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A Holiday Wish

Stuart Carlson
© Stuart Carlson

Aren’t we the land of the free and the home of the brave?


Third Time’s a Charm?

Republicans keep trying to create a conservative utopia, with predictable results. First there was Kansas, where Sam Brownback showed us how to cut taxes and destroy the social safety net, and when that failed, they doubled down with even more tax cuts (for the rich) and spending cuts, with disastrous results.

But did they learn? No, then presidential hopefuls Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal just had to try the same thing in their states of Wisconsin, and Louisiana.

Wisconsin famously destroyed their public unions, but they also refused to expand Medicare and Medicaid, turned down money to build a high-speed rail system, and tried to recruit new businesses. But the result was that Wisconsin now ranks dead last in new business start-up activity.

Louisiana also tried severe austerity, but when their state university fell into the equivalent of bankruptcy and the economy got worse, Jindal became so unpopular even his own state didn’t support him for president.

What’s really embarrassing about these examples is that we have plenty of example of the opposite strategy working just fine. After the Democrats took over California from the Republicans, the economy boomed. While Wisconsin’s economy was sinking, next door in Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton raised taxes, raised the state minimum wage, passed a law guaranteeing equal pay for women, and made education a priority by pumping one third of the budget surplus into public schools. You know, all the things that Republicans say will kill jobs. But instead Minnesota’s economic growth is one of the highest in the US, and Forbes ranked Minnesota the 9th best state for business.

Note that we don’t have to compare one state to another for examples. In Minnesota itself, the previous governor was another (forgotten) presidential hopeful, Tim Pawlenty. Pawlenty called himself Minnesota’s first true fiscal conservative in modern history and prided himself on never raising taxes. But he left the state with a $6.2 billion deficit and only created 6,200 jobs in his eight years as governor (compared to 172,000 jobs created by Dayton in four years.)

Strike two. But apparently the GOP never learns. This just in, the state of Kentucky recently elected Matt Bevin as governor, and he immediately stripped voting rights from 140,000 people and lowered the minimum wage for government workers.

You may remember that Kentucky is the home state of Kim Davis, who refused to do her job and grant marriage licenses to gay couples. Well, Bevin used his new executive power to give Davis an out. As a side note, Bevin also said that he believes making same-sex marriage legal could lead to parents marrying their children.

I’ll be watching Kentucky, to see how it does. But it appears that the GOP is still testing the definition of insanity.

Albert Einstein


They’re Everywhere!

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

Considering that our country is a total melting pot of different cultures, races, and ethnicities, it is amazing that we have a long history of freaking out about different groups over our entire history. Including the Irish, Chinese railroad workers, Catholics, the Japanese during WWII, and on and on.


All Hail, the King of Whoppers, for the first time ever, has named a “King of Whoppers“. As they put it, “In the 12 years of’s existence, we’ve never seen his match.” And that’s saying alot, as this has been a “banner year for political whoppers.”

You can probably guess the Master of Mendacity, it’s Donald Trump.

Not only is he the ultimate at untruths, he is unparalleled at doubling down on his deception, like “when he claimed to have seen nonexistent television coverage of “thousands and thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey cheering the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 — and then topped himself by demanding that fact-checkers apologize for exposing his claim as fantasy.”

The have a (long) list of his whoppers. Unfortunately, I get the feeling that he is just warming up.

Not only that, but Trump has appeared on Fox News more than twice as much as any other candidate.


Late Night Political Humor

“In a recent interview, Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka said that there are times when she disagrees with her father. But then there are MORE times when she likes the idea of inheriting a billion dollars. Double-edged sword.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump is still under fire for mocking a reporter with physical disabilities. Trump told his supporters, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll soon do something worse and all this will be forgotten.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Forecasters say El Niño should bring much-needed rain to California. Meanwhile, Donald Trump said if elected president he won’t let El Niño into the country.” – Conan O’Brien

“It seems like as the election goes on, we’re actually starting to learn more about all of the candidates. For instance, I just saw that Chris Christie prefers texting to making phone calls. But I guess it starts to get annoying when he keeps texting ‘U up?’ to Domino’s.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Chris Christie said that if elected president, he would not rule out waterboarding. Then he said, ‘Not for prisoners, but as a way to prepare chicken.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Paul Ryan, the new speaker of the House, showed up to Congress with a brand new beard. It’s weird that he’s Speaker of the House, since it looks like he definitely shares an apartment with the other three guys in his band.” – James Corden

“This is the first speaker of the house to have any facial hair since Republican Frederick Jillette, who led the house from 1919 until 1925! Now incidentally, Paul Ryan is also the first politician in 100 years to have a beard that isn’t his wife.” – James Corden

“The Associated Press just announced that they are no longer including Hillary Clinton’s maiden name ‘Rodham’ in articles about her, nor will they call her ‘Mrs. Clinton’ anymore. While Republicans have announced that they will no longer call Hillary by the name ‘Lady Voldemort’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Pope Francis is calling for an audit of all the Catholic Church’s wealth. In a related story, Pope Francis is missing.” – Conan O’Brien

“Amazon just unveiled new prototype drones for its Prime Air delivery service, and it said it hopes to deliver packages in under 30 minutes. Then people waiting to depart from LaGuardia were like, ‘How much weight can they hold? I’ll try it.'” – Jimmy Fallon


How Terrorists Are Born

Star Wars

At least his skin is the right color.

UPDATE: A reader sends links to conservative writers who actually believe this, and make the case that it is the Empire, not the rebels, that is the force for good in the Star Wars universe.


Poor Climate

Senator Lindsey Graham dropped out of the presidential race. Why is this significant? Because he was the last remaining major Republican candidate who publicly accepted the scientific consensus of climate science. You know, that the climate is warming and we are the cause of it. Now there are none.

At the presidential debate in October, Graham said “I’ve talked to the climatologists of the world, and 90 percent of them are telling me that the greenhouse gas effect is real — that we’re heating up the planet.”

This past summer, Graham also said:

I know I’m not a scientist. But here’s the problem I’ve got with some people in my party: When you ask the scientists what’s going on, why don’t you believe them? If I went to 10 doctors and nine said, “Hey, you’re gonna die”, and one says “You’re fine”, why would I believe the one guy?

I appreciate this, but actually the percentage is 97%, so he would have to go to at least 32 doctors on average to find one that said he was fine.

And just a few weeks ago, almost 200 countries agreed that global warming is real and is a big problem, and pledged to do something about it.

So what are we left with? People like Donald Trump, who theorized that the Chinese created “the concept of global warming” in order to “make US manufacturing non-competitive.” Or Ted Cruz, who called climate science “not science” but “religion”. Or even Ben Carson, who called climate change “irrelevant”. And on down the line.


The Year in Review – Part 1

This is one of my favorite things from Tom Tomorrow each year.

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow


Carly Fiorina is a Liar!

Salon has a great article titled “Carly Fiorina is a liar: And everyone should finally just say it — loudly“. So I am obliging them with my headline.

She famously claimed to have seen a horrific video about Planned Parenthood. But when confronted by the fact that said video simply does not exist, she doubled down:

I’ve seen the footage. And I find it amazing, actually, that all these supposed fact-checkers in the mainstream media claim this doesn’t exist.

This week, she did it again. At the latest Republican presidential debate she complained about generals who were unfairly fired by Obama and whom she would bring back into service:

Petraeus, McChrystal, Mattis, Keane, Flynn. Every one was retired early because they told President Obama things that he didn’t want to hear.

First of all, David Petraeus retired as a general because Obama made him his CIA director, and later he resigned from that job because of an extramarital affair that resulted in a security breach.

Even worse, former general Jack Keane retired in 2003, during George W Bush’s first term. Keane even went on Fox News and said that he has never even spoken to Obama, and flatly said that her statement about him was “not accurate”. In other words, it was a lie.

Then the media asked Fiorina if she had misspoken about Keane, but again she doubled down:

No, I didn’t misspeak. But he has been someone of great experience who has been highly critical of the way this administration has not taken threats seriously and unfortunately he hasn’t been listened to. I would listen to him.

Does she not see the irony in claiming that she would listen to him, when he just announced on Fox News that she is lying about him?

The article doesn’t say much about what must be her biggest lie: that she is running for president on her business record, when her most recent job as CEO of HP was an utter failure.

What worries me about all this is the emergence in politics of a new breed of liars – people who are not only willing to lie for no reason at all, but also when confronted with incontrovertible evidence of their lie, immediately double down by attacking their fact checkers and even acting outraged that anyone would accuse them of lying.

As the article in Salon puts it:

She makes firm, declarative statements that are unquestionably inaccurate, and when confronted with inarguable facts that prove her wrong, she insists against all evidence that she is correct and bristles at the very notion that anyone might challenger her. She does not care. She does not pretend to care. As far as Fiorina’s concerned, the fact that she said it is what makes it true.


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump claimed to have ‘many Muslim friends’. However, when asked for specific names, the only one he could come up with was ‘The Genie from ‘Aladdin’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump’s popular ‘Make America Great Again’ hats are actually made at a California factory that employs Mexican immigrants. Even more embarrassing for Trump, his hair is made by Syrian refugees. – Conan O’Brien

“The ’80s rock band Twisted Sister has said Donald Trump can use their song ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’. Meanwhile, Ben Carson has not heard back from Motley Crue regarding ‘Dr. Feelgood’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Paul Ryan has become the first Speaker of the House in over 90 years to grow a beard. Meanwhile, Marco Rubio is the first presidential candidate to sport a chocolate milk mustache.” – Conan O’Brien


The Lighter Side of Unbridled Greed

© Benjamin Schwartz

Andy Borowitz also has some satire that is worth reading, about Shkreli’s lawyer raising his rates 5000% after his client was arrested.

If you have seen something funny about Shkreli, please post a link to it in the comments.


Everybody Has an Opinion!

In a recent poll, people were asked if they support bombing the kingdom of Agrabah.

There is just one problem. Agrabah is fictional. It is from the Disney movie Aladdin.

Nevertheless, 30% of Republicans are in favor of bombing it. To be fair, 19% of Democrats also support bombing it.

19% of Republicans and 36% of Democrats oppose bombing Agrabah.

Finally, 57% of Republicans and 45% of Democrats have no opinion on the matter. Personally, I can’t figure out whether it is better to have no opinion or oppose bombing a place that doesn’t actually exist.

But this points out a real problem. When faced with a survey question, 20% to 40% of people will have an opinion, even if the question is nonsense. And the less educated someone is, the more likely they will have an opinion.

This may explain why none of the Republican candidates has ever gotten above 40% in the national polls.


Republicans for Bigger Government

The good news is Congress passed the $1.15 trillion spending bill that will keep the government from shutting down next week.

How they did it is the bad news. First of all, it includes $620 billion in tax breaks, which will make our deficit worse.

The really bad news is that new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan inserted the entire CISA (Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act) into the budget bill during reconciliation. Reconciliation is the process by which, after the House and the Senate have passed a bill a joint committee irons out the differences between the two versions so the bill can proceed to the president for signature. Reconciliation is not meant as an opportunity to add an entirely separate (and unrelated) bill into the mix.

CISA is the bill that could not pass on its own. You would think we would know better, after all the revelations that our government has been illegally spying on its own citizens, something that we know about only because of people like Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange, who have paid dearly with their freedom. Instead, CISA gives the government even more power to spy on us, and gives corporations the ability to share personal and private information about us with each other.

Doubling down, the version of CISA that Ryan inserted into the must-pass budget bill is far worse than the CISA that could not pass on its own. Originally touted as a bill that would protect us from cyber-terrorists in order to sell it to Congress and the American people, the new version drops that pretense and “Quietly Turns CISA Into A Full On Surveillance Bill“.

The new bill guts requirements that your personal information be scrubbed from mass collected data. It also allows the government to use this information to detect any criminal behavior. The Constitution specifically prohibits searches without probable cause, but this bill allows the government to spy on your digital life any time it wants for any reason (actually, for no reason at all).

To put this in perspective, what would you think about a country where the government put microphones in everyone’s home and business and listened in on all their private conversations? Where the government opened everyone’s mail, including personal letters and credit card statements. Or could demand that any company provide them with all information they have about their citizens (including from Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and Google). You’d probably say they lived in an oppressive, totalitarian country. Well, that’s what CISA does to us.

Yes, we had a chance to block CISA. Obama could have vetoed the entire spending bill, shutting down the government. That would have been political suicide for the Democrats. No, Ryan and the GOP knew they could sneak this into the must-pass spending bill at the last minute. Especially now after the recent terrorist shootings.

We have given up our freedom for a modicum of security. And as Benjamin Franklin said, we deserve neither. And we will get neither. This bill makes us less secure, while destroying our freedom.


Late Night Political Humor

“In a recent interview, Ben Carson said that Thomas Jefferson wrote the U.S. Constitution, when he actually wrote the Declaration of Independence. Or as Carson’s campaign staff put it, ‘Close enough!” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump was recently being interviewed, and said that he’s not a fan of the man bun trend, and wouldn’t want to wear his hair that way. You know it’s bad when even Donald Trump is like, ‘I’m not putting that on my head.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I saw that NBC has officially granted Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Jim Gilmore and Lindsey Graham free airtime to equal Donald Trump’s recent Saturday Night Live appearance. When asked how they’ll feature the candidates, NBC was like, ‘Let’s just say the Thanksgiving Day Parade just got a few more clowns.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“We are just 15 days away from when ‘Time’ magazine chooses its annual person of the year. There’s an online poll where readers can vote for their pick, and currently leading in that online poll is Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders. This is ironic, because I’m not sure Bernie Sanders has ever even been online.” – James Corden

“Seriously, if he wanted to vote for himself, he’d have to go to a library. But this is going to be a real thrill for Bernie because he actually remembers when time came onto the scene. Not Time Magazine, just actual time.” – James Corden

“Bernie Sanders has gotten a lot of attention for a meeting he had with outspoken activist/rapper Killer Mike. It looks like Killer Mike could wear Bernie in a Baby Bjorn. How are you going to stand up to Vladimir Putin when you look like you need a booster seat?” – James Corden


Supreme Injustice in Wisconsin

More bad news from Conservative Utopia. And in an ironic way it is too bad that Wisconsin governor Scott Walker quit his run for the presidency, or else this story would be getting more attention.

Part of why Walker never got any traction in his presidential bid is that his state’s economy has gone into the toilet under his command (especially compared to adjacent states with progressive governors). But a less well known reason is because he has repeatedly violated campaign finance laws (despite those laws being ridiculously lax).

Walker was accused of coordinating with a number of “dark money” groups, including several associated with the Koch brothers. These groups are supposedly charities, so they don’t have to disclose their donors, but are expressly prohibited from working directly with any candidates.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled against the investigation back in July.

Never mind that two of the justices who ruled against the investigation had received large sums of money from the same dark money groups (in Wisconsin, Supreme Court justices are elected), and did not recuse themselves. Their decision even “legislated from the bench” (something that conservatives claim to abhor), allowing politicians to coordinate directly with special interest groups on “issues ads” as long as they don’t explicitly tell people to vote for a specific candidate, even though any coordination at all was previously illegal. Indeed, in 1999 then-Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Jon Wilcox’s campaign was fined $60,000 for engaging in exactly the same type of coordination on issue ads as done by Walker (a majority of the court’s eight current justices served alongside Wilcox).

But now the story has taken another ironic twist. More evidence had come up against Walker, sending the case back to the Supreme Court. Of course, they ruled against the new evidence as well, but then they went one step further. They fired the special prosecutor for the case, Francis Schmitz. Schmitz is a retired US Army colonel and a former counter-terrorism prosecutor. At the same time, Republicans launched a campaign to discredit Schmitz, accusing him of being a “partisan investigator run amok” conducting a witch hunt against the governor. Which is pretty silly as Schmitz is a Republican, was appointed by Republicans, and even voted for Walker in the 2012 election.

Why did they fire him? Because it will prevent Schmitz from taking the case to the US Supreme Court, which would be the next logical step given the conflicts of interest on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. According to a respected former Wisconsin Supreme Court justice, “To somehow remove the lawyer representing one of the parties after the opinion [has been issued] is extraordinary. It puts the case in a very odd situation, removing counsel so he cannot file an appeal.”

And in a dissenting opinion, a current justice said “The Special Prosecutor’s authority to proceed would still be intact if he had not brought a motion for reconsideration. Does this make sense? Not to me.”

The best part is the response from Schmitz to being fired. In a prepared statement, he said:

The miscalculation I made in this investigation was underestimating the power and influence special interest groups have in Wisconsin politics. My career in the military and as a federal prosecutor fighting violent criminals and terrorists did not fully prepare me for the tactics employed by these special interest groups.

UPDATE: Wisconsin seems to be dismantling its ethics laws.
