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The Stages of Healthcare Grief

First the Republicans tried to repeal Obamacare (over and over and over again). Then they tried to ignore it, claiming that it would collapse under its own weight (forcing Obama to unilaterally fix a few bugs in its original implementation). But now it looks like they have moved on to the acceptance phase of grief.

Interestingly, the media has almost completely ignored the news that the Republicans are actually introducing legislation to fix a few minor bugs in the ACA:

House Republican leaders are planning to bring up three changes to Obamacare next week — but unlike dozens of prior bills, these are more minor measures that are not expected to be controversial. All three bills essentially fix drafting errors, perceived oversights or unintended consequences in the president’s Affordable Care Act. They have bipartisan support and are scheduled to be considered under a suspension of the rules, which limits debate and requires support from two-thirds of House members — a signal that leaders of both parties do not expect any heated debate.

They hold some political significance, however, because they allow Republicans to push back against the Democrats’ talking point that the GOP is only interested in holding votes to pick at Obamacare’s flaws. They also represent the reality that Obamacare is now fully implemented — and not fixing errors could be more damaging to opponents than being perceived as trying to make Obamacare work better.

Yes, the same Republicans who wanted to eliminate Obamacare so badly they shut down the government, are now working to improve it. Even if they are just doing this for political reasons, I applaud them. After all, doing the right thing for political reasons is better than doing the wrong thing.


Third World Health Care

Sorry I didn’t post this sooner. But as Obamacare shows, better late than never!

UPDATE: You know those questions that don’t actually ask a question but try instead to push an answer? Like these ones by Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) asked at a Senate hearing on healthcare to Canadian physician and health policy professor Danielle Martin:

Burr: Dr. Martin, in your testimony you note that Canadian doctors exiting the public system for the private sector has had the effect of increasing waiting lists for patients seeking public health care. Why are doctors exiting the public system in Canada?

Martin: Thank you for your question, senator. If I didn’t express myself in a way to make myself understood, I apologize. There are no doctors exiting the public system in Canada, and in fact we see a net influx of physicians from the United States into the Canadian system over the last number of years.

Burr: On average, how many Canadian patients on a waiting list die each year? Do you know?

Martin: I don’t, sir, but I know that there are 45,000 in America who die waiting because they don’t have insurance at all.


Late Night Political Humor

“This week the Russian government gave all 44 of its Olympic medalists a new Mercedes. When asked what happened to the athletes who didn’t medal, Putin said, ‘Do not open trunk’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Russia gave all of its gold medalists from the Sochi Games $120,000 plus a brand-new Mercedes SUV. While the silver and bronze medalists all received life in prison.” – Seth Meyers

“President Obama this week launched a new effort to help young minority men warning them not to make the same mistakes he did when he was their age such as get high and not take school seriously – unless, of course, they definitely want to be president.” – Cecily Strong (on Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update”)

“Bill O’Reilly said that Michelle Obama needs to come on ‘The Factor’ to tell black girls to stop having sex and stop getting pregnant. Because if there’s one way to reach young black girls, it’s to go on Bill O’Reilly show.” – Bill Maher

“Yesterday was the 5th anniversary of the birth of the Tea Party. They had a big celebration and played their favorite party game: pin the blame on the darky.” – Bill Maher

“North Korea on Thursday launched four short-range missiles into the East Sea – as retaliation against a wave that knocked down Kim Jong Un.'” – Colin Jost (on Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update”)


Late Night Political Humor

“This situation in Kiev, in the Ukraine, is still a big story. They overthrew the government and then a scared President Viktor Yanukovych went on the run. Now Russia has granted protection to Yanukovych. As soon as Edward Snowden heard that, he said, ‘Top bunk!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“How about that mess in the Ukraine, and now Viktor Yanukovych gets scared and runs. The Russians have given him asylum and they are putting troops on alert. That doesn’t sound like the Russians I know.” – David Letterman

“So you have Yanukovych who is disgraced and out of power. Next? ‘Dancing With the Stars’.” – David Letterman

“They say the Ukraine has become a wild, lawless region like Arizona, where they had this anti-gay legislation that was vetoed yesterday by the governor. They always invoke the word hate, but in Arizona, it’s not hate. It’s more of a dry hate.” – David Letterman

“In California the owner of a Christian medical marijuana dispensary says God told him to sell pot. As proof, he cited the story from the Bible where Jesus miraculously turns water into pizza.” – Conan O’Brien

“This week President Obama told his supporters that they are doing God’s work by helping to promote Obamacare. God said, ‘Whoa, there. Look, I’m flattered. But Obamacare, that’s all you, man. Don’t involve me in that mess.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s rumored that Sandra Bullock will end up making $70 million from the movie ‘Gravity’. ‘That’s great!’ said the real astronauts making $59,000 a year.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Jason Collins, the NBA’s first openly gay player, has the top-selling jersey in the league store. Yeah, that’s great — finally a gay man who’s not afraid to stand up and say ‘I have my own clothing line’.” – Conan O’Brien


Late Night Political Irony

“The big story right now is what’s going on in the Ukraine. They’ve overthrown the government, and President Viktor Yanukovych is on the run. The Ukrainian people are looking through his home and just hanging out, like having barbecues at his place while he’s not there.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Now that he’s gone, the Ukrainian people are going through the empty estate, where they’ve found a hovercraft, a yacht, a helicopter pad, and ostriches. They also found a painting of his brothers — Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Jackie.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Wait, they found a hovercraft, a yacht, and a helicopter pad? I’m not sure if he was the president of the Ukraine or the president of SkyMall.” – Jimmy Fallon

“With all this uncertainty in the Ukraine right now, there’s talk that the country could be split into two separate countries. Which explains their new name: ‘Two Kraines’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new drug called gravel, consisting of meth, bath salts, and crack cocaine, has surfaced in the New York area. Also surfacing in the New York area: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.” – Seth Meyers

“In California the owner of a Christian medical marijuana dispensary says God told him to sell pot. The dispensary owner said it’s right there in the book of Dude-eronomy.” – Conan O’Brien

“A New York Times poll says that eight out of 10 Democrats want Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2016. The same poll also shows that 10 out of 10 Democrats want Chris Christie to run against her.” – Seth Meyers

“President Obama has announced that 4 million people have signed up for Obamacare. Obama said he wants to hit 7 million users by the end of March, at which point he’ll sell it to Facebook for $10 billion.” – Seth Meyers


Technology and Politics

Do you ever wonder why your city has terrible broadband internet? Why there is limited or no competition for providing internet service to your home? Why Google didn’t put your city on the list of places it is considering for gigabit fiber? If you are lucky you have a choice of two internet providers, one of them a telecom company and the other a cable company, both of which charge more for slower service than you can get in most other countries.

Well, here is your answer. This article, written by the former CTO for the city of Seattle is specific to that city, but explains in detail why every last problem with getting better broadband in this country is political. And many of these problems would be trivial to solve, and yet we don’t.

Why? Unfortunately, the article does not mention the real problem, which is that the incumbent companies (those same telecoms and cable companies) like being able to charge lots of money for substandard service. And your politicians are only too happy to take their campaign contributions and keep it that way.

And don’t think Google is installing gigabit fiber out of the kindness of their hearts. They will gain tremendously from people having faster internet. In the end, we are at the mercy of moneyed interests fighting it out.


Daylight Wasting Time

Did everyone remember to change their clocks? Do you have any idea why we do this twice a year? I sure don’t. It turns out that the reasons we are given for changing our clocks twice a year are all pretty much just big lies. So why do we keep doing it?

I don’t care if we permanently keep our clocks on “daylight savings time” or on “standard time”. I just want us to get rid of the insanity of changing our clocks twice a year. It costs money, it costs lives, and nobody likes doing it.

Dump it. Now.


Late Night Political Humor

“The NFL is warning Arizona that if they approve a bill that discriminates against gays they may not get to host the next Super Bowl. And it may also hurt Arizona’s chances of hosting the Tony Awards.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Olympics are finished. Everybody has gone home, so once again there are no gay people in Sochi.” – David Letterman

“At the White House today President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner had a private meeting in the Oval Office. They met for about an hour. It turns out the last five years have been a big misunderstanding. They actually agree on everything. I’m glad they cleared that up.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Obama and Boehner talked about manufacturing, immigration, healthcare, Afghanistan, and the drought in California, among other things. An aide to speaker Boehner said they met because they believe it’s important to work together on issues where they find common ground. Unfortunately, there were no issues on which they found common ground.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hey, you know who they locked up? Public enemy No. 1, El Chapo Guzman. He was the leading distributor of cocaine and cocaine-related items in the world. So another setback for Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.” – David Letterman

“Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is making the rounds again. Today he did an interview with Matt Lauer on the ‘Today’ show. Lauer said, ‘Thanks for getting up early to be with us.’ Then Ford said, ‘I never went to bed.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A girl scout in San Francisco sold 117 boxes of cookies in two hours after setting up shop outside a medical marijuana dispensary. And the very next day she became the youngest person ever to receive a MacArthur Genius Grant.” – Seth Meyers

“The FDA has approved a new camera that can be swallowed so that doctors can look at the inside of their patients’ bodies. So to answer your question: Yes, selfies CAN get worse.” – Jimmy Fallon


Questions and Answers about Evolution

I don’t know about you, but I watched the “debate” between creationist Ken Ham and Science Guy Bill Nye, but didn’t get too much out of it. The format was bad and didn’t really allow for much real discussion and debate, so they just ended up talking past each other. But something good did come of it.

Buzzfeed asked creationists to ask evolutionists a question, any question, by writing it down on a piece of paper for the camera. They didn’t try to answer any of the questions, so the people over at The Science of Sarcasm did. Here are two examples:



Go see them all.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Arizona legislature passed a bill that would allow business owners asserting their religious beliefs to deny service to gay customers. Some businesses have already put up signs that read ‘Nice shirt, nice shoes, no service’.” – Seth Meyers

“The Winter Olympics wrapped up in Sochi last night. So goodbye, men in leotards. We’ll see you again in four years.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Russians finished up with a win in their favorite sport, the biathlon. What a country. They love biathletes, but they hate bi-athletes.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Winter Olympics in Sochi wrapped up yesterday. Canada beat Sweden for the gold medal in men’s hockey. People in Canada were going crazy. They spent all night knocking over cars, and then picking them back up and leaving a nice note.” – Jimmy Fallon

“While celebrating Canada’s defeat over Sweden in men’s hockey, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford walked into a fire hydrant, injuring his groin. It’s really saying something when this is the least embarrassing thing Rob Ford has done all year. It’s almost presidential for Rob Ford.” – Seth Meyers

“The Sochi Olympics are over. Russia ended up with the most gold medals. Russian athletes said, ‘We played like our lives were on the line because our lives WERE on the line.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Russia ended up with 33 medals. Only six of those were stolen by Putin.” – David Letterman

“Speaking of medals, the United States hockey team had no trouble getting through the airport metal detector.” – David Letterman

“Anybody see the closing ceremonies of the Olympics from Sochi? I thought Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did a great job.” – David Letterman

“In a moving moment at the end of the closing ceremonies, the giant Olympic flame was extinguished by a pack of wild dogs from Sochi.” – David Letterman

“The Winter Olympics are finally over. They handed out all the medals and all the whippings, and the athletes are now leaving town before Vladimir Putin uses the Olympic flame to burn down Sochi for the insurance money.” – Stephen Colbert

“The president of the Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted in a major uprising this weekend. This could be bad for Vladimir Putin because a lot of people think he and Yanukovych were friends. I guess that’s why today Putin said, ‘We weren’t REAL friends. Just Facebook friends.” – Jimmy Fallon

“CNN is canceling Piers Morgan’s talk show. Yes, it’s been 238 years since the Declaration of Independence, but it still feels good telling the British guy to get out.” – Craig Ferguson

“Larry King has offered to come back and replace Piers Morgan. Well, technically it wouldn’t be ‘coming back’. He’s been living under the desk for the last three years.” – Craig Ferguson

“A Florida man is running for Congress as a write-in candidate at the age of 101. He has a good chance of appealing to younger voters since that’s all there is.” – Seth Meyers


Late Night Political Humor

“After 16 days of competition, the closing ceremony for the Winter Olympics is this Sunday. Vladimir Putin was like, ‘It has been fun time, and I’m sad to see everyone escape… I mean, get away… I mean, go home.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“America is leading all the other countries at the Olympics in gold medals. Great, another reason for the rest of the world to hate us.” – David Letterman

“Canadians are good at ice dancing. Austrians are good at skiing, of course. Americans, freestyle buffet, very good.” – David Letterman

“A girl in San Francisco actually sold Girl Scout cookies at a medical marijuana clinic this week. Which is why today she bought a mansion and retired.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was asked about the slow pace of his weight loss and said, quote, ‘Rome was not un-built in a day.’ In fact, Christie and Rome have a lot in common: one was built by Julius Caesar, and the other was built by LITTLE Caesar.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Christie said he’s still holding out hope that he and Bruce Springsteen can be friends. In response, Springsteen was like, ‘One! Two! Three! No’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This weekend is George Washington’s birthday. Washington had probably the hardest job of any other president because he had no predecessor to blame things on. He was out there all on his own.” – David Letterman


Late Night Political Humor

“We have first lady Michelle Obama on the show tonight. Security’s very tight backstage. Before I came out, this one guy spent like five minutes patting me down — and then the Secret Service showed up and said, ‘Who’s that guy groping Fallon?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“On Tuesday, President Obama hosted a White House screening of the new movie The Monuments Men. Or as Biden called it, ‘NOT The Lego Movie‘.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In Florida there is a guy running for Congress who is 101 years old. And despite what you might think, the guy is actually quite a progressive. He wants to expand Medicare. He wants to fix Social Security. He wants to let women vote.” – David Letterman

“A 101-year-old man is running for Congress. Now in what state do you think that is? You know what state — Florida, of course! He’s a member of the tea party — the Boston Tea Party.” – Craig Ferguson

“Yesterday at the Olympics, a snowboarder who was raised in America won a gold medal for Russia. So congratulations to Edward Snowden.” – Conan O’Brien

“At the Olympics, the Russian men’s hockey team was knocked out by Finland. Vladimir Putin was said to be furious. He was yelling, waving a sword around, threatening to send people to Siberia. Then the game started.” – Craig Ferguson

“The Russians were supposed to do well in men’s and women’s hockey. Now they’ve both been eliminated. Not from competition; actually eliminated. They’re gone. Vladimir Putin threw them a poison state dinner.” – David Letterman

“Russia won the gold medal in women’s figure skating. The Russian skater said she was inspired by her family, her coaches, and what happened to the losing, and now missing, Russian men’s hockey team.” – Conan O’Brien

“The big event in the Olympics will be the U.S. playing Canada in men’s hockey. This is the most that Americans have wanted to see Canadians beaten since they sent us Justin Bieber.” – Conan O’Brien

“A new survey named Vienna, Austria, the world’s best city. Vienna came out on top in this survey because it was No. 1 in three important categories: public transportation, clean air, and the quantity of teeny-tiny sausages.” – Craig Ferguson

“A new report just came out that some companies, especially tech companies, are not hiring enough female employees. But guys who run tech companies say they’d love to hire more women. Or talk to them. Or meet them. Or even see one up close.” – Jimmy Fallon


Am I the center of my own universe?

Ted Rall
© Ted Rall

This comic brings up a pet peeve of mine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with believing that the Sun revolves around the Earth. Nothing. Gravity is a mutual attraction between two (or more) objects, causing them to orbit each other (around their mutual center of gravity).

Thinking that the Earth has a fixed position with the Sun orbiting around it is no stupider than thinking that the position of the Sun is fixed. The Sun’s position also moves due to the gravitational pull from the planets, and because it is orbiting around the Milky Way galaxy at a tremendous speed (and our galaxy is moving too).

As Einstein pointed out, things like position and velocity depend on your point of reference. And the point of reference of almost all humans is on the Earth. So in some ways it makes more sense to say that the Sun revolves around the Earth, since to us the position of the earth is fixed relative to us.

Now, if you want to ask people a question that might show their ignorance, ask them if planets like Venus revolve around the Earth or the Sun.


Colbert on Clinton’s Age

Good thing Colbert’s show never gets old!


Late Night Political Humor

“The Department of Agriculture is recalling thousands of boxes of Hot Pockets because they contain meat that wasn’t properly inspected. When they heard that, people who like to eat Hot Pockets said, ‘I inspected it when I took it out of the box. Looked good to me.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“When asked what kind of meat they use, a spokesman for Hot Pockets said, ‘Uh, mammal?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A team of military researchers is developing a pizza that can stay edible for three years. It’s been a weird couple of years for the military. One minute you’re hunting Osama bin Laden and the next you’re trying to outsmart Papa John.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama met with Mexico’s president. This was a rare trip for Obama. Usually he sends Dennis Rodman.” – David Letterman

“Obama had a message for Mexicans. He said, ‘If you like your fajitas, you can keep your fajitas.'” – David Letterman

“At the Olympics the U.S. now leads the total medal count with 23. That’s important because the country with the most medals at the end of the Olympics gets the best parking spot at the United Nations for the next two years.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today at the Olympics the Russian men’s hockey team, which was favored, was eliminated by Finland. Then an hour later, the Russian men’s hockey team was eliminated by Putin.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today the Russian hockey team lost and was knocked out of the Olympics. People in Russia haven’t been this depressed since last week.” – Conan O’Brien

“There’s bad blood in the world of Olympic ice dancing. The Canadian team won the silver medal, but they’re upset because their Russian coach also coaches the American team that won the gold medal. The top two teams have the same coach. How is that possible? How does that coach give a pep talk?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Canadians say their coach gave the American team preferential treatment. They say they complained about this several times but to no avail. I don’t know much about ice dancing so this might sound crazy, but maybe get a different coach. Or does that break some ice dancing code of honor?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In Florida, a 101-year-old man is planning to run for Congress. His slogan is ‘Vote for me and then vote again in two months.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A company is selling a new action figure based on NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Of course, the only thing it does is tattle on your G.I. Joes.” – Jimmy Fallon
