Congress must get rid of, or extend out to, perhaps, 2029, the ridiculous Debt Ceiling. Without this, we should never make a deal. Remember, the pressure is on whoever is President.
Is he still embarrassed? He should be, because Congress (including Republicans) decided to ignore Trump and then made a deal without raising the debt ceiling.
Actually, Trump’s electoral margin was 1.6%. To put that in perspective, that is the fifth-smallest US election margin in the last 100 years. In addition, the Financial Times points out that in 2024 every incumbent party in every developed democracy in the world lost vote share, which actually has never happened before.
But that isn’t going to stop Trump from arguing that he won so bigly that he can throw out our constitution and act like a dictator. Indeed, Trump has claimed that because he is the present-elect, he already has presidential immunity now.
MAGA types seem to only care if they can cause liberals to lose. Ironically, they don’t seem to notice that this will also make them lose even more than the liberals do! Currently, Red states get more government handouts than Blue states. If Trump cuts those handouts, it will hurt more Republicans than Democrats.
Another example, MAGA Republicans want to kick all “illegal” aliens out of the country, but this would be incredibly costly. Like how much money will it require to just find all illegal aliens, and then how much will it cost to send them all to some other country, assuming that any other country would want to accept them!
On top of that, consider that half of all food grown in the US is harvested by illegal aliens. If all the illegal aliens are gone, how many Americans would be interested in that terrible job? And how much will the cost of food increase to get Americans to pick fruit and vegetables? It has been shown that Trump won the election because of the high cost of groceries, gas, and other goods. What will they do when Trump’s plan will raise the cost of those goods way higher than that!
Trump always played the victim, claiming falsely that Dems weaponized the government against him. But of course, Emperor Trump is already weaponizing his administration against anyone who doesn’t kowtow to him.
Alex Jones defamed the families of the 20 children (plus 6 educators) who were killed in the Sandy Hook mass shooting, by repeatedly claiming that the massacre was a hoax staged by “crisis actors” in order to encourage more gun control. For his misdeeds, Jones racked up more than a billion dollars in judgements for defamation, leading to his utter bankruptcy, including putting his “Infowars” website on the auction block.
Here’s the humorous part. Infowars, including its website, social media accounts, studio, trademarks, video archive, and other assets, was purchased by The Onion (I assume everyone knows our favorite satirical website). And the first advertiser for the new Infowars is going to be Everytown for Gun Safety.
Jones remains an asshole, and vowed to challenge the sale and auction process in court, but it isn’t clear how, since he is now dirt broke.
The Onion posted a story about the acquisition on their website, here’s an excerpt:
No price would be too high for such a cornucopia of malleable assets and minds. And yet, in a stroke of good fortune, a formidable special interest group has outwitted the hapless owner of InfoWars (a forgettable man with an already-forgotten name) and forced him to sell it at a steep bargain: less than one trillion dollars.
Some of you know that it was Jon Stewart who inspired me to start this blog. I loved how Stewart combined politics with humor, and wondered why there wasn’t a blog that did the same thing. I also am an avid reader of Heather Cox Richardson’s blog. And so, I have to say that this video of Stewart talking with Richardson is the best thing I’ve seen in the aftermath of the presidential election.
Yes, I realize that it is an hour long. Yes, I also realize that this is supposed to be a humor blog and many people just want to ignore the election and forget about it. Give it a try, it starts off strong and (spoiler!), ends on a positive note. It got me out of my post-election funk, and it can help you too.
The November 8 blog entry by Richardson is also rather pithy and worth a read.
According to The Washington Post, women in the US are taking matters into their own hands. They are looking into a movement in South Korea called 4B.
“For some women in the United States, the election on Tuesday was a referendum on women’s rights, with reproductive freedoms hanging in the balance. So with Donald Trump — who has been found liable for sexual abuse and touted his role in overturning Roe v. Wade — winning the presidency, some women say they are turning to a radical Korean feminist movement that swears off men to reclaim a sense of agency.”
“The 4B movement, a fringe brand of Korean feminism, has caught the attention of young Americans on Instagram and TikTok in recent days, with users espousing the merits of its four “no’s” — no sex, no dating or marriage with men and no having children. On Google, searches related to 4B surged in the hours following the U.S. election results.”
If you are planning to spend election day just waiting for results, well, you will probably be waiting for a long time. But here is something that might just make you feel good about America, and ironically, it is from a gay man. It is just under an hour long, so it will stop you from spending the whole day (or more!) looking for results.
Pete Buttigieg was put in a room with 25 undecided voters from Michigan, who could ask him pretty much any questions they wanted. These were not low information voters, they asked him many hard questions. And Pete did an amazing job of answering their questions. And it was done calmly and with respect to the questioners, even ones who were leaning toward voting for Trump.
One of the things I am very good at is explaining difficult subjects so that anyone can understand them. But I have to say, Buttigieg totally leaves me in the dust and blows me away. I so hope that he gets to be president someday.
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I have a soft spot in my heart for Bernie Sanders, even though I often disagree with some of his desired policies. Here’s a video from today that I totally agree with, and also shows why he has a place in my heart.
Jimmy Kimmel has a special monologue for you to send to Trumpy Republicans you know. It is actually pretty sweet.
Kimmel says: “Tonight’s monologue is for Republicans. If you have someone in your life who is either planning to vote for Trump or thinking about it, please send this to them. Ask a Republican you love and respect to watch this. The whole thing. As a personal favor to you. We are a week away from the election so make sure to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 5th.”