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Christian Values

There’s a funny article in the Daily Kos entitled “You Cannot Be a Republican and a Christian“. Here’s one particularly funny paragraph to entice you to go read the whole thing:

I know that many of Christ’s teachings are open to interpretation, but so many of the people who make a point of asking “What would Jesus do?” seem to have no interest at all in the most likely answers. It’s ironic that they have sometimes been referred to as “values voters,” since their values are so devoid of value, at least from the Christian point of view. Their main interest in Christianity seems to be an expectation of being rewarded in the afterlife despite bad behavior while alive. And as for their leaders, beware wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). Most atheists and agnostics are truer Christians than this crew.

Conservative Jesus


Late Night Political Humor

“Tonight is the first Republican debate over on Fox News. The moderator, Chris Wallace, said there’s ‘so doggone many’ candidates, and that he planned on asking them some ‘doozies’. He would’ve said more but he had to go back to the soda shop he works at in 1954.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Tonight was the first Republican primary debate. If you missed it, just imagine your uncle at Thanksgiving dinner, and then multiply by 10.” – Seth Meyers

“The big Republican debate is tonight. Everyone is curious what Donald Trump’s going to do, right? Political analysts say Trump’s game plan is to wing it and see what happens. It’s the same game plan used by his barber.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump said prior to the debate that he wants to be very civil. He said that instead of referring to all Hispanics as criminals, he’ll call them criminal Americans.” – Conan O’Brien

“It was reported this week that scientists are looking to reduce greenhouse gasses by limiting flatulence from cows. The way it works is, they’re gonna send all the cows on a bunch of first dates.” – Seth Meyers


Public Service Announcement


This is no election fraud. Honest! Would I lie to you, Tea Party? You’re my best-est friend.


Late Night Political Humor

“Tomorrow night is the first Republican debate. Which means Donald Trump’s hair and makeup team should be getting started right about now.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The debate rules state that the highest-polling candidate is given the middle podium, which means Donald Trump will be center stage tomorrow night. Well, that and the fact that he was going to stand there anyway.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump has come out in favor of shutting down Planned Parenthood. However, experts say, if he really wants Planned Parenthood to go under he should turn it into a Trump property.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Republican presidential debate is tomorrow night. People have already come up with drinking games for it. The most popular game is the one where you skip the debate and go out drinking.” – Conan O’Brien

“Among the debaters tomorrow night is Ben Carson who is a neurosurgeon. Carson says he’s not there to debate, he’s there to diagnose exactly what’s wrong with Donald Trump.” – Conan O’Brien

“A new study finds that Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ program may have caused people to actually gain weight. Many mistook the slogan to mean, let’s move next door to a Cinnabon.” – Conan O’Brien


Beam Me Up, Scottie!

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Has the Republican Party gone past the point of no return? Do they have any legitimacy left? Or will it get worse? Stay tuned.


Late Night Political Humor

“We have the great Don Rickles on the show tonight. He’s a guy known for brilliantly insulting everyone in the room — or as Donald Trump calls him, ‘the original me.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Thursday night is the first Republican presidential candidates’ debate. Just like ‘Celebrity Apprentice’, you’ll see Donald Trump on TV yelling at people you barely recognize.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump’s phone number has been leaked. When you call Trump’s cellphone number it plays a campaign message. If you want to hear Trump’s message in English, press one. If you want to hear it in Spanish, you probably don’t follow the news.” – Conan O’Brien

“Ben from Ben & Jerry’s has endorsed Bernie Sanders for president. After hearing this, Chris Christie said, ‘After all we’ve been through together?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Over the weekend in Iran, temperatures reached 165 degrees, one of the highest temperatures ever recorded on earth. In fact, it was so hot in Iran, American flags burst into flames on their own.” – Jimmy Fallon


Back to Torture?

Jeb Bush has again said that (if he is elected president) that there may be occasions when he would authorize the use of brutal interrogation techniques in order to keep the country safe.

This, despite the fact that the 2014 Senate report, which reviewed the CIA records, concluded that the use of torture “enhanced interrogation techniques” failed completely to produce any unique, life-saving intelligence, and that the CIA repeatedly lied about the brutality of what they were doing to prisoners. And a new story that just came out shows that they continue to lie and violate the law to this day.

But Bush thinks it might be a good idea again.

How in the hell can we condemn the ISIS “Theology of Rape“? The US is reacting in horror at an article in the NY Times about how ISIS is interpreting the Quran to justify sex slavery and rape of non-believers, and even using the practice as a recruiting tool. And yet we regularly used rape (including of children, while their parents watched), sodomy, and worse as an “interrogation technique”?

We have completely lost our moral authority, and Jeb Bush thinks it is ok.

I know this is hard to believe, but I would rather have Donald Trump elected president than Jeb Bush. At least Trump occasionally makes me laugh. Bush just makes me ill. He is a complete hypocrite and liar. And the people he surrounds himself with are even worse.

Jeb also recently defended the Iraq war, saying “I’ll tell you, taking out Saddam Hussein turned out to be a pretty good deal.” If you liked the George W Bush presidency, you’ll love his brother. Apparently Jeb does, praising his brother’s war that cost the US $1.7 Trillion, 4,424 American lives, and over 100,000 Iraqi lives, while finding absolutely zero WMD (which was the public justification for the war). “I’m not saying this because I’m a Bush. I’m proud of what he did to create a secure environment for our country.”


Late Night Political Humor

“It seems like everybody’s weighing in on Trump’s campaign – even Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban. He said that Trump is ‘probably the best thing to happen to politics in a long, long time.’ Then Trump was like, ‘Well, at least one Cuban loves me.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump has fired a campaign adviser for posting racist remarks on Facebook. Isn’t that shocking? Donald Trump has a campaign adviser.” – Conan O’Brien

“After Donald Trump gave out Lindsey Graham’s personal phone number a couple of weeks ago, the website Gawker gave out Trump’s personal cellphone number. Which backfired when Trump just speed-insulted everyone who called him: Loser. Moron. Idiot. Loser.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump is still leading the Republican polls, with support from 19 percent of voters. Of course, it’s only a matter of time before Trump slips up and says something completely sane.” – Seth Meyers

“Jeb Bush participated in his first Spanish-language interview with Telemundo this week, where he said he’s more optimistic than the other candidates. And you can tell he’s optimistic, cuz he thinks speaking in Spanish will help him with REPUBLICANS.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Jeb Bush’s campaign and the super PACs supporting him have raised more than $120 million so far. In fact, Jeb’s campaign was this weekend’s second highest grossing ‘Mission: Impossible.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Chris Christie, John Kasich, and Rick Perry are currently fighting for the final two spots in Thursday’s Republican debate. It’s going to be tough – Chris Christie really wants those two spots.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton said that one of the jobs that prepared her to be president was sliming fish in Alaska. As opposed to Bill, who learned by catching crabs in Cancun.” – Jimmy Fallon


Doomed to Deja Vu

Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

Will we ever learn?


Late Night Political Humor

“We’re in the middle of a heat wave here in New York City, and temperatures are supposed to be in the 90s for the next several days. In fact Donald Trump was so mad about the weather, he actually gave away Al Roker’s personal phone number.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump is still leading all Republican candidates for president. A new Quinnipiac University poll, which of all the major polls is the hardest to say, has Donald Trump ahead.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“While Donald Trump leads the Republican field by a wide margin right now, he seems to be unelectable. The same poll shows him losing to Hillary Clinton by 12 points. Losing to Joe Biden by 12 points. Losing by 8 points to Bernie Sanders. He’s 5 points behind Bill Cosby.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Trump said if his presidential campaign fails, he will ‘ride into the sunset’. And if Donald Trump WINS the presidency, Hillary says she’s gonna ride off a cliff like Thelma and Louise.” – Jimmy Fallon

“You hear less about Hillary Clinton, she’s not giving a lot of interviews because I think she’s looking at everyone else who’s running for president, and she’s thinking, ‘If I keep my mouth shut, I think I’ve got this thing.'” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton revealed today she thinks her biggest weakness is her impatience. Said the interviewer, ‘Mrs. Clinton, I haven’t asked you anything yet.'” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary also said today that her greatest strength is her passionate commitment to helping people. For instance, there was that time in 2008 when she helped a young black man from Chicago become president.” – Seth Meyers

“I saw that the D.C. newspaper The Hill published its annual list of the 50 most beautiful people in politics yesterday. And once again, it only had five people on it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore officially announced his campaign yesterday, bringing the total number of Republican candidates to 17. Here’s how I know that’s too many: If I saw 17 people in line for the BATHROOM, I’d be like, ‘NOPE! I’ll hold it until 2020.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“This isn’t good. Democratic Congressman Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania could face up to 100 years in jail, after he was charged with several counts of corruption. Which would explain Chaka’s new name: Chaka Con.” – Jimmy Fallon


The Cold War is Over

Today, three former Marines, the same men who lowered the American flag for the last time in Havana in 1961, raised the flag for the first time in 54 years in Cuba. The final remnant of the Cold War is gone, and good riddance.

Now we just have to end the stupid US embargo, which has never worked and just made things worse. But with Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio attacking the normalization of relations with Cuba using their best Cold War rhetoric, I’m not holding my breath that the Republican-controlled Congress will end the embargo any time soon.

My belief is that if we had given up the embargo a long time ago, the Castro brothers would have been out of power soon afterward.


Well Oiled

The price of oil just dropped to a 6 year low, $43.08 a barrel. This was caused by a surge in output. Much of the added output was from Iran, and was made possible by the expected approval of the proposed nuclear deal.

Sanctions have long restricted Iran’s allowed oil output. So Republicans opposing the Iran nuclear deal will directly hurt your pocketbook. And these are the same Republicans who want the US to drill drill drill for oil – whether it is shale oil that is polluting our water sources, or offshore causing massive oil spills – to keep oil prices low.

One hopes that even if the US doesn’t approve the deal, virtually every other country will. So Iran will be able to pump even more oil, keeping energy prices down.


Late Night Political Humor

“It seems like every day, another candidate comes out of the woodwork. In fact this week, a man from Iowa whose actual legal name is Deez Nuts, announced that he is running for president. Then Americans looked at the other candidates and said, ‘He can’t be worse than DOZE nuts.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump said yesterday that he would love to have Sarah Palin in his administration because she is somebody who knows what’s happening. Said Sarah Palin, ‘Trump’s running for president? When did that happen?'” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump — there are still 15 months to go in this election, he was all over the news again today. He’s on everything all the time. I don’t know how he’s going to keep up this pace. Donald Trump has reached a saturation level that is nothing short of Kardashian-esque.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Chris Christie said yesterday if he’s elected, he’ll fight against legalized marijuana, so Colorado and Washington residents had better, quote, ‘Smoke that pot now.’ Colorado and Washington residents said, ‘OK. That was the plan all along. Are you guys trying to trick us? Hey, if you’re a cop, you have to tell us. You’re eating doughnuts.'” – Seth Meyers


Haters Gotta Monger

Who are the people arguing against the Iran nuclear deal? Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton. US Senators Lindsey Graham and Chuck Schumer.

What do all these people have in common? They all passionately supported the US invasion of Iraq. At least they are consistent, even if it is consistently wrong.

Oh, and former Democratic VP candidate Joe Lieberman. Lieberman just took a job with United Against Nuclear Iran. The job is to “educate and inform the American public regarding the serious shortcomings of the Iran nuclear deal.” Lieberman got the job because Gary Samore had to step down. Why? According to the group’s CEO “While concerned with many provisions of the Iran deal, Gary ultimately supports the agreement and is stepping down to avoid any conflict with UANI’s work in opposition to the agreement.”

Bonus points if anyone can come up with any US politician who is against the Iran deal, who did not vote for or was vocally against the invasion of Iraq.


Sporting Chance

John Oliver on corporate welfare of the worst kind:

And the biggest hypocrite of all is presidential candidate Scott Walker, who claims to be a fiscal conservative (he’s famous for his union busting tactics and for deep cuts to the state university system). Walker just gave away $450 million of taxpayer money to build a new stadium for the Milwaukee Bucks, a team owned by a pair of billionaire hedge fund managers who don’t even live in Wisconsin (they are from NY). And the state won’t retain any ownership or income rights for the stadium, so this is outright corporate welfare. Even worse, Walker joined the push to fund the stadium after an investor in the Bucks made a $150,000 donation to Walker’s presidential PAC.
