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Another Casualty of the War on Drugs

The casualties are the Fourth and Fifth Amendments to our Constitution.

The 4th says “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,[a] against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” The 5th says “… nor shall any person … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Seems pretty clear, right? And yet we have this thing called “civil asset forfeiture” that allows police to seize billions of dollars, cars, and other property even without charging you with a crime. Even worse, it turns our system of justice upside down, forcing you to prove that your property has not been used in any crime in order to get it back (and how do you prove a negative?)

How bad is it? A store owner had his bank account seized because he made cash deposits of his daily receipts in the bank across the street every night. He was never charged with any crime. A man was going to buy a used car and got pulled over by the police. When they discovered the $8,500 in cash he had with him to purchase the car, they seized it. Another man was driving with $28,500 that belonged to a church where he served as secretary, and was going to pay for a parcel of land where his church was planning to build. A cop pulled him over because he looked Mexican (he is from El Salvador). They never even issued him a traffic ticket, but they seized his church’s money.

Actual reasons used by police to justify stopping someone before they seized their property include tinted windows, air fresheners, trash in the car, “a profusion of energy drinks”, “a driver who is too talkative or too quiet”, signs of nervousness, driving over the speed limit, and (my favorite) drivers who were obeying the speed limit were suspect because their desire to avoid being stopped made them stand out.

Two of the main people who established civil forfeiture and ran the federal Asset Forfeiture Office published an editorial recently saying that it has gotten so bad that it can’t be reformed, and should be abolished.

The big problem is that it has become a big money maker for police departments, especially in this era of shrinking local and state budgets. The police have a huge incentive to concentrate on crimes where there is a chance they can seize lots of money or other assets and keep them. And of course, statistics show it happens disproportionately to minorities.

So how did this happen? Well, the police got tired of drug dealers hiring expensive lawyers and beating their convictions, so they decided that the solution was to take away all the money that even looked like it was the proceeds from drug sales before the person was convicted, so they couldn’t hire those expensive lawyers during their trial. To nobody’s surprise, the people who most looked like drug dealers were minorities who had lots of cash on them (no matter what the reason). After all, it is far less suspicious when a white person has lots of money, right?

How did they get away with it? The confiscation of money was done under civil law (hence “civil asset forfeiture”) rather than criminal law (which has far stronger safeguards). Civil law is the law normally used when one private party sues another one, like when you sue for divorce, sue to determine a property line, or sue to obtain compensation for injury. To make it even more confusing, the thing being sued in civil asset forfeiture is the property itself, so there doesn’t even have to be a criminal conviction. And it up to the owner of the property to prove where the money came from (prove that none of it came from potentially illegal activities). Even if they can do that, it is very expensive and time consuming, and recall that the person whose money was seized no longer has anything to pay a lawyer.

According to a judge, civil asset forfeiture is “institutional corruption“. It must be abolished before it makes an even bigger mockery of our legal system.

UPDATE: John Oliver is magnificent showing the absurdity of civil asset forfeiture:


Late Night Political Humor

“Congratulations to Chelsea Clinton, who gave birth to a baby girl named Charlotte on Friday. Or as Hillary described the baby, ‘Third in line to the throne’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Congratulations to Chelsea Clinton. Over the weekend, she gave birth to a baby girl. The baby girl will not confirm or deny whether she’s running in 2056.” – David Letterman

“Chelsea Clinton gave birth to a baby girl. And get this, she’s already said her first word: ‘Iowa’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Chelsea Clinton gave birth to a daughter named Charlotte this weekend. Hillary Clinton was really excited until she remembered that you have to be 18 to vote.” – Seth Meyers

“North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un has not appeared in public for weeks. There are rumors he’s sick due to too much cheese, fried chicken, and beer. Sounds like someone is applying for American citizenship.” – Conan O’Brien

“Evil dictator Kim Jong Un has not been seen in three weeks. I hate it when a recluse disappears, don’t you?” – David Letterman

“Kim Jong Un didn’t even show up at Clooney’s wedding.” – David Letterman


What would you answer?

Anna Redi
© Anna Redi

And don’t tell me that we should just stop all flights from Africa to the US. That would make things worse (as pointed out by Jon Stewart and others). Besides, it wouldn’t stop anyone who really wanted to fly to the US, because they could just fly somewhere else, then fly to the US.

The truth is that we should have helped Africa prevent this outbreak in the first place. In fact, one of the few things that Dubya did that I applaud wholeheartedly was his work helping Africa.


Late Night Political Humor

“The Department of Defense unveiled a new policy that will let undocumented immigrants serve in the military. Is it me, or does that just sound like a sneaky way to get rid of immigrants?” – Jimmy Fallon

“Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that he is resigning after five years with the administration. Obama said, ‘Wait, you can do that?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Attorney General Eric Holder said today that he will resign after five years in office. When he heard about this, President Obama said, ‘Oh, he’s my ride. I gotta go.'” – Seth Meyers

“They’ve had security problems at the White House. Last weekend a couple of guys hopped the fence and ran in. One guy got all the way in and made himself a sandwich.” – David Letterman

“White House security problems won’t happen anymore. They’ve decided that at night — it doesn’t make any difference what’s going on – they’re locking that front door.” – David Letterman

“Security is so tight now that they’ve asked members of Congress to circle the White House – because that way nothing will get past.” – David Letterman

“Political reporters are complaining that the White House has been asking them to edit some of their stories to make the president look better. The White House said that’s not true, and those reporters should please change what they said.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today Russia announced that it will join America’s fight with the terror group ISIS. Then Putin said, ‘But I did not say which side.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bill Clinton said that riding wild horses in Mongolia and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro are on his bucket list. When asked what was on her bucket list, Hillary said, ‘Come on. Don’t make me say it. You know what it is.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Greed and Entitlement

Maurice Greenberg, the former CEO (and major shareholder) of AIG, the insurance giant that was on the brink of bankruptcy before being bailed out by the government in 2008, is suing the government, demanding billions of dollars in compensation.

Why? Greenberg claims that “the government ripped him and other stockholders off by failing to negotiate more generous terms when it took nearly 80 percent equity in the firm, diluting their stakes”.

Greenberg’s suit ignores the fact that if the firm had gone bankrupt, his shares would have been worth nothing (or close to it). It also ignores the fact that the whole reason AIG was in trouble was because of its own risky and irresponsible behavior. AIG extended their guarantee to securities backed by sketchy subprime mortgages, which famously blew up, bankrupting a number of banks (including Lehman Brothers). The government stepped in because AIG was “too big to fail” — its collapse would have imperiled the world economy.

If you ever wanted an example of what’s wrong with our financial sector, this is it. Capitalism is a dance between risk and reward. The higher the potential reward, the higher the risk of losing your money. But the banking industry isn’t actually taking any risks because they expect to get bailed out. This means that there is no incentive to act responsibly with our money and our economy.

And this lawsuit takes it one hypocritical step further. Not only do they expect to get bailed out, but they have the chutzpah to demand more money.

There is only one solution. We need to break up every financial institution that is “too big to fail”. That way we can let them fail when they make stupid and irresponsible decisions.

The GOP claims to be the party of personal responsibility. They oppose a social safety net because they claim that it provides a disincentive to work. Where are they on this issue?


Ebola on the Rebound?

Once again, it is a comedy show that gives us the most reliable news. Meanwhile, the regular media is continuing to spread fear and stupidity:


How the Media Changed Politics

Fascinating interview with Matt Bai, who accuses his own profession of making politics just that much worse. Watch it:


Late Night Political Humor

“President Obama is facing criticism over an incident yesterday where he was holding a cup of coffee in his hand, and then used that same hand to salute a Marine. Though with all that’s going on in the world, I’m surprised he didn’t salute with a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand and a cigarette in the other.” – Jimmy Fallon

“There’s a picture of President Obama getting off his helicopter and he’s got a cup of coffee in his hand, and he salutes the Marine guards with the cup of coffee. It’s all part of the new Jerry Seinfeld series, ‘Presidents in Helicopters Getting Coffee’.” – David Letterman

“President Obama is being criticized for saluting a soldier while holding a pumpkin spice latte. Today he sincerely apologized while eating a maple glazed doughnut.” – Conan O’Brien

“The White House posted a video that got people upset. The president saluted two Marines with a cup of coffee in his hand. It’s not the first time Obama’s done something like this. Remember that time he said The Pledge of Allegiance while holding a Hot Pocket? Or when he visited an aircraft carrier with a $5 footlong? The man never learns.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Secret Service is considering several new measures to keep people from trying to get into the White House. The first thing they’re going to do to keep people out is put up a sign that says ‘Blockbuster Video’.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama addressed the U.N. today. Coincidentally, on the same day Chris Christie addressed the International House of Pancakes.” – David Letterman

“President Obama said that over 40 countries have offered to help the U.S. fight ISIS. Of course they said it the same way your friends do when they promise to help you move. ‘Yeah just call me, you know, if I’m around. It’ll be fun.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s quite a responsibility for the president to address the U.N. Yesterday he spoke on climate change. Today he spoke on terrorism. And tomorrow he talks about how to buy real estate with no money down.” – David Letterman

“In an interview, Kim Cattrall said there could be another ‘Sex in the City’ movie. An hour later, ISIS surrendered – there’s only so much they can take.” – Conan O’Brien

“The federal government is starting to plan for climate change by making extended forecasts that can help people plan for extreme weather — because what can go wrong when you combine the efficiency of government with the accuracy of weathermen?” – Jimmy Fallon

“The federal prison population has dropped by almost 5,000 people. It’s expected to go back up once the NFL season ends.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today an Indian spacecraft reached the orbit of Mars. Not only did India succeed on their first attempt, they did it on a very modest budget — $74 million for the mission. Which happens to be, truly, $26 million less than it cost to make the movie ‘Gravity’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Congratulations to India. They were able to keep the mission’s costs down by outsourcing all of the work to themselves. And who knows, if it keeps going, in a few years, maybe we’ll have the first call center on Mars.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Happy Columbus Day!

Columbus Day

“Old World” diseases had a devastating effect on the native inhabitants of the new world. There were no accurate counts at the time, but it is estimated that between 80 and 95% of native americans died from Smallpox alone. In absolute terms, this was more deaths than caused by all wars and even the Black Death. In some areas, such as the island of Cuba, the entire indigenous population died out.


Social Media Citizen Corps

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

I suppose social media, like all public opinion, is important. After all, it was largely public opinion that ended the Vietnam War. But unfortunately, social media can be used for evil as well.


Late Night Political Humor

“The White House has been having big security issues lately, after an intruder actually managed to jump the fence and make it inside. The White House actually said they will start locking the doors. When asked if he wanted a key, Biden said, ‘I’m fine just using the doggie door’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s bad enough when you’re president, but now there are guys hopping the fence. They beefed up security at the White House. Isn’t it about time? People were waiting in line to hop the fence.” – David Letterman

“People are still talking about this guy who hopped the fence and ran into the White House. President Obama is calling for a security crackdown. In fact, today he announced a new punishment for anyone who breaks into the White House: Now you have to be president.” – Conan O’Brien

“This guy gets all the way to the front porch of the White House. So they beefed it up. The security people added to the front door one of the sliding chain things.” – David Letterman

“This guy hopped the fence, ran across the White House lawn, and almost got inside the White House. And the Republicans said, ‘Well, let’s nominate this guy’.” – David Letterman

“House Speaker John Boehner is facing criticism over a recent speech where he suggested that unemployed people are lazy. Boehner would clarify his statements, but he was on his second two-week break of the month.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to a new estimate, Congress has had a full work week just 14 percent of the time since 1978. Congress said they planned to address the report next week because it’s already Tuesday.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The United States has launched airstrikes against ISIS. It’s being called ‘Operation Approval Ratings.'” – David Letterman

“In an interview, Bill Clinton hinted that his daughter Chelsea’s baby is due in early October. Though it got weird when reporters asked if it’s a boy or a girl, and Hillary said, ‘I haven’t decided yet’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Many of the leaders and assistants to the leaders from around the world were in attendance at the U.N. Climate Summit. They say this was arguably the most high-profile, significant meeting that will in no way change anything whatsoever.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Unfortunately, the leaders of two of the world’s biggest polluters, China and India, did not show up for the summit. That’s like Daniel Day-Lewis and Meryl Streep not showing up for the Oscars.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Next week the Supreme Court returns to work and is expected to decide if statements made on social media should be enough to put someone in jail. And if your mom is on Facebook, you know the answer is yes. Something has to stop her behavior.” – Seth Meyers

“According to a new report, Nigeria owes New York City over $500,000 in unpaid parking tickets for its foreign diplomats. Nigeria apologized and said they’ll pay the fines right away if they we send them our bank account number, our PIN, and our mother’s maiden name.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Well what did they expect?

It seems that Republicans have figured out that they are appealing to a shrinking base. So do they, you know, decide to actually support policies that appeal to people who aren’t older white men?

Of course not. Instead, they try to look hip by launching a social media PR campaign. Unfortunately, they don’t really understand social media.

They released a “Republicans Are People Too” campaign, complete with videos trying to go viral and a Twitter hashtag #IAmARepublican. But not only did the internet largely take over their hashtag, the innertubes added their own hashtag #RepublicansArePeopleToo full of sarcastic parodies of the GOP campaign.

Like these tweets:

#iamarepublican because I believe in personal responsibility. Which is why I blame Obama, liberals, blacks, and feminists for everything.

#IAmARepublican because I just gave birth to a new baby corporation and he already has the right to vote.

#IamARepublican because I want to put the “white” back in White House. And if you think that makes me a racist, then you’re the REAL racist.

#IAmARepublican because I value a guy who moves his money to avoid taxes more than a guy who moves his family to pick our fruit.

If that wasn’t bad enough, people immediately did image searches and found that every single person the video presented as “Republicans” who they claim are black, hispanic, asian, who recycle, who read the NY Times, etc. etc. are stock photos. Yes, that’s right, they didn’t even bother to find real Republicans, they just went to Getty Images and bought themselves some minorities for their video.

In fact, they are so lazy that the image captioned “Republicans read the New York Times in Public” is not only a stock photo, the newspaper isn’t even the NY Times.

I think the main problem is that they don’t understand that while traditional media is unidirectional, social media is bidirectional — the target of your PR campaign can (and does) respond and in this case they appear to have taken over with a snark campaign of their own.

Sometimes I worry that the incompetency of the Republicans is the only thing that saves us from them.


Late Night Political Humor

“There were some major security issues at the White House over the weekend. On Friday, a guy got to the front doors of the White House, and on Saturday another guy jumped over the White House fence. Officials are wondering why it’s so easy to get in, while Obama is wondering why it’s so hard to get out.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Secret Service is under investigation after two different men made it onto the White House grounds this weekend after jumping the fence. Said President Obama, ‘Jumping the fence, huh? Why didn’t I think of that?'” – Seth Meyers

“A man scaled the White House fence and ran across the lawn to the front door. Is it just me or is ‘The Amazing Race’ running out of ideas?” – Conan O’Brien

“The Secret Service is under scrutiny after a man jumped a fence and entered the White House. In their defense, when they saw a crazed maniac running down the White House lawn, they assumed it was Biden.” – Craig Ferguson

“The White House has re-evaluated its security and today they announced they’ll start locking the front door. They’re also going to start asking who’s there when someone knocks.” – Conan O’Brien

“Chicago is reversing its plan to name a high school after President Obama after it received multiple complaints from people in the community. I guess parents were afraid their kids would spend eight years at the school and still not get anything done.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today was the opening of the U.N. General Assembly. There were 100 representatives from 135 nations in New York City — all here to pay tribute to Derek Jeter.” – David Letterman

“About 400,000 people marched in New York today to draw attention to climate change. They held up signs and banners. They chanted things like ‘Hey, hey, ho, ho, fossil fuels have got to go.’ You know when somebody begins a chant with ‘Hey, hey, ho, ho,’ they mean business.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The militant group ISIS today released a new audio clip mocking American politicians, including John Kerry and John McCain. And Americans are really upset because they released it directly into everybody’s iTunes account.” – Seth Meyers


Nothing to Fear but…

Clay Bennett
© Clay Bennett

I still think Ebola is more of a psychological plague than a medical one.


A Drug Testing Program that Makes Sense!

Republicans have been passing laws to require drug testing of welfare recipients. Florida tested food stamp recipients for four months in 2012 (until it was halted by a court on constitutional grounds), they found that less than 3% tested positive. In Arizona they tested 87,000 – how many tested positive? One.

So the approx $2.76 million spent drug testing welfare recipients saved less than $80k in those two states. Other states had similar results.

Last October, Congressman Trey Radel (R-FL) was caught buying $250 worth of cocaine from an undercover federal law enforcement officer. He resigned.

This could have been prevented by drug testing. Testing 535 members of Congress at $30 apiece would cost $16,050. Catching just one person (like Radel) could save us from paying his Congressional salary, which is $174,000 a year (and that’s not counting any expense accounts and pension plans, which can run far higher).

So drug testing Congress would actually have saved at least $158,000!

Ironically, Radel (a former conservative talk radio host) voted for drug testing for food stamp recipients. Of course.

Testing welfare recipients — a waste of money. Testing Congress-critters? Profit!
