” – Bill Maher

“John Boehner said today he wants to take away North Korea’s missiles, but he won’t because that’s a slippery slope from there to gun control.” – Bill Maher

“It’s looking like President Obama might actually get his gun control bill passed. Politicians are all weighing in, and yesterday Joe Biden said that some people buy guns because owning one feels like driving a Ferrari. At which point, Obama was like, ‘Stop helping’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Republicans did not have the votes for a filibuster, so there will be a debate about the gun bill. And given the recent rash of gun violence, Republicans said it was the least they could do. Literally, they had a meeting and said, ‘What is the least we can do?'” – Bill Maher

“Sixty eight senators want to move forward on background checks, and 31 – all of them Republicans – say no, that is the death of freedom. They are sticking with the principle that asking for any kind of ID would be a horrible violation of the Constitution… unless it keeps black people from voting. Then, it is a fantastic idea.” – Bill Maher

“Congressman Jeff Duncan today said background checks could lead to a national gun database, which would lead to genocide like in Rwanda when the Hutus slaughtered the Tutsis. See, this is why we should not get our hopes up for a gun control bill. It’s like talking about fire safety with a pyromaniac.” – Bill Maher

“Street corner crazies are now in Congress. Listen to this one. Congressman Steve Stockman tweeted his new slogan: ‘If babies had guns, they wouldn’t be aborted.’ What a great way for Republicans to win back women: ‘Hey, wouldn’t it be cool if your cooch had a gun in it?” – Bill Maher

“Paul Ryan said today, ‘We don’t want a country where abortion is simply outlawed, we want a country where it isn’t even considered.’ Really, Paul? That’s not what your mom told me.” – Bill Maher

“These people are mental. Congressman Joe Barton of Texas used Noah’s Ark as evidence that global warming doesn’t exist. He said, ‘If you’re a believer in the Bible, one would have to say the Great Flood is an example of climate change and that certainly wasn’t because mankind had overdeveloped hydrocarbon energy.’ Can we forget Noah? This guy needs to start collecting two of every chromosome.” – Bill Maher

“A college in North Carolina had a lockdown all day today because someone saw an armed man on campus. Students were told to stay inside, lock your doors, crawl under your bed, and enjoy your freedom.” – Bill Maher

“According to a new study, our views on immigration are changing. For example, when asked if they support a path to citizenship, 40 percent of the respondents said, ‘Si.'” – Jay Leno

“Anthony Weiner is making a comeback. He is tan, flaccid and ready. He wants to come back and maybe be the mayor of New York. There are only two things standing in his way: an unforgiving public and Instagram.” – Bill Maher

“Because of budget cuts, the Navy may have to cancel Fleet Week, where thousands of sailors dock in New York City. Of course if you want to see a bunch of people glad to be off a boat, you could just wait for a Carnival cruise to come in.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Margaret Thatcher died on Monday. Sarah Palin was very sad about her passing, but at least now she said Charles can be king.” – Bill Maher

“Iran is gearing up for a big presidential election in June. Yeah, this year it’s gonna be a tight race between Ahmadinejad and the guy they picked to lose to Ahmadinejad.” – Jimmy Fallon


We Have The Technology

Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

I know that North Korea fell out of the News cycle after the events in Boston, but this comic is just too funny to ignore. If you don’t remember the Great Photoshop war of 2008 with Iran, here’s a (hilarious) reminder.


Late Night Political Humor

“Last night President Obama hosted Republican senators for dinner at the White House. The president said he had to do without salt, pepper, and butter – because as you know, the Republicans refuse to pass anything.” – Jay Leno

“On Tuesday at the White House, President Obama sang with Justin Timberlake. It’s being called the blackest thing President Obama has ever done.” – Conan O’Brien

“According to a new poll, 50 percent of Americans would vote for Ronald Reagan for president right now over Barack Obama. In fact, in the last election 58 percent of the people in Florida DID vote for Ronald Reagan.” – Jay Leno

“A long list of celebrities and musicians have signed a letter to President Obama asking him to ease the nation’s drug enforcement policy. Hollywood celebrities and musicians want the president to ease our drug laws – it’s always the people you least expect.” – Jay Leno

“The South Korean pop star Psy of ‘Gangnam Style’ fame just announced that he’ll release a new song tomorrow. As soon as they heard, North Korea said, ‘Now they’re really asking for it’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“North Korean officials reportedly are planning a cyber attack on the U.S. in an effort to bring our economy to a halt. Nice try guys. You’re five years too late.” – Jay Leno

“Donald Trump is going to be a grandfather. It’s true. That thing on his head is pregnant.” – Craig Ferguson



Once again, having to start under horrific events here in this country. I really hate the fact that I can cross-reference my thoughts to so many other events that have occurred over the years — so I’m not going to. I’m just going to say this to Boston: Thank you. Thank you for once again, in the face of gross inhumanity, inspiring and solidifying my belief in humanity and the people of this country.

So thank you for everything you’ve done. It’s a quite a little city you’ve got going on up there. And New Yorkers and Boston obviously have kind of a little bit of a competition. Often, the two cities accusing each other of various levels of suckitude. But it is in situations like this that we realize it is clearly a sibling rivalry, and that we are your brothers and sisters in this type of event. As a city that knows the feeling of confusion, anger, and grief, and chaos that comes with these events, I can tell you from personal experience: You’ve got a hell of a city going on, and you’ve done an incredible job in the face of all this. Thank you.

– Jon Stewart

Whoever did this obviously did not know shit about the people of Boston. Because nothing these terrorists do is going to shake them. For Pete’s sake, Boston was founded by the pilgrims — a people so tough they had to buckle their goddamn hats on. It is the cradle of the American revolution. A city that withstood an 86-year losing streak. A city that made it through the Big Dig, a construction project that backed up traffic for 16 years — I mean, there are commuters just getting home now. Even their bands are tough. It’s the hometown of Aerosmith, who are, in their fifth decade, still going strong. Even Steven Tyler looks fantastic, for a 73-year-old woman.

But here is what these cowards really don’t get. They attacked the Boston Marathon. An event celebrating people who run 26 miles on their day off until their nipples are raw for fun. And they have been holding it in Boston since 1897. And do you know how tough you have to be to run in a whalebone corset? And when those bombs went off, there were runners who, after finishing a marathon, kept running for another two miles to the hospital to donate blood.

So here’s what I know. These maniacs may have tried to make life bad for the people of Boston, but all they can ever do is show just how good those people are.

– Stephen Colbert


Late Night Political Humor

“After withdrawing from public life Anthony Weiner is ready to stick it back in. Folks, that takes balls. Sadly, we know he has them.” – Stephen Colbert

“Former Congressman Anthony Weiner said that he’s considering running for mayor of New York City. If nothing else I’m sure that he’ll provide some stiff competition.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I, for one, think Weiner would be a great New York City mayor. For one thing, we wouldn’t have to worry about a soda ban because we’ve all seen that he puts more than 16 ounces in his cup.” – Stephen Colbert

“Former Rep. Anthony Weiner? Remember him? He famously tweeted lewd photos of himself. He says he wants people to give him a second chance. Not in politics, but on Instagram.” – Conan O’Brien

“Come on, he’s the total package. I don’t want to be too hard on him. I don’t have a bone to pick with that guy.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Anthony Weiner, remember him? The Peter Tweeter? He’s now thinking of running for mayor of New York. And believe me, he has thought long and hard about this.” – Jay Leno

“I believe the time is right. Anthony Wiener is a changed man. His own brother gave The New York Times this moving testimonial: ‘There was definitely a douchiness about him I don’t see anymore’. I think his mayoral campaign just found his slogan: ‘Anthony Weiner, now less douchey’.” – Stephen Colbert

“That reduction, that lowering in the douchey level, has not come easy. As Weiner’s brother pointed out, ‘No one has been harder on him than he has been on him than he has been on himself.’ And we all know how hard he can be on himself.” – Stephen Colbert

“The Wall Street Journal said that Mr. Weiner didn’t respond to an email seeking comment. Hey, Anthony Weiner didn’t email or text you back? Consider yourself lucky!” – Jay Leno

“It’s starting to get serious – China has warned North Korea about starting a war. China told them flat out, ‘Do not fire any missiles at the United States at least until after we get our money. They owe us $16 trillion. Wait until then.'” – Jay Leno

“South Korean officials today say they’re highly confident that North Korea will launch a medium-range missile any time now. Which I guess means Dennis Rodman failed.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Some experts believe North Korea has a missile that could reach Los Angeles. And of course, if North Korea did attack Los Angeles, that would start a war with Mexico. The whole thing would escalate.” – Jay Leno

“Why do I feel like this whole thing could be solved by sending Kim Jong Un a Disneyland pass?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Finally, after months of wrangling, President Obama has unveiled his highly anticipated 2014 budget. And apparently neither Democrats nor Republicans are happy with it. Then Obama said, ‘Yeah, that’s how you know it’s good.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Late Night Political Humor

“North Korea is ruled by Kim Jong Un. Over the weekend, the premier of China told Kim Jong Un to chill out. Now, when the premier of China tells you to chill out, it’s like Mel Gibson saying, ‘Whoa, easy on the tequila’.” – Craig Ferguson

“Japan gave warnings too. They said if North Korea tests this new weapon, Japan will have no choice but to set up their own missile defense system. They’re adorable little missiles with ‘Hello Kitty’ on them.” – Craig Ferguson

“This is unprecedented. First China, now Japan. I haven’t seen people turn against a fat Korean guy this quickly since ‘Gangnam Style’.” – Craig Ferguson

“North Korea threatened to launch a missile at South Korea. North Korea backed down after South Korea threatened to launch a sequel to ‘Gangnam Style’.” – Conan O’Brien

“I want you all to know that if the North Koreans launch a nuclear missile tomorrow, I’m really glad we had this time together.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In high school Kim Jong Un starred in a production of the musical ‘Grease.’ That’s also where Kim met his first wife, Olivia Newton Jong.” – Conan O’Brien

“Dealing with the North Koreans is very difficult. They have a history of making irrational decisions to divert the world’s attention from the fact their system has totally collapsed. No wait, sorry. I was thinking of NBC.” – Craig Ferguson

“The acting president of Venezuela has put a curse on voters who don’t vote for him in next week’s election. Today Mitt Romney said, ‘You can do that?'” – Jay Leno

“That shows you the difference between our two countries. See, over here in America we’re cursed no matter who we vote for.” – Jay Leno

“This week on the ‘Today’ show, Chelsea Clinton said she’s open to running for political office one day. When she heard that, Sasha Obama was like, ‘Cool. How does secretary of state sound?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Obama administration new budget plan calls for saving billions of dollars by selling off federal properties. So folks get ready for the Washington Monument, brought to you by Cialis.” – Conan O’Brien

“It was this day in 1867 that Russia sold Alaska to the United States for 2 cents an acre. You know why they sold us so cheaply? Just to get rid of the Palins.” – Jay Leno


Sabre Rattling

I know it is fashionable to make fun of Kim Jong-Un of North Korea as a crazy spoiled brat, but just think for a moment what is driving him.

We are pressuring North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons program. However, we don’t have a very good track record of how we treat foreign leaders we don’t like, especially when they bend to our will.

In 2003, Muammar Qaddafi of Libya (at our insistence) agreed to get rid of his nuclear weapons. Eight short years later, NATO helped overthrow and murder him. And that wasn’t the first time. We supported Saddam Hussein of Iraq for a while, then we didn’t. Dead. We supported Manuel Noriega of Panama for a while, then we toppled him. And the list isn’t limited to brutal dictators. We supported the democratically elected Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran, until 1953 when we got rid of him and installed the despised Shah of Iran in order to increase our profits on Iran’s oil. And there are others.

Kim Jong-Un would have to be beyond stupid to not see the writing on the wall. As long as he holds his nuclear trump card (brandishing it noisily) we are less likely to quietly get rid of him.

Every experienced observer in the world notes that North Korea’s erratic behavior is mainly an attempt to be heard, acknowledged, and respected. As Kim Jong-un told basketball star Dennis Rodman, he simply wants Obama to call him, “because if we can talk, we can work this out.”

But we continue to insist that we will not talk to him until he surrenders the one thing that is likely keeping him alive and in power. So why are we surprised when he acts like a cornered animal?

Do you know who said this?

And above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy — or of a collective death-wish for the world.

It was JFK, back in the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the heat of the cold war. It is time to listen to our own advice.


Late Night Political Humor

Kamala Harris“President Obama is in trouble for saying that California Attorney General Kamala Harris is good looking. When asked for comment, Bill Clinton said, ‘That guy is out of control’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Because Obama said California Attorney General Kamala Harris was attractive, people are calling his remark sexist. Now the President is overcompensating and trying to balance it out. Today he said Attorney General Eric Holder has a great ass.” – Jay Leno

“Little is known about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un other than the fact that he is ruthless, he supports torture, and he is a huge basketball fan. I’m sorry, that’s not Kim Jong Un. That’s Rutgers basketball coach Mike Rice. I had them confused.” – Jay Leno

“Dennis Rodman is on the show tonight, fresh off his trip to North Korea and his appearance on ‘Celebrity Apprentice.’ I’m gonna ask him what it was like to spend time with a crazy power-hungry madman – and then we’ll talk about Kim Jong Un.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Here’s something I didn’t know. When Vice President Biden and President Obama meet for lunch at the White House, the chef goes out of his way to personalize their meals. For example, Biden’s lunch always comes with a toy.” – Jay Leno

“There’s this trend now of politicians cutting their salaries by 5 percent because of budget cuts – except for Vice President Joe Biden. He won’t do it. Though in fairness, it’ll take Biden at least a month to figure out what 5 percent of his salary is.” – Jimmy Fallon


The Slippery Slope of Socialism

Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

I love this comic. Even though I believe in the right to bear arms, I also believe that we really need some laws that promote gun safety. But gun fanatics oppose pretty much any regulation of guns. I think in the long run, this radical stance will backfire on them.
