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Are You Sure?

Thirty years ago, two black, mentally disabled men were convicted of the rape and murder of an 11-year-old girl. One of the men spent all thirty years on death row. A few days ago, DNA evidence was used to show that both men are innocent, and they have been ordered to be released.

Now here’s the ironic part. Back in 1994, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia used this case as an example of why the death penalty was necessary, saying in a legal opinion:

For example, the case of an 11-year-old girl raped by four men and then killed by stuffing her panties down her throat. How enviable a quiet death by lethal injection compared with that!

And this is exactly the problem with the death penalty. It is justified based on the perceived horror of the crime, and not paying much attention at all to whether or not the convicted is clearly guilty or not. We recoil at the horror, and use that to justify the ultimate punishment.

In this case, there was plenty of evidence that should have created doubt that the men were guilty. But that evidence was ignored, in order to create the appearance of justice.

My problem with the death penalty is not so much that I think it is morally wrong. The point is, we are woefully unqualified to make decisions in capital cases. After all, who are we to judge?


Will the Revolving Door hit Cantor in the Butt?

Used Tool Purchased for $1.8 Million

[satire by Andy Borowitz]

NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)—A used tool that has been on the market for several months was purchased on Tuesday for the whopping price of $1.8 million.

While it may not have set a new record, the sale price raised eyebrows, with many observers noting that $1.8 million was a lot to pay for this particular tool.

But others defended the purchase, arguing that the tool had been successfully bought and sold many times in the past.

Borowitz is of course talking about Eric Cantor, the former House Majority Leader who somehow managed to lose his Republican primary in what pundits called a shocking upset. He then resigned his seat in Congress in August (not even finishing out his term), and now in early September he is taking a position at investment bank Moelis with a $1.6 million salary plus a million dollar signing bonus.

What is Moelis paying for? Former corporate lawyer Dennis Kelleher tells New York magazine:

Let’s look at Cantor’s résumé. Let’s look at all his investment-banking experience. Let’s look at his capital-markets experience. He has none. He has no experience or skills that would qualify him to be even an intern at a fifth-tier firm in the financial industry. I mean, come on!

They’re paying him a guaranteed — you’ve got to love Wall Street, you guarantee money because you can’t fail on Wall Street — they’re guaranteeing him $3.8 million. You don’t guarantee someone $3.8 million because you’re training him to be an investment banker.

Wall Street is after what it’s always buying in Washington: access, influence, and unfair advantage. And Cantor is a big catch for anybody who wants access. Look, if you’re in congressional leadership for X number of years, you know plenty that’s worth a lot of money. If you’re the majority leader, who’s in charge of the agenda and vote counting? One of your jobs is to make sure you’re doling out favors to people. There are dozens and dozens of House members indebted to Eric Cantor for the things he’s done for them. You’re worth a lot.

In addition, Eric Cantor knows why some things got done and other things didn’t get done. He knows why someone voted for or against a bill or amendment. He knows how to strategically target everybody in the House on the issues that anybody cares about in a way that’s close to unique.

And that, my friends, is what “free speech” (i.e., money) buys in Washington these days.

Senator Elizabeth Warren points out how this infects politics:

It worries me about what happens if people in government are looking for that next job: ‘Yeah I’m working now, not as much money as I could be making, but when I leave here, that’s where I’m headed.’ That ultimately infects whatever it is that they’re doing. I think this is just wrong.



Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

I often wish that political parties didn’t exist or were illegal. Indeed, George Washington in his farewell address famously warned against political parties, saying that they would lead to “frightful despotism” because of their tendency to distract the government from their duties, create unfounded jealousies among groups and regions, raise false alarms amongst the people, promote riots and insurrection, and provide foreign nations and interests access to the government where they can impose their will upon the country. Sound familiar?

And as this comic brings up, political parties create a situation where normally fair minded people are scared to criticize politicians from their own political party. Republicans, especially Ronald Reagan, called this the “Eleventh Commandment” — “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” And now this commandment seems to have infected Democrats as well.

I will admit that I too have felt its influence. After all, what is the point of criticizing Obama for the ACA as not going far enough, when it barely squeaked by into law and is the biggest reform to health insurance in our nation’s history?

But there are things for which I will gladly criticize Obama. His prosecution (verging on persecution) of hundreds of whistleblowers (including Snowden, Manning, and Assange) is but one example.


Creative Solution

Mike Stanfill
© Mike Stanfill

Works for me!


The Changing Face of Race

Blue Delliquanti
© Blue Delliquanti

Not to mention that tactics like race-based gerrymandering and voter suppression laws will only work for so long before these these not-really-a-minority-any-more groups figure out that they can wield a tremendous amount of political power. Where will that leave all the Fox News loving racists?


Carried Away

The book “My Parents Open Carry” is about a 13-year-old and her parents “as they spend a typical Saturday running errands and having fun together. What’s not so typical is that Brenna’s parents lawfully open carry handguns for self-defense.”

But the best part are the quotes from editorial reviews, like:

“I’m going to read it to my kids tonight.” – Glenn Beck

“What a beautiful bedtime story…” – Stephen Colbert (link to video)

“Thank heavens! I… lament how closeted gun owners are, and how I seldom hear from them.” – The Washington Post

“…we strongly support providing children with information that will protect them from gun violence…” – Parents Against Gun Violence

Or even better, from customer reviews:

Can’t wait for the sequel, “My Black Parents Open Carried Until the Police Shot Them 146 Times”.

Not quite as compelling as the first book, ‘What Would Jesus Carry?”

If only the title was “My Two Mom’s Open carry” . The Pulitzer would be already decided.

I laughed, I cried …I accidentally shot my mailman in the face

really ties up all the loose ends left by “My Parents Are First Cousins”


Police v. Bankers

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

At some point, did we stop being a nation of laws? When will the powerful — bankers, police, politicians, even the president — be held to the same standards as the poor? Is that really too much to ask?


Speaking of Obamacare and Embarrassment

Florida is one of the states that refused to expand Medicare coverage for poor people. Instead, last March the Republican-controlled state government created an alternative to Obamacare called Florida Health Choices, and appropriated over $2.5 million to start it up and launch its website.

So, how did that work out for them? So far, six months after the launch, Florida Health Choices has signed up a grand total of 30 people. That’s out of 764,000 people in Florida who are too poor to afford subsidized plans under Obamacare, but can’t qualify for Medicaid because Florida refused expansion.

Florida Health Choices was originally the brainchild of Marco Rubio, back in 2008 when he was the Speaker of the Florida House. When asked if now-Sentor Rubio still suppports Florida Health Choices, his spokesman said he did.


Pound Foolish

A week or so ago, the Chicago Cubs had a bit of a disaster. Four and a half innings into the game it started raining — hard — but they didn’t have enough grounds crew to cover the field with tarps quickly enough. The attempt to cover the field was so pitiful the audience booed. Finally, after a long delay and with the field an unplayable mess, the game was called because of rain. Which gave a 2-0 win to the Cubs.

Their opponents, the SF Giants, protested the call and won. It was the first successful protest in major league baseball in 28 years. So the game was resumed two days later.

Now here’s the ironic part. It turns out that the Cubs had sent home ten workers from the grounds crew earlier that evening. Why did they do that? Because if those employees had worked more hours then the Cubs would have had to provide health insurance under Obamacare.

The Cubs claim that they were just trying to control costs, which is pretty funny considering that they are one of the top five baseball teams in revenues. An official with another team put it bluntly — he called them “cheap”. “Embarrassing” said another official, “and they got caught”.


Late Night Political Humor

“Missouri Governor Jay Nixon apparently sent the National Guard to Ferguson without letting the White House know first. When he heard he was left out of such an important decision, Obama said, ‘Holy crap, I’ve been Bidened!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday Egypt’s foreign ministry called on the United States to show respect for the rights of protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. Yeah, Egypt said that. Man, talk about living in glass pyramids.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Disneyworld has become a popular location for Republican fundraisers. A favorite activity is to ride through It’s a Small World and deport most of the dolls.” – Conan O’Brien

“Rick Perry, what a good-looking guy he is. As a requirement for being a Republican candidate for president, you have to look good in a mug shot. I hope this doesn’t ruin his chances of being our next dumb president from Texas.” –David Letterman

“Texas Governor Rick Perry has been charged with two felonies. Yesterday, after he got his mug shot, he went out for ice cream – or, as Mayor Rob Ford calls it, multi-tasking.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Chris Christie says he believes in Rick Perry’s honesty and integrity. Then, he said, ‘Pass me some of that ice cream!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Anthony Weiner is opening a restaurant. Honest to God, how many of you — other than losing a bet, how many of you would go to have a meal at Anthony Weiner’s restaurant? Plus it’s a drive-thru. You pull your car up, you roll down your window, and you scream your order right into his fly.” – David Letterman

“Happy birthday to former President Bill Clinton. He turned 68 today, or as he calls, ‘one away from the fun one.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday was Bill Clinton’s birthday. Hillary yelled surprise, and out of habit, Bill yelled, ‘I can explain.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton is returning to Iowa next month for the first time since her failed presidential run in 2008. Hillary denies just being there for politics. She said, ‘I love Iowa for their … OK, I’m running for president.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Analysts say that President Obama has been ignoring Hillary Clinton’s advice for years – which is why we’ve yet to see him in a pantsuit.” – Conan O’Brien

“‘Meet the Press’ has fired host David Gregory and hired another guy, Chuck Todd, to host. To me, if your name is Chuck Todd, it might as well be David Gregory. Todd Chuck, Gregory David, it makes no difference. They’re all interchangeable.” – David Letterman


The Media is the Message

Jon Stewart nails it again, with humor.

My favorite quote is the guy who says “You know who talks about race? Racists.” Isn’t he talking about race? Does that mean he is identifying himself as a racist? If so, then I’m agreeing with him!


Late Night Political Humor

“Texas Governor Rick Perry has been indicted after he threatened to veto funding for a district attorney’s office unless she stepped down. He’s now the most controversial governor in the country – which is why today he got a gift basket from Chris Christie.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Rumor has it that Texas Gov. Rick Perry badly wants to run in the next presidential race. You can tell Perry’s behind it because they’re starting to make signs that says ‘Perry 2017’.” – Conan O’Brien

“It looks like Rick Perry’s chances in 2016 might be in trouble. Or as Hillary put it, ‘One down, four more to go’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Obama was on a two-week break with his family and had to cut it short by two days, had to go back to Washington. I’m thinking: you spend two weeks with your family, you’re going to need a two-day break. Am I right?” – David Letterman

“A survey found that 75 percent of Americans don’t use up all their vacation days. While the rest apparently loaned them to President Obama. He’s on vacation again!” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama had to cut his vacation short two days to go back to Washington. You know why? Vice President Joe Biden had locked himself out of the White House.” – David Letterman

“Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced he is against medical marijuana in the state because it could hurt the tourism industry. Then Jamaica was like, ‘You sure man?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“David Gregory, a longtime newsman over at NBC news, is no longer the host of ‘Meet the Press’. He took over for Tim Russert, and now they just booted him. They just kicked him right out the door. He’s following a trail I blazed at NBC.” – David Letterman

“David Gregory is being replaced by a guy named Chuck Todd, which indicates to me that in order to host that program you have to have two first names.” – David Letterman


Dope Saves Lives

A study just published in the Internal Medicine Journal of the American Medical Association finds that states that have legalized medical marijuana have 25% fewer deaths caused by overdoses of prescription drugs. The reduction in deaths occurred directly following the legalization of medical marijuana.

According to the lead author of the study: “We think that people with chronic pain may be choosing to treat their pain with marijuana rather than with prescription painkillers, in states where this is legal.”

Other studies have had similar results. This is probably caused by the fact that the occurrence of addiction is significantly lower with medical marijuana than with prescription painkillers, overdose is virtually unheard of, and there has never been a medically documented case of death from smoking marijuana.

This is just one more example the insanity of the years of classifying marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, which does not allow any medical use. As marijuana was originally made illegal back when it was a popular drug with Blacks and Mexicans, I can only surmise that this was caused by pure, unadulterated racism. Even today, blacks are four times more likely to be arrested for possession of marijuana than whites, even though both groups use the drug at similar rates.



Shannon Wheeler© Shannon Wheeler

Maybe we shouldn’t let the police in Ferguson play cops and robbers either.


Three’s a Trend!

Three law enforcement officers (from three different police departments) involved in the Ferguson events have been suspended because of their extremely racist words and actions. How extreme? Here are some examples, courtesy of New York magazine:

St. Louis County officer Dan Page appears in a video posted to YouTube of an hour long speech he gave to the Oath Keepers, where he calls black people “little perverts”, Obama “that illegal alien claiming to be president”, gay people “sodomites”, Muslims “they will kill you”. But most troubling is his attitude toward killing:

I personally believe in Jesus Christ as my lord savior, but I’m also a killer. I’ve killed a lot. And if I need to, I’ll kill a whole bunch more. If you don’t want to get killed, don’t show up in front of me, it’s that simple. I have no problem with it. God did not raise me to be a coward.

Officer Page originally gained notoriety because he pushed CNN anchor Don Lemon while he was reporting live during a demonstration in Ferguson.

Next is Officer Matthew Pappert who works for the Glendale Police Department, which operates near where Michael Brown was killed by the police. After the protests started, Pappert started posting racist remarks to his Facebook page, including “These protesters should have been put down like a rabid dog the first night.” Pappert also called the demonstrators “a burden on society and a blight on the community” and “thugs” and suggested that “a Muslim with a backpack” deal with them somehow.

Last but not least is St. Ann Police Department officer Ray Albers, who came to fame for pointing a semi-automatic assault rifle at protestors in front of the media, to whom he threatened “I will fucking kill you”. When asked for his name by a reporter whom he had just shoved, he responded “Go fuck yourself.”
