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Straight Talk

I lived in Texas for ten years, and one of the things I always liked about it was that people would talk straight about difficult subjects. This broadcast by Dale Hansen from a Dallas TV station proves that the tradition is still alive, even when it means straight talking about someone who isn’t straight.

UPDATE: An article in USA Today says that Michael Sam is the most important football player in the US. Indeed, his jersey is the second hottest selling rookie jersey. “It turns out NFL fans can’t wait to buy – and presumably wear – the jersey of a gay man. Who would have predicted that?”


The Difference Between Bribery and Lobbying

Zach Weinersmith
Zach Weinersmith
Zach Weinersmith
© Zach Weinersmith

I can’t think of any other difference between lobbying and bribery. Can you?


Scare Tactics

David Horsey
© David Horsey

There are absolutely no Republicans in the House who believe in man-made climate change, and only a few in the Senate. Even though the recent National Climate Assessment documents significant effects caused by global warming that are already happening, Republicans are in denial. But with huge campaign contributions coming from the fossil fuel industry, I think the old maxim applies: it is impossible to convince someone of a fact when their paycheck depends on them refusing to believe it.


Late Night Political Humor

“Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is apparently back smoking the crack. There is a picture of him smoking the crack and a videotape is out as well. Is there a videotape out there of him not smoking crack?” – David Letterman

“Toronto Mayor Rob Ford announced he’s taking a leave of absence to deal with issues related to substance abuse. A video was reportedly shot by his drug dealer. The guy is constantly being taped but never seems to notice the cameras. Is that a side effect of crack?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The crack dealer videotaped him smoking crack. It is a sad state of affairs, ladies and gentlemen, when you can’t trust your drug dealer.” – David Letterman

“Toronto mayor Rob Ford has decided to take a leave of absence to seek help. Specifically what he’s seeking help with is getting more crack.” – Conan O’Brien

“Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s lawyers said that he will take a leave of absence to seek help for substance abuse. Though they didn’t say whether the substance in question was crack or gravy.” – Seth Meyers

“After rumors surfaced of another video of him smoking crack, Rob Ford said he’s taking a leave of absence, and of course he’s earned it. The guy’s been up since 2004.” – Conan O’Brien

“Toronto Mayor Rob Ford checked himself into rehab. I didn’t see that coming.” – Craig Ferguson

“Toronto Mayor Rob Ford announced today that he is checking into rehab. He said he entered rehab this week to deal with the problem swiftly — and also because Monday is Cinco de Mayo, and he ain’t missing that.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A sober mayor of Toronto? I’m getting out of late night just in time.” – Craig Ferguson

“Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling’s wife, Rochelle, is being accused of making racist remarks during an incident back in 2009. Sterling should break up with his girlfriend and go out with his wife. They’re perfect for each other.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Sterling’s girlfriend said she’s ‘going to be president of the United States’ one day. Yeah, like we’re going to elect someone who secretly records people’s private phone calls and conversations.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This year the Colorado symphony will host a bring-your-own-marijuana concert series, called ‘Classically Cannabis.’ Or if you don’t like classical music, you can attend the bring-your-own-marijuana concert called ‘any other concert.'” – Seth Meyers


Thought Crimes

The Obama administration has issued a new policy directive that prohibits any government official from publicly discussing or even referring to news reports that are based on “unauthorized leaks” like the ones from Edward Snowden. That’s right, they can’t even acknowledge that the leaks exist.

There already were laws that prohibited officials from confirming the accuracy of or commenting on leaks. But not allowing an official to even acknowledge the existence of a story that has already appeared in a major newspaper or on TV seems a bit bizarre.

To me, this is the most serious failure of the Obama administration. He has completely broken his promise to be the most transparent administration in history, and instead has blocked transparency at almost every turn, has prosecuted unprecedented numbers of government whistleblowers, targeted legitimate journalists, and has tolerated (and possibly encouraged) mass surveillance programs that violate the rule of law, not to mention the constitution.

Making it a punishable offense for any government official to even refer to articles about the leaks almost sounds like the thought control from the novel 1984. Does Obama think that by prohibiting people from talking about leaks, these leaks will somehow vanish? And even if the leaks do mostly disappear, the only people who will see them are the people who we don’t want to see them (e.g., enemies, terrorists, etc.). The only people who will be left in the dark are the American people. Does this mean that the spy state now considers us to be the enemy?


Late Night Political Humor

“The Republicans in Congress voted no on the minimum wage. Wow, that’s not the Republicans I know. I think they’re confused. We’re supposed to apply the economic sanctions to the Russians.” – David Letterman

“Yesterday Russia’s deputy prime minister said the White House should revise its sanctions or else his country won’t help NASA. And this is true, astronauts will have to start using a trampoline to get to space.” – Jimmy Fallon

“L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling was recorded on tape making racist comments. He now has been banned from the league for life. Great, just where Sterling wanted to end up – the blacklist” – Jimmy Fallon

“The NBA has banned Donald Sterling for life for his racist comments. If Sterling has a problem with black people, maybe he should think about owning a hockey team.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Someone who doesn’t want to associate with black people owning an NBA franchise is like a vegan buying a steakhouse.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said he doesn’t think Donald Sterling should be kicked out of the league for comments made in private conversation. After hearing this Sterling said, ‘Wow, this is the first time I’ve liked a Cuban.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This afternoon the NBA laid out the punishment for Clippers owner Donald Sterling. It will include a lifetime ban from the NBA, a $2.5 million fine, and two free throws.” – Seth Meyers

“The NBA has banned Clippers owner Donald Sterling for life. He’s pretty old. They could’ve just said two years. It would have been the same thing.” – Craig Ferguson

“They fined Sterling $2.5 million. At a typical NBA game, $2.5 million is what you pay for those big foam fingers.” – Craig Ferguson

“NBA players had threatened to boycott if Donald Sterling wasn’t banned for life. In fact, the Lakers are so upset they decided not to play for the rest of the season.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sterling is not allowed to have any contact with any professional basketball whatsoever. It’s like he’s an honorary L.A. Laker.” – Craig Ferguson

“Clippers owner Donald Sterling was captured on tape saying very racist things to his girlfriend. NBA Commissioner Adam Silver handed down the toughest punishment possible. Friends say to help lift his spirits, Sterling has been watching ’12 Years a Slave’ in reverse.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“On the bright side, at least Sterling still has a wife and girlfriend to lean on.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Jamaica is reportedly close to passing a measure that would legalize marijuana. Yeah, in Jamaica. Political analysts are calling it a bold move that could change nothing.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In the middle of his second term, President Obama’s approval rating once again has dropped. Obama’s approval rating is so low that today Hillary Clinton said, ‘I’ll take it from here’.” – David Letterman


I am so going to miss Colbert’s conservative persona


Late Night Political Humor

“L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling was recorded telling his girlfriend not to hang out with black people. Some people are actually defending Sterling, saying he has a very good record of hiring minorities. For instance, he always has at least one white guy on the team.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The L.A. Clippers protested their owner’s racist remarks by wearing their uniforms inside-out. Meanwhile, the L.A. Lakers have been wearing their uniforms inside-out so no one would know they play for the Lakers.” – Conan O’Brien

“Clippers owner Donald Sterling is in trouble for making racist remarks. It must be terribly embarrassing for this guy, you know, to be identified as the owner of the Clippers.” – David Letterman

“Donald Sterling, owner of the L.A. Clippers, got caught on tape allegedly spewing vial racist hate to his mistress. You know it’s bad when you get caught on tape with your mistress and it’s what you said that’s the problem.” – Craig Ferguson

“Here in L.A., Donald Sterling, the owner of the Clippers, has been caught on tape making racist remarks. After the audio was released, the NAACP decided not to honor Sterling with a second lifetime achievement award. Instead, they’re giving him ‘The Reason We Still Need an NAACP’ award.” – Conan O’Brien

“Clippers owner Donald Sterling was caught on tape saying racist things to a woman. The NAACP was set to give him a second lifetime achievement award but rescinded the honor. I think that’s a mistake. I think he should be forced to show up and accept the NAACP award.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today Donald Trump called Sterling’s remarks disgusting and his girlfriend a terrible human being. Then Trump said, ‘And that’s why I’ve invited them both to join the next season of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Right now every NBA fan here in Los Angeles knows there’s a dark, ugly cloud of shame hanging over the Staples Center. But enough about the Lakers. There’s also the Sterling thing.” – Craig Ferguson

“Everyone agrees that Sterling should be forced to sell the team. I have a solution. I will buy the team. Donald Sterling, I will give you $5,000 in cash. Do with it whatever you want. Give it to the NAACP. Maybe they’ll give you another award.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I would be proud to take the reins of what once was and again will be the worst, most miserable franchise in all of sports.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama is calling Donald Sterling’s racist remarks ‘incredibly offensive.’ And you know it’s bad when even Vladimir Putin says, ‘I hate to say it, but I am with Obama on this one’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama was asked if he would save Vladimir Putin if Putin were drowning. Obama said, ‘Yeah, I would save Putin. I would save anyone except Donald Sterling.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Pope Francis today tweeted to his 4 million Twitter followers, ‘Inequality is the root of social evil.’ So it looks like he’s giving away his season tickets to the Clippers.” – Seth Meyers

“George Clooney is engaged. You can tell he’s excited to get married because he’s been throwing himself a bachelor party for the last 20 years.” – Jimmy Fallon

“German Chancellor Angela Merkel will travel to the U.S. next month to talk with President Obama about the situation in Ukraine. And to try to get Clooney to change his mind.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A woman claiming to be Hitler’s maid said that he pretended to adhere to a healthy diet but actually had an insatiable sweet tooth. I knew if we waited long enough, we’d eventually find some dirt on that guy.” – Seth Meyers

“Spanish scientists say they have discovered the oldest reproduction of Jesus Christ. It’s a selfie he took with Larry King.” – Conan O’Brien



Occupy Democrats

Sick of the Slant

Here’s the real Benghazi scandal. In an interview on CNN, Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) says the following:

I think what we’re going to hear is that we didn’t meet the basic, minimum standards required for a facility such as the one we had in Benghazi. And the request for more security personnel went unheeded, unanswered, and consequently, you know, you have the death of four Americans. We [have to] make sure that that doesn’t happen again in Libya. But we also [have to] make sure it doesn’t happen in other places around the world…. We [have to] get at the truth, but thus far it’s been a slippery attempt to try to get the truth because the White House and the Obama administration’s been very slow in giving us the facts.

Later, in the very same interview, he is asked “Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?” Chaffetz responds:

Absolutely. Look we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have… 15,0000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, a private army there, for President Obama, in Baghdad. And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces. When you’re in touch economic times, you have to make difficult choices. You have to prioritize things.


The Day the Internet Died

In January, a federal court struck down net neutrality requirements that had been put in place by the FCC in 2010. That was strike one.

Then, just a few weeks ago, the FCC announced their intent to allow companies to buy preferred (faster, more responsive) access to the internet. Strike two.

This started a huge argument. On one side were companies like Verizon and Comcast who stand to profit greatly from the death of net neutrality, and who naturally claim that net neutrality is just an innovation-killing government regulation. On the other side are companies and individuals who benefit from a free and open internet, and who claim that net neutrality is important to preserve the internet we know and depend on.

So MIT looked into it and issued a report, and what they found was frightening to say the least. They talked to venture capital firms to see how the new regulations might affect them. Ironically even though these new regulations have not yet gone into effect, VC firms said that they have already stopped funding startup internet firms because if the new regulations go into effect they will significantly impact the potential profitability of many internet startups.

It is bad when strike three happens even before the pitcher throws the ball.

UPDATE: Over 150 major internet companies have sent a letter to the FCC asking that they protect net neutrality rules.

UPDATE2: An Internet Hosting Provider takes the maxim that turnabout is fair play, and throttles FCC access to their sites to the speed of a dial-up connection. They point out that while this sounds outrageous, this is exactly what the FCC is proposing. Naturally, if the FCC wants to pay them for faster access, they will gladly provide it to them.


Late Night Political Humor

“The city of Chicago is building a new high school named after President Obama. I hear their student government isn’t that good, but the golf team is amazing.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is in Japan. He’s over there visiting the Benihana Training Institute.” – David Letterman

“President Obama is out of the country. Vice President Joe Biden is out of the country. And you know what happens then. They turn over nuclear launch codes to Oprah.” – David Letterman

“Hillary Clinton made news this week, when she said that older women can still make a difference in politics. Even her supporters said, ‘Oh my God, just say you’re running already!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“More than 70,000 people will travel to Indianapolis this weekend for the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association. The weekend will feature a brunch, a gun raffle, and no sudden movements.” – Jimmy Fallon


By the Numbers

Howard University Radio

What do Republicans have to say about this? Benghazi!


Late Night Political Humor

“While he was in Japan today, President Obama visited a science museum, where he played soccer with a robot. Joe Biden is negotiating with the prime minister in Ukraine, and Obama is playing soccer with a robot. It’s like the White House version of ‘Freaky Friday’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is in Japan today. They showed him a robot developed by Honda that can kick a soccer ball. It’s cute watching the president interact with a prototype that will one day enslave us all, isn’t it? ” – Jimmy Kimmel

“President Obama is visiting Japan, and for dinner last night he had $300 sushi. That’s a lot of dough, but you know, it comes with unlimited bread sticks. And Mercury poisoning is covered by Obamacare.” – David Letterman

“Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced plans to build the Barack Obama College Preparatory High School, which will open in 2017. The Obama school is expected to be very popular…at first.” – Seth Meyers

“Today the Pentagon announced they are going to spend millions shooting clouds with super-lasers to create more precipitation. It’s in The Washington Post newspaper. A newspaper is like a blog except everything is from yesterday.” – Craig Ferguson

“Controlling the weather would be great because L.A. is so dry right now. Our rainfall is lower than Obama’s approval ratings. It’s lower than the Lakers winning percentage. It’s lower than CNN’s ratings. Lower than Tom Cruise’s foot stool. Lower than the box office for that new Johnny Depp movie.” – Craig Ferguson

“Lasers that control the weather are hard to explain. Basically they hit the cloud and create nitric acid particles that bind water molecules to create condensation nuclei. I hope that clears it up for you.” – Craig Ferguson


Guns and Roses

I believe the US Constitution guarantees the right to own guns, but it definitely does not guarantee the right to incite violence. And that is the problem with the pro-gun industry in this country. They are using fear and lies to satisfy their own greed.

The NRA used to be about hunting, but their original market started shrinking. Just fifteen years ago, 46% of gun owners said that they owned a gun in order to hunt, but this number has dropped to 32%. So the gun sellers found a new market to expand into, and they worked hard to make it bigger. Their efforts have paid off. In the same fifteen years, the number of gun owners who own a gun for “protection” has almost doubled from 26% to 48%. That’s a very tidy profit.

The irony of this is that in the same time, crime rates have been falling dramatically. So what can the gun industry do to sell more and more guns? The answer is found in NRA spokesperson Wayne LaPierre’s speech at the recent 2014 NRA national convention:

We know, in the world that surrounds us, there are terrorists and home invaders and drug cartels and car-jackers and knock-out gamers and rapers, haters, campus killers, airport killers, shopping mall killers, road-rage killers, and killers who scheme to destroy our country with massive storms of violence against our power grids, or vicious waves of chemicals or disease that could collapse the society that sustains us all.

Hypocritically, at the same convention where LaPierre was warning people about rapists, the NRA held a book signing for admitted serial statutory rapist Ted Nugent.

But it gets worse. Five years ago NRA board member and US Congressman Don Young (R-AK) stood with militia leader Schaeffer Cox in a video and signed the following declaration written by Cox:

Let it be known that we, the people of Alaska, stand in recognition of the true principle that whenever a government abandons the purpose for which we have created it and even becomes hostile towards that which it was once a defender of, it is no longer a fit steward of the political power that is inherent in the people and lent to this government with strict conditions. These conditions are clearly defined in the United States Constitution and understood by the common man.

Furthermore, to the extent that our government violates these conditions, they nullify their own authority, at which point it is our right and duty, not as subjects but as sovereign Americans, to entrust this power to new stewards who will not depart from the laws we have given them.

This being the case, let it be known that should our government seek to further tax, restrict or register firearms or otherwise impose on the right that shall not be infringed, thus impairing our ability to exercise the God-given right to self-defense which precedes all human legislation and is superior to it, that the duty of us good and faithful people will not be to obey them but to alter or abolish them and institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to us shall seem most likely to effect our safety and happiness.

Two years later, Cox was convicted of plotting to kill Alaska state troopers and a judge.

My problem is not with people owning guns. That is their right. My problem is with an industry that spews violent rhetoric and then uses the crime it incites in order to make money by selling “protection”. It is a racket, and a criminal and perhaps even treasonous one. Don’t believe me? As Cliff Schecter points out, just imagine what would happen if president Barack Obama had signed a declaration similar to the one above, which had been written by a radical Muslim.


Late Night Political Humor

“I am obsessed with your program in the same way that I’m obsessed with antibiotic-resistant superbugs or the Pacific garbage patch or the KFC Double Down. Because I just can’t believe that in this day and age, with all that we know, this shit is out there — that humanity, that our society, is still weighed down by these burdens of a seemingly more medieval time. Like your show. To see it night after night, serving up the same shit, my god, you’re the Arby’s of news.” – Jon Stewart (responding to Sean Hannity’s claim that Stewart is obsessed with Hannity’s show just because Stewart made fun of Hannity’s non-stop coverage of Clivan Bundy)

“It’s become clear to me that I’ve won television. You see, Jon, almost nine years ago I promised to change the world and together, I did it.” – Stephen Colbert (stopping by The Daily Show to announce, in character, the real reason that he is ending his show)

“Maybe ride the rails, live boxcar to boxcar, learn how to whip up a hearty stew from peanut shells and a stolen chicken.” – Stephen Colbert (discussing his plans after leaving television)

“Yesterday was Earth Day. And today we went right back to throwing Jamba Juice cups in the rainforest.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I never know what to get the Earth for Earth Day. So I just bought it an iTunes gift card and buried it.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“China’s state media has announced that its ‘Cleaning the Web’ Campaign has successfully shut down 110 porn websites. That’s like New York City announcing that their ‘Cleaning the Subway’ campaign has successfully exterminated one rat.” – Seth Meyers

“Evil Vladimir Putin said this about President Obama. He said, ‘If I were drowning, I think President Obama would rescue me.’ And I thought: Well, give that a try.” – David Letterman
