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How Dare You Deny Us Our War???

Why are all the pundits upset that we might avoid a war in Syria? Isn’t it a good thing that we might be able to work together with Russia to get a brutal dictator to give up his chemical weapons? I think this is great!

What is wrong with us?


Late Night Political Humor

“You know what, folks? I miss George W. Bush. That man knew how to sell a war. Obama has hard evidence of weapons of mass destruction and he can’t even get England to go along with it. Meanwhile, President Bush got an international coalition with nothing more than Colin Powell’s reputation and half a test tube of crystal light.” – Stephen Colbert

“President Obama is asking Congress to support a military strike in Syria. If they approve, it will be the first time Congress has officially declared war since Obamacare.” – Jay Leno

“Only 29% of Americans want the U.S. to attack Syria — which on the plus side means that 29% of Americans know there is a place called Syria.” – Stephen Colbert

“All week president Obama has been saying he will seek congressional approval for the strike but he insists he doesn’t really need it. When asked by the media if he was sending mixed messages, the president said: ‘Yes and no’.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama says the lack of response to Syria so far does not threaten his credibility. And you know something, he’s right. The economy, Benghazi, the spying scandal – that threatens his credibility, but this other stuff, no.” – Jay Leno

“Senator John McCain is under fire for being caught playing poker on his smartphone during a Senate hearing on Syria. Even worse, it was strip poker.” – Conan O’Brien

“Senator John McCain was spotted playing poker on his iPhone during a hearing on Syria yesterday. Actually, it turns out it’s not so bad when you hear that another group of senators was playing poker with actual cards.” – Jimmy Fallon

“You know what, Senator? Go. There’s a Rascal scooter and a bucket of quarters with your name on it over at the Golden Nugget. Instead of playing pretend poker in the actual Senate, go to an actual casino and pretend you know what the government should do.” – Jon Stewart

“McCain was playing poker during a hearing. The worst part is that he didn’t even know he was playing poker. He was just trying to text his wife. ‘How’d I lose $1,500 asking Cindy what’s for dinner?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Senator John McCain, during a Senate session on whether we’re going to teach Syria a lesson, was caught playing online poker. I was stunned. John McCain knows how to use a computer? Really?” – David Letterman

“While some believe it may be inappropriate to play a video game while the committee is deciding whether or not to kill people and potentially start a war, I say it’s John McCain, the man is 114 years old, give him a break. We should be impressed that he is even wearing pants.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“John McCain was caught playing video poker on his iPhone during the Senate hearings the other day. Everybody is criticizing McCain, but compared to what other politicians are doing on their iPhones, that’s not so bad, OK?” – Jay Leno

“Senator John McCain got caught in an embarrassing moment yesterday. A photographer caught him playing poker on his phone during the first public hearing on the potential action in Syria. Sounds like something Anthony Weiner would have been caught doing.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Mister peter tweeter, Anthony Weiner, got in a big confrontation with a voter in New York City today. Weiner said to this guy, ‘You have no right to judge me.’ Really? I don’t think Weiner understands how voting works. That’s what they’re doing, they’re judging you.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Anthony Weiner turned 49 years old today, marking one of the two days of the year that Weiner is the one who is receiving lots of packages.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new study found that using Facebook has actually changed how our brains work. Yeah, it’s true. Before Facebook, when you said you liked something, you actually did.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The new season of ‘Sesame Street’ will focus more on problem solving. When he heard that, Obama said, ‘What time’s that show on?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“They announced the new cast of ‘Dancing With the Stars’ this morning. As is the custom, President Obama introduced the new cast at a press conference on the White House lawn.” – Jimmy Kimmel


The Magic of the Media

I’m sure most everyone has already seen this, but apparently fewer people than the number who watched the original fake video. My only question is, how much stuff that you and I see on the internet is faked, and how much of that is taken seriously by the so-called journalists in the mainstream media?


Decisions, Decisions

David Horsey
© David Horsey

The one thing we do know for sure is that no matter what Obama does about Syria, the Republicans will attack him for it.

Ironically, because Obama has no really good options, at least from a political viewpoint, this means that he can pick the option that he actually believes is the right thing to do.

It will be interesting to see what he does.


Personal Responsibility

Republicans claim to be the party of personal responsibility. They don’t need Obamacare, they can take care of themselves, right?

Which is why it is ironic that a poll found that significantly more Republicans are taking advantage of the provision of Obamacare that requires insurance plans to insure children up to the age of 26.

How significant? According to the poll, 63% of young Republicans had taken advantage of the new option to stay on their parent’s plan, while only 45% of young Democrats had done so.

Not asked by the poll was whether those Republicans who are benefiting from Obamacare still want to repeal it. But I would venture to guess that they do. After all, other polls have consistently shown that even people who say they want to repeal Obamacare, when asked about the individual key provisions of the bill, are strongly in favor of them.


Late Night Political Humor

“The United States has no choice but to attack Syria because Dictator Bashar al-Assad is killing his own people with chemical weapons. Before, he was just killing them with bullets. But if America cared about shooting people, we’d be invading Chicago.” – Stephen Colbert

“I guess we’re getting ready to attack Syria. But if we win, in the semifinals we face Iran.” – David Letterman

“Wow! America taking military action against a Middle East regime? It’s like I never left!” – Jon Stewart (on returning to The Daily Show after being away this summer)

“Ah! See? The red line! You can’t use chemicals to kill your own people! You have to do it organically. America and the world want to make sure Assad only uses locally sourced free long range land ordinance.” – Jon Stewart

“Oh right, we have to bomb Syria because we’re in 7th grade. And the red line that they crossed is actually dick-measuring ribbon.” – Jon Stewart

“President Obama is trying to get congressional approval before we attack Syria. And if that works, there’s talk we might even consider bringing back the rest of the Constitution.” – Jay Leno

“Syria’s President Assad referred to President Obama as weak. Obama is so angry he plans to ask Congress for permission to come up with a good comeback.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is pretty clever. Did you see what he is doing to get Congress to approve the attack? He told them Syrian President Assad supports Obamacare.” – Jay Leno

“There is trouble at Charlie Sheen’s birthday party. John Kerry says there is evidence of illegal chemical use. They have to go in there.” – David Letterman

“Today during the hearing on Syria, John McCain was caught playing poker on his smartphone. I was like, ‘What? John McCain knows how to use a smartphone?'” – Craig Ferguson

“They’re now making the first smartphone that’s not made overseas. It’s made in Texas. It’s also the first smartphone that doubles as a handgun.” – Conan O’Brien

“Dennis Rodman returned to North Korea this morning — and with any luck, for good.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Rodman says he is not going to North Korea for diplomatic reasons. He just likes being taller than an entire country.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Actually, Rodman is going to hang out with his friend, Kim Jong Un. If somebody told you Dennis Rodman, a basketball player, was hooking up with Kim you would assume they meant a Kardashian, right?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“About $30 million in $100 bills had to be destroyed because of a printing problem. Isn’t that unbelievable? The only thing we know how to do right in this country is print money and we screw that up.” – Jay Leno

“Congratulations to 64-year-old swimmer Diana Nyad. On her fifth try she completed her 110-mile swim from Cuba to Florida. See, 64 is not too old to swim 110 miles. It’s too old to host a late-night talk show, but not to swim 110 miles.” – Jay Leno


Is California Showing the Future of Politics?

Just a few years ago, California was a laughingstock. It was nearly bankrupt, its infrastructure was crumbling, and you couldn’t get the two political parties to agree on anything.

Sound familiar? Kinda like our national politics now?

Just two years ago, the idea that California could be a global model for anything was laughable. When Brown took office, the state was staggered by double-digit unemployment, a $26 billion deficit and an accumulated “wall of debt” topping $35 billion. California was a punch line for Republican politicos – a cautionary tale, they said, of the fate that awaits the nation should it embrace Left Coast-style economic, social and environmental liberalism. On the campaign trail in 2012, Mitt Romney joked that “America is going to become like Greece, or like Spain, or Italy, or like . . . California.”

But today you don’t hear much about California, and that’s good! So what happened? In 2011, Governor Moonbeam, AKA Jerry Brown, was reelected and with a huge dose of progressive politics has completely turned the state around.

The California that Brown inherited on his return to office appeared to be an insolvent, ungovernable mess. California’s finances have been out of wack since the late 1970s, when right-wing, anti-tax activists passed Prop 13, a constitutional cap on property taxes that also requires a two-thirds supermajority vote to raise any tax through the state legislature. Moreover, it was a Republican, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who hastened the recent fiscal calamity by slashing California’s vehicle license fee. Promising to cut the “car tax” keyed Schwarzenegger’s victory over the hapless Democrat Gray Davis in the recall election of 2003. But it also blew a $4 billion annual hole in the budget that Schwarzenegger simply papered over with bond debt.

With a stiff cocktail of budget cuts and hard-won new taxes, Brown has not only zeroed out the deficit, he’s also begun paying down the debt.

However, the revival of California was also made possible by the collapse of the Republican Party in the state.

The land that gave us Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, tax revolts and the nation’s harshest three-strikes laws, California was a reliable red state in presidential elections from the late Sixties through the 1980s. But in a script that should sound familiar to anyone who follows national politics, California Republicans undermined their own easy dominance of state politics by moving abruptly to the right, alienating the state’s increasingly urban and Latino population with harsh stands on social issues and get-tough immigration laws.

In short, Golden State Republicans have been locked in the same “demographic death spiral” that South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham says haunts the national party: They’re too old, too white and too rural in a state that’s trending young, multicultural and urban. … In the 2012 election, the party all but crashed and burned, as voters elected a Democratic supermajority in the legislature, rendering the GOP moot.

So maybe there is hope for the rest of us?

Yes, Brown raised taxes, despite warnings from right-wing ideologues that higher taxes would send millionaires running for the borders and cripple California’s job creators. Instead, the unemployment rate has tumbled, Silicon Valley is going gangbusters, and the housing market has recovered. “Entrepreneurs are doing so well, in fact, that state coffers got an unexpected bump this spring, thanks to a windfall of $4.5 billion, largely from capital gains.”

At the same time, Brown has launched ambitious new projects, including plans to require California to generate one-third of its power from renewable sources by 2020, and power 15% of its automobiles from electricity by 2025. California has launched its own “Cap and Trade” carbon-pollution trading market and is aggressively fighting climate change.

Brown is increasing funding for education, is funding a high-speed rail line connecting San Francisco to Los Angeles, and is making massive improvements to safeguard California’s water supply.

California is also leading the nation in the implementation of Obamacare. And instead of raising prices, even with Obamacare’s expanded benefits and without subsidies, a 25-year-old can buy health insurance for $141 a month (and 40-year-olds for $219).

Bottom line?

Today, Brown’s unique mix of fiscal restraint and big-government ambition has not only righted California, it could provide a model for Democrats nationally. Most thought-provoking: Brown is proving that a government that lives within its means can simultaneously pursue bold, liberal policies and programs. “Without fiscal responsibility, no other progress is possible,” says Gov. O’Malley of Maryland. “I’m hugely impressed with Jerry Brown.”

[thanks to Rolling Stone]


The Aftermath of War

Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

Why do we keep assuming, against all evidence to the contrary, that we can just waltz into a country, kill some people and leave, and everyone will live happily ever after.

It’s almost like a fairy tale, where every stubborn political problem has a simple military solution. Or maybe it does, if you own a corporation that makes lots of money off of military solutions.


Scamming Rwanda

It makes me sick to read about televangelist (and former presidential candidate) Pat Robertson scamming hundreds of millions of dollars from followers to supposedly save lives after the crisis in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) in 1994. Instead, very little of that money was used for aid, with a large part of it being used to fund a diamond mining operation owned by Robertson.

In fact, Robertson continues to scam donations. At the same time that Robertson was raising money for a school in Congo in 2011, describing it as “thriving”, a film crew visited the school and found it abandoned, stripped of its furniture, and falling down.

The state of Virginia even investigated the aid operation, concluding that Robertson made “fraudulent and deceptive” statements and “misrepresenting” its operations. According to the report “Pat Robertson made material claims, via television appeals, regarding the relief efforts. These statements are refuted by the evidence in this case.”

And yet state officials declined to prosecute Robertson. Could this have had anything to do with several large donations made at the time to Virginia state politicians by Robertson?

Robertson has been involved in other controversial mining operations in Africa. During the civil war in Liberia, he supported the then-president Charles Taylor, even though Taylor was already indicted by a UN war crimes tribunal and was later convicted of crimes against humanity. What Robertson didn’t mention at the time was that he had an $8 million investment in a Liberian gold mine.

And remember that since religious groups avoid paying most taxes in the US, your tax dollars are subsidizing these evil scams.

If Robertson believes in a hell, I sincerely hope he burns in it.


Late Night Political Humor

“Anybody ever studied at Donald Trump University? The attorney general says it’s a fraudulent operation. Here’s all I know. It’s the only college where you can actually major in condo flipping.” – David Letterman

“The attorney general of New York is now suing Donald Trump for $40 million claiming that Trump University is a fraud. I guess he got suspicious when he realized the dean of the business school was Bernie Madoff.” – Jay Leno

“You know you are not at a top-rank university if the professor has a tip jar on his desk.” – David Letterman

“John Kerry said it’s ‘undeniable’ that the president of Syria is using weapons of mass destruction. Kerry said President Obama needs to build a coalition of countries and attack soon, no matter what others might say. Today former President George Bush said, ‘Hey, good luck with that. Let me know how it works out’.” – Jay Leno

“Wal-Mart will soon begin offering benefits for their employees’ same-sex partners. How about that? Finally a company looking out for the interests of gay and lesbian Chinese factory workers!” – Jay Leno


Bad Idea?

Matt Bors
© Matt Bors

I’m not sure what to think about Syria. But I pretty much have the same questions about Syria as I did about Iraq.

What is the goal of our attacking Syria? Is it to depose Assad, like we did with Saddam Hussein? If so, what happens after we do that? Do we actually have a game plan for the Middle East, and how will attacking Syria affect that?

Or is there some other reason? Is it to punish Syria for using chemical weapons? Is it so we can appear strong? Is it so Obama can be a war president and force the Party of No to shut up for a minute?

Just tell me. WTF are we trying to accomplish and how will we accomplish it?

Aren’t these reasonable questions?


Late Night Political Humor

“U.S. warships are heading toward Syria. It’s going to be kind of an enjoyable switch for Obama. Now he can start a war that the next president will be stuck with.” – David Letterman

“Vice President Joe Biden said today that ‘Syria must be held accountable.’ Unfortunately, the Obama administration has never employed an accountant, so they have no idea how to do that.” – Jay Leno

“They’re saying now that the war against Syria will last no more than two days. It’s going to be a two-day war. You know what that means? We’ll be there for another 10 years.” – David Letterman

“The secretary of the treasury told Congress that we will be out of money by October. And of course a lot of Americans are shocked by this. Didn’t you think we were already out of money?” – Jay Leno

“The treasury secretary said we will be out of money by October. Here’s my question. What happened to all that money we gave them last April 15, huh?” – Jay Leno

“Before we give the government any more money, show us some receipts.” – Jay Leno

“The attorney general of New York is saying that the Trump University is a fake. They say that it’s fraudulent. If you’re thinking of going to Trump University, it’s easy to get into. All you have to have is a birth certificate and you get right in.” – David Letterman

“A Senate Intelligence Committee reports that NSA employees used their surveillance equipment to check up on friends, family and lovers. They were using the surveillance equipment for their own personal use. The name of the surveillance system they used: Facebook.” – Jay Leno


The Two Sides of Syria

Satirist Andy Borowitz is on a roll lately. I won’t even include any quotes — just go read them:




Preschools, not Prisons

It is too bad that I don’t have a category for “sanity in an insane world”. This story definitely qualifies.

Los Angeles County Sheriff oversees the largest jail system in the nation, and yet he travelled to Washington to lobby the government to give him less money, and instead spend the money on preschools, saying:

Either you have to pay now (for preschool), or you’re going to have to pay a guy like me later.

He has a point. One year in prison costs the government more than it costs a student to attend an Ivy League school for a year. And yet we throw money at building prisons, increase mandatory prison sentences, and cut back on education. We are insane.

Luckily, Obama is pushing hard for a sweeping expansion of preschool education, with a goal of providing universal preschool for 4-year-old children. Currently, just under half of all 4-year-old children attend preschool. According to a cost-benefit analysis by the National Institutes of Health, every dollar spent on early childhood education for low-income students generates $4 to $11 in benefits. It is a win-win!


Health Obstruction

Washington Post published an editorial “Republicans should get out of the way of Obamacare“. Their argument is summed up by the last paragraph:

Congress enacted the Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court found most of its provisions to be constitutional. Republicans, having opposed the bill and supported the legal challenge to it, are entitled to be unhappy about the outcome, though in our view they are wrong on the merits. They are not entitled to obstruct and flout the laws of the United States. On the contrary, they have an obligation to cooperate in good faith with wholly legitimate laws duly passed and reviewed by all three branches of government.

But I think they could make a much better argument.

The editorial points out that as a result of 21 states blocking implementation of Obamacare, an estimated 5 million people won’t get health care coverage. The state insurance commissioner even boasted that Georgia is doing “everything in our power to be an obstructionist“. Of course they are, because the health insurance industry has secretly thrown more than half a million dollars at them to be obstructionists.

Just imagine if states tried to do the same thing with Medicare. If 5 million people suddenly lost their Medicare coverage because Republican-controlled states decided they didn’t like the law, the Democrats would enjoy a landslide election next year.
