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Just Give Me 10 Good Reasons

Global Secular Humanist Movement
© Global Secular Humanist Movement


Science v. Faith

[These are excerpts from an AP story. You can’t make up stuff like this.]

A northern Arizona family that was lost at sea for weeks in an ill-fated attempt to leave the U.S. over what they consider government interference in religion will fly back home Sunday.

Hannah Gastonguay said her family was fed up with government control in the U.S. As Christians they don’t believe in “abortion, homosexuality, in the state-controlled church,” she said.

U.S. “churches aren’t their own,” Gastonguay said, suggesting that government regulation interfered with religious independence.

Among other differences, she said they had a problem with being “forced to pay these taxes that pay for abortions we don’t agree with.”

Hannah Gastonguay, 26, said Saturday that she and her husband “decided to take a leap of faith and see where God led us” when they took their two small children and her father-in-law and set sail from San Diego for the tiny island nation of Kiribati in May.

But just weeks into their journey, the Gastonguays hit a series of storms that damaged their small boat, leaving them adrift for weeks, unable to make progress.

The boat had taken a beating, and they decided to set course for the Marquesas Islands. Instead, they found themselves in a “twilight zone,” taking more and more damage, leaving them unable to make progress.

They could have used a sail called a genoa, she said, but they risked snapping off the mast and losing their radio and ability to communicate.

They had been on the ocean for about two months and were low on supplies. They were out of food and were down to “some juice and some honey.” She said they were able to catch fish, but they didn’t see any boats.

Still, we “didn’t feel like we were going to die or anything. We believed God would see us through,” she said.

At one point a fishing ship came into contact with them but left without providing assistance. A Canadian cargo ship came along and offered supplies, but when they pulled up alongside it, the vessels bumped and the smaller ship sustained even more damage.

They were getting hit by “squall after, squall, after squall.”

“We were in the thick of it, but we prayed,” she said. “Being out on that boat, I just knew I was going to see some miracles.”

Eventually, their boat was spotted by a helicopter that had taken off from a nearby Venezuelan fishing vessel, which ended up saving them.

“The captain said, ‘Do you know where you’re at? You’re in the middle of nowhere,'” she said.

They were on the Venezuelan ship for about five days before transferring to the Japanese cargo ship, where they were for nearly three weeks before landing in Chile on Friday. The Chilean newspaper Las Ultimas Noticias reported the story of their arrival.

“They were looking for a kind of adventure; they wanted to live on a Polynesian island but they didn’t have sufficient expertise to navigate adequately,” police prefect Jose Luis Lopez, who took the family’s statement at San Antonio [Chile], told the newspaper.

Hannah Gastonguay said the family will now “go back to Arizona” and “come up with a new plan.”


Late Night Political Humor

“At a concert this week, Justin Bieber rubbed a fan’s smartphone on his crotch. In a related story, Justin Bieber is now in 3rd place in the New York city mayoral race.” – Conan O’Brien

“The latest scandal for Weiner is that his communications director called a former intern a ‘slut bag’. But Weiner says he won’t fire the communications director and vows to stand beside her. And she was like, ‘How about we just stand side by side?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“More problems for America’s creepiest mayor, San Diego’s Bob Filner. An eighth woman has now come forward to say that she was sexually harassed by him. She said she would’ve come forward sooner but the line was too long.” – Jay Leno

“Mayor Filner now wants the city of San Diego to pay for his sexual harassment lawsuit. He says it’s only fair because he harassed women only on government time, never his own time.” – Jay Leno

“In what has to be the most outrageous defense ever – this is real – Filner’s lawyer said if there’s any liability, it’s the city liable for failing to give the mayor sexual harassment training. Oh, come on now. Just shut up!” – Jay Leno

“It seems an audio sex tape that Monica Lewinksy recorded for Bill Clinton at the height of their affair back in the 1990s has now been leaked to the National Enquirer. With all these scandals involving Anthony Weiner and San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, it’s nice to see an old pro come out of retirement and show these guys how it’s done.” – Jay Leno

“In a new interview, Republican Senator John McCain implied that he might vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016. McCain’s getting old. He also said he’d consider voting for oatmeal.” – Craig Ferguson

“Congress has a month-long vacation coming up, but House Republicans are being pressured to use their time off to reach out to women, young people, and minorities. So they all got together and decided to go to a Selena Gomez concert.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Mayor Bloomberg wanted to outlaw giant sugary drinks. He wanted to try to force a ban on sugary sodas and they overturned it. That’s fine, but what about a ban on texting while you’re running for mayor? Why can’t we get a ban on that?” – David Letterman

“Today Illinois became the 20th state to legalize marijuana. The state also changed its name to Chillinois.” – Conan O’Brien

Andy Richter: “What the national language of the United States?”
Conan O’Brien: “Third grade English.”

“Edward Snowden, the guy who leaked all that information about the NSA, finally got to leave the Moscow airport this morning after being held there for five weeks. When asked what he wanted to eat, he said, ‘Anything but Cinnabon’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The big ‘Smurfs’ movie sequel is out. It’s cute little elves that live together in harmony. And the Pope said, ‘Who am I to judge them?'” – David Letterman

“President Obama is going to appear on ‘The Tonight Show’ with Jay Leno. That’s going to be awesome. The most powerful man in the country is going to interview President Obama.” – Craig Ferguson


Do We Need an Updated Miranda Warning?

P Jamiol
© P Jamiol

It’s true.


Do as I say, not as I do

As some of you know, The Pirate Party is a real political party in Sweden, which is loosely associated with the file sharing site The Pirate Bay. But right now, Sweden is cracking down on copyright violations, subjecting file sharers to massive fines and even imprisonment.

So it will not surprise anyone here to read that The Pirate Party discovered that Sweden’s strongly anti-piracy IT minister, Anna-Karin Hatt, has been illegally sharing copyrighted files. In her Instagram account, she shared Calvin and Hobbes cartoons, as well as copyrighted images from movies including The Lord of the Rings, The Da Vinci Code, and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

They even reported her to the police, but they don’t expect that there will be any consequences for Hatt. They realize that copyright law is only for “the little people”.


The Straight Dope

CNN’s medical expert Dr. Sanjay Gupta has changed his opinion about medical marijuana. He used to speak out against medical marijuana, but in a documentary to be aired this weekend, he admits he was wrong and apologizes:

I have apologized for some of the earlier reporting because I think, you know, we’ve been terribly and systematically misled in this country for some time. And I did part of that misleading.

Gupta also just wrote an interesting op-ed that explains why he changed his mind. While researching the documentary, he discovered many patients for whom marijuana not only helped, but “in fact, sometimes marijuana is the only thing that works”. He learned that when marijuana was classified as a Schedule 1 narcotic in 1970, there was little evidence to support that classification. Instead, there was significant evidence to support the opposite, and in fact there are legal drugs (such as alcohol and tobacco) that are far more dangerous than cannabis. And that while someone dies from prescription drugs every 19 minutes, he “could not find a documented case of death from marijuana overdose”.

But what makes this even more ironic is that in a TV interview, Gupta (along with his interviewer Piers Morgan) admits that he had tried marijuana in the past.

Can we stop this insanity?

And if you still think keeping marijuana a Schedule 1 narcotic (which means it has no medical uses) is a good idea, read this story.


Working for the American People!

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Obama has cancelled his meeting with Putin (formerly scheduled for September), presumably in retaliation for Russia granting asylum to Edward Snowden. Obama says he is “disappointed” with Russia’s decision.

But Russia is still managing to make us look bad. All they had to do is point out that the US has repeatedly refused to extradite people who committed similar “crimes” against Russia, and has not signed an extradition agreement with Russia.

In fact, under international law Russia had no legal, political, or moral duty extradite Snowden and every reason to grant him asylum. Imagine what we had done if a Russian version of Snowden had revealed Russians were listening in on our secret government deliberations and was seeking asylum in the US.

At the same time, more and more evidence is coming out that the NSA violated the constitution and lied to both Congress and the American people. But Obama’s only response is belligerence, claiming that “we don’t have a domestic spying program“. Where is the Obama who campaigned for openness and for the protection of whistleblowers?


We’ve come a long way, baby!

Watching this video actually brought tears (mainly of joy) to my eyes.

If you think that what one person does can’t change the world, you’re wrong. If you think things aren’t generally getting better in the world, you’re wrong. Because, even in my lifetime, some things have changed so dramatically that I have even forgotten how bad they were.

So get out there and change something; the whole world is waiting for you!

UPDATE: Here’s a good TED talk that shows that violence is prettily steadily and dramatically decreasing over time.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Anthony Weiner campaign’s communications director is in trouble for calling a former intern an inappropriate name. But Weiner said he’d take care of it. He promised to give them both a good texting to.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new poll came out and says that most Democrats think Anthony Weiner has basically lost his mind. Weiner said, ‘The important thing is I haven’t lost my phone’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Anthony Weiner has vowed to continue to fight. He said he is staying in the race because he cares deeply about the people of New York — except for the one he is married to.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I don’t know if I believe this or not, but there’s this new study that says a wedding is actually the best place to meet someone. Then Anthony Weiner said, ‘It’s true. At my wedding I got like five or six phone numbers’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“More problems for Mr. Weiner. It seems the 22-year-old woman he was sexting with, Sydney Leathers, is now here in Los Angeles to meet with LA’s biggest porn producer. They want her to make a porn movie with an Anthony Weiner lookalike. A lookalike? Why not just use Anthony Weiner? He’s gonna need a job. We’ve seen his promo package.” – Jay Leno

“A Russian official announced that gay athletes attending the 2014 Olympics there will be arrested. This is good news for the world’s three straight male figure skaters. Just show up, get a medal, you’re done. No competition.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Pope is back from Rio. He said he would not judge gays. His exact words were, ‘Let he who is without sin cast the first musical’.” – David Letterman

“Sunday, on his way home from Brazil, Pope Francis said it was not his job to judge gays. He said that’s what the Tony Awards are for.” – Jay Leno

“Congratulations, Congress! 77% disapproval rating! You may be about to become the English language’s most offensive C-word.” – John Oliver

“Al Qaeda announced that they will try to free the inmates at Guantanamo Bay. Yeah, because nothing helps you pull off a prison break like announcing it ahead of time.” – Conan O’Brien

“The ban on giant sugary sodas has been overturned. You can now go to 7-eleven and get yourself a soda cup. There’s one so big that Simon and Garfunkel had a reunion concert in it. The soda cup is so big that the Wallenda guy walked across the top of it. We have sugary sodas the size of rooftop water tanks here in New York City.” – David Letterman


The Other Shoe Drops

As if it wasn’t bad enough that the government is listening in on all your phone calls and emails in the name of fighting terrorism, it now looks like they are actually using this information in order to fight regular crime.

Regardless of how you feel about this, it is clearly unconstitutional. The government is specifically and emphatically not allowed to search, tap your phones, read your emails, or otherwise spy on you with out a good cause. Most of the time, this means a warrant.

Making this even worse, the government is systematically lying about the use of this information in the ensuing legal trials. This violates the Sixth Amendment, which guarantees that a defendant can to see the evidence used against them and cross examine their accusers:

The undated documents show that federal agents are trained to “recreate” the investigative trail to effectively cover up where the information originated, a practice that some experts say violates a defendant’s Constitutional right to a fair trial. If defendants don’t know how an investigation began, they cannot know to ask to review potential sources of exculpatory evidence – information that could reveal entrapment, mistakes or biased witnesses.

“I have never heard of anything like this at all,” said Nancy Gertner, a Harvard Law School professor who served as a federal judge from 1994 to 2011. Gertner and other legal experts said the program sounds more troubling than recent disclosures that the National Security Agency has been collecting domestic phone records. The NSA effort is geared toward stopping terrorists; the DEA program targets common criminals, primarily drug dealers.

“It is one thing to create special rules for national security,” Gertner said. “Ordinary crime is entirely different. It sounds like they are phonying up investigations.”

How does this work? A former federal agent who regularly received tips from the Special Operations Division (SOD) of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) describes the process like this:

You’d be told only, “Be at a certain truck stop at a certain time and look for a certain vehicle.” And so we’d alert the state police to find an excuse to stop that vehicle, and then have a drug dog search it. … After an arrest was made, agents then pretended that their investigation began with the traffic stop, not with the SOD tip.

The vice-chair of the criminal justice section of the American Bar Association says “That’s outrageous. It strikes me as indefensible.”

If the government is willing to regularly lie in court about evidence, what else will they lie about? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, drug prohibition is making a mockery of our justice system.


Late Night Political Humor

“Things are getting so much worse for disgraced New York mayoral candidate and serial sexter Anthony Weiner. The latest New York City mayoral poll reveals that Weiner is in fourth place, or as Weiner says, ‘Hey, I’m at the bottom of a foursome.” – Conan O’Brien

“Anthony Weiner has fallen to fourth place in the Democratic race for New York City mayor. Even worse, third place is a write-in candidate — ‘Anyone else but Weiner’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former governor of New York Eliot Spitzer has now gone on record as saying that Anthony Weiner is not fit to be mayor. Well, that’s good enough for me. That’s all I needed to hear.” – David Letterman

“Anthony Weiner’s wife is Huma, and you know, when you get married you swear to love each other for better or worse, and this is worse. In fact, it couldn’t be much worse.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Yesterday on Fox News, Donald Trump said there is something ‘mentally wrong’ with Anthony Weiner. He said, ‘That guy is dangerous, unstable, and disgusting. So look for him next season on ‘Celebrity Apprentice’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“One of the women with whom Anthony Weiner had an online relationship, a 23-year-old vixen named Sidney Leathers, is so embarrassed that she stripped down to a bikini photo for the New York Post. The photo was exclusive – because nobody else showed up to photograph her.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I feel like this Sidney Leathers is every woman rolled into one large, disturbing package of tattoos.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“According to the New York Post, the Clintons are really angry about being compared to the Weiners, and rightly so. Bill Clinton took his sexual conduct seriously. Anthony Weiner just phones it in.” – Jay Leno

“A high school in Arkansas is letting teachers carry concealed weapons. So now when students want to ask a question, they raise both hands.” – Conan O’Brien

“Happy birthday today to Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is 66. Arnold celebrated quietly at home with his friends and families.” – Craig Ferguson

“Happy birthday to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He’s 66 years old today. It was an odd celebration. Arnold didn’t really get excited until after the party when the maids came to clean up.” – Jay Leno

“Arnold Schwarzenegger is 66 years old today. That’s according to records kept by Jane Goodall.” – David Letterman

“Arnold is not from the United States, as you all know. He was born on Skull Island.” – David Letterman

“Illegal border crossings in California are way down this month, especially in San Diego. It’s because people are scared they might get groped by the mayor if they come across.” – Jay Leno

“Seven women have come forward to say they’ve been sexually harassed by San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. The mayor has agreed to intensive rehab therapy. They say it’s a 12-step program. Here’s a simple 12-step program: Just stay 12 steps away from all women. ” – Jay Leno

“Russian President Vladimir Putin was on vacation last week, and apparently he caught a giant 46-pound fish. Putin called it a crowning achievement, while the manager of the aquarium said, ‘What am I supposed to do? He’s president’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Private Bradley Manning called WikiLeaks and turned over a million documents, and then he was found not guilty of leaking. He was delighted so he celebrated with his brothers, Eli and Peyton.” – David Letterman

“Today after years of waiting, peace talks resumed between the Israelis and Palestinians. No, wait. I’m sorry. This cue card is from 1979. And 1984. And 1988.” – Conan O’Brien


Return of Comic Morality

World War II and especially the following Cold War saw a dramatic rise in the popularity of comic book heroes like Superman, Batman, Captain America and dozens of others. It was a time of tension and uncertainty, so it was comforting to have heroes who were on our side, even looking out for us, and doing the right thing even when we weren’t sure what the right thing to do might be. Superheroes gave us hope, and the comics gave us simple morality tales about good and evil.

So it is somewhat interesting to watch the huge number of movies now being created based on these same superheroes. The superheroes may be the same, but the enemies are now terrorists rather than communists or Nazis. I guess we need our superheroes again in this time of tension and uncertainty.

But it is instructive to look at these movies:

Some movies, like the popular Transformers series, present a jaw-droppingly clear and simple morality. There is never any doubt who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. I mean, what kind of creatures (even bad guys) would name themselves the Decepticons? And human collaborators with the bad guys never have even the slightest regrets, nor do they redeem themselves at the end. They just die (and presumably burn in hell). Is this a reflection of how we have dehumanized terrorists (and Islamists)?

The same thing could be said of movies like the Lord of the Rings (another franchise returning from the same period of history). There may be arguments between the good guys, but they are all good guys, and we instantly know who the bad guys are. Like, does anyone feel sorry for the orcs?

In both of these examples – Transformers, LotR, and in others like Spider-man – the hero is a bit of an “everyman”, flawed but manages to save the day despite his weakness. Does that represent us?

I also noticed something fascinating about the new Star Trek reboot. The second (recent) installment eliminated the first installment’s conflict between the heroes (Kirk and Spock). But in an interesting twist, the person who started out as the terrorist at the beginning of the movie was not the main bad guy after all. Instead, it was the Admiral — someone who was supposedly a good guy, the government representative who had awoken the terrorist and used him. Sound familiar? Even so, once the evil Admiral was exposed, he never had any regrets. He was unblinkingly willing to kill our heroes just to cover up his mistakes. And the real good guys (Kirk and Spock) discover the real bad guy (the Admiral) … by disobeying orders! Sound even more familiar?

This is taken a step further in movies like Serenity (yeah, I know, that was a few years ago, but it was the most recent example I could think of). In Serenity (and Firefly) the good guys are … actually bad guys. In case you haven’t seen that movie, they really are good guys, but they constantly act like bad guys. Breaking the law and doing things that they shouldn’t do, like exposing government lies and corruption. Are these our whistleblowers?

What are other ways current movies reflect our politics?

UPDATE: Really good article in The Atlantic about movies reflecting our politics. But the enemy in these films (Iron Man 3, White House Down, and The Lone Ranger) is corporate greed and war profiteering.


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s been a rough week for Anthony Weiner. His campaign manager in the race for mayor just quit because of Weiner’s newest scandal. And it’s tough finding a replacement because every time he emails someone, they’re like, ‘I’m not opening that’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Anthony Weiner’s campaign manager quit. He says he’s applying for a much less stressful job that has a better chance of success. He is trying to get Paula Deen elected president of BET.” – Craig Ferguson

“Since his latest sexting scandal, things keep getting worse and worse for New York mayor candidate Anthony Weiner. Yesterday his campaign manager quit. Weiner didn’t give him any severance, but he did offer him a package.” – Conan O’Brien

“This new sexting scandal was too much, so his campaign manager called it quits. Weiner was like, ‘What kind of person quits because of something like that?’ Then voters said, ‘Ideally? You’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bill Clinton is reportedly very upset that Anthony Weiner is comparing his sexting scandal to Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsy. Today Bill Clinton said, ‘Real men cheat in person’.” – Conan O’Brien

“The French Riviera, over the weekend, had a $53 million jewel heist, and the police went into action. They’ve rounded up Sean Connery, Michael Caine, Lindsay Lohan, and the mastermind of the jewel heist — Carlos Danger, gaucho of love.” – David Letterman

“Republicans have accused Carlos Danger of being in the United States illegally.” – David Letterman

“Pope Francis said something surprising today. Pope Francis says he’s going to start fighting in MMA events.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Actually the Pope said he has no problem with priests who are gay. He said if someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge? It’s the same reason he turned down the vacant judge job on ‘Project Runway’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Pope Francis went to Rio in South America and announced that he would not judge anyone who is gay. That’s what Pope Francis said. That must have been some trip to Rio.” – David Letterman

“Pope Francis today said he will not judge priests who are gay. In response, gay priests said they will not judge Pope Francis for wearing that robe with those shoes.” – Conan O’Brien

“Pope Francis still does not support the idea of female priests. He said women cannot be priests because Jesus chose male apostles. And also because letting women in there would ruin all the fun. I mean, let’s be honest.” – Jimmy Kimmel



Last month, NBC announced it will show a four-hour miniseries about Hillary Clinton and CNN Films announced plans for a documentary about her. Today, RNC chair Reince Priebus threatened to freeze those two networks out of any primary or presidential debates if they don’t pull the plug on their Clinton plans.

What’s ironic about this is that Priebus compared what NBC and CNN are doing to what conservative group Citizens United did in 2008, when it tried to show a pay-per-view documentary critical of Hillary Clinton. Priebus complaining that Democrats were up in arms about it back then, but are silent now.

What he doesn’t mention is that back then, what Citizens United was doing was illegal. The McCain-Feingold Act specifically prohibited broadcasts that mention a candidate within 30 days of a primary election, and Citizens United was planning on showing it the night before the primary, thus eliminating any chance for a rebuttal. That case famously went all the way to the Supreme Court, who overturned the law.

So now, the Republicans are complaining about NBC and CNN are doing something that is not illegal. In fact, it would not have been illegal even under the old law (since we are a long way away from any elections, primary or otherwise). And even if it had been illegal, the law was overturned, opening up the floodgates for such broadcasts under the guise of “free speech”. So is the GOP against free speech?

Also, if they freeze out NBC and CNN, where are they going to have their debates? On Fox News, that paragon of impartiality?

UPDATE: Think Progress has an interesting theory about this:

I also wonder if Priebus might have motivations of his own for getting some RNC debates off networks. Given that the Republican Party seems no closer than it was in 2012 to reaching a decisive break between its radical and moderate wings, if I were Priebus, I might want to keep that debate between them as far away from mass audiences as possible. Given how far moderate Republicans like Mitt Romney have had to run to the right during their primary campaigns, one of the things that debates do is generate a vast trove of high-quality clips of things that the eventual nominee will eventually have to try to explain away in a shortened general election season. If I were Priebus, I’d want as few of those debates as possible, and I’d want them to happen further from the public eye so my eventual candidate has less baggage that can eventually be hung around her or his neck.


Keep Digging

Rob Rogers
© Rob Rogers

The funny thing about Obamacare is that even though quite a few people will say they are opposed to it, if you ask them about all the individual elements that together make up Obamacare, they are almost unanimously in favor of them. The GOP has done an amazing job of getting people to oppose something they are actually in favor of. But their big problem is that they cannot propose something to replace it, since Obamacare is already based on their ideas. But that hasn’t stopped them from trying to kill it. So I think (and hope) their opposition will backfire when it finally goes into effect. Then the Republicans will have to find something else to complain about.
