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Winning the War against Covid?

There are two pieces of potentially very good news that just came out, based on real-world studies of people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19. Mind you, these are preliminary results, and more research needs to be done before we declare victory, but at least these give me hope.

The first article points out that even though cases are rising again, they fell dramatically among groups that have already been vaccinated (in particular, first responders and seniors). One big caution is that we don’t really know what will happen with the new variants. That’s why it is extremely important that we continue to wear masks and socially distance. The spread of Covid among as-yet unvaccinated populations will not only spread the existing new variants (some of which are much less responsive to the current vaccines), but will continue to create new variants. We need to stop this cycle in its tracks!

The second article could be extremely good news, if it bears scrutiny. New CDC data suggests that people who have been vaccinated do not carry the virus, and thus can’t spread it to other people. Of course, no vaccine is 100% effective, but current estimates are that both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are around 90%. That means that if you get together with a group of people who have been vaccinated, your chances of being in contact with someone with Covid goes down an order of magnitude. And if you are vaccinated too, it goes down another order of magnitude.

Again, more research will be required to confirm that this is true, but for now it is giving me hope. Let’s use the good news to continue to be very careful, hopefully just for a little bit longer.

© Darrin Bell

Jumping the Shark

It has been a while since I posted anything about Donald Trump.

This weekend, Trump crashed a wedding reception, grabbed an open mic, and started talking. You can see the video here, but you don’t need to to know how pitiful he sounds. Trump says:

I’ve been watching the news, and they’re telling me about the border, they’re telling me about China, they’re telling me about Iran.

You know, like the TV talks to him alone.

The border is not good. And what you see now, multiply it times 10. What’s happening to the kids … they’re living in squalor. They’re living like nobody has ever seen.

After rambling on for a little while, and complaining about the election, Trump jumps the shark, saying the words of a lonely man who desperately needs attention: “So, I just say, do you miss me yet?”

Remember Sarah Palin? Remember when she was in the news all the time? We thought we would never be rid of her, until everyone stopped paying attention… and she just vanished.

© RJ Matson

UPDATE: Trump wants his followers to boycott Major League Baseball, because they moved the All-Star game out of Georgia. Trump is definitely out of his league!


Profiles in Insurrection

Garret Miller is one of the insurrectionists who stormed the US Capitol building on January 6. Like many in the mob, he thoroughly documented his actions on social media. This included a selfie of himself after breaking in, along with a comment “Just wanted to incriminate myself a little lol.” He also bragged that he brought a gun with him.

Later, after Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted “Impeach”, Miller tweeted back at her “Assassinate AOC”.

On Jan. 10, he posted about the Capitol police officer who shot and killed a woman rioter inside the Capitol, “He will swing. I had a rope in my bag on that day.” He also called the officer, who he thought was Black, a “prize to be taken.”

When Miller was arrested at his home in Dallas, he happened to be wearing a T-shirt that had a photo of Donald Trump, along with the words “Take America Back” and “I Was There, Washington D.C., January 6, 2021.” Seriously.

But there’s more. His lawyer is asking for the release of Miller, saying he has expressed regret for his actions. But immediately after his arrest, on a recorded call to his mother, he had said “I don’t feel that I’ve done anything wrong.”

Multiple instances of him incriminating himself. No regret. Continues to threaten violence and to make it clear that he is a danger to others. Racist and delusional. In Texas, do they still throw people in jail and throw away the key?


Invasion Narrative

Why are people freaking out about a supposed immigration crisis? After all, there is plenty of evidence that the “Biden surge” is a media manufactured “crisis” started by racist Trump staffer Stephen Miller and Fox News. In particular, apprehensions at the southern border were rising sharply even before Joe Biden was elected.

So why the sudden concern? Clearly to distract us from GOP efforts at voter suppression (and insurrection, and selling the country out to foreign dictators, including Putin, and even the GOP failures to fight the Covid-19 pandemic). Indeed, the GOP started blaming Biden for the ongoing border problems just one day after he was sworn in as president.

We’ve been trying to solve the immigration problem since long before Ronald Reagan got elected.

© Jen Sorensen

Reasons to be Gay!

How gay can you get? Because there is recent news that should make gay people even happier (you might say more gay!).

First, despite the fact that the Republican Party is losing moderates, and becoming more socially conservative, a new poll (based on over 50 thousand telephone interviews during 2020) shows that for the first time a majority of Republicans support same-sex marriage. I find this extremely promising, considering that until a few years ago same-sex marriage was one of the strongest GOP wedge issues. I was frankly surprised when gay marriage became legal, and almost expected a backlash against it from the right.

Instead, the new survey shows that 51% of people who identify as Republicans support and approve of gay marriage. In 2019, the number was only 47%. The percentage of people who approve of same-sex marriage has been increasing steadily over the last ten years. Indeed, today, 72% of independents and around three-quarters of Democrats support it.

An even larger majority of all partisan groups support LGBTQ+ nondiscrimination protections: 62% of Republicans, 79% of independents, and 85% of Democrats. In February, the House passed a bill that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, but the bill has languished in the Senate due to opposition from the GOP. If the current trends continue, it is only a matter of time before it becomes law.

Second, Joe Biden nominated Rachel Levine to the position of assistant secretary of health. Levine is a pediatrician, former Pennsylvania physician general, and currently the Pennsylvania Health Secretary, but is about to be the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the US Senate.

Finally, and something that is particularly gratifying to me, is that as part of the UK changing their banknotes, the new 50 pound note will feature the image of Alan Turing. Turing is one of the most famous pioneers of early computing. He was a brilliant mathematician, who had a huge impact across many fields, including biology. Turing is probably best known for his work breaking the Nazi Enigma code, which was thought to be unbreakable. In order to do this, he designed and built a precursor to the digital computer. Historians estimate that this enormous feat shortened WWII by around two years and saved millions of lives. I think they are being too conservative in their estimates, and it is not too far-fetched to think that the Germans might have won the war otherwise.

But despite all of his achievements, Turing endured terrible persecution for being gay, including from the government. Even though he saved millions of lives, he died at the age of 41 from suicide, an outcast who was stripped of his security clearance because of his sexuality, forced to take estrogen shots that chemically castrated him, and basically hounded to death. I just wonder what else he could have achieved if he had lived longer.

I am hopeful that this sad, misguided pseudo-pandemic of discrimination and persecution of gay people may sometime, hopefully soon, be banished to the past, and all people gain the right and opportunity to achieve their potential and live happy lives.


Having a Bad Day

We’ve had two mass shootings in less than a week. In the first one, a white man shot up three different spas around Atlanta, where 6 of the 8 people killed were of Asian descent. The local police spokesman said the shooter was “having a bad day”. In the second one, a man with a Muslim name and a history of psychological problems killed 10 people in a grocery store, and Tucker Carlson said “The left, mainstream media turn Boulder shooting into yet another racial powder keg.” Silly me, I thought that police killings of minorities, increasing voter suppression, and, you know, an invasion of the US Capitol to keep Trump in power were the racial powder kegs. These two shooters were just crazy, and should never have been allowed to own a gun.

© Matt Bors

The only thing that is certain is that we won’t get stronger background checks on people trying to purchase guns. We may need a license to drive a car, but not to buy a gun.


Core Belief

I have to say that I don’t understand the whole GOP need to make voting harder. Yes, I understand that Republicans think they are keeping Democrats from voting, but there is plenty of evidence that it is just as effective at suppressing votes from their main constituencies, including senior citizens and people who live in rural areas.

My state has switched over to vote-by-mail, and it has been a huge success. It is fast, simple, secure, doesn’t force you to take time off work, and there are plenty of convenient drop boxes if you don’t trust the USPS. Not surprisingly, Republican areas of the state still elect Republicans.

Sometimes I think Republicans and conservatives do things like this just to annoy Democrats and liberals. Or as Politico puts it, “Owning the libs has become the GOP’s core belief“.

© Jen Sorensen

Being Schooled

Before you dismiss this as something that could never happen in America, just remember that it was only half a decade ago that nobody (including me) thought that a conspiracy-minded, washed up, dishonest reality TV star could become president.

© Tom Tomorrow

Bordering on Propaganda

You’ve probably seen reports that the southern border of the US is out of control, with masses of potential immigrants flooding into the US, including terrorists and people who have Covid-19.

This is a coordinated PR effort to smear Joe Biden, and almost everything you’ve heard is propaganda, or at least misleading. For example, is there a new surge of migrants trying to cross the border? That’s misleading. The number of migrants seeking asylum has gone up, but it does that from time to time. It went up like this twice during Trump’s presidency. This is nothing new and certainly not abnormal or due to anything that has changed since the election. In fact, the numbers went up at the end of Trump’s term.

Next Republicans started spreading the lie that the immigrants trying to enter the US are terrorists, or have Covid-19. But there is no evidence of either of these. This is like Trump claiming that Mexico was sending rapists. According to the director of immigration studies at the conservative Cato Institute “The notion that the Southwest border is open to terrorists is ludicrous.” Besides, it is far easier for terrorists to come into the US by air, and then overstay their visas, you know, like the 9/11 terrorists did. There has never been an act of terrorism in the US from a terrorist who entered through the southern border.

Even worse, an article in The Independent presents good evidence that the pro-Trump labor union of the Border Patrol officers is coordinating with Republican politicians to create a fake crisis at the southern border. “This is a planned, coordinated attempt to sabotage the Biden administration.” This same union was coordinating directly with the White House during the Trump administration, to gin up fear about immigrants.

This is how propaganda is created and spread, by creating fear and repeating it over and over again.

© Nick Anderson

Vaccine Tightrope

Donald Trump is trying to have it both ways, which is interesting because it looks more like Trump’s base is controlling him, rather than the other way around.

Consider that 72% of Democrats have either already received the vaccine, or plan to get it as soon as possible, compared to 39% of Republicans. In fact, the gap has been growing. And Trump has often cast aspersions on vaccines. He falsely linked vaccines in general to autism (including during his 2016 campaign for president).

Even so, Trump and the first lady both got the vaccine in January, but unlike other former presidents, and even his own vice-president, they did not get it on camera. While Trump has been trying very hard to take credit for the development of Covid-19 vaccines (despite the fact that the Pfizer vaccine, the first one developed, received no help from the Trump administration at all), he completely punted on getting people to actually, you know, get the necessary shots.

Because he feels it would alienate his base, Trump hasn’t really encouraged anyone to get a vaccine shot. His plans to get the vaccines actually into people’s arms were basically nonexistent, having been punted to the states, who had no money or people to do it.

As far as anyone can tell, the only time he told anyone to get the vaccine was at CPAC, as an aside during a tirade against Joe Biden. He also didn’t participate in a series of PSAs by former presidents, encouraging people to get vaccinated. And of course, he has always downplayed the need for masks.



One of my regular readers sent this comic. I just think it is cute.

© Mark Tatulli

A study done by Facebook has found “significant overlap between communities that are skeptical of vaccines and those affiliated with QAnon”. How many of you secretly hope that after the rest of us get vaccinated, then QAnon believers, along with the remaining uber-Trump-heads and maskholes, all get Covid-19 and suffer from their stupidity?


So far…

Every time we think we’ve beat Covid-19 (when it starts to go down), we get overconfident, or just lazy. Will we ever learn? Will we ever pay attention and focus long enough to make this finally go away?

After Joe Biden’s speech, Fox News blasted him. Tucker Carlson complained “How dare you tell us who we can spend the Fourth of July with.” Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway went on Laura Ingraham’s show and said “And then to pick Independence Day as the day where he says he might allow people to gather is just so un-American. Joe Biden doesn’t get to tell me when I can have a barbecue in my backyard.

When did we get so entitled that we insist on our right to a BBQ, even if it threatens lives (including our own). Are we really that unhinged?


More Cancel Culture

In keeping with the cartoons about Cancel Culture…

© Ruben Bolling

If Trump tells organizations that they can’t use his name or photo, does that mean that he is canceling himself? If so, booya!


Sing for your Vaccine

This starts off a little slow, but Randy Rainbow really hits a home run by the end. Enjoy!

And you were worried that there would be nothing to laugh about after Trump got dumped by the American people and shuffled off to Florida.

UPDATE: During his campaign, and when he took office, Joe Biden promised to deliver 100 million shots of vaccines to Americans within 100 days. On Friday, we passed that mark, in just over half the time.


Uh, No!

Geraldo Rivera tweeted this today:

The response on Twitter is hilarious. Mainly, nobody knew that Rivera was thinking about this, and (not surprisingly) nobody cared. As several people pointed out, he wouldn’t have a chance, and would get creamed.
