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The Case Against Austerity

I don’t know why we fall for really stupid economic theories, but it may have something to do with the huge amount of money being spent to convince 99% of Americans that it will be good for us to give all our money to the 1%. First it was “trickle down economics” until that was soundly discredited. But rather than give up on it, they just came up with another name, “austerity”. Austerity is nothing like trickle down economics. In austerity, we have to reduce spending severely in order to cut taxes (which mainly benefits the very rich).

See the difference? Well, neither do I.

But we keep hearing about austerity. Greece has to cut spending even more than they already have. Retired people have to give up a big part of their pensions, and there will be big cuts to education. Why? So Greece can pay money back to their rich creditors who stupidly invested in Greece when they knew it was becoming insolvent. Sound familiar?

Which is why it is a good thing that the LA Times has published an article about what should be obvious to everyone: “The evidence piles up: Austerity poisons economic growth“:

Why has the post-recession recovery been so slothful, both here in the U.S. and abroad?

The answer has been plain for years: Government leaders pursued policies of austerity, cutting public spending with the fanaticism of moral crusaders. The almost universal result was a stifling of economic growth.

Resistance to public spending hobbled the U.S. recovery and has had even worse effects in Europe, which embraced austerity more.

We made the same mistake after the Great Depression, and only fully climbed out of that when WWII forced us to seriously increase spending. Yes, that drove the federal deficit up for a few years until growth picked up dramatically and the resulting economic boom cut the national debt to a quarter of what it was at its peak.

If that weren’t enough evidence, today we have states like Kansas, Wisconsin, and Louisiana, which fully embraced austerity and tax cuts (promising the resulting economic growth would make everything better), only to see their economies get worse instead of better:

Things have gotten so bad in Louisiana, where budget cuts have Louisiana State University contemplating the equivalent of bankruptcy, that Republican legislators are pleading to be relieved of their earlier no-tax pledges.

Now here’s the ironic part. Even though the wealthy stand to gain the most from austerity, in reality they lose too.

Crumbling roads and bridges cost business owners dearly in transport costs; underfunded educational systems raise their cost of finding or training qualified workers; poverty and unemployment cause social unrest, which leads to attacks on their property.

In Kansas, Wisconsin, Louisiana and other fanatical tax-cutting and government-shrinking states, the signs are emerging that austerity isn’t even its own reward. High-income taxpayers may feel flush for a while when their rates are being slashed, but when the consequence is shuttered universities, understaffed schools, and unemployment spreading among what should be their customer base, everyone is impoverished.


Pretzel Logic

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

If Scalia weren’t bad enough, we have his sidekick “Scalito”. It might have been overshadowed by other decisions, but yes, the Supreme Court did rule that capital executions could move forward, even though three recent executions resulted in long and apparently excruciatingly painful death, “the chemical equivalent of being burned alive”. Silly me, I thought the eighth amendment prohibited “cruel and unusual punishments”.

Rebecca Hendin
© Rebecca Hendin


The Right’s Right to Deny Rights?

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

I’m just waiting for them to exercise the right to shut up.

My only consolation is that future generations will undoubtably look back at gay bashers the same way we look back at slave owners.


Hot Greece

I’ve been thinking about the economic crisis in Greece (and the rest of Europe), and I have one question: When did bankers stop acting like businessmen and start acting like gangsters, who will kneecap customers if they don’t repay their loans?

I don’t ask this question because I am a socialist, I ask it because I am a capitalist! The whole point is that in order for capitalism to work, there must be risk associated with any reward. I have invested in many companies, big and small. I’ve made money off some of them, and some of them have failed and I lost some or all of my money.

Yes, Greece made bad decisions. They have huge debt. But what nobody seems willing to point out is that you can’t rack up debt without somebody loaning that money to you and charging you interest. The interest is the reward for doing business. The risk of doing business is that some of the loans will fail, and the bank will lose money.

This is not a bad thing. Without risk, there is no incentive to make good loans. We saw what happened in the US when the economy melted down, because bankers lost all incentive to make good mortgage loans. Stupidly, we bailed them out — I’m not talking about the homeowners who were in danger of becoming homeless, we insanely bailed out the bankers who made the bad loans. And then the bankers gave themselves bonuses for their “success”. Seriously.

And now the same thing is happening in Europe. If Greece doesn’t repay all of their debts, with interest, Europe will kick them out of the Eurozone. When did we give bankers power over whole countries? Even the IMF is admitting that by forcing austerity on Greece, it will further damage their economy. Do we never learn? A good definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing when it keeps failing.

And the real hypocrisy is Germany, who are lecturing Greece about repaying their debts. As economist Thomas Piketty points out, Germany has never repaid its debts. They didn’t after WWI, and again after WWII. And not just Germany. Other countries, including Great Britain and France, were once in the situation facing Greece today.

And the bankers have the audacity to say that if we don’t punish Greece for their bad decisions, they will never learn. Will bankers ever learn that they can’t have rewards without risk? Bankers, heal thy selves.


It is more than 5 years later…

And all that stuff has been implemented.

Rush Limbaugh

And please, before you leave, make sure Sean Hannity has his waterboarding charity event.


If a Trump Falls in the Forest, Does it Make a Sound?

Jon Stewart has a good point. Donald Trump is not the problem. The problem is us. Why do we pay attention to anything Trump says?

Trump is following the traditional right-wing script. Now he’s whining about being America’s whipping post because he’s willing to bring up things like immigration that nobody else wants to talk about. Poor me, says Trump.

First of all, Trump is certainly not the only person who is talking about immigration. Obama tried to talk about solving the problem of illegal immigration, but was soundly denounced by the Republicans. And Trump’s solution? Build a (Berlin-like) wall all the way across the border. Even though that would cost insane amounts of money and still would not stop illegal immigration.

And his big example of the problem? A woman was killed by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco. Why do we let anyone get away with using anecdotal evidence to prove anything? There is plenty of evidence that immigrants, both legal and illegal, commit less than half the crime than average US citizens (Trump’s claim that Mexico is sending their worst people to the US is a complete fabrication). And the unfortunate murder in San Francisco is a particularly bad example. Immigration had previously caught the illegal immigrant who committed the murder, but they turned him over to the SF police. The SF police stupidly released him, instead of turning him back over to immigration (to be deported or jailed).

We don’t need a wall, we need police departments that aren’t swamped fighting minor crimes (like personal drug use) and prisons that aren’t overcrowded, so that we don’t release violent criminals and the police can give priority to real crimes.

And we need fewer jerks like Trump. The only way we will get that is to stop paying any attention to them or their stupid lies.


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump announced that he’s running for president. During his speech he told the crowd that if elected he would be ‘the greatest jobs president that God ever created.’ Then God said, ‘Hey, don’t drag me into this publicity stunt.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In his presidential announcement speech yesterday, Donald Trump pledged to become ‘the greatest jobs president that God ever created’. This is from the man who coined the catch phrase ‘You’re fired’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is running for president, and I couldn’t be happier about it. He promised he would be ‘the greatest jobs president that God ever created.’ I think President Trump would be a very good thing for jobs in this country — specifically for my job here at this show.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Political analysts are saying that as a candidate, Donald Trump is ‘a totally unqualified nuisance’. In other words, he is a legitimate contender for the Republican nomination.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump told ABC news that if he had Oprah as a running mate, they could easily win. Although you know who’d definitely win? Oprah WITHOUT Donald Trump.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Presidential hopeful Donald Trump said yesterday that he has better hair than Senator Marco Rubio – a claim that was recently disproven by wind.” – Seth Meyers

Hell Toupee


GOP Silver Linings

David Horsey
© David Horsey

Do you ever wonder why so little of the radical conservative agenda ever becomes reality? For example, even when the GOP controlled all three branches of our government, abortion remained legal.

Remember when gays were the favorite whipping boys of Republican political candidates? And now, the Supreme Court opinion legalizing same sex marriage was written by none other than justice Anthony Kennedy, who was appointed by the sainted Ronald Reagan! This is doubly ironic as Reagan pledged to appoint only “true conservatives” to the highest court and instituted a rigid “litmus test” for candidates.

And that’s just social issues. On the fiscal side, despite talk of reduced government spending, Republicans have generally spent like drunken sailors. Remember Medicare Part D? Increased military spending? The only real difference is that they refused to raise taxes to support their spending sprees.

Republicans will continue to oppose the ACA, but will they ever actually do anything about it? Why would they, when opposing it gets them so many votes and campaign contributions?



I will never recognize it in my heart because God gave marriage between a man and a woman and that’s what marriage is. And I don’t think the court – since it never defined marriage – doesn’t have the right to redefine it. God gave us marriage. Period. And God doesn’t change his mind.

I’m disappointed because the government is recognizing sin. This court is endorsing sin. That’s what homosexuality is – a sin against god.

You better be ready and you better be prepared because it’s coming. There will be persecution of Christians for our stand.

– Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham), in an interview with Fox Nation where he warns that “God could bring judgement upon America” because of the legalization of same sex marriage.


Love and Respect

Some quotes from Helen Philpot (of Margaret and Helen):

It’s just so odd that all this hatred and discrimination seems to be emanating from a bunch of Republicans who claim to represent Jesus. Now there is a conundrum. As a Christian politician do you abide by the law of the land and treat others with love and respect or do you follow the teachings of Jesus and treat others with love and respect? Such a dilemma.

If a government is able to show more compassion than your church, maybe you should join another church.

The way I see it, you can use your bible to justify hatred, and you can use the First Amendment to justify your right to express your hatred. Or you could pull your head out of your ass and realize that you pick and choose which bible verse to quote with as much ignorance as you pick and choose which Republican Presidential Candidate to nominate.


Gay Wedding Advice!

Key & Peele have graciously shared some gay wedding advice. After all, it is a very real possibility that anyone can now get invited to a gay wedding.

Inquiring people want to know! What will happen at it? How should you behave?



Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Part of me (a rather small part) actually wants the upcoming presidential election to be between a Clinton and a Bush. Holy deja vu Batman!

I have a question for readers. Leave your answers in the comments. Assume for a (brief) moment that the next president had to be picked from one of the Republican candidates — a long list, which now includes Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Scott Walker, along with Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum, and Donald Trump. Which one would you pick, and why? Note that I am explicitly not allowing you to pick a GOP candidate because they would be easy to defeat by your favorite candidate from another party — assume for a moment that the GOP will win this election. No fair voting for a box of rocks.

Bonus points: predict who you think will actually win the Republican nomination. I’m willing to go out on a limb with this question and state that I think John Kasich will win the nomination — but for Vice President.

UPDATE: Jim Webb has just announced his candidacy for president. I think Clinton has found her running mate, and he’s somebody who served under Reagan!


Late Night Political Humor

“Jeb Bush is here tonight, fresh off his announcement that he’s running for president. We were also going to have Donald Trump as well, but last time we checked he was still giving his speech.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Did you see Donald Trump’s big announcement today? Trump is very confident. He could be the only presidential candidate to ever pick himself as a running mate.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump announced today he is running for president of the United States. Traditionally that means six more weeks of comedy.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump announced today that he is running for president. And based on the amount of bronzer he uses, he’s also running for president of the Spokane NAACP.” – Seth Meyers

“Trump is running for president and he’s wasting no time getting down to business. In fact, just after his announcement he demanded to see Jeb Bush’s birth certificate.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Due to Donald Trump entering the presidential race, season 15 of ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ will not air. But don’t worry. With Trump running for president, you’ll still get to see an irrelevant B-list celebrity not get a job.” – Conan O’Brien

“A lot of people aren’t taking Trump seriously. But the fact of the matter is, when Donald Trump makes an announcement, people listen — because he’s shouting. You have no choice but to listen.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Trump said, ‘The American dream is dead.’ All right, well, it’s not exactly ‘Hope and change,’ but it’s a slogan.” – Jimmy Kimmel


The Crankiness of Scalia

Scalia seems to have had a very bad day.
He didn’t get things to go his way.
But that’s ok because Jon is here,
To humorously make the hypocrisy clear.

As Stewart explains it, “I think we found Scalia’s tell. The Crankiness of Scalia’s insults runs inverse to his intellectual consistency.”


The Dark Cloud Inside the Silver Lining?

The article “Please Don’t Make Me Get Gay Married” is not about gays forcing their agenda on straight people. In fact, quite the opposite. It raises a down side to the recent Supreme Court decision legalizing same sex marriage everywhere. It is a problem straight people have had to put up with for years, but will now apply to same sex couples as well.

The problem is, not all couples want to get married. In the past, only straight couples were subject to the incessant questions. Like “When are you going to get married?”, “Wouldn’t it make your parents happy?”, even “Are you planning on having kids?”.

Gays were automatically exempt from these questions when gay marriage was illegal. Even after some states made it legal, gay couples could use the excuse that it wasn’t legal everywhere, so it would complicate things and may even offend some people.

But no more. Like straights, gay couples now have the choice of whether to get married, and at least some of them will decide they don’t want to.

The author of the article, a gay man in a committed relationship, felt compelled to post to Facebook “Christian and I are happy to announce that with today’s historic decision we have decided to continue being legally unmarried forever.” A straight friend quickly replied “It brings a tear to my eye that you’ll now finally have the right to constantly defend the decision not to get married, just like straight couples have been able to do for forever.”

Around ten years ago, filmmaker John Waters said in a talk “Back when I was young the best thing about being gay was that you didn’t have to get married, have kids, or serve in the military. Now we’re fighting for all three.”

Be careful what you ask for. You might just get it!
