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Late Night Political Humor

“In South Carolina, former Governor Mark Sanford won a congressional seat after dragging around and debating a cardboard cutout of Nancy Pelosi. Then someone explained that was Nancy Pelosi.” – Conan O’Brien

“Former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is the guy who told his wife he was going for a hike and then went to Argentina to see his girlfriend. He was then exposed as an unethical, lying, cheating weasel. In a stunning comeback, he has been elected to Congress, where he’ll fit right in.” – Jay Leno

“What can I say? The voters of South Carolina have spoken. Mark Sanford beat my sister, and I believe that means Mark Sanford is now my sister. And on behalf of my entire family, I want to say we’re deeply sorry about him.” – Stephen Colbert

“Today Sanford said his first order of business was improving relations with South America.” – Jay Leno

“My sister lost. How could this happen? I was so sure Lulu had won because CNN called it for Sanford.” – Stephen Colbert

“Bill Clinton was being interview recently, and he said that despite all the speculation, Hillary hasn’t said anything to him about running for president in 2016. Though in fairness, she hasn’t said anything to him since 1998.” – Jimmy Fallon

“New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he’s still adjusting after his surgery to reduce how much he can eat. He said, ‘I now have six free hours a day I don’t know what to do with.'” – Conan O’Brien

“New predictions claim that 42 percent of Americans will be obese by the year 2030. They say the only way to stop it is for government to step in. Oh, yeah, that will work. When it comes to trimming the fat and tightening your belt, who knows better than the U.S. government?” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, Delaware became the most recent state to legalize same-sex marriage. That marks the 11th state to make same-sex marriage legal and the first thing I know about Delaware.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to Forbes magazine, Al Gore is now worth more than $200 million. This is what Gore meant when he talked about going green.” – Jay Leno

“According to a new poll, Americans trust Judge Judy more than they trust Supreme Court justices. She won her trust after her landmark decision in the case of Drunk Lady vs. Other Drunk Lady.” – Conan O’Brien


Do Republicans Hate Free Markets?

Republicans claim to be in favor of free markets, but their actions speak louder than their words. For example, in North Carolina a bill sponsored by Republican state senator Tom Apodaca was just approved by the senate commerce committee, and is now ready for a vote, which would prohibit electric car maker Tesla from selling cars in the state. Why? Because Tesla sells its cars directly to consumers, rather than going through car dealerships. The bill doesn’t specifically mention Tesla, even though it is clearly aimed at them. It instead prohibits any car maker from selling direct (Tesla is the only car maker who sells direct).

What North Carolina is trying to outlaw is disintermediation, better known as “cutting out the middleman”. Disintermediation is what stores like Costco and Sam’s Club do, selling wholesale direct to consumers instead of forcing them to buy retail. It is also what internet companies like Amazon, Priceline, Shutterfly, Petmed, and do.

Unsurprisingly, the bill is backed by the NC Automobile Dealers Association, who claim that dealers are necessary, saying “The whole point of the retail system is to protect the consumer.” I don’t know about you, but I’ve never felt protected by car salesmen.

Texas (and other states) already has a law restricting Tesla’s business model. In that state, the showrooms that Tesla has set up to allow potential customers to see their electric cars are prohibited not only from actually selling the cars, but they cannot even discuss the price nor offer test drives. Instead, after seeing (but not driving in) the cars, the consumer must go home and order the car online. But if the NC bill becomes law, consumers would not even be allowed to do that, so there is no way they could buy a Tesla car in the state.

When businesses ship jobs overseas to increase profits, the GOP just says that’s a free market. But when a company like Tesla tries to bypass a powerful group with lobbyists, it is a completely different story. Unsurprisingly, the NC Automobile Dealers Association gave the maximum contribution allowed by NC law to senator Apodaca.

So maybe they don’t hate free markets. They just love campaign contributions more.


Late Night Political Humor

“New Jersey Governor Chris Christie revealed that he underwent a surgery that restricts the amount of food he can consume. As a result, 12 animals have been removed from the endangered species list.” – Conan O’Brien

“New Jersey Governor Chris Christie revealed that back in February he had a secret lap-band surgery, which explains why there’s been so much food in New Jersey lately.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had stomach surgery so he won’t be so big. His family gave him a choice. They said, ‘Look, you either have that surgery or get your own ZIP code.'” – David Letterman

“Lap-band surgery is said to be slower than other procedures. Typically, patients lose one to two pounds a week. Which means the governor could be down to a healthy weight in about 100 years.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Chris Christie revealed he had lap-band surgery in February. President Obama wished him well. In fact, Obama is now thinking about having Joe Biden’s mouth stapled.” – Jay Leno

“Governor Christie is now saying that his decision had nothing to do with 2016, which by the way is his cholesterol.” – David Letterman

“Chris Christie had weight reduction surgery. As a result, I’ll be going into surgery for monologue joke reduction.” – Conan O’Brien

“If you examine the pictures, you can see that Christie actually might be getting fatter. He’s the worst ad for lap-band surgery ever.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today President Obama and Joe Biden met with South Korean President Park Geun-hye, who is known as South Korea’s ‘Iron Lady.’ Or as Biden put it, ‘Can you introduce me to Iron Man?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Biden gave advice on how to avoid war with North Korea. Or, in other words, we’re going to war with North Korea.” – Jimmy Fallon

“When asked if Hillary Clinton will run for president, Bill Clinton said, ‘She’s having a little fun being a private citizen.’ And then he added, ‘Not Bill Clinton fun, but fun nonetheless.” – Conan O’Brien

“The stock market is at an all-time high. People at home are saying, ‘Well, that would be great if I had a job.'” – David Letterman

“CNN anchor Carol Costello was robbed of her iPhone in broad daylight while walking down the street in Atlanta. Unfortunately it was on CNN, so there weren’t any witnesses.” – Jay Leno

“Cicadas are back, and there are going to be trillions of them. Cicadas mate once every 17 years. They’re like Martha Stewart.” – David Letterman

“Over the weekend, Arnold’s son Patrick Schwarzenegger was kicked out of a nightclub in Hollywood. Apparently, Patrick threatened the DJ. It was a chaotic scene. Security rushed in and said, ‘Which one of you is Schwarzenegger’s kid?’ And 50 people raised their hands.” – Craig Ferguson

“Folks, this is the best kind of political story. We have no idea what’s in it, and it’s going to be explosive. It’s the Taco Bell of breaking news.” – Stephen Colbert, on the House hearings on Benghazi


Benghazi Redux

Some last tidbits about Benghazi. First, Glenn Greenwald makes some good points on Bill Maher’s show (and Maher just comes off as a jerk):

And a funny comic. Everyone should apply this to their assholes:


I actually agree with both sides. As Glenn Greenwald says, when a US ambassador gets killed, there should be some investigation. But Fox News and some Republicans are not actually interested in figuring out what happened, they are just interested in cheap political points. In fact they are making it more difficult to get to the truth by repeating any lie they can find about the incident.


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday President Obama spoke at Ohio State’s graduation, and told students that it’s their responsibility to make the world a better place. It got awkward when students were like, ‘Wait, isn’t that literally your responsibility?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Over the weekend President Obama gave the commencement speech at Ohio State University. He said, ‘I dare you to do better’ — to which the students yelled back, ‘No, we dare YOU to do better. We need jobs!'” – Jay Leno

“If Obama can’t take our guns, he’ll make sure you can’t put anything in them. After that, he’s going to come after Rush by buying up all the hookers and canned frosting.” – Stephen Colbert (on the conspiracy theory that the government is buying up bullets)

“Some experts are saying that the 2016 Democratic presidential race could come down to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Biden is calling her a worthy opponent, while Hillary is calling him ‘practice’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to a new report, Al Gore now has more money than Mitt Romney. Gore said ‘Mitt and I are living proof that if you’re a boring white guy, anything is possible’.” – Conan O’Brien

“George W. Bush’s nephew, George P. Bush, is running for office in Texas. He says P stands for ‘Pretend you’ve never heard the name Gorge W. Bush.” – Conan O’Brien

“PETA is really upset at Chris Christie for killing a spider in front of a group of school children. Governor Christie said, ‘If PETA is upset by that, they do not want to know what I had for lunch today’.” – Conan O’Brien

“The National Park Service is launching a new campaign to attract younger visitors. It has a very creative slogan: ‘National Parks: Nobody Knows You’re Drinking in Here’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Mexico’s economy has been on the upswing the last couple of years. They’re getting investors from companies all over the world. In fact, Mexico is now home to 11 million undocumented Americans.” – Jay Leno


Is Fox News Too Liberal?

I can’t decide if this is insane or brilliant. A Tea Party group organized a three-day boycott of Fox News, claiming the right-wing “news” source is too liberal. The boycott started Thursday and ended this morning. According to the group’s website:

FOX needs the Tea Party/conservatives more than the conservatives need FOX after FOX turned left, basically selling out the people who made FOX successful in an attempt to earn an extra buck.

They also accused Fox of participating in a Benghazi cover-up, of going soft on immigration, and failing to discover the truth about Obama’s birth certificate.

We need Fox to turn right. We think this is a cover-up and Fox is aiding and abetting it. This is the way Hitler started taking over Germany, by managing and manipulating the news media.

So, are they serious, or is this an attempt to outflank Fox News by opening up a new front on their right flank against them?


Public Safety

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Humans are notoriously bad at evaluating risks. We seriously overreact to some risks, while sticking our collective heads in the sand for far more dangerous risks.

Between the years of 1959 and 1994, 3239 people were killed by lightning strikes (roughly the same number that were killed by terrorists since 1970). In the case of lightning-related deaths, we simply increased education about lightning safety, and as a result, the number of people killed by lightning was halved. But in the case of terrorism-related deaths, we went absolutely nuts, ripped up our constitution and preemptively invaded foreign countries that had nothing to do with 9/11.

Do you feel any safer?


Late Night Political Irony

“Senator Tom Coburn has introduced a new gun background check plan that would allow people to perform self-background checks before buying a gun. The way the plan works is, it doesn’t.” – Seth Meyers

“A poll taken this week said that 44 percent of Republicans believe that armed rebellion may be necessary in the next few years to protect their liberties. You know what, I wish these fuck-ups would start their armed rebellion. I just want to see the look on their face when they walk out of the Waffle Hut and get smoked by a drone.”– Bill Maher

“So… 44 percent of Republicans think an armed rebellion might be necessary in the next few years. So if you say most Republicans are fucking nuts, you’d be off by 7 percent.” – Bill Maher

“The NRA this week elected a new president, choosing Alabama lawyer Jim Porter who recently referred to Attorney General Eric Holder as ‘rabidly un-American’ and still calls the Civil War the ‘War of Northern Aggression.’ He’s known around the NRA as ‘Reasonable Jim’.” – Seth Meyers

“70,000 gun nuts are meeting in Houston, Texas because the NRA is having their big convention down there. Which is actually good economic news for the city’s hotels and restaurants, and also the hookers who generally prefer men with smaller penises.” – Bill Maher

“You people sound like you’re all ready for Cinco de Mayo. I hate it when every holiday gets so politicized. Like today, the NRA said piñatas should be allowed to carry guns to defend themselves.” – Jay Leno

“Unemployment is at the lowest rate in four years and the stock market hit 15,000 for the first time, or as FOX News put it ‘Fucking Obama. Always undoing George Bush’s greatest accomplishments.'” – Bill Maher

“Yesterday President Obama warned Congress not to delay the immigration reform bill. You can tell he’s getting tough because if they keep delaying the bill, he says he might even warn them again.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Investigators are saying that on the night Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s picture was first made public, one of his college friends who was arrested on Wednesday texted Tsarnaev joking that he looked like one of the suspects. You know, when they say ‘if you see something, say something’, they don’t mean TO the terrorist.” – Seth Meyers

“There’s a new summer camp for adults where using cellphones and computers is banned. The camp has an interesting name: North Korea.” – Jimmy Fallon


Why is Benghazi still news?

Fox News keeps beating a dead horse:


Late Night Political Humor

“Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in trouble. He was arrested this week for threatening to expose some sensitive government secrets. And you can tell it’s serious. His bail was set at 200 goats.” – Jimmy Fallon

“That’s right. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was arrested. He claimed that he had evidence that their elections were rigged. When authorities asked him to prove it, he was like, ‘Uh, I’m president, aren’t I?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today former Pope Benedict is moving back into the Vatican. He is going to be mad when he sees that Pope Francis took down his Metallica posters.” – Conan O’Brien

“That’s right. Two Popes now under one roof. Can you believe that? Yeah, they’re just one-half Pope away from being a sitcom on CBS.” – Conan O’Brien

“Russia has announced that, for the 2014 Olympics, it will send the Olympic torch up to the International Space Station. They’ve also announced a new Olympic Event— ‘Watching Six Astronauts Have All Their Oxygen Used Up By a Burning Torch.'” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is in Mexico. He’ll be on hand to celebrate Mexico’s economic successes over the last few years. See, that’s how it works now. If President Obama wants to celebrate an economic success, he actually has to leave the country.” – Jay Leno

“While in Mexico, President Obama plans to promote his immigration policy. Is that really necessary? Seems the last place you have to promote immigration is Mexico. I think they’ve got it down. That’s like going to San Francisco to promote gay marriage.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday, President Obama met with Treasury Secretary Jack Lew in the White House. The treasury secretary meets once a month with the president – and he meets twice a month with the Chinese president.” – Jay Leno

“A man arrested for shooting at the White House says he was upset over U.S. marijuana laws. Man, if only there was some way to mellow that guy out.” – Stephen Colbert

“Here’s the week’s only good news: Anthony Weiner is running for mayor of New York City. He announced it earlier today in his underpants.” – David Letterman

“Martha Stewart signs with to find her Mr. Right. She’s getting tips from the CEO there. Wait, isn’t that insider dating?” – David Letterman

“The other day, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer had shoulder surgery, for an injury he received after falling off his bike. Fox News reports the accident happened when the Justice drifted a little too far to the left.” – Conan O’Brien


It’s OK to be a bad Christian, as long as you’re a good liar

What a great rant by John Fugelsang on newly reelected scumbag Mark Sanford:


Slave to the Past

And while we are picking on the poor Texas Governor, yesterday Rick Perry spoke on the “Stand with Scouts Sunday” program by the anti-gay Family Research Council. Perry applauded the Boy Scouts for taking a “principled stand” against gay membership and leadership, and called the gay rights movement a passing “flavor of the month” fad.

But here’s the really ironic part. He compared the Scouts’ stand against gay rights to Sam Houston’s stand against slavery and against Texas joining the Confederacy, a stand which cost Houston the governorship. “That’s the type of principled leadership, that’s the type of courage that I hope people across this country on this issue of Scouts and keeping the Boy Scouts the kind of organization that it is today.”

The video is even more bizarre:

Tina Fey did an amazing caricature of Sarah Palin, but Perry seems to be cutting out the middleman and doing an outstanding caricature of himself.


Blame Game

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

The full quote from Rick Perry, along with a response from the editor of the paper.

Here’s the original comic, and the cartoonist’s blog entry defending the comic:

Jack Ohman
© Jack Ohman

If you have any doubts that better regulations and enforcement of current regulations could have prevented this disaster, read this full report.


Late Night Political Humor

“An elementary school here in New York City has become the first school in the country to serve only vegetarian food. Apparently the school board wants to give kids a head start in being difficult at restaurants.” – Jimmy Fallon

“That’s right. A school is serving only vegetarian foods, like tofu. Now when bullies say, ‘Give me your lunch money’, students are like, ‘Here, take it’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Mitt Romney gave a commencement speech where he advised graduates to start a family before they turn 30. He also advised them to pay for it by inheriting millions of dollars.” – Conan O’Brien

“The FDA has just ruled that girls as young as 15 can now obtain the contraceptive Plan B without a prescription. Before that, most teenagers’ Plan B was getting a show on MTV.” – Jimmy Fallon

“So they’re handing out hussy pills to 15-year-old girls like Chicklets, but I still need to show my passport and provide a DNA sample to buy some damned Sudafed. How am I supposed to make my meth?” – Stephen Colbert

“It’s been two years since the SEAL team busted in and got Osama bin Laden. On the night of the raid, the guy never knew what hit him. It’s like being married to a Kardashian.” – David Letterman

“Vice President Joe Biden’s plane is apparently stuck in Arizona because of problems with its engine. Officials say they’re trying to fix it as fast as they can. But Obama was like, ‘No rush’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The U.S. government apparently spent millions of dollars in cash to fund various dubious government projects in Afghanistan – including solar panels and wind farms that never work. No, I’m sorry. That’s what we did here. I had it backwards.” – Jay Leno

“Researchers now believe the first settlers who settled in America, in Jamestown, resorted to cannibalism. The first settlers ate each other. Good thing that didn’t catch on. That would have changed Thanksgiving, don’t you think?” – Jay Leno


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday President Obama said that the prison at Guantanamo Bay needs to be closed. To make sure it closes quickly, they’re turning it into a Blockbuster Video.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama held a press conference today. He said he still wants to close the Guantanamo Bay prison facility, but he doesn’t know how to do it. He should do what he always does. Declare it a small business and tax it out of existence.” – Jay Leno

“Conservatives like me know that in a budget crisis, everything nonessential has to go — whether it’s food for kids who aren’t mine or some other stuff for people I don’t know.” – Stephen Colbert

“There’s now talk here in California of letting noncitizens serve on juries. The bad news: If you’re ever on trial for underpaying your nanny, you could get the death penalty.” – Jay Leno

“New reports say New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will not run for president in 2016 if Hillary Clinton does. In a statement, Hillary said that she appreciates the decision and the support. Then she added, ‘Because I would crush him’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“New York City is testing a new plan that would make the average school day longer by over two hours. Parents haven’t commented on the plan yet because they’re busy high fiving everyone they know.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new study found that the air quality in New York City subways is actually the same quality as the air in New York streets. Even crazier, that’s supposed to be good news.” – Jimmy Fallon
