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Why ask a question if you don’t care about the answer?

On March 24, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), he who shut down the government in a failed attempt to repeal Obamacare, went to Facebook and posted the following:

Quick poll: Obamacare was signed into law four years ago yesterday. Are you better off now than you were then?
Comment with YES or NO!

Did he really expect that Facebook would reply with anything less than a tsunami of YES votes?

The question becomes, will Ted Cruz change his mind about Obamacare now? I’m not holding my breath (despite the fact that I now have better, cheaper health insurance under the ACA).


Late Night Political Humor

“Absolutely nothing new has happened with the missing plane. It is astounding how they continue to report ‘news’ even though they have zero information; although, it never stopped Fox News.” – Bill Maher

“Fox News, they may be a little biased, we had an earthquake here on Monday and they reported that the Earth’s crust was emboldened by Obama’s weakness.” – Bill Maher

“First lady Michelle Obama and her daughters Sasha and Malia are visiting China for the next week and the president said the White House feels very lonely without them. Then he said, looking around, ‘OK, I think they bought it. Time for some March Madness, baby. Let’s do it!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This morning Toronto Mayor Rob Ford tackled a journalist on his way into City Hall. The craziest part of that story is that Rob Ford is still going to City Hall.” – Seth Meyers

“This week scientists revealed that a massive solar blast narrowly missed the Earth back in 2012. Or as the Mayans put it, ‘Almost told you so.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Political Whores

Another chapter in the ongoing saga of Tesla Motors. Telsa sells sophisticated electric cars, and like other manufacturers of electronics, they want to sell their products directly to consumers. After all, nobody objects to the stores owned by Apple, or Sony, or Microsoft (or AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, etc.) selling their products directly to consumers. Tesla’s point is that traditional car dealers know little about electric cars (and even less about repairing them) and actually get in the way. Besides, does anyone actually enjoy the experience of buying a car through a typical car dealer?

Nevertheless, powerful car dealership associations have struck back, managing to make it illegal for Tesla to sell their products directly to consumers in five states (Arizona, Texas, Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey, plus restrictions in four others). Hypocritically, many of these states are controlled by Republicans, who claim to be the champions of free markets and haters of government regulations and other interference in free markets. As someone in a movie once said “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Indeed, in a free market, the market should decide whether car dealerships provide any value to consumers, not the government.

Now here’s the fun part. Tesla has announced that they will be building a “giga factory” to produce the batteries for their cars. The factory will cost $5 billion, and will employ up to 6,500 workers. Plus it will be powered primarily by solar and wind energy, so Tesla is looking to build it in the Southwest.

And like the whores that they are, politicians from Arizona and Texas are lining up to try to sweet talk Tesla into locating the factory in their state. Ironically, one Republican politician wrote a letter to the Tesla to encourage them to locate in Texas, touting his state because “Texas has the best climate in the country to run and grow business because of its low regulations and limited government interference.” Seriously. Texas’ “low regulations and limited government interference” won’t let Tesla sell their cars in Texas, but they are only too happy to take their sweet jobs.

In a related story, I’ve been wondering for a while why Republicans (and some Democrats) are falling over each other trying to get the environmentally problematic Keystone XL pipeline approved, which would take tar sands oil from Canada and pipe it all the way across the US to ports in Texas so it can be shipped to other countries. Like, how does this benefit the US? According to PolitiFact, this pipeline will create a whopping 35 permanent jobs.

So it was hardly a surprise to find out that the largest lease owner of Canada’s tar sands is not a big oil company like Exxon Mobile or Shell, but is a subsidiary of Koch Industries. I guess the investment the Koch brothers have made in politicians is paying off.


Welfare Reform

Nicholas Kristof has a must-read editorial in the NY Times. Kristof looks at the conservative mantra that government assistance reduces initiative, causes dependence, and increases the deficit — and agrees!

He helpfully suggests five public welfare programs are wasteful and have turned us into a nation of “takers”. They should be eliminated as quickly as possible:

  • Welfare subsidies for private planes. Astonishingly, the US government offers three different kinds of subsidies to tycoons with private jets. Even Dubya tried but failed to eliminate some of this boondoggle.
  • Likewise, subsidies for yachts. Here we have direct evidence that this has increased dependence, as the owner of a $2.6 million yacht complaining about efforts to end this subsidy, “It is so unfair to target people who want to use their boat as a second home.”
  • Government welfare for hedge funds and private equity. This has been called the single most outrageous tax loophole in America. Ronald Reagan eliminated this loophole, but it has snuck back. Freedom requires eternal vigilance.
  • The $83 billion a year subsidy to the too-big-to-fail banks. We’ve seen what that buys us!
  • And finally, tax subsidies paid by cities, counties, and states to big corporations to build factories and offices locally. This is one of my pet peeves. It is normally done in the name of creating jobs, but it does not create any jobs (it just moves them from somewhere else). In fact, by starving local governments of money, it hurts infrastructure, which destroys jobs.

Yes, America has become a welfare state. A welfare state for the top 1%, sapping their initiative and even worse, causing economic bubbles. No wonder we are worried about our economy. It is time to act.


Late Night Political Humor

“The president announced his bracket for the NCAA tournament. March Madness starts tomorrow and Obama is predicting Michigan State will beat Louisville to win the national championship. Going by Obama’s past predictions, I want to congratulate Louisville on their big win.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The NCAA tournament tips off tomorrow. As is now the tradition, President Obama revealed his bracket picks today. He has Florida, Arizona, Louisville, and Michigan State in the final four with Michigan State beating Louisville to win it. I’d take his picks with a grain of salt. He also picked Louis Anderson to win on the reality show ‘Splash’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama released his March Madness bracket this morning, picking Michigan State to win the tournament. In response, Vladimir Putin started moving troops into Gonzaga.” – Seth Meyers

“The standoff in Ukraine keeps getting worse. But a new poll shows Vladimir Putin’s approval rating has actually gone up 10 percent since he sent troops into Crimea. When he heard that, Obama just shrugged and sent troops to invade Canada.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It seems like everybody’s weighing in on the situation. In fact, Senator John McCain has released a list of 11 steps he thinks the White House should take to punish Russia. Usually when McCain takes 11 steps, he uses a stair lift.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This morning police released detailed descriptions of the video that reportedly shows Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack. If they don’t elect him mayor again, I want him to move out here. He could do a reality show – ‘Here Comes Mayor Boo-Boo’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Lawmakers here in New York are considering a plan to bring slot machines to LaGuardia Airport. Of course there’s always that other way to gamble at LaGuardia – checking a bag.” – Jimmy Fallon


Late Night Political Humor

“A new poll found that two-thirds of Americans are following the situation in Ukraine, which is impressive. Usually, you can’t find two-thirds of Americans who are following the situation in America.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vice President Biden said today that the U.S. is considering sending troops to the Baltic states bordering Russia. According to Biden, the Baltic states are the territories located just past Boardwalk and Park Place.” – Seth Meyers

“Things have gotten very tense between the U.S. and Russia. In fact, during a speech today Vladimir Putin criticized the U.S. for thinking it’s ‘always right’. Then he went back to organizing an election where you can’t vote No.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday, in a highly debated election, 95 percent of Crimea voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. Yeah, 95 percent voted to join Russia. Even Kim Jong Un said, ‘Yeah, right’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vladimir Putin signed a treaty this morning that formally absorbs Crimea into the Russian Federation. So if you felt bad because you didn’t know where Crimea was, don’t worry, it’s gone.” – Seth Meyers

“Filmmakers are hoping Pope Francis will watch the new movie ‘Noah.’ That must be really frustrating, I mean, for people in the theater. Can you imagine sitting behind the Pope’s giant hat?” – Craig Ferguson

“Let’s name the Pope’s favorite movies. There’s ‘Holy Ghost Busters’, ‘Dude, Where’s My Cardinal?’, ‘Sistine Candles’, ‘Amen in Black’, ‘Live and Let Diocese’, ‘A Pew Good Men’, and ‘How to Train Your Deacon’.” – Craig Ferguson

“This week RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said the GOP still isn’t where it needs to be to win the White House in 2016. Yeah, it’s not where it should be — kind of like the letters in ‘Reince Priebus’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said today that the 2014 midterms will be a victory for Republicans thanks to Obamacare. Coincidentally, ‘Reince Priebus’ sounds like something that might be covered under Obamacare.” – Seth Meyers

“The White House revealed that more than 5 million people have now signed up for Obamacare, thanks to the administration’s recent push. They said, ‘And if 5 million signed up, that means at least 50 million tried to sign up.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In the middle of his latest speech, the president of Colombia wet his pants. I was going to show it here but it makes me sad. I mean, I thought OUR president was having trouble with leaks.” – Craig Ferguson


Invasion of Privacy

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Years ago I started writing a short story called “The Invasion of Privacy”. The plot was that a scientist had figured out how to focus “gravity waves” over a distance, so you could see a (black-and-white) image of anything going on anywhere in the world. Sound worked too, by measuring the vibrations of air molecules. These ultimate spying devices were about the size and cost of a television and became just as popular, which effectively put an end to privacy for everyone.

Want to see what your enemy is plotting behind closed doors? No problem! See what your spouse is doing when you’re not home? Easy! Like porn? You can watch anyone doing anything, anytime, for free! Lying and deceit became very hard to get away with. Secrets became a thing of the past. Honesty finally really did become the best policy, because everything you did was probably being watched by someone.

Little did I know that it was prescient. Well, except only for the NSA. Sigh.


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s an amazing story… the plane… something just vanished without a trace. it means it was either an act of terrorism, an accident, or it starred Collin Farrell.” – Bill Maher

“The situation in Ukraine keeps getting more tense. And now Vladimir Putin has moved 10,000 troops to the Russian-Ukrainian border. Russia says its troops are there only for a training exercise. When asked what they’re training for, Russian officials said, ‘Invading Ukraine’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“There is actually a fourth possibility that Republicans are putting forward, that the plane went down because it was emboldened by Obama’s weakness. That apparently is their answer for everything. In fact on Fox and Friends, Steve Doocy said it was a strange coincidence that Obama has a daughter named Malaysia.” – Bill Maher

“The Russians took over Crimea and Republicans know who to blame: Obama. Yes, it all happened because Obama is weak, unlike warrior king Mitt Romney. It never would have happened under him.” – Bill Maher

“John McCain wrote an op-ed in the New York Times and said Obama has made America look weak because he is not decisive. Right, decisive. You know, once you have picked Sarah Palin as your vice president, decisions aren’t something we call you for as a phone-a-friend.” – Bill Maher

“Sarah Palin said perhaps the most irresponsible thing I’ve ever heard any politician say. She said, ‘The only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke.’ You think she realizes that nuking Russia might not be good for someone who can see Russia from her house?” – Bill Maher

“Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg apparently called President Obama directly to complain about NSA and how it spies on ordinary Americans. That’s right, the guy who runs Facebook got mad at the NSA for spying on people. Talk about the pot unfriending the kettle!” – Jimmy Fallon

“Zuckerberg criticized the NSA and called the government a threat to the Internet. Then he went back to running a website where you list everyone you’ve ever met, every place you’ve been, every place you’re going, what you had eat, your ex-girlfriends and your ex-boyfriends, which bands you like…” – Jimmy Fallon

“This week the White House said the economy is continuing to pick up steam, but then went on to say that the unemployment rate is still ‘unacceptably high’. Incidentally, being unacceptably high is also a big reason many people are unemployed.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Obama administration announced it is going to require colleges and vocational schools to demonstrate that they are properly preparing students for jobs after college. So don’t be surprised if your chemistry class tomorrow is all about how to make a cappuccino.” – Seth Meyers

“First lady Michelle Obama now has blond highlights in her hair. In fact, her hair has a higher approval rating than her husband.” – David Letterman

“Michelle Obama added some highlights in her hair. And I know a lot of you are thinking, ‘Gee, I wish this show had some highlights.'” – David Letterman

“Lindsay Graham is running for reelection and his primary opponent publicly called him ‘ambiguously gay.” … Republican politicians do not like ambiguously gay. It makes things too complicated at the rest stop.” – Bill Maher

“The average American citizen – you hear the statistic all the time – works six months out of the year for the government. That’s how difficult the taxes are in this country. We work six months out of the year. Government employees don’t even do that.” – David Letterman


Healthy Blowback

Mike Stanfill
© Mike Stanfill

I have an actual Obamacare horror story to add to this comic. In Michigan, Democratic senator Carl Levin is retiring, leading to one of the most hotly contested races for control of the Senate. Republican Terri Lynn Land has been leading in the polls against Democrat Gary Peters for the last couple of months.

Then the SuperPAC Americans for Prosperity started blanketing the state with some misleading ads attacking Representative Peters for his support for the ACA. The ad featured a woman suffering from cancer telling a supposed Obamacare horror story — claiming that Obamacare is unaffordable and even potentially life-threatening for her. But when fact checked, it turned out that she was actually saving over a thousand dollars a year for her medical treatments (while getting to keep her same doctor and getting better coverage).

The ads backfired. As a result, the next poll for the race showed that Peters had gained 8 points against Land, and was now leading in the race.

Then it gets even more interesting. Sensing an opportunity, Democrats blasted the Koch Brothers (the primary funders of Americans for Prosperity) for the lies about Obamacare in their ads. Americans for Prosperity fired back, trying to shame Democrats for picking on a woman with cancer. Then they doubled down, running a new ad featuring the same woman, but changing the wording so that they didn’t say anything that was fact checkable (e.g., that Obamacare is unaffordable), but instead substituting vague language that her new plan “just doesn’t work for her” (it doesn’t matter if saving money and getting better coverage doesn’t work for her, you still can’t fact check a subjective statement like that). However, the fact checkers at the Washington Post responded to the new ad by giving it three Pinocchios instead of two.

Republicans have been using the one-trick pony of attacking Obamacare in order to win elections. Now that strategy seems to be backfiring. What do they do now? Now that’s a true Obamacare horror story!

Indeed, business magazine Forbes ran an op/ed piece titled “The Real Numbers On ‘The Obamacare Effect’ are in – Now Let the Crow Eating Begin“, which points out that pretty much every attack Republicans have made against the ACA has turned out to be false.

Remember all the attacks claiming that Obamacare was a job killer, and that employers would be forced to reduce their workforce hours to less than 30 hours a week in order to avoid having to provide health insurance benefits to their employees? Well, the latest figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the number of part-time employees in the US has actually fallen by 230,000 in the last year (the time during which Obamacare was implemented), while full-time employment went up by 2 million jobs. Ironically, the numbers would have been even better, except that the only sector where hours were reduced were government workers (such as cops, teachers, and prison guards) because cities, states, and universities had to cut expenses (why? because Republicans fought every attempt to raise government revenues).

Who’s the real job killer?


Late Night Political Humor

“The crisis in Ukraine still has people worried. Today John McCain led a group of senators there to get a firsthand look. When they landed, McCain said, ‘This is a disaster, these people are living like animals!’ And then someone said, ‘We have a layover – this is LaGuardia Airport.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Things are moving quickly over there. Crimea is now holding a vote on whether to join Russia, but the ballot doesn’t have an option for voting against the plan – it lets people vote for joining Russia now, or down the road. When asked where he got the idea, Vladimir Putin said, ‘iTunes user agreement’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday Washington had a big power outage. And I thought: Well, wait a minute, I think the Obama administration has been without power the entire second term.” –David Letterman

“It was so dark in Washington that when the power went out the only thing that was glowing was John Boehner’s face.” – David Letterman

“As soon as the lights in Washington went out, Senator John McCain tried to clap them back on.” – David Letterman

“A judge in New Jersey ruled that women can keep their husbands and boyfriends out of the delivery room while they are in labor. When asked if they’d mind leaving the room, husbands and boyfriends were already gone.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This week Pope Francis is celebrating his first anniversary as Pope, and he tweeted to his 3.7 million followers ‘Please pray for me’. I was a little surprised that he hashtagged it, ‘so hung over’.” – Seth Meyers


Proper Media Training

Matt Bors
© Matt Bors

Just in case you don’t get it, this comic is making fun of CNN and their pitiful coverage of the missing flight in SE Asia. Or as New York magazine put it “CNN Gives Up, Wonders About Supernatural Conspiracy Theories for Flight 370 Disappearance“:

There’s only so much “breaking news.” After more than a week of wall-to-wall coverage on the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, much of it baseless speculation from vaguely defined experts, CNN today resorted to the most baseless of speculation from a certifiable non-expert about what “supernatural” or conspiratorial explanations there could be for the disappearance.

It must be tough to be a modern mainstream media journalist. You have to follow a tight script:

  1. Browse innertubes looking for interesting stories; find one
  2. Avoid any temptation to verify facts
  3. Evaluate interest:
    • Does it involve a celebrity doing something stupid or raunchy? +10
    • Will it upset any politicians or christians? –10
    • Will it upset any corporations? –5 ; Any that advertise with us? –15
    • Will it increase ratings? +15
    • Is it actually newsworthy? +1
  4. Find someone to interview about it, preferably someone who sounds controversial while not actually being controversial
  5. Beat the story to death until nobody is interested anymore
  6. Keep reporting on it anyway

And as long as everyone is piling on to CNN, we’ll let Jon Stewart have the hilarious last word:



© John Backderf

Science deniers and anti-evolutionists do indeed have their panties tied in knots over the new Cosmos series, hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. But what must be the most upsetting of all is that they cannot direct their venom at PBS or other public media, because the new show is being shown on Fox.

But my favorite irony is that creationists are now demanding that they get equal airtime to present their side. To which Tyson responded “you don’t talk about the spherical earth with NASA and then say let’s give equal time to the flat-earthers.” Personally, I’d be happy to give them equal time, on the day that all bibles are edited to add the opposing scientific theories and church sermons are required to present opposing viewpoints.

Meanwhile, the new series is actually quite well done, and gets kudos for not watering down the science in an attempt to appease the wing-nut fringes.

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama went shopping at The Gap here in New York City. He ended up buying a sweater for each of his daughters, and a workout jacket for the first lady. You know, because whenever someone visits New York the one souvenir people really want is something from The Gap.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today President Obama went shopping at The Gap. There hasn’t been so much security at The Gap since the time Lindsey Lohan showed up.” – David Letterman

“It looks like Obamacare will miss its enrollment goal of 7 million people by March 31, as only 4 million have signed up so far. Republicans haven’t been this excited since the invention of khakis.” – Seth Meyers

“Our president has gotten so desperate that he appeared on this website Funny or Die. By the way, ‘funny or die’ is also the ultimatum you got from Obamacare’s death panels.” – Stephen Colbert

“Now this show Obama went on, Between Two Ferns, went viral, which was all part of Obama’s sinister plan, spread a virus and watch everyone scramble for signing up for health care.” – Stephen Colbert

“President Obama recently sent the Prime Minister of Canada two cases of White House-brewed beer after losing a bet. Obama bet him that Justin Bieber couldn’t get any douchier.” – Conan O’Brien

“Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are back together. Finally, Obama makes good on a campaign promise.” – David Letterman

“New reports show that the Crimean vote to join Russia on Sunday did not include an option for ‘no’. There were only two boxes on the ballot, one for ‘yes’, and one for ‘murder my family’.” – Seth Meyers

“It’s been very tense between Russia and us recently. In fact, lawmakers in Russia have started a petition to get the U.S. kicked out of this year’s World Cup. Or they could just take the easier route and wait until we lose in the first round to literally any other country.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A right wing pastor is saying that the movie “Frozen” will turn kids gay. He also warned that the movie ‘300’ will turn right wing pastors gay.” – Conan O’Brien


Sacrificing Liberty for Safety

Benjamin Franklin said “They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” It is thus with some sadness that we read two very well written articles found in a rather unlikely website — TechDirt.

The article “Nancy Pelosi Admits That Congress Is Scared Of The CIA” should terrify anyone who knows anything about the CIA (even just the things that it has admitted doing).

Congress has the important job of providing oversight to the CIA, and yet the CIA has lied repeatedly to Congress. But it gets worse. Senator Dianne Feinstein, who is on the intelligence committee, spoke out because the CIA was spying on the people on that committee. There is also evidence that the CIA is blackmailing Congress. And former speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi admitted that Congress was afraid of the CIA because if you speak out against them “they come after you and they don’t always tell the truth.”

Which brings us to another article “Senate Republicans, Trying To Score Political Points, Claim Democrats Revealing Spying Scandal Puts Lives At Risk“, which to me provides evidence that backs up the accusations that the CIA is blackmailing Congress. Republican members of the intelligence committee responded by falsely saying that complaints by Democratic members of the intelligence committee about the CIA spying on Congress had put the lives of people in danger. Not only are they not the least bit worried that the CIA is has clandestine operations against the people whose job it is to oversee them, they seem to think that any limit on the CIA is bad. They are trading liberty for security.

What makes this even worse is that the Republican senator who defended the CIA against any oversight is the same person who would likely take over the intelligence committee if the Republicans take control of the senate.

So my question is, which is it? Does the CIA have something on these clowns, or are they just willing to say anything to score cheap political points against Democrats?

UPDATE: Former president Jimmy Carter believes that his private communications are being spied upon.


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama today appeared on the Zach Galifianakis online comedy show ‘Between Two Ferns’. The president was there to talk about HIS online comedy show – Obamacare.” – Seth Meyers

“No one has signed up for Obamacare, give or take 4.2 million people.” – Stephen Colbert

“In town right now is President Obama for a fundraiser — $32,000 a plate. People say, ‘That’s crazy.’ Yeah, but you get unlimited breadsticks.” – David Letterman

“President Obama’s wife Michelle has highlighted her hair. She has blond highlights in her hair. And those will probably be the only highlights of his second term.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday Edward Snowden urged technology companies to improve their encryption techniques in order to prevent hacking. Then he said, ‘But not right away. I’m still using Obama’s Netflix password to watch ‘House of Cards’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“To celebrate Shakespeare’s 450th birthday, the Globe Theatre has plans to perform Hamlet in every country in the world, including North Korea. Said one North Korean official, ‘Do you need a skull? Because we can get you a skull.'” – Seth Meyers

“London’s famous Globe Theatre announced plans to perform Shakespeare’s play ‘Hamlet’ in North Korea. Of course, ‘Hamlet’ is about a man on a murderous revenge mission inspired by his late father. Then Kim Jong Un said, ‘Where do they come up with this stuff?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In Denver this week they’re hosting a marijuana job fair. Who will be attending? Companies that want to hire stoners and stoners who want to work. So I don’t think anyone’s going, really.” – Craig Ferguson

“A marijuana job fair? Is TV-watching a job?” – Craig Ferguson

“A barber shop in Colorado is refusing to serve anybody who smells like marijuana. Today they went out of business.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Dalai Lama came out in favor of same-sex marriage. Then he introduced his husband, The Dave Lama.” – Conan O’Brien

“Thirty Democratic senators held an all-night ‘talkathon’ on the floor of the Senate last night to highlight the impacts of climate change. Yeah, 14 hours of climate change talk — or as Al Gore calls that, ‘a first date’.” – Jimmy Fallon
