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A Message From the Queen

To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

In light of closing down of the Government in the USA and thus the inability to govern yourselves, We hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up ‘revocation’ in the Oxford English Dictionary.) Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will resume monarchical duties over all states, commonwealths, and territories (except North Dakota, which she does not fancy). Your new Prime Minister, David Cameron, will appoint a Governor for America without the need for further elections. Congress, including the Senate, will be disbanded. A questionnaire may be circulated next year to determine whether any of you noticed.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama’s Facebook account was hacked. It was hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army. When Obama found out about this, he said, ‘Can you guys fix the Obamacare website?'” – David Letterman

“There was some good news today for embattled Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Obamacare will cover all her injuries after the White House throws her under the bus. She is totally covered.” – Jay Leno

“Obama is also being criticized for the Obamacare website. You know what’s wrong with that website? A lot of the people trying to sign up for Obamacare are elderly. So you’ve already lost them at ‘website’.” – Craig Ferguson

“Have you tried to get on the Obamacare website? Oh, it is slow! It is so slow that by the time you sign up for Obamacare you’ll be eligible for Medicare. It’s slower than a ticket scalper at a Jacksonville Jaguars game.” – Jay Leno

“We are posting online many of our rare or never-before-seen clips from the show’s past 20 years. You can see them online but if you really want a laugh, go to That’s where the good chuckles are.” – Conan O’Brien

“For years President Obama has been saying that no one would lose their healthcare plan. Now the White House has admitted that in fact many people will lose their plans. But there is a way to keep the great coverage you have. Just become a member of Congress. Then the taxpayers pay for the whole thing.” – Jay Leno

“President Obama is still in trouble for this spying stuff. You can tell he is getting tired of talking about this scandal. Today he said, ‘Anyone want to talk about my birth certificate?'” – Craig Ferguson


Secret Quick Fix!

Who better to fix the problems with the website?

Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

It has often been noted that people seem more than happy to throw their private information at websites like Facebook and Twitter, if they get back something in return. Maybe the NSA should change their tactics?


Late Night Political Humor

“Have you tried to log on to the Obamacare website? It’s slow. It is slower than my watch during an interview with Paris Hilton.” – Jay Leno

“Obama said they’ve had some glitches with the Affordable Care website. I’ll tell you something. If you order a pair of pants online and they send you the wrong color, that’s a glitch. This is like a Carnival cruise, for God’s sake!” – David Letterman

“The White House said today that one of the reasons the Obamacare website has had so many problems is because it’s so popular that it was overwhelmed. Really? How come Psy’s ‘Gangnam Style’ video never had any problems? He got 2.5 billion hits!” – Jay Leno

“Today Obama was in so much trouble he called Hillary Clinton and he said, ‘Could you start early?'” – David Letterman

“According to a new report, more than 700 fake Obamacare websites have been created. Security experts say it’s simple to identify the phony sites because they are easy to log on to.” – Jay Leno

“They ought to take all of the guys who are so good at hacking into phone calls and put them to work fixing We need to reallocate our nerds.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Obamacare website is not the only one crashing. The NSA website went offline Friday after suspected hackers broke into it. Hey, NSA: It’s not so much fun when people are sneaking into YOUR computer, is it?” – Jay Leno

“Over the weekend it came out that the U.S. has been listening in on German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone since 2002. At this point, I feel like the only world leader our government DOESN’T listen to is President Obama.” – Jimmy Fallon

“There are new reports that the NSA has been monitoring communications of 35 leaders. Germany’s Angela Merkel is one of our closest allies and she is not happy about this. She called President Obama to give him an earful — and it takes a lot to get those ears full.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The U.S. has been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel for more than 10 years. Merkel actually called Obama to say that eavesdropping on allies ‘is not acceptable’. Then Obama said, ‘Yeah, well that’s not what you said to England.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“If the NSA agents are like most men they were probably only pretending to listen to what she was saying anyway.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Zombie Protection

Stuart Carlson
© Stuart Carlson


Late Night Political Humor

“NASA has successfully tested a broadband communications system that’s built into the lunar atmosphere explorer probe. It sends data to and from the moon at the rate of 622 megabits per second. To the moon and back in a second. In a related story, the Obamacare website is still down.” – Jay Leno

“I tried to log on to the Obamacare website today. I don’t think I’m doing it right. I lost 300 bucks playing Texas Hold ‘Em.” – Jay Leno

“The White House now says the Obamacare website will be fixed by the end of November. So if your doctor has only given you three weeks to live, sorry pal.” – Jay Leno

“Another scandal with the National Security Agency, the NSA. You know how they’ve been accused of spying on Americans? Well, it just came out that they actually spied on 35 world leaders. Yeah, it was 34 prime ministers and Oprah.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new report found that 700 IRS employees owe a combined $5.4 million in back taxes. When IRS workers got the news, they said, ‘Oh man, I hope I don’t find out about this!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A man in Oregon was arrested for growing marijuana after police used Google Earth to track him down. So if you’re one of those crazy conspiracy theorists who thinks the government is watching you with satellites from space, you were right.” – Jimmy Fallon


Figures Never Lie

Several surveys have shown that more Americans have an unfavorable view of Obamacare (44%) than a favorable view (38%). Republicans have taken this statistic and twisted it to claim that Americans want them to get rid of Obama’s signature health care reform. Heck, the GOP believes this so strongly they even shut down the government over it.

Of course, just because someone has an unfavorable view of a law, doesn’t mean they want it repealed. Indeed, some people may dislike a law because it doesn’t go far enough.

And finally, a new poll shows that this is the case:

The Kaiser Family Foundation found that 47 percent of Americans want to expand (22 percent) or keep the law (25 percent). Conversely, 37 percent said they wanted to either repeal the law and replace it with some Republican alternative (13 percent) or repeal it without replacing it (24 percent).

My favorite part of this is the 13% who want to repeal the law and replace it with some Republican alternative. Don’t they realize that Obamacare IS the Republican alternative?

Next, I would like to see a survey taken by those people who want to repeal Obamacare without replacing it, listing the major features of Obamacare and seeing which ones they want to get rid of. Should be almost as much fun as when Jimmy Kimmel asked people whether they preferred Obamacare or the ACA.


Stereotyping a Stereotype

The Daily Show attempts to determine what state is the most homophobic, with hilarious results:

Anecdotally, I’ve lived in both the south and the north, and I’ve found the same thing. Maybe the problem is that socially we are ahead of where we are politically.


Happy Hallowe’en

Is it a coincidence that Hallowe’en is the holiday closest to election day?

Or that Congresspeople are increasingly acting like zombies?

Or that Hallowe’en has become “one of the most beloved and anticipated consumer holidays“.

In 2012 the election caused a spike in costumes related to current events, but 2013 is seeing a return to more traditional costumes. The most popular adult costumes this year (in order) are Witch, Batman, Vampire, Zombie, and Pirate.

And for those of you who are sweet on Hallowe’en, there is even a list of the best cities for collecting trick-or-treat candy.

I’ll be a zombie this year. I hope to see some of you at my party tonight!


Obamacare Lies and the Media

In the beginning there were “death panels“, followed by a long string of other “Pants on Fire” lies.

So it is no surprise at all that there are still new lies going around the media about Obamacare.

For example, the media is reporting that Obama lied (and knew he was lying) when he said that most people would be able to keep their old health insurance plans if they wanted to. People are upset that their health insurance company is canceling their old insurance plans, but that has been going on for years. Heck, my health insurance policy was canceled last year, and my company switched to a new plan, and now I just found out that the new one is being canceled this year. It has little to do with Obamacare, other than the fact that there are now standards for health insurance.

In fact, CBS News just did a story about a Florida woman who says that her insurance is being canceled, and that the new policy will cost ten times more. Except that CBS ran this story without doing any checking. If they had, they would have learned that her old policy — for which the woman was paying $54 a month — doesn’t really qualify as health insurance as we know it.

The only hospitalization costs it covers are for complications from pregnancy. Like, if she got hit by a car or got very sick, it wouldn’t cover anything. Nor does it cover most outpatient care. What does it cover? Almost nothing. In other words, it is more of a sham than a real insurance policy. And the policy that costs $591 — ten times as much as her current policy? Well, that’s just one of the (real) health plans offered to her, but there are many others, some costing as little $209 per month, while actually, you know, covering her health care costs.

But here’s the ironic part. The story about Obama lying about Obamacare was refuted by conservative website Newsbusters. And the CBS News story? Refuted by Greta Van Susteren on Fox News.

Will wonders never cease?


Late Night Political Humor

“People have been speculating lately about what President Obama will do when he leaves office in 2016. The one thing I think we can safely rule out – website designer.” – Jay Leno

“There’s been a lot of speculation but now it’s clear that Joe Biden will run for president in 2016. In an effort to appear presidential, today Biden launched a website that doesn’t work.” – Conan O’Brien

“Some marketing experts are comparing the Obamacare website rollout to a Ford Edsel filled with New Coke. But they are making progress. They said today that if you find yourself getting too frustrated trying to log on, they’ve added a link to a suicide hot line.” – Jay Leno

“One of the contractors who built the Obamacare website testified before Congress today. You can tell he built the site because any time they would ask a question, he would freeze.” – Conan O’Brien

“What the president should do is put the NSA in charge of the website. That way there’s nothing to fill out. They already have all our information. You just put your name in.” – Jay Leno

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the U.S. would have to regain her trust after the NSA eavesdropped on her cellphone. You know things are bad when we’re being accused of having boundary issues by Germany.” – Conan O’Brien

“Saudi Arabia is now threatening to sever diplomatic ties with the United States over Syria. I hope that doesn’t cause them to do something drastic, you know, like overcharge us for oil.” – Jay Leno

“Yesterday Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was in the Oval Office to meet with Obama and Joe Biden. Obama said, ‘It’s an honor to have you here,’ while Biden said, ‘Hello, I’m not supposed to talk’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new survey found that 25 percent of Americans will spend less on Halloween this year because of the government shutdown’s effect on the economy. Which explains that new party game – ‘Bobbing for Ramen Noodles’.” – Jimmy Fallon


Late Night Political Humor

“The Obamacare website has all these glitches and now tech experts are saying that the only way to fix it is to completely start over and redesign the whole website from scratch. While the guys from the Geek Squad said, ‘Turn it off, wait five seconds, and then plug it back in.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Despite all of the website problems, the approval rating for Obamacare has gone up. Unfortunately, I can’t give you the exact number because it’s listed on the Obamacare website.” – Conan O’Brien

“Only 12 percent of Americans think the rollout of Obamacare is going well, while 100 percent of Republicans think the rollout of Obamacare is going GREAT.” – Jimmy Fallon

“With all the trouble with the Obamacare website, 12 percent of Americans actually think it’s going well. Then people waiting for healthcare said, ‘Can you share some of the drugs you’re on with the rest of us?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Obama administration has now asked Verizon to help fix the Obamacare website. Verizon wasn’t the president’s first choice. He initially reached out to T-Mobile, but they dropped the call.” – Jay Leno

“Consumer Reports is now recommending that people sit back and wait a few weeks until the government fixes the problems. Really, a few weeks? When was the last time the government fixed anything in a few weeks? We still have troops in Korea, OK?” – Jay Leno

“Here’s some more news out of Washington. The White House has fired one of its national security officials for setting up an anonymous Twitter account that was leaking internal information. President Obama called the invasion of privacy ‘unacceptable,’ while Americans called it ‘karma’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new book claims that John F. Kennedy’s brain was stolen by his brother Bobby. That seems almost unbelievable, doesn’t it? – that there was once a time in this country when politicians actually had brains worth stealing.” –Jay Leno

“Pope Francis suspended a bishop for spending too much on home renovations. The Pope caught the bishop filming an episode of ‘Flip This Church’.” – Conan O’Brien


Haunted House of Representatives

[this is republished from John Breneman’s blog. Thanks John!]

It is fiendish, blood-curdling and utterly macabre.

It’s ghoulish, creepy and deeply disturbing.

The most horrifying haunted house America has ever seen is located smack dab in the middle of Washington, D.C.

It is (insert spine-chilling sound effects here) the Haunted House of Representatives.

The place is festering with brain-eating mutants so horrifying that it only takes a couple dozen of them to nearly destroy the U.S. economy.

They’ve already finished devouring each other’s brains, and they hunger to sink their hideous, rotting teeth into yours.

They especially love gnawing on the part of the brain where most people believe in science — climate change, evolution, stuff like that.

Then they move on to the part that believes in economic policy that benefits regular folks instead of the wealthiest among us, followed by the succulent gray matter that supports equality for gays and minorities.

And they absolutely delight in gobbling up chunks of brain that believe in helping those less fortunate.

Cleverly disguised in suits and ties to create the illusion that they are serving the public as congressmen — a role that has traditionally involved working collectively to craft legislation that helps America — they instead stagger around, arms outstretched as if entranced, muttering “Must kill Obamacare.”

And, oh how they howl and shriek about smothering your federal government — strangling and dismembering it, cutting out its heart with a rusty chainsaw.

Their anti-American skullduggery takes many forms. But it all comes down to one subversive, some say treasonous, obsession — and they have to keep it simple because there’s considerable evidence to suggest most of them are not too bright.

Their mission: Make sure nothing good happens in America because their sworn enemy — that illegitimate, foreign-born, socialist, Muslim president, Barack Hussein Obama — might receive part of the credit.

Quick background: The Republican goal of punishing Obama, even if it means sticking it to millions of Americans, was publicly announced shortly after his election in 2008. But it dramatically intensified in 2010 when a fresh crop of far-right, scorched-earth trolls were elected to haunt the House.

After rejecting the leadership of 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Zombie and their own House Speaker John “Bones” Boehner, they aligned behind Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and have since been collaborating on a diabolical B-movie horror story perhaps best titled “Night of the Living Ted.”

Yes, the nation’s haunted House (OK, the Senate too) is crackling with paranormal activity.

Example: In one of their high-profile schemes to scare the bejeezus out of us, they conspired to shut down the federal government and plunge the nation’s credit into default — all, as it turns out, for absolutely no reason.

The mind-bending part is that then they all went on TV to pretend the shutdown was caused by President Obama.

They choreographed appearances at national parks, where they reacted in mock horror that the parks were closed. You see, most of the human-like entities that haunt our House are very good at make-believe.

And while they rattle and clank their chains about being fiscally responsible, their little shutdown prank dope-slapped the U.S. economy to the tune of billions and billions of dollars.

To use a Halloween metaphor, a wacky little pack of GOP hobgoblins rang the bell at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, then when Obama wouldn’t give them their treat (i.e. junking the Affordable Care Act) they responded by toilet-papering the White House and basically egging every person in America.

(Widespread reports suggest this is not the first time they have placed a bag full of crap on the White House stoop and lit it on fire.)

Maybe our longstanding custom of holding Election Day right after Halloween has come back to bite us in the brain — leaving us dumbfounded as our haunted House treats us day after day to a nightmarish carnival of the absurd.

So happy Halloween, everybody. I’m going as a loud-mouth pawn in a dysfunctional democracy where we let a minority of destructive morons run the show.

– John Breneman


How the GOP shows it cares

Stuart Carlson
© Stuart Carlson

This is one I’ve been wondering about. Why are Republicans suddenly so concerned about problems with the website? A few weeks ago they were willing to shutdown the government in order to delay Obamacare. If Obamacare is having problems that are delaying the rollout, shouldn’t they be happy?


More than Three Strikes

I’ll believe that corporations are people when “three strikes” laws are enforced against them.

Because Diebold, the world’s largest maker of banking ATMs and for years one of the largest manufacturers of electronic voting systems, would have enough strikes against them to be locked up for life.

The latest charges against them are for bribery and falsifying documents, which a federal attorney says are due to “a worldwide pattern of criminal conduct“. Over six years, Diebold paid at least $1.75 million in bribes and falsified records to disguise the bribes (reporting them as “training” or funneling them through third-party companies). But instead of taking them to trial, the government has agreed to defer criminal prosecution and even drop the charges if Diebold pays a fine of less than $50 million and implements internal controls on its behavior.

A fine of nearly $50 million may sound like a lot of money to you or me, but last year their revenues were $3 billion. To put that in perspective, for a real person with an income of $120,000 that would be equivalent to a fine of under $2000. Not that bad for a “get out of jail free card”.

So what are some of the other strikes against Diebold?

In 2010, the company was allowed to settle fraud charges by paying a fine of $25 million to the SEC for inflating earnings reports in order to manipulate their stock price. Improper accounting practices were used to overstate Diebold’s reported earnings by at least $127 million, according to the SEC.

And in 2008, Diebold admitted that it had overstated revenues of its election systems division by more than 300%. They were caught because of blatant insider trading by a number of company executives who all sold off large numbers of shares of company stock on the exact same day, less than a week before their stock plunged more than 50% as several states announced that they had decertified Diebold electronic voting systems because they were easily hacked and had crippling bugs that caused them to report incorrect election results.

And in 2004, Diebold illegally used uncertified election hardware and software in an election and planned to lie about it to government investigators. This time, they were caught because of a whistleblower. In that case, it was the whistleblower who ended up being punished for sending confidential Diebold legal memos (which showed that Diebold violated election laws) to state elections officials and to the media.

That’s at least four strikes, and there are more. But in every case, nobody at Diebold ever went to jail, and any fines amounted to a slap on the wrist. If you or I ran into such repeated trouble with the law, we should be so lucky.
