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Late Night Political Humor

“This is the 41st time that they have voted to repeal Obamacare. This is really not governing, this is more like a drinking game; every time they vote to defund, Boehner knocks back a Wild Turkey.” – Bill Maher

“The leader in this movement to defund Obamacare is Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas. He said, ‘I will do anything and everything possible to defund Obamacare.’ Really, how about lighting yourself on fire?” – Bill Maher

“Ted Cruz is half Canadian and half Cuban. The wit of Justin Bieber combined with the people skills of Scarface.” – Bill Maher

“It looks like the federal government could be shutting down. The legal definition of a government shutdown is when Congress continues not to work, but they do it from home.” – Jay Leno

“New Rule: If House Republicans succeed in cutting $40 billion from the Food Stamp program, Congressman James Sensenbrenner has to go to a food bank and donate at least two of his chins.” – Bill Maher

“Under the bill they voted for, states now have to require food stamp recipients to be drug-tested and work at least 20 hours a week – the same thing I was going to suggest for congressional Republicans.” – Bill Maher

“Chicago has now surpassed New York City as the murder capital of the United States. That’s really surprising since New York has twice as many NFL teams.” – Conan O’Brien

“The video game Grand Theft Auto 5 made 800 million dollars in one day. People say Americans can’t export on values anymore, this proves we can. Unfortunately, our values are car theft and mass shootings.” – Bill Maher

“Syrian President Assad told Fox News that if he were ever to talk to President Obama he would tell Obama to ‘listen to your people’. Is he the one to give advice about listening to his people? His people are shooting at him!” – Jay Leno

“Russian President Vladimir Putin said he may seek a fourth term but that’s up to the people to decide. Then he laughed for 10 minutes … shirtless.” – Conan O’Brien

“Pundits say President Obama is starting to lose support from his own party. To give you an idea how bad it’s gotten, today Jimmy Carter compared him to Jimmy Carter.” – Jay Leno


Conservative Anarchy

Well, it looks like the conservatives are going to get the government shutdown they want. In fact, they are already celebrating.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann says “We’re very excited. It’s exactly what we wanted, and we got it.” She believes that the GOP will be rewarded for standing firm in their demands. “People will be very grateful.”

Texas Congressman John Abney Culberson says “It’s wonderful. We’re 100% united!”

The national coordinator for the Tea Party Patriots applauded Republicans “for their courage and their refusal to be cowed by the Senate and the president.”

They also refuse to learn from history. Even though House Speaker John Boehner warned his Republican colleagues about how a similar (but less severe) shutdown in the mid-1990s caused massive political damage to the Republicans, conservatives have dismissed it. Congressman Tim Huelskamp responded “He has an opinion. It’s an opinion based on experience in the last century.”


A Health Care bill by any other name would not smell as sweet

Further evidence that the fight over health care reform is more of a referendum on Obama, and not really about health care. CNBC did another poll asking people for their opinion of health care reform, but they did something interesting. “In CNBC’s third-quarter All-America Economic Survey, we asked half of the 812 poll respondents if they support Obamacare and the other half if they support the Affordable Care Act.”

And here is where it gets ironic. 46% of the respondents oppose Obamacare, while 37% oppose the ACA. Even though they are exactly the same thing. Likewise, 26% support Obamacare, but only 22% support the ACA.


Gender and partisanship are responsible for the differences. Men, independents and Republicans are more negative on Obamacare than ACA. Young people, Democrats, nonwhites and women are more positive on Obamacare.

Another factor is that 30% don’t even know what the ACA is, while fewer people — only 12% — say they don’t know about Obamacare.

Polls done in the past show that when asked about the separate provisions of the ACA, people are more supportive than if they are asked about the reform bill itself.

It seems like many people have no clue about health care reform, they are just expressing their opinion about Obama (both positive and negative). Even so, recent polls show that Americans are opposed to defunding Obamacare/ACA, especially if it means shutting down the government. According to one Republican pollster, Americans seem to be saying (whether they support it or not) “It’s the law of the land. Let’s give it a try.”


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama warned that the government could shut down in two weeks. Obama added, ‘Not because of a budget impasse but because we’ll all be watching the last episode of ‘Breaking Bad’.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Senate leaders Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell admitted they have no Plan B if the House doesn’t avoid a government shutdown. Of course this raised a lot of questions, like: Since when did they have a Plan A?” – Jimmy Fallon

“The CEO of Starbucks is asking customers to stop bringing guns into the coffee chain stores. He said, ‘It’s our job to rob you guys’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Starbucks announced they don’t want customers bringing guns into their stores. Meanwhile, Dunkin’ Donuts said there is nothing you can bring in here that’s more dangerous than what we serve.” – Conan O’Brien

“You know, if I wanted to pick out one thing that best exemplifies our country’s peculiar relationship with guns, it’s that the phrase ‘minor shooting incident’ exists.” – Jon Stewart (on reports that the Navy Yard shooter was previously in involved in minor shooting incidents)

“North Korea says it’s ready to resume nuclear talks with the U.S. for the first time in five years. But President Obama said it’s going to be pretty awkward – not talking to North Korea, but having to thank Dennis Rodman.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Cher has turned down an invitation to sing at the 2014 Olympics in Russia because of Russia’s anti-gay laws. Their anti-gay laws are so strict, men can be arrested just for showing up at a Cher concert.” – Jay Leno

“Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff is apparently so mad over the NSA’s spying scandal that she has canceled her trip to the White House next month. Of course it didn’t help when Brazil called to say they weren’t coming and the White House was like, ‘Yeah, we heard’.” – Jimmy Fallon


Top 16 Myths about Obamacare

PolitiFact has been doing fact checking about Obamacare since 2009. Here are their top 16 myths and lies about the law (full explanations at the link).

  1. The law rations health care, like systems in Canada and Great Britain. False. (Florida Governor Rick Scott on Fox News.)
  2. It has “death panels.” Pants on Fire. (Sarah Palin of course.)
  3. Muslims are exempt from the health care law. Pants on Fire.
  4. The IRS is going to be “in charge” of “a huge national database” on health care that will include Americans’ “personal, intimate, most close-to-the-vest-secrets.” Pants on Fire. (Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on Fox News.)
  5. Congress is exempt from Obamacare. False.
  6. Under Obamacare, people who “have a doctor they’ve been seeing for the last 15 or 20 years, they won’t be able to keep going to that doctor.” Mostly False. (Senator Marco Rubio on Fox News, but this is no more true than before Obamacare.)
  7. The health care law is a “government takeover” of health care. Pants on Fire. (Congressman Bill Young.)
  8. “All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free health care services.” Pants on Fire.
  9. Because of Obamacare, health care premiums have “gone up slower than any time in the last 50 years.” False. (Barack Obama. They are going up slower, but that may not be because of Obamacare. There was also this recession.)
  10. Under Obamacare, “75 percent of small businesses now say they are going to be forced to either fire workers or cut their hours.” Pants on Fire. (Marco Rubio again on Fox News. This one has been repeated so often even some liberals believe it.)
  11. “At age 76 when you most need it, you are not eligible for cancer treatment” under the health law. Pants on Fire.
  12. The health care law includes “a 3.8% sales tax” on “all real estate transactions.” Pants on Fire.
  13. “Obamacare is … the largest tax increase in the history of the world.” Pants on Fire. (Rush Limbaugh on his show.)
  14. A “hidden” provision in the health care law taxes sporting goods as medical devices. Pants on Fire.
  15. Obamacare will question your sex life. Pants on Fire. (This one was said by Betsy McCaughey just a week ago! It wasn’t her first Pants on Fire rating for lies about Obamacare.)
  16. An Obamacare provision will allow “forced home inspections” by government agents. Pants on Fire.

McCain Defends Obamacare

Sometimes I have mixed feelings about Senator John McCain, but sometimes I really love him. This is one of those latter times.

Full transcript here.

And of course, Jon Stewart has something to say about the same thing that McCain is upset about — Ted Cruz comparing himself to Churchill and Obama to Neville Chamberlain.


Late Night Political Humor

“Joe Biden has people talking that he’ll run for president after he was spotted at a fundraiser in Iowa this week. Unfortunately, he missed giving his speech because he spent four hours trapped in a corn maze.” – Jimmy Fallon

“USA Today had a front-page feature on the new healthcare law. It said that the opposition to Obamacare at an all-time high. It has gotten so bad that the president is now calling it ‘Bidencare’.” – Jay Leno

“Joe Biden’s niece was arrested. The hardest part about arresting a Biden is convincing them they have the right to remain silent.” – Conan O’Brien

“The United Nations General Assembly was called to order. The streets of Manhattan were jammed with people in strange clothes, yelling in weird languages. Then the U.N. got started.” – Craig Ferguson

“That’s right, 705 people saw a woman in a bikini and thought, ‘Muslim Extremist’.” – Stephen Colbert (on the fake outrage over Indian-American Nina Davuluri being crowned Miss America, after it was reported there were 705 tweets that mentioned “Miss America terrorist”)

“According to a new report, over the last three years Social Security overpaid by $1.29 billion – thus establishing itself as the federal government’s most efficient program.” – Jay Leno

“This week marks the fifth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which sparked the recession. Think about how bad things were back then. We had unemployment over 7 percent. The debt was out of control. There were wars breaking out all over the globe. Thank God that’s all behind us now, huh?” – Jay Leno

[Jay Leno does it again. How does he keep coming up with such stupid and unfunny jokes? We just avoided a war in Syria, the the deficit is going down, not up. – iron]


Tea Party Serves Green Eggs and Ham

Dr. Seuss


Cheating the Speed of Light

It is not very often that a financial story comes along that requires referencing the Einstein’s theory of relativity to explain, but we have finally come to this.

One week ago, the Fed made an important surprise announcement — that it would not be reducing its bond buying program. The result of this announcement was that the price of stocks, bonds, and gold skyrocketed. In order for markets to be fair, everyone must receive this information simultaneously. However, in the crazy world of relativity, there is no such thing as simultaneous. And somebody used this fact in order to make a lot of money.

This is how it went down. Anyone who has watched the “Back to the Future” movies (or the movie “Trading Places”) knows that if you know in advance which way the markets are going to move, you can make trades that will make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. But in this case, you don’t need to own a DeLorean that can travel in time. After all, it is already the future somewhere else.

When the Fed makes a market moving announcement like this, they release the news at a very specific time. In this case 2pm in Washington DC, “as measured by the national atomic clock“. Now here is where it gets tricky. According to the theory of relativity, information cannot travel at faster than the speed of light. So it should take at least 3.2 milliseconds for this information to get from DC to Chicago (a millisecond is 1/1000 of a second, and light travels around 300 kilometers in one millisecond). But someone cheated the speed of light, and received this information in Chicago at exactly 2pm, which to them is 3.2 milliseconds early. With modern high speed stock trading systems (available only to the financial elite of course), that was just as good as having their own time machine.

Receiving the information a few milliseconds before anyone else in Chicago allowed them to make several hundred million dollars in trades before anyone else. One to two milliseconds after 2pm (Chicago relative time), someone made (according to estimates) around $600 million in trades.

Why should you care about this? Because the money made by high-speed trading systems taking advantage of quirks like this is money that is siphoned away from everyone else, including you. It is money that your retirement nest-egg investment doesn’t make. And since billions of dollars are being spent on high-speed trading systems (including special high-speed light-carrying fibre optic communication lines, advanced computers, programming talent, and other resources that allow the ultra rich to execute an equity trade in around 10 microseconds), you know that they are taking a lot more than billions of dollars from people like you. In 2010, high-speed trades accounted for around 75% of all US equity trades. Which is a big reason why almost all the money made in the last decade has gone to the top 1%.


Late Night Political Humor

“The last couple of weeks have been very tough for Republicans because of course they always have to call for the opposite of whatever Obama is saying or doing. And this has been hard when Obama himself has been changing his mind pretty much on a daily basis. First he was against the bombing, of course they were for it. Then he was for the bombing, now they’re against it. Now there’s a peace plan on the table, and the same Republicans who were saying he was acting too rash to call for strikes on Syria are now calling him a wimp for going with the diplomacy. They say in the end, whether he chooses war or peace, the hard truth is either way he is still inarguably, hopelessly black.” – Bill Maher

“It should be in the dictionary: ‘Black-track’, the act of changing one’s mind because President Obama has agreed with you. See also: ‘Pulling a one-hatey’, or the ‘Kenyan boomerang’.” – Bill Maher

“This would be simple if we had a Republican president because a Republican president could get a Republican Congress to bomb Sea World.” – Bill Maher

“McCain wants war so much, he resents meth labs because they blow themselves up.” – Bill Maher

“I am with the majority who don’t want to strike Syria. As horrible as chemical weapons are, lots of people don’t want to start new shit in the Middle East. I never understood the rationale behind this: ‘Assad you bastard, you monster, you have crossed a line no human may ever cross, even in war. We are going to bomb you. But just a little. Just a little poke there Satan.'” – Bill Maher

“It’s not that easy to go and secure all these chemical weapons. For one thing, the Syrians have been scattering stockpiles of the chemical weapons all over. They’ve even got some stored here in the U.S. It’s called Monsanto.” – Bill Maher

“The way it’s going to work is Assad is going to turn over his chemical weapons to Russia, who will then of course sell them to China, who will repackage them as off-brand roach spray, and you can get them at the 99 cent store.” – Bill Maher

“The peacemaker is Vladimir Putin. He is going to help us secure the chemical weapons, because if there is one thing you can trust Putin with, it’s poison. ” – Bill Maher

“Putin wrote that Op Ed in The New York Times yesterday and lectured America on democracy. This is like getting parenting notes from Billy Ray Cyrus.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: Now that it’s been 60 years, Americans must accept the fact that rock stars like to mime sex acts on stage. Yes, they’re acting all hot and horny but they’re a lot like Congress; when all is said and done, what they’re actually doing is fucking nothing.” – Bill Maher

“Anthony Weiner did not really exit in a very classy way. After his concession speech, as he was leaving, the press was taunting him, and they got a picture through the window of the car of him holding up his middle finger. At least we hope that was his middle finger.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: Anthony Weiner has to tell us how long he waited after he’d lost his election before he went back to jerking off with strangers online. Unless the answer is, ‘What do you think I’m doing behind this podium right now?'” – Bill Maher


A Taste of Obamacare

Tony Auth
© Tony Auth

The Republicans have painted themselves into a corner. They know that once Obamacare is implemented, people will like it. More people will have health coverage. You won’t have to change insurance companies (and often doctors) when you change jobs, and will be able to get health insurance even if you quit your job to start a company. Even before it is fully implemented, insurance premiums are going down and coverage is going up.

The main people who lose are the health insurance companies, and the politicians who receive campaign donations from them. Which might explain why the Republicans are so dead set against it that they are threatening to shut down the government.


The Fickle Finger of Fate

Paul Waldman has an excellent article in The American Prospect, “The Finger of Blame Points Only One Way“. It points out why Republican efforts to convince Americans that a government shutdown would be Obama’s fault are doomed to fail.

His main point is that everybody knows that the Republican party is the one that hates the government, who want to drown it in a bathtub. Heck, they even accuse the Democrats of being the pro-government party (with all that taxing and spending). So they are going to be able to blame a government shutdown on Obama? Hardly. Nobody bought that line back when Newt Gingrich was Speaker and forced a shutdown, even though the shutdown itself was triggered by Clinton vetoing a spending bill. Why would they, when it is the Republicans who never learned that lesson and keep bringing us to the brink of a government shutdown.

Just as bad, the Republicans have already proclaimed “if we don’t get what we want, we will force a government shutdown”. I know American voters have short attention spans, but not that short.

Even worse, what they are demanding — that Obama defund his own major achievement — is patently ridiculous. As Waldman puts it if someone came up to you and said that their demands were to take your car, sill your dog, and burn down your house, nobody would think that you were being unreasonable if you said NO.

And Ezra Klein points out that there is basically no time left to avoid a government shutdown, unless the GOP totally caves. Will they?

UPDATE: Senator Ted Cruz is throwing a temper tantrum that is annoying even his fellow Republicans.


Harming the Economy

John Deering
© John Deering

The GOP actually has a website where they explain why they are opposed to Obamacare. Interestingly, it was published in March 2011 (over two years ago) so we can check on some of their claims.

For example, did you know that the individual mandate is unconstitutional? Unfortunately for the GOP, the Supreme Court disagreed.

They claim that Obamacare will increase healthcare costs. But instead since Obamacare passed, the growth in health care costs have fallen to their lowest rates in 50 years.

They also argue that health insurance premiums will rise because of Obamacare, but their evidence is “Health insurers say they plan to raise premiums”. Instead, those same insurance companies found that once they had competition in the form of health exchanges, they had to drop their rates. In New York State, health insurance premiums are dropping by around 50%.

As for their arguments about tax hikes and deficits, well, the above cartoon says it all.

The current Republican strategy is the stupidest thing imaginable. Jonathan Chait explains it in “Ted Cruz Turns Obamacare Defunding Plan From Disaster to Utter Fiasco“. Simply put, in order to defund Obamacare, Senate Republicans have to filibuster the bill passed by their colleagues in the House. That’s right, the defunders have to filibuster their own bill forever. That will keep them busy!

UPDATE: Bill O’Reilly on Fox News calls the attempt to defund Obamacare “fanaticsm on the right” that is harming the country. “There’s no way Obamacare is going to be defunded. It’s not gonna happen. So why bother alienating independent americans by embracing a futile exercise?”


Late Night Political Humor

“Russian President Vladimir Putin wrote a scolding Op-Ed piece in The New York Times. He thinks people still read The New York Times.” – Craig Ferguson

“Vladimir Putin has taken his criticism of America up a notch. Today he wrote an Op-Ed for The New York Times asking the U.S. to be more civilized. Unfortunately, Putin couldn’t finish it because he had to take his shirt off and arrest gay people.” – Conan O’Brien

“Putin said it’s dangerous for Americans to see themselves as ‘exceptional’ and said that, quote, ‘God created us equal’. Then he got back to arresting people for being gay.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The New York Times published an Op-Ed piece written by Vladimir Putin. Putin warns against American exceptionalism. He says it is dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation. He sounds like a fun dad, huh?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Russian President Vladimir Putin actually wrote an Op-Ed piece in The New York Times where he said it’s dangerous for Americans to see themselves as ‘exceptional’. Then he said, ‘Except for that Justin Timberlake. That guy is amazing.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Putin said that when Americans claim to be exceptional it offends other countries. This from a man who arrests his political opponents, persecutes people based on sexual orientation, and put a girl band in a labor camp for singing songs he didn’t like. We don’t think we are better than everyone else. We just think we are better than him, specifically.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If you haven’t seen The New York Times piece, Putin said America should stay out of Syria. And then Putin said Khloe should dump Lamar because it’s for his own good.” –Craig Ferguson

“Syrian President Assad says he is turning over his chemical weapons because Russia asked him to, ‘not because of the U.S. threatening to bomb him’. Yeah, and Osama bin Laden is at the bottom of the ocean right now because he enjoys scuba diving.” – Jay Leno

“Today Pope Francis said that if you are an atheist, God will forgive you. And with that, 2,000 years of Christianity came to an end, ladies and gentlemen.” – Conan O’Brien

“Pope Francis just got a used car, a 1984 Renault with 190,000 miles on it. The Pope said he wanted an old car so he could drive around listening to his Billy Idol cassettes.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Pope recently purchased a 30-year-old car. He’s driving around Rome in a 30-year-old car. Can you imagine keeping a 30-year-old car on the road today? There’s your miracle, you know what I’m saying?” – David Letterman

“How crazy is it that the Pope has a car? Imagine driving through Rome and a Renault cuts in front of you. You flip the guy off, and it’s the Pope!” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Dennis Rodman has been hanging out again in North Korea. He just announced that he will train the North Korean basketball team for the Olympics. He’s going to teach them the key strategy that always worked for him – pass the ball to Michael Jordan.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Disturbing news for California. Californians have more unplanned pregnancies than any other state. Of course, keep in mind that California has many more NBA teams than any other state.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s quite a week for me because Eliot Spitzer lost his race for comptroller and Anthony Weiner lost his race for mayor. So that means I am back to being New York City’s biggest embarrassment.” – David Letterman

“Plans are being discussed for a reality show based on the White House. It’s called ‘Lame Duck Dynasty’.” – Jay Leno

“A Senate panel working on laws to protect the media has agreed on an official definition of a journalist. The new official definition of a journalist is a blogger wearing pants.” – Conan O’Brien


Rant of the Month

Juan Cole has posted a most excellent rant about the GOP, entitled “I lived to See the Day when the Pope and the President of Iran are more doctrinally Flexible than the GOP“. You really should go read the whole thing as it is short and to the point. But if you won’t go read it, here are two quotes (the main purpose of which is to entice you to go read the original):

The House of Representatives has just passed a budget that would keep the government operating until later this fall, as the fiscal year ends, but only if the Senate and President Obama agree to defund the Affordable Health Care Act, which is the law of the land and cannot be defunded.

Note that the GOP House did not actually pass a proper budget. It doesn’t believe enough in government to do that. It just permitted the government not to close down altogether, but only if it can impose its minority views on the rest of the country. President Obama ran twice on health care reform and if the country had wanted to get rid of the AHCA, it could have voted for Mitt Romney but it didn’t. The GOP House has wasted a lot of time attempting to repeal Obamacare, which it cannot do at the moment because the Democrats have the Senate and the presidency. They know this. Governing for them has become like a strange ritual.

The reason the GOP wants to do away with the Affordable Health Care Act is that big business does not want it, and the Republicans in the House of Representatives no longer represent the American people. They represent big business and it alone. Big business deserves to have some representation in the US government. The 2000 biggest corporations are half the US economy. But they don’t deserve to be the only voice that is heard there, and they shouldn’t be able to undo the will of the majority of voters with a whispering campaign on the Hill.

This Congress, and especially the House of GOP Scrooges, represents narrow and mean-spirited interests, not the broad mass of Americans. Indeed, it seems obvious that if only they could find a way to legalize slavery again, the GOP would be perfectly happy to sell us down the river for the sake of our plantation masters.
