I finally have something good to report about the Republicans. According to the LA Times, the GOP has given up on trying to repeal Obamacare. It only took five years, more than fifty repeal votes, and a few government shutdowns, but occasionally you can teach the Grand Old Party new tricks.
According to a prominent Republican pollster, “Only 18% of Americans want to go back to the system we had before because they do not want to go back to some of the problems we had.” The only remaining problem is that those 18% appear to be the core of the Republican base. The ACA remains extremely unpopular with GOP voters. But repealing it would anger everyone else, including the 20 million people who depend on it for their health insurance.
So expect more saber rattling from GOP candidates during the upcoming election, but absolutely no real action to get rid of the law.
Ironically, Republican politicians are even making proposals to ensure the continuing health of Obamacare. This year, the Supreme Court could strip away the insurance subsidies available to states that use the federal exchange, and would likely leave 8.3 million people uninsured.
The only solution would be for Congress to fix the law, and Congress is controlled by Republicans, who supposedly want to kill the ACA. Several GOP Congresscritters have already proposed extending the subsidies. What will they say to their base when they propose changes to save Obamacare?