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Late Night Political Humor

“The group Anonymous, an international network of computer hackers who attack websites and steal personal information in the name of justice, announced last week that they are going to war with ISIS. As if ISIS didn’t already have its hands full, now they have to change all their passwords!” – James Corden

“So far, Anonymous has been responsible for the deletion of over 5,000 ISIS Twitter accounts. That’s right. They’re hitting ISIS where it hurts the most. Retweets.” – James Corden

“Right now, all the ISIS Facebook accounts are posting messages like ‘Guys, I think I’ve been hacked. If you got a message from me saying, ‘I love America,’ that wasn’t me. Clearly, I hate America. You guys know me.'” – James Corden

“Remember earlier this year when a hacker group released all the names of users of Ashley Madison? You remember that? What if this ISIS thing plays out like that? Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if Anonymous leaked a list of ISIS members and your dad was on it?” – James Corden

“This weekend, one of the heads of the infamous Gambino crime family gave an interview in which he announced that the mafia was prepared to protect New York City from ISIS. How did they announce this? Isn’t the mafia supposed to be secretive?” – James Corden

“A new poll found that 54 percent of Americans say it’s too early to be playing Christmas music. I couldn’t agree more. Now let’s talk about the 2016 presidential race.” – Seth Meyers

“Ted Cruz’s campaign announced that it’s going to launch a national ‘prayer team’ next month, where people will pray for Cruz to win. Then God said, ‘Oh I tuned out of this thing weeks ago.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“After a protestor was assaulted at a Donald Trump rally this weekend Trump told reporters, ‘Maybe he should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.’ And he might have a point, because what the man was doing was attending a Trump rally.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka said that her father loves eating at McDonald’s. It makes sense, considering the ‘McFlurry’ is also what Trump asks for when he goes to the barber.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump said in an interview today that it is highly unlikely that he would ever use nuclear weapons as president. Meanwhile, Ben Carson said, ‘Hey, what does this button do?'” – Seth Meyers

“In a speech last week, Bernie Sanders called for a new global alliance with Russia and the Middle East to fight threats around the world. Then people said, ‘You mean like Russia and the Middle East?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“We have Adele on the show tonight! We thought we’d do everyone a service and help them get their crying out BEFORE Thanksgiving.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new study has found that specially trained pigeons can have up to an 85 percent accuracy rate of detecting breast cancer in humans. Which means that 15 percent of the time it’s just a pigeon staring at your boobs.” – Seth Meyers



German Chancellor Angela Merkel was just named Person of the Year by both Time magazine and the Financial Times newspaper. The refugee policy she put in place has received praise from all over the world. So it surprised me when Merkel gave a speech on Monday calling multiculturalism a sham and a failure.

I live in a city where people from all over the world live together and different cultures are celebrated (in fact, last weekend I attended a German-themed festival a few blocks away from where I live). I work with people from all over the world. I enjoy foreign films and TV, and most of the music concerts I attend consist of bands and music from other countries. English was the third language of my first wife. I eat lots of ethnic food. I love multiculturalism!

But as I read her explanation, I found that I agree with her. My initial surprise was caused by the fact that she uses a somewhat different definition of multiculturalism than I do. What she was calling a failure is allowing people to move to a new country and keep all of their old culture, language, social norms, and even laws. Merkel’s point is that when someone settles in a new country, they should respect that country’s laws, and should assimilate into the values and norms of their adopted country.

That doesn’t mean they have to give up their culture. A person learning a new language does not have to forget their old language. Likewise, people can remember and celebrate their culture while embracing a new one.

I thought about the multiculturalism I enjoy, and I realize that the people I interact with who were originally from other countries have assimilated. Despite often having accents, they all speak good English and they strive to fit in to the US. I enjoy ethnic festivals and music, because those people are sharing their culture with me. They are not holed up in a neighborhood that is a version of their home country.

What makes America great is that it is a melting pot. People from other cultures strengthen our country because their cultures blend in, making something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Many of the things that we consider uniquely American originally came from other countries. Hot dogs and apple pie come from Germany and England, respectively (indeed, the original name “frankfurter” comes from Frankfurt and “hamburger” comes from Hamburg, and we all know where the “sandwich” comes from).

But the foreign laws and social strictures that conflict with those in an adopted country must be adapted. For example, people from cultures that discriminate harshly against women must learn new ways.

Ironically, I find that people who assimilate into a new country are often more interested in preserving and honoring their old culture. For example, I enjoy traditional music and dance from many countries, but when I have visited places like Bulgaria, Ireland, and Scandinavia I found that it is much harder to find people playing traditional music or dancing traditional dances there than it is here in the US. When I lived in Europe, I had a bunch of friends from Bulgaria, and they were amused by the fact that I love traditional Bulgarian music (and know how to dance to it!). Like many young people, they rejected their traditional ways and preferred modern, popular music.

I think we should help and encourage immigrants to assimilate. I live in a state where they spend lots of money translating government documents and forms into many languages. I think it would be better if they spent that money offering free English classes to immigrants. I might catch hell from my readers, but I would even go so far as to support rules that require immigrants to learn English within a reasonable amount of time (a year or so?) in order to keep their visa or to become a resident or citizen.

I think it is extremely important to preserve other cultures, but I also think it is just as important to preserve American culture. I guess I can’t call it multiculturalism any more (after all, that word implies that you have multiple separate cultures in one country, with no assimilation and little cross cultural movement or sharing).


Sinking Feelings?

Daily Kos

On Saturday night in Paris, the nations of the world, rich and poor alike, signed a historic agreement to fight climate change. It may not be perfect, but it is better than almost anyone expected. Many parts of it are legally binding. What a change from the Copenhagen talks in 2009, which collapsed in chaos.


Late Night Political Humor

“And over on the Republican side, Jeb Bush recently hired a speech coach to help him speak more forcefully and emotionally. You can tell – before, he was like, ‘I don’t really want to run for president,’ but NOW, he’s like ‘I SAID I DON’T WANT TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT!! I’M SICK OF IT! I’M OUT!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Jeb Bush hired a speech coach, and some people say his speeches are starting to get better. Unfortunately, no one can teach him to stop saying ‘Huacamole.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In an interview with Kelly Ripa and Michael Strahan, Hillary said that her biggest guilty pleasure is chocolate. Which then got awkward when she winked at Michael Strahan.” – Jimmy Fallon



Nick Anderson
© Nick Anderson

The artist known as Banksy just unveiled a painting in the refugee camp in Calais, France, depicting Steve Jobs as a Syrian refugee. The elusive artist released a rare statement to go along with the mural:

We’re often led to believe migration is a drain on the country’s resources but Steve Jobs was the son of a Syrian migrant. Apple is the world’s most profitable company, it pays over $7billion a year in taxes–and it only exists because they allowed in a young man from Homs.

The birth city of Abdulfattah “John” Jandali (Jobs’ biological father) has been ravaged by Syria’s brutal civil war.

Banksy: Steve Jobs


Guns and Roses

Conservatives say that because owning a gun is a protected right we should not restrict their sale in any way, no matter how much that restriction makes sense. Keep loopholes in background tests so that terrorists and the criminally insane can easily buy guns? Of course!

On the other hand, even though the Supreme Court says that abortion is a right, conservatives are more than happy to create a multitude of roadblocks to getting one.

For example, the state of Missouri has some of the strictest laws against abortion in the nation, ostensibly to save the lives of fetuses. At the same time, the rate of homicides in the state is 56% higher than the national average, making it one of the worst in the nation. In fact, more people die from guns in the state than die from car accidents.

The solution is obvious!

Missouri state Representative Stacey Newman recently introduced a bill that would take the same restrictions to getting an abortion, and apply them to getting a gun. For example, there would be a 72 hour waiting period for purchasing guns, and the buyer would have to watch a 30 minute video on firearm fatalities.

Some of the restrictions sound crazy. Like the one requiring a gun purchaser to visit an emergency room at an urban hospital “when gun violence victims are present”, and have a counseling session with two faith leaders who have presided over funerals in the last year of a child gun violence victim. But these restrictions were modeled on the ones already required of women seeking an abortion in the state.

It could have been worse. In a Facebook post, an anti-gun activist suggested that we treat young men who want to buy guns the same as we treat women who want an abortion:

Make him walk through a gauntlet of people holding photos of loved ones who were shot to death, people who call him a murderer and beg him not to buy a gun. It makes more sense to do this with young men and guns than with women and health care, right? I mean, no woman getting an abortion has killed a room full of people in seconds, right?


Reagan and Bush Sr on Climate

Republicans like to think of themselves as the party of Reagan, but it is interesting to consider how if Reagan were a politician today he would almost certainly be branded a RINO, and voted out by the Tea Party know nothings. After all, Reagan passed strong gun control legislation, raised taxes, and gave amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants. Wow.

But there is new evidence, memos released last week from the Reagan and elder Bush administrations, which show a White House eager to assert leadership in environmental issues including climate change and ozone depletion (it was Reagan who promoted and signed the law banning chlorofluorocarbons).

Most interesting is a memo from 1980, which argues that the US should take a leadership role on climate change, which was just beginning to draw attention back then. The memo calls the threat of climate change “the most far reaching environmental issue of our time.” It also quotes then Secretary of State James Baker:

As you yourself stated, we cannot wait until all the uncertainties have been resolved before we act to limit greenhouse gas emissions and to prepare for whatever climate change we are already committed to.

Compare this to what the current (keystone cop) crop of GOP presidential candidates are saying about climate change. For example, Donald Trump dismissing climate change, saying he is “not a believer” and accusing the crisis as something “created by and for the Chinese”.

Or Chris Christie saying on TV “It’s not a crisis. I don’t see evidence that it’s a crisis. I don’t.”

So, my question is, when did it become required for Republicans to be so aggressively stupid? Was it when the Koch brothers and big oil started paying them lots of money to be so?


Late Night Political Humor

“A protester had to be escorted out of a Donald Trump rally last night for yelling, ‘Trump’s a racist’. The protester was removed because the Trump campaign has that phrase copyrighted.” – Seth Meyers

“A new poll released today shows Donald Trump is leading the Republican field with 24 percent. How far are we going to let this go? It’s almost Thanksgiving. Trump is still leading. Next thing you know, he’s winning Iowa, then he takes New Hampshire, then he somehow actually becomes the Republican nominee. And before you know it, Hillary Clinton is president!” – Seth Meyers

“Bernie Sanders recently joined Snapchat. So in case you were wondering, you can get Snapchat on a rotary phone.” – Conan O’Brien

“In his recent interview with GQ, President Obama said that he’d like to own an NBA team after he leaves the White House. You’ll know it’s Obama’s team when it takes the players five years to pass something.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In a new interview, Tom Brady said he’ll never get into politics because, ‘Half the people are going to like you and half the people are not going to like you.’ Or, as that’s also known, SPORTS.” – Jimmy Fallon


Staying Alive!

Yet another benefit from Obamacare. One of the lesser known features of the ACA was new guidelines and rules to try to reduce “hospital acquired conditions” – things like patients receiving the wrong medication, or improper sterilization leading to infections.

The new law has helped. According to a new report from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the ACA saved approximately 87,000 lives and $19.8 billion saved over the last five years (since the rules took effect).



We Have Nothing to Fear, …

But if I can’t scare the shit out of you, I might not get elected…

Keith Knight
copy; Keith Knight


Reality-Based Politics

I’ve posted in the past about how efforts to create the conservative Republican utopia have failed miserably – first in Kansas under governor Sam Brownback and then in Wisconsin under Scott Walker.

I’ve also posted about how when progressive Democrats took over in California under Jerry Brown and the economy improved dramatically. Could that have been a fluke or lucky timing? Well, now we have another great example.

Minnesota, which is right next door to Wisconsin, elected progressive Mark Dayton in 2011. Before he took office the state had a $6.2 billion deficit and owed the schools $2 billion, but he turned it into a $1.9 billion surplus. How did he do that? First, he raised taxes on the rich by 2 percent and increased the minimum wage. That injected money into the economy. Once the economy stabilized, he started paying down the state’s debt and increased funding for schools. And finally, the governor is starting to make good on his promise to implement broadband internet “border-to-border”. He’s even thinking of lowering property taxes.

And while this is not about the economy, I have to applaud Dayton for his stance on immigration and racism. Last month he said:

Look around you. This is Minnesota. Minnesota is not like it was 30, 50 years ago. But, this is Minnesota and you have every right to be here. And anybody who cannot accept your right to be here and this is Minnesota should find another state.

If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state. Find a state where the minority population is 1 percent or whatever. It’s not that in Minnesota. It’s not going to be again. It’s not going to be that in St. Cloud, or Rochester or Worthington.


Late Night Political Humor

“Last night, Bobby Jindal announced that he is dropping out of the race for president. I guess that after talking it over with family and friends, he realized that even THEY didn’t know he was running for president.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Republican Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, is dropping out. Jindal never got out of single digits in the polls. ‘My parents came to this country 45 years ago and they told me as a young child that Americans can do anything’ — not only did Jindal have to drop out, he learned his parents have been lying to him.” – Stephen Colbert

“Bobby, I have some terrible news about the tooth fairy. She’s not voting for you, either.” – Stephen Colbert

“Donald Trump recently said that he’s lost 15 pounds on the campaign trail. Well, so did everyone when Bobby Jindal dropped out of the race.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump’s support keeps growing, with the latest poll from New Hampshire showing him ahead by 22 points. That’s higher than the age of his next wife. It’s only slightly more than the number of candidates for president.” – Stephen Colbert

“Trump ran into a little trouble before a speech in Knoxville. Someone noticed that the sign in front of Trump’s podium actually misspelled the word ‘Tennessee’ and only had one ‘S.’ Or as Trump calls it, ‘A naked dollar sign.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Jeb Bush is on Snapchat. He’s been on for a while because he’s cool too. The Bush campaign launched a contest people can enter to win a chance to have dinner with Jeb Bush. The contest is called, ‘Will someone please come hang out with me?'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Bernie Sanders, the presidential hopeful and senator from Vermont, joined Snapchat. Bernie did this, I assume, to appeal to younger voters. If you’re the oldest candidate running for president, maybe not a great idea to post a drawing of yourself as a ghost.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If you’d like to follow Bernie Sanders, his Snapchat user name is bernie.sanders. If you want to log into his account, his password is ‘Password’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Bernie Sanders will deliver a speech tomorrow, which pundits say will seek to clarify his identity as a Democratic socialist. He’ll explain that ‘Democratic’ means he believes everyone should have an equal say, and ‘socialist’ means he’s not getting elected.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton recently decided to make her Myspace page ‘private,’ so people can no longer see some of her old campaign ads. When somebody told her she can just delete it, Hillary said, ‘I’m not fallin’ for that again!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“We all love watching the horse race, and most of these people, like a horse, will be turned into glue because politics is a blood sport. It’s like ‘The Hunger Games’. No, it’s more than that. It’s ‘The Hungry for Power Games’.” – Stephen Colbert


The War On Christmas Season!

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

How can anyone, no matter how right-wing nutty, who witnesses the winter season of every year, believe for a second that there is any kind of war on Christmas here?

Personally, I don’t like what the Christmas holiday has become in this country. And yet, my wife somehow got me to dress up as Santa Claus for an event. My mailbox is overflowing with Christmas sales. I’m hearing Christmas music. We have invitations to multiple Christmas parties. Heck, even my Jewish friends celebrate Christmas! You just can’t avoid it!


Sporting Trump

I’m so sorry, but I can’t help it. If Trump is as smart as he claims to be, how can he write such stupid things. Here’s his Truculent Trump Tweet du Jour:

Trump Tweet

Just to jog his memory, here’s Trump receiving an award from Muhammad Ali:

Donald Trump, left, accepts his Muhammad Ali award from Ali at Muhammad Ali's Celebrity Fight Night XIII in Phoenix, Ariz., Saturday, March 24, 2007. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

Donald Trump, left, accepts his Muhammad Ali award from Ali at Muhammad Ali’s Celebrity Fight Night XIII in Phoenix, Ariz., Saturday, March 24, 2007. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)

Meanwhile, Trump said he wants to ban all Muslims from entering the US. He also wants to consider “closing the Internet up in some way“. Sheesh!


A Little Trump Music

Some officials in the Republican Party are starting to come to terms with the idea that Donald Trump may be the Republican nominee for president. After all, he is 20 points ahead of his closest rival (Ted Cruz, ick). While the presumed GOP heir apparent, Jeb Bush, is now polling at a dismal three percent.

But their terms are that they don’t like it.

A former official under Dubya says “If Trump were to either get the nomination, or if it even looked like Trump was getting the nomination, he breaks the party.”

A retired Republican congressman says “He is embracing and trying to win through a strategy that most Republicans ultimately believe is dooming us. I call it the last dance on the Titanic.”

So, for your dancing pleasure, (and apologies to Mozart) here’s a little Trump music:
