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Thorium in China

This blog has promoted the use of nuclear power to help solve our energy and climate change problems, but only if we can solve the problems of nuclear power. One such solution is switching from using uranium as nuclear fuel to using thorium, but so far the nuclear power industry has ignored that solution.

Well, guess who has just made a dramatic investment in thorium nuclear power — China. Scientists in Shanghai have been told to accelerate their efforts, the new goal being the construction of a fully functional thorium reactor within 10 years.

One of the Chinese leaders of the new program says “This is definitely a race. China faces fierce competition from overseas and to get there first will not be an easy task.”

This is not terribly surprising. Severe pollution problems in major Chinese cities gives them a strong motive to take advantage of better and cleaner sources of power.

But it still begs the question — the US originally developed the technology for thorium reactors. Why aren’t we taking advantage of our own technology?

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory actually built a working thorium reactor in the 60’s, but the project was shelved by the Nixon administration, likely because thorium reactors do not produce the plutonium that uranium reactors do, and thus cannot be used to supply the ammo for nuclear weapons.

Are we really that short sighted?


Late Night Political Humor

“I do not like the speech you spoke. The speech you spoke was quite a joke. I found your words were lacking taste. You first hit copy, then hit paste. I would not like this on a beach. So next time write your own damn speech.” – Jimmy Fallon (reading a rebuttal from “Sam I Am” to Sarah Palin after she rewrote Dr. Seuss’s “Green Eggs and Ham” to criticize Obamacare)

“Russian President Vladimir Putin is claiming Russia did not invade the Crimean peninsula. What are those guys, neighborhood watch? Mall cops?” – David Letterman

“President Obama is steamed about this. He got Vladimir Putin on the phone and said, ‘Hello, is this Adele Dazeem?'” – David Letterman

“Another big story is the ongoing situation in Ukraine, which has caused a lot of tension between the U.S. and Russia. But get this — NASA has announced that it will continue to work with Russia’s space program, even though the Pentagon has severed ties with the Russian military. When asked why, scientists from both sides were like, ‘Because we’re building a robot army, umm – ER – nothing.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“If you want to boycott Russia, do what I did. Switch to a domestic vodka.” – David Letterman

“Vladimir Putin is a goon, a stooge, and a thug. Not only did he invade Crimea, but he shut down ‘’.” – David Letterman

“Sarah Palin offered some advice to President Obama regarding Vladimir Putin, saying the only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke. And the most shocking part of that statement is that she considers President Obama a good guy.” – Seth Meyers

“The other night, President Obama was paying tribute to Aretha Franklin when he messed up the spelling of her iconic song ‘Respect’. President Obama blamed his speech coach, John Travolta.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Conservative Political Action Conference is still going on down in Washington, D.C. And yesterday, Donald Trump was giving a speech, when he accidentally referred to former President Jimmy Carter – who’s still very much alive – as ‘the late, great Jimmy Carter.’ Trump immediately apologized, and then said, ‘He wasn’t THAT great’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Osama bin Laden’s son-in-law is on trial right now. He produced all of al-Qaida’s videos. Not only is he on trial but he would like to let you know that the first season is available on Netflix.” – David Letterman

“A California lawmaker is proposing stricter regulations on the doctors who prescribe medical marijuana. For example, doctors are no longer able to prescribe you pot for the medical condition: ‘I Just Got Netflix’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Over the weekend, North Korea held elections, and Kim Jon Un was reelected with 100% of the vote. Kim Jong Un credits the win to his slogan: ‘Vote for me or you will be murdered’.” – Conan O’Brien

“The College Board says it’s revamping the SAT to focus more on what students will need in college. In fact, the SAT is now just one question: ‘How much money do your parents have?'” – Jimmy Fallon


Model Roles or Role Models

Keith Knight
© Keith Knight

What’s the problem with movie roles being played by someone of a different race? I mean, did anyone object when Lieutenant Starbuck was morphed into a very hot woman on the BSG sequel? Or when the Klingons physically morphed on Star Trek into a different species?

Get over yourself. If you don’t like the actors in a movie or TV show, nobody is forcing you to watch it.


Dust to Dust

Some of you may recall this case, which went all the way to the Supreme Court and resulted in one of their many controversial 5-4 decisions. But the real irony is in the ending.

Back in 2005, pharmaceutical company Pfizer asked the City of New London, Conn to bulldoze a neighborhood. Pfizer had built a research facility and didn’t want it surrounded by a blighted neighborhood. The land would then be used by developers to build hotels, health clubs, and new condominiums. As one Pfizer executive put it “Pfizer wants a nice place to operate. We don’t want to be surrounded by tenements.” The city was only too happy to agree, doubling down on an 80% property tax abatement they had already given Pfizer to build the facility.

The homeowners in the neighborhood fought back, sparking a legal battle that made it to the Supreme Court. The issue was whether “eminent domain” could be used to benefit private commercial development. The Fifth Amendment allows the government to force people to sell their property, but only when it is “for public use”, such as for building roads, firehouses, libraries, or parks.

But five justices – John Paul Stevens, Stephen Breyer, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Anthony Kennedy – ruled against the homeowners and the bulldozers tore their homes down. Note that even though three out of five of these justices were appointed by Republicans, they are generally considered liberal (with the exception of Kennedy, who is often the swing vote on many cases).

After that, the story dropped out of the news? So what happened?

Well the great recession happened in 2008. A reporter for the conservative Weekly Standard went back to the neighborhood last month and found an empty 90 acre field with waist-high weeds, entirely uninhabited. The surrounding city is even more desolate than it was. Indeed, Pfizer abandoned their new research facility a year later (only 8 years after they had built it).

The Weekly Standard presents this as a conservative v. liberal tale, and they are not entirely off base. After all, it isn’t very often that I’ve agreed with every last conservative justice on the Supreme Court. But I think it is more complicated than that. It is also about greed, as the redevelopment was strongly supported by rich homeowners in New London, who hoped that building upscale hotels and condos would widen the tax base and thus reduce their high property taxes. It is also a story about the politically powerful — the only building spared from the bulldozer was a private social club for eastern Connecticut’s political elite.

To me, the biggest problem was something I’ve harped on before. Giving huge tax breaks to big businesses to move to a city (in the name of creating jobs) is a complete waste. It ought to be outlawed. Big businesses don’t create jobs, so all this does is move jobs from one place to another, while at the same time bankrupting cities.

Government is not always the answer, but Reagan was also wrong, it is not always the problem. Government should do what it does best, which is create good infrastructure. The jobs will follow.

However, I really do think the liberals on the Supreme Court got this one wrong. But I’ve always claimed that I am a moderate.


Turn the Lights On

Whistleblower Edward Snowden followed up his (video) appearance at SXSW Interactive in Austin TX with a surprise remote video TED talk in Vancouver BC. According to Snowden “There are absolutely more revelations to come. Some of the most important [publishing] to be done is yet to come.”

Ann Telnaes
© Ann Telnaes


Late Night Political Humor

“Tensions between Russia and Ukraine escalated this week when Crimea’s parliament voted in favor of leaving Ukraine and becoming part of Russia. ‘Oh come on!’ said a kid with an upcoming Geography test.” – Cecily Strong (on “Weekend Update”)

“President Obama this week warned Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has sent warships to Crimea, that he is on the “wrong side of history”. Pretty strong words from a guy who still uses a Blackberry.” – Cecily Strong

‘While speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul criticized NSA privacy violations asking, ‘Will we be like lemmings, rushing to the comfort of Big Brother’s crushing embrace?’ Or will we be like Rand Paul, not quite understanding what lemmings do?'” – Colin Jost (on “Weekend Update”)


He who laughs last…

Russia is having a good laugh at the US at us imposing sanctions against Russia for annexing Crimea. According to a foreign policy aide at the Kremlin “These sanctions are already a bore, they truly cause a sense of irony and even sarcasm.” Another aide compared the sanctions to a “political Oscar” that he is proud of.

Why? How absolutely hypocritical is it of the US to condemn Russia? At least they had the decency to go through the motions of a referendum in Crimea to justify the transfer of Crimea to Russia. Did we do anything like that before we invaded Iraq or Afghanistan? Or killed innocent civilians in countries that are supposedly our allies using drones? Or use torture in violation of international law?

Or as Ron Paul put it:

Critics point to the Russian “occupation” of Crimea as evidence that no fair vote could have taken place. Where were these people when an election held in an Iraq occupied by U.S. troops was called a “triumph of democracy”?

Jack Ohman
© Jack Ohman


Late Night Political Humor

“An anchor for Russia’s state-owned news channel quit on live TV yesterday, saying that she doesn’t agree with the network’s support of Vladimir Putin. In response, Putin sent her somewhere no one will ever see her again – CNN.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vladimir Putin said the tanks that you see rolling through the streets are just part of the closing ceremonies of the Olympics.” – David Letterman

“If Putin invades Ukraine and then passes the written test, he will be promoted to dictator.” – David Letterman

“John Kerry, secretary of state, is visiting Ukraine and today he met with Adele Dazeem.” – David Letterman

“Obama’s approval rating is at an all-time low. He has a plan to make him look better. It is called letting Joe Biden make a speech.” – Craig Ferguson

“The White House announced a change to Obamacare. They keep making adjustments. They say people can now keep their insurance plans for two more years. When asked what would happen after two years, Obama said, ‘After two years, I don’t give a damn.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Meteorologists say 90 percent of the Great Lakes are frozen over. People from Chicago are being urged to stay off the frozen lakes, but if you want to see someone from Chicago on thin ice, just go to the White House.” – Craig Ferguson

“I’m kidding. I’m kidding. No, Obama is not from Chicago. He is from Kenya.” – Craig Ferguson

“The GOP is releasing short documentaries about Senate candidates to give the public a look at their personal lives. So if you’re the kind of person who is excited to see documentaries about Senate candidates, ask your doctor about Zoloft.” – Jimmy Fallon


Boehner’s Whopper

At a press conference, House Speaker John Boehner claims that Obamacare has resulted in a “net loss of people with health insurance”. A reporter even questions Boehner to make sure the Speaker didn’t mis-speak. Boehner repeats his claim.

But it is absolutely not true.


Late Night Political Humor

“Because of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, President Obama is threatening them with economic sanctions. Obama said if Russia doesn’t pull out of Kiev we’re not going to let them borrow any of the money that we borrowed from China.” – Conan O’Brien

“Secretary of State John Kerry is all worked up. As a matter of fact, he was in Ukraine for a speech today. He looked out at the crowd and he said to them, ‘Ich bin ein, Adele Dazeem.'” – David Letterman

“This situation in Ukraine is very serious. As a matter of fact, today George Clooney and Matt Damon flew in to rescue the artwork.” – David Letterman

“Russia is threatening to invade Ukraine, and the U.S. is stepping in. In fact, just yesterday the U.S. gave a billion dollars to Ukraine to help stabilize the region. Then Detroit said, ‘Hey, can WE go to war with Russia?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vladimir Putin says that the Russian troops did not invade Crimea. Really? Well, what are those guys, mall cops?” – David Letterman

“Putin doesn’t know what the troops are doing there. And he has no exit strategy. He got that from us.” – David Letterman

“Just one day after the U.S. gave Ukraine a billion dollars, the E.U. announced it was giving Ukraine $15 billion. It’s kind of like when your sister gives your mom a fancy necklace for Christmas right after you give her a pair of socks.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vladimir Putin, while all this is going on, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. People were shocked until they found out that the head of the nominating committee was Kim Jong Un.” – Conan O’Brien

“After hearing that he has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Putin said, ‘Tell me who the other nominees are — and I will eliminate them.'” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama has unveiled his budget for 2015. He’s referring to it as a road map for creating jobs. And young people said, ‘A what for creating what? Road map? Job? I’ve never had either of those things.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Obama’s new budget actually includes a proposal to phase out pennies and nickels to make the government more efficient – and to make grandparents better tippers.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Pope Francis told the press today that the Catholic Church could tolerate same-sex civil unions. You know, I think lately when people say, ‘Is the Pope Catholic?’ they’re actually asking.” – Seth Meyers


Pot Calling the Kettle Black

This weekend, a group of Republicans called RAMP (Republicans Against Marijuana Prohibition) met in Houston to support the legalization of marijuana.

The group claims that a majority of conservatives now support reforming marijuana laws. In fact, they point out that legalization agrees with conservative ideals of limited government, individual responsibility, and fiscal restraint. “Why should your government tell you and your doctors what medicine is best for you? To me that is a very Republican theory.”

I wholeheartedly agree.


Late Night Political Irony

“Yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner referred to Vladimir Putin as a ‘thug’, and then called on President Obama to stand up to him. Which is sort of like throwing your drink on a big guy at a bar and then saying, ‘My friend here will take care of you.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Russia, over the weekend, invaded Crimea, but evil Russian President Vladimir Putin said he has no plans to annex the territory. Well, that’s good enough for me.” – David Letterman

“The president of the United States is getting outplayed. Look what he wore when he Saturday during a tense 90-minute phone call with Putin – no tie, jeans with a jean shirt. What is this, casual doomsday? Meanwhile, on the other end, you know Putin is shirtless, stroking a tiger, looking into an infinity mirror.” – Stephen Colbert

“Welcome to the Ed Sullivan Theater, now under Russian control.” – David Letterman

“We had an interesting night last night. The mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, was here. Then after the show, apparently he was upset. Why, I’m not exactly sure. I asked him about drinking and smoking crack. What were we supposed to talk about? His other hobbies?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It’s hard to tell whether Rob Ford is mad because his face is always bright red. It doesn’t change colors.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The New York Times has issued a correction to a 161-year-old article which misspelled the name of the main character from ’12 Years a Slave’. The Times blamed the mistake on the newspaper’s editor at the time: Thaddeus P. Travolta.” – Seth Meyers


Tortured Response

Andrew Sullivan has a must read rant on Obama’s foot dragging on the Senate Intelligence Committee report on torture. As some of you know, Sullivan is a conservative, but he is gay and also likes Obama. But he has had enough.

Basically, his point is that the well documented use of torture by the US in Iraq is a war crime, and not investigating it is also against international law. Obama hypocritically claims that he is “absolutely committed” to the release of the Senate report as soon as it is finished. Really? The report was completed (as Sullivan puts it) fifteen fricking months ago!

So why has it not been released? Because the White House (along with the CIA) is stonewalling its release. This makes Obama complicit in the crimes and also guilty of violating international law including the Geneva conventions. Even Senator Diane Feinstein has had enough, as Jon Stewart points out:

Obama is absolutely wrong to be helping to cover up war crimes by the CIA. We cannot preserve any moral authority we have left if the president doesn’t account for the excesses that happened while fighting terrorism. This must stop.


Late Night Political Humor

“Despite the fact that the Ukraine has been all over the news for the past few weeks, a survey found that 64 percent of U.S. students still couldn’t find Ukraine on a map. Said Vladimir Putin, ‘Soon nobody will’.” – Seth Meyers

“Russia suspended coverage of the Oscars last night. They didn’t show it. And I’m going to guess they’re not going to show the Tony Awards either.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Olympics are done. The Russians have nothing to do so they invaded Crimea.” – David Letterman

“President Obama is steamed. He says to Putin, ‘Pull your troops out of Crimea or the U.S. will not attend the next G-8 summit.’ Well, that will show him. Putin will think twice about it now. Last thing he wants to do is offend the United States so they stay home from a summit meeting.” – David Letterman

“Tonight we get a visit from the mayor of the great city of Toronto, Rob Ford. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this night my whole life.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I have a lot to ask Mayor Ford. I don’t think I’ve had this many questions since the series finale of ‘Lost’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“When Mayor Ford gets out here, distract him and I’ll take his passport. And that way he never leaves us, OK?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Welcome to the Tonight Show! I’m your host, Jimmy Fallon. Or as John Travolta would call me, ‘Jelan Fejalla’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I’m Conan O’Brien. Or as John Travolta calls me, ‘Kevin O. Zeme’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Anybody see the Academy Awards last night? I watch every year to make sure I’m not in the dead actors montage.” – David Letterman


The Solution

Rootstrikers TED Talk by Laurence Lessig, remix by Jordan Harrison.

Laurence Lessig succinctly and clearly explains the big problem facing our nation and provides a simple and compelling solution. The graphics added by Jordan Harrison make it even clearer and more entertaining.

“The founding fathers would approve of this message.”
