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Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday at the White House, a woman standing behind the president nearly passed out while Obama was speaking. Obama turned and held her while she got some help. See, that’s under the good coverage of Obamacare – where you’re actually taken care of personally by Obama. That’s the platinum package.” – Jay Leno

“They’re still having a lot of trouble with Obamacare. First the website had all these glitches, and now people are getting a busy signal when they try to apply over the phone. So you can’t use the Internet and you can’t use the phone. And now fax machines are like, ‘Look who’s come crawling back to Mr. Fax Machine’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Here’s my favorite part: The president said yesterday that if it’s taking too long you can bypass the website and enroll by mail. Only the federal government could come up with a website that’s slower than sending something by mail.” – Jay Leno

“The country’s unemployment rate went down to 7.2 percent last month, after 148,000 jobs were added. Of course all those people were hired to fix the Obamacare website.” ” – Jimmy Fallon

“A 25-year-old man in New York was arrested for trying to join Al Qaeda. Here’s the amazing part: He said it was easier to join al-Qaida using their website than it was to sign up for Obamacare.” – Jay Leno

“Today there were more problems with the Obamacare website. It seems when you type in your age, it’s confusing because it’s not clear if they want the age you are right now, or the age you’ll be when you finally log in.” – Jay Leno

“In San Francisco, Apple unveiled its new products. Apple said, ‘This iPad is the fastest and most vivid way to not be able to log on to the Obamacare website.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“You don’t get to complain!! McCain, you don’t get to complain. At all. Because if I remember correctly, no matter how cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs you think your wacko bird colleagues are, they don’t come anywhere close to your hatchling. [On screen: clip of of McCain introducing Sarah Palin as his VP candidate in 2008]. You opened Pandora’s Box! You were the guy who gave the Mogwai [from the movie Gremlins] a post-midnight all-you-can-eat buffet! You don’t get to complain that now the party’s overrun with gremlins!” – Jon Stewart (on Senator John McCain calling some of his Republican colleagues “wacko birds”)

“The popularity of Congress is at an all-time low, according to a recent poll that says Americans like head lice more than they like Congress. But you know, I think the real story here is that some Americans like head lice.” – Conan O’Brien

“Former Vice President Al Gore is here tonight to talk some sense into us about climate change. My prediction: He will fail. Maybe if climate was spelled with a ‘k’ like Kardashian, we would pay attention. It isn’t, so we don’t.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There’s a lot of talk about how global warming will be a disaster for future generations. When you think about it, it’s hard to care. What have these future generations ever done for us?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A new study reveals that the average fast-food chicken nugget is almost 60 percent fat. The study also says that the average fast-food customer is almost 60 percent chicken nuggets” – Conan O’Brien


The Answer to Gridlock

Who knew that there is actually something that you can do to help fix political gridlock!

Three years ago, California was teased as a “failed state”. The state was nearly bankrupt, infrastructure was crumbling, and the government was completely gridlocked. But as I reported a month ago, nobody is teasing California any more. Their economy is going gangbusters, there is no more gridlock, and they solved their budget issues.

How did this amazing turnaround happen? Yes, the Republican party collapsed, which gave progressive Democrats a supermajority in the legislature, and thus the power to fix problems. And much of the credit has to go to Jerry Brown, who is now the longest serving governor in California history, and one of the most effective.

But ironically, the Democrats owe their victories to a Republican, former Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger. At the end of his term he put all of his energy into passing two seemingly simple reforms. In 2008, he supported a state proposition that eliminated gerrymandering by giving the power to draw electoral boundaries to a citizens’ commission. And in 2010 he wrote a state proposition which created open primaries, so that citizens can vote in any primary, regardless of party affiliation.

These two propositions were opposed by the Democrats, including Senator Barbara Boxer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and were largely supported by Republicans, including gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman and New York city mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The changes make it far more difficult for candidates from either ideological extreme to get elected by pandering to their radical base. As a result, politics become more moderate. And politicians were able to compromise and work with the other party in order to get things done, without fear of reprisal from the more radical fringes in their party.

How much more gets done? During the 17 days of the federal shutdown, Brown signed 363 bills into law. As a comparison, only 90 bills have made it through Congress for Obama to sign in all of 2013. California has even tackled immigration reform, something that both parties agree we need at the federal level, but which has been blocked repeatedly by a fringe minority.

This is something we can do. By passing two common-sense laws at the state level, we can actually eliminate our paralyzing gridlock at the federal level:

  • Take away the politicians’ ability to draw their own electoral districts, which gives a huge advantage to incumbents.
  • Make all primary elections open to any voter, regardless of party affiliation.

California has shown that these two simple changes can deliver amazing benefits. Let your representatives (especially at the state level) know that you support these changes.


Late Night Political Humor

“The White House announced that it is bringing in the best and brightest tech experts to fix the glitches on the Obamacare website, which is a great plan. You know what would have been a better plan? Hiring the best and brightest tech experts to make the Obamacare website in the first place.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The president spoke today on the Obamacare website glitches. He said he’s bringing in “the best and the brightest” to solve the problem. Why didn’t he bring in the best and the brightest in the first place? See, this is typical Washington. They only bring in the best and the brightest as a last resort.” – Jay Leno

“Things got screwed up with the healthcare website. So you can wait for them to get the site fixed or you can enroll in medical school, graduate, and then just take care of yourself, which would probably be faster.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“You can also enroll over the phone. The call goes like this: ‘Hello and welcome to, the place where you can learn about signing up for affordable healthcare. Right now there are 8 million people ahead of you in line. Your estimated wait time is forever.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It would be ironic to die while waiting on hold for health insurance, right?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The president said, ‘There’s no sugarcoating the problems with the healthcare website.’ See, that’s a mistake. We’re Americans, we love sugarcoating. If you sugarcoat something, Americans will buy it. In fact, sugar is the reason we have Obamacare in the first place.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama is urging Americans who are having trouble with the Obamacare website to sign up for healthcare by calling a 1-800 number. The number is 1-800-we-didn’t-think-this-through.” – Conan O’Brien

“It was kind of a rough day today. A friend of mine was given six months by his doctor – not to live, to sign up for Obamacare.” – Jay Leno

“The shutdown cost the economy $24 billion, and caused China to lower our credit rating to A- –- or as Chinese parents call it, an F.” – Stephen Colbert

“The Republican shutdown tactics and politics were so offensive, to even Independents and moderates, that this country looks like it is poised to turn bluer than a Smurf’s balls after dry humping a bottle of Windex.” – Jon Stewart

“Due to system failure today, many people were unable to update their Facebook status. Incidentally, for the several hours Facebook was down we were actually competitive with China.” – Conan O’Brien

“As of today, same-sex marriages are now legal in New Jersey. And today New Jersey governor Chris Christie announced he would no longer oppose gay marriage. He said, ‘How can I oppose anything that brings more cake into New Jersey?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Last week North Korea unveiled a new government-owned water park. There are differences between an American water park and a North Korean water park. In America, if you’re less than four feet tall, you can’t ride a slide. In North Korea, if you’re less than four feet tall, you can run the country.” – Jimmy Fallon


The Two Sides of the ACA Rollout

In two separate comics, Adam Zyglis captures the irony of the rollout of the website.

Adam Zyglis
© Adam Zyglis

On one hand, the creation of a website as complicated as this will always have problems. It is silly to claim that this is some kind of inherent defect in Obamacare. I work with the web for a living, and you never get things even remotely right the first time (or the second time). Heck, Google Mail was in beta for five years, and email is far less complicated and is something we understand pretty well. But if Republicans were really concerned that Obamacare is too complicated, then a good solution would have been to just extend the existing Medicare system to everyone.

Adam Zyglis
© Adam Zyglis

On the other hand, I know some of the people who worked on the Obama’s 2008 presidential election software, and it was extremely well executed. Sure there were bugs, but overall the system worked. Some states, like New York and Washington, did manage to produce websites that worked, so we know that it is possible. What happened to the other ones? We could have done better.


Late Night Political Humor

“After the shutdown debacle, the tea party’s approval rating is 23 percent. In other words, it’s the first time the tea party has ever been supported by a minority.” – Conan O’Brien

“People are saying that Republicans got nothing out of the deal. Not true. They got eight years of Hillary.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday John McCain said the government shutdown was worse than the one in ’95. That’s 1795. He was 44 at the time, cleaning a musket for his son.” – Conan O’Brien

“The government shutdown officially ended last night. Should we be happy the government is back? I feel like my sister got back together with an abusive boyfriend or something.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today the National Postal Museum in Washington, D.C., reopened. For the last few weeks, they haven’t had a single visitor. To be fair, it’s like that all the time.” – Craig Ferguson

“As far as I know, President Obama signed a bill to redo the ceiling at the Capitol building and now the zoo is open again.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s the first day with the government back. The shutdown’s over, national parks have reopened, federal employees are back at work. But hey, just tell me if the panda cam is back on.” – Craig Ferguson

“This morning Joe Biden personally greeted government employees who’d been out of work during the shutdown. Haven’t those people suffered enough?” – Craig Ferguson

“Joe Biden brought donuts for the government employees. That is very nice. A donut and Joe Biden are very different, of course. One’s a doughy thing that Hillary Clinton’s going to eat for breakfast — and the other is a doughnut.” – Craig Ferguson

“In a speech today President Obama called for a new era of bipartisan cooperation. He said this because Obama likes to start off a speech with a joke.” – Conan O’Brien

“Anthony Wiener is back in the news. He said an interesting thing. He said if the Internet didn’t exist he would probably be mayor of New York. Yeah, and I would be flying right now if gravity didn’t exist.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In a new interview, Anthony Weiner said if this was 1995 and the Internet didn’t exist, he would have won the race for mayor of New York. Yeah, if that was 1995, you’d have your penis stuck in a fax machine.” – Craig Ferguson

“Before the Internet Anthony Wiener would have been a regular guy in a trench coat hiding behind a tree.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Chris Christie said if one of his children were gay, he would, quote, hug them and tell them I love them. Of course, he said the same thing about the Keebler Elves.” – Conan O’Brien

“People are saying Donald Trump is going to run for governor of New York. I don’t know. It could just be a rumor. All I know is earlier today Donald demanded to see his own birth certificate.” – David Letterman


Ultimate Racism

The Daily Show is freaking brilliant. You absolutely have to watch this.

UPDATE: Don Yelton, the GOP precinct chairman interviewed in this video who said that the new GOP-backed Voter ID law will hurt “lazy blacks”, and will be bad for Democrats, has resigned. And it sounds like his resignation was forced on him.


Compassionate Conservatives

You know who else closed parks…

Matt Bors
© Matt Bors

Godwin’s Law states that “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.”

But this is an especially interesting and hypocritical example, since Conservatives were attacking Obama for closing parks — especially when war veterans were unable to go to war memorials in DC — even though the reason the memorials were closed was because those same conservatives forced a government shutdown.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama said the day after the budget deal is made he’s going to concentrate on immigration. He says he’ll start by deporting Ted Cruz.” – Conan O’Brien

“After 16 days the government shutdown is over. Right now a devastated Ted Cruz is filibustering a squirrel on the lawn of the Capitol building.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The new deal means the U.S. will be able to pay off its debts. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. By ‘everyone’ of course I mean China.” – Craig Ferguson

“Some of these guys in Congress are acting like this is a big achievement. If you pick up a gun and don’t shoot yourself in the leg with it, that’s not really an achievement.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Congress finally reopened the government. Unfortunately, some underlying issues still remain. Republicans oppose tax increases. Democrats oppose benefit cuts. And John McCain opposes kids on his lawn.” – Craig Ferguson

“Today John McCain said the shutdown was, quote, one of the most shameful things he’s seen as a senator. That’s from a guy who saw Lincoln get shot.” – Conan O’Brien

“I’m glad the shutdown is over. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that now is not the time to point fingers. Well, let me know when it is. I’ve got one for him and the rest of Congress. Tell me the right time and I’ll send it right to you, you incompetent buffoons!” – Craig Ferguson

“The government will temporarily reopen until January 15 with the debt ceiling raised until February 7, and then we’ll do this over again. Why do we have a debt ceiling? Why can’t we get rid of the debt ceiling, have a convertible government, and feel the wind in our national hair?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“MSNBC said the end of the shutdown would be a win for Democrats. Fox News said it would be a win for Republicans. CNN said – I don’t know. Nobody watches that, do they?” – Craig Ferguson

“In a new interview, the Dalai Lama endorsed medical marijuana. So now we know why the Dalai Lama sits around in a robe all day.” – Conan O’Brien


Not-Plausible Deniability

As Jon Stewart hilariously points out, the same Republican masterminds who fostered and encouraged the Tea Party to take control of the Republican party are now complaining about the monster they created.

So, how short is our attention span? Unfortunately, their strategy might just work.


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s day 15 of the government shutdown. President Obama said he was hopeful an agreement would be reached tonight. Part of the problem is that Republicans can’t even agree among themselves on what they want. Which means Obama doesn’t know what to tell them they can’t have.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Because of the government shutdown, the White House is under attack – by squirrels. They’ve invaded the White House garden because the gardeners were laid off. Michelle Obama planted a garden to show how easy it is to grow your own food. All you need is water, sunlight, and 50 full-time federal employees.” – Craig Ferguson

“The effects of the shutdown are being felt in the White House vegetable garden. Because the gardeners have been furloughed, the vegetables are starting to rot. Is it possible that President Obama intentionally engineered the shutdown just so he would have an excuse to eat a cheeseburger?” – Jimmy Kimmel

‘A lot of people got mad when Michelle Obama expanded the White House garden. That just shows you some people don’t know their history. When Eleanor Roosevelt grew a garden, it was a ‘victory garden.’ But when Michelle Obama does it, it’s a ‘communist plot’.” – Craig Ferguson

“When I first heard the White House was under attack by freaky rodents, I thought, ‘What’s Ann Coulter done now?'” – Craig Ferguson

“This kind of thing would never have happened under George W. Bush because Dick Cheney would have been on the White House lawn blasting the squirrels with a shotgun.” – Craig Ferguson

“Today was day 14 of the government shutdown. I am starting to forget what it is like to have a government. There was a guy with big ears and a suit who talked about hope. That is all gone.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Just when you think that Congress could not do anything less, they manage to. At this point the government is like a house on Halloween that turns out the lights and leaves a bowl of candy on the front porch.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“There was a Columbus Day parade here in New York City. Columbus thought he landed in India. Instead he landed in the Bahamas. If he were alive today he’d be running an Italian cruise ship.” – David Letterman


Business, or just Mean?

Tom Toles
© Tom Toles

People who point out the hypocrisy of Republicans:

  • claiming Obama should not be president because he was born in Kenya (even though he wasn’t), and yet don’t seem bothered by the fact that John McCain was born in Panama, or Ted Cruz was born in Canada,
  • screaming about Obamacare being an invasion of privacy, while insisting that women get a vaginal ultrasound before getting an abortion,
  • shutting down the government in order to reduce the deficit, which just made the deficit larger (not to mention that they don’t seem to care about the deficit when they are in power),
  • yelling about religious freedom, while simultaneously stopping Muslims from building mosques,
  • and hundreds of other hypocritical things…

are simply missing the point. To Republicans, politics is all out war. They do not care about the economy, or about privacy, the constitution, or even race. They just care about winning, and will use any weapon they can to win, even if it is racist, hypocritical, immoral, illegal, or even treasonous. They attack Obama for being black not because they are racist, but because it is a weapon they can use to fire up people who are racist.

Their biggest failure is that they keep believing their own PR. The GOP believed their own echo chamber and truly thought that Romney was going to easily win the presidential election, and that the American people hated Obamacare so much they would side with them on the shutdown. They also believe that Fox News is on their side, when Fox News (like them) is only concerned about winning for themselves. Fox has never hesitated to turn on the GOP if it makes them more money.

This is what happens when you base your world view on the fiction of Ayn Rand. It also explains why they are so hung up on the idea of “the 47%” being moochers — they can’t help but believe that everyone is as greedy as they are and acts only in their own financial self interest.


Late Night Political Humor

“Yesterday John Boehner led a group of 20 Republicans to see President Obama. Unfortunately when they got to the White House, the president was still black.” – Bill Maher

“People are actually getting very pissed off at this government shutdown. But Republicans say, ‘Remember one thing. We are standing up for an important principle, and as soon as we figure out what it is, you will be the first to know.'” – Bill Maher

“It is now day 11 of the government shutdown and we knew sooner or later something like this was going to happen. Despite the national parks being shut down, several men were severely mauled by bears yesterday. But enough about the New York Giants.” – Jay Leno

“Remember, the government shutdown isn’t bad for all. Salmonella is doing great.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: If you get salmonella because of the government shutdown and die, then John Boehner has to come to your funeral. How can he resist? Funerals have the two things he loves the most: crying and an open bar.” – Bill Maher

“Nobody’s happy about the government shutdown. In fact, the Taliban just issued a statement where they criticized Congress for putting themselves before everyone else. You know things are bad when Americans are saying, ‘Yeah, gotta go with the Taliban on this one.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Republicans’ Thanksgiving is a little different; before eating they go around the table and everybody says what they’re hateful for.” – Bill Maher

“This NBC News poll has Republicans freaking out. They’re having what they call now a ‘boomerang effect’. Whatever Republicans were going against, Big Government and Obamacare, now is more popular than ever. I love the Tea Party, they are the ultimate beer goggles, they make everyone look better.” – Bill Maher

“Half the Republicans hate Ted Cruz real bad. In fact, Peter King said, ‘No one has done more to strengthen Obamacare than Ted Cruz. But the other half of the Republicans, the truly crazy ones, they loves themselves some Ted Cruz. He is the Tea Party’s dream candidate; he is a Sarah Palin that doesn’t lactate.” – Bill Maher

“Ted Cruz was speaking to the Value Voters Convention. Oh, it’s a great convention they have. It was him, Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, and Rick Santorum. The entrance was pretty spectacular; they all arrived in a short bus.” – Bill Maher

“There were some people heckling Ted Cruz, and he accused them of being paid political operatives helping President Obama. Ted, don’t you get it, you’re the paid political operative helping President Obama.” – Bill Maher

“If you’ve never seen ‘The Walking Dead,’ it’s basically a bunch of bloodthirsty zombies slowly devouring what’s left of America. No wait, that’s C-SPAN.” – Craig Ferguson

“There are these people they’re calling ‘debt ceiling deniers’ – Republicans who have decided that, unlike every economist on the entire planet, maybe defaulting on our debt would be a good thing. First they didn’t believe in evolution, then they didn’t believe in global warming, and now the debt ceiling; what I like to call the ‘moron trifecta’.” – Bill Maher

“Here’s the idea: Step 1, stop paying our bills. Step 2, everything’s fine. The last guy who tried this was Wesley Snipes.” – Bill Maher

“New Rule: I know we can’t establish a religious test for office, but if you believe we’re living in the End Times like Michele Bachmann does, we get to take away the car keys. Yes, let Jesus take the wheel. If you think the world is about to end, that’s your right, but you don’t get to vote on next year’s budget, because it doesn’t concern you.” – Bill Maher

“President Obama’s approval rating is down to 37 percent. Time to kill bin Laden again.” – David Letterman

“They passed out the Nobel Prizes. The Nobel Prize for lack of chemistry – that’s an interesting category – went to John Boehner and Barack Obama.” – David Letterman

“New Rule: Bill O’Reilly has to tell us why he’s always thinking about murder. Yes, since Obama was elected Bill O’Reilly has written three books about killing major historical figures. And Bill, I agree – how tragic that Kennedy, Lincoln and Jesus, these heroic, liberal, social reformers, had to die after being vilified by panicky, backwards-looking conservative blowhards. You surely did a great service pointing this out, and I look forward to your new children’s book… Killing the Cat in the Hat.” – Bill Maher


How Ted Cruz can become President

David Horsey
© David Horsey

If we could convince all the Tea Party zealots into moving to the new Texas Republic, that would be even better!


The Tea Party is the Problem

Clay Bennett
© Clay Bennett

Commentators like to appear unbiased by declaring that our biggest problem is partisanship in Washington.

What a joke.

The problem is not partisanship. In fact, according to Jon Favreau, the problem isn’t even the partisans. It is not Democrats (including Obama), and it isn’t even Republicans. The problem is the Tea Party.

The Tea Party is the most destructive force in American politics today. Over the last few weeks, it has demonstrated again that its intent is not to shake up the establishment but to burn down the village.

Democrats and Republicans can argue all they want over the role of government, but we cannot allow the Tea Party to continue holding the country hostage over its kamikaze mission to destroy government. The vast majority of Americans reject that mission, and we’re not about to sacrifice ourselves or our democracy as collateral damage. It’s time for all of us to get together and fight the crazy.

The Tea Party has made itself wildly unpopular, and yet they still hold a ridiculous amount of power over the government. Let’s hope we remember this during the next election and use the vote to solve the problem.


Reality-based Media

Krystal Ball tells it like it is:

Why can’t the rest of the media explain it as simply and straightforwardly as this?

UPDATE: Apparently the American people agree. In a new poll, 54% think it is a bad thing that the GOP controls the House (compared to 38% who think it is a good thing). And 63% want John Boehner replaced as Speaker of the House (compared to 30% who think he should continue). Polls across the board show that Americans blame the Republicans for the shutdown.
