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Republicans Piss Everybody Off

Trump pissed off Latinos by promising to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants. But he left open the possibility that those people could apply for a visa to return legally. This week, Ted Cruz decided to get even tougher, and said that not only will he deport all of them, but he will deny them the possibility of coming back legally.

Back in 2012 the Republicans did some soul searching to figure out why they lost the presidential race. Their conclusion was that in order to have any chance of winning, they had to get at least 40% of the Latino vote (Romney got 27%). But with the top two GOP presidential candidates pissing all over Latinos, it seems more likely that they will get less of their vote, not more.

But it gets worse. Also this week, the Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare (making it their 60th attempt to do that). So they are going to piss off millions of people who would lose their health insurance if Obama doesn’t veto the bill. Of course he will. Republicans claim that forcing Obama to veto this bill will cost him politically. But do they really believe that there is anyone who doesn’t know where Obama stands on the ACA? Seriously?

And if that weren’t enough, the same bill also defunds Planned Parenthood, which means that the GOP isn’t afraid to piss off women.

Does anyone really believe that the GOP has any chance of regaining the presidency?

UPDATE: Not only that, but Trump just picked a fight with one person you really don’t want to piss off.


Late Night Political Humor

“Things haven’t been going too great for Jeb Bush, but he’s not giving up. His campaign has spent the most money on TV ads, $30 million. I don’t want to say Jeb’s run too many ads, but his new Secret Service code name is ‘Geico’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In New York, Federal authorities have seized 274 pairs of shoes made from endangered species. The shoes were made from rhino horn, crocodile skin, and Jeb Bush supporters.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton recently started following a bunch of new people and organizations on Instagram, including the home improvement channel, HGTV. When asked why, Hillary was like, ‘Oh, I’m getting a new house soon.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hillary went on an Instagram binge and followed a bunch of celebrities like Beyonce, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. When asked if Bill Clinton follows any women on Instagram, he was like, ‘All of them’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s come out that last year, a man was able to get past the Secret Service and speak with President Obama by pretending to be a congressman. The Secret Service realized he wasn’t a congressman because he was willing to be seen with President Obama.” – Conan O’Brien



I’m out of town and just discovered the place where I’m staying has no internet (or even cell coverage). I’ve scheduled a post for each day, but I won’t be around much to respond to all your typically great comments. Back soon!


Opinions Change When Money is Involved

Here’s a new twist to an age old problem. The problem is that when you ask people how the economy is doing, their answer has more to do with whether the president is currently from the same political party they are, than it does with objective reality. When the president is a Republican, then Republicans think the economy is doing well, and likewise for Democrats.

It is as if you are asking them to name the best football team. Of course it is going to be their team, reality be damned.

So is there no objective reality we can agree on? If not, this is bad news for democracy.

But two studies show that there is an objective reality. In the first study, they asked the same question about the economy, but told the respondents that they would get two dollars if they got the right answer. There was still some political bias, but it was mainly from people who didn’t know enough to be sure of an answer.

So in the second study, they gave people a dollar if they got the right answer, but gave them 33 cents if they said “I don’t know”. And just like that, all political bias vanished.

When people have some skin in the game (even a small amount), they actually think about their answer and give a good answer.

However, if you mentioned a politician by name in the question, then partisan bias crept back in. For example, these are factually the same question:

  • Is the unemployment rate lower or higher than it was seven years ago?
  • Is the unemployment rate lower or higher than it was when Barack Obama became president?

But if you ask the latter question, partisan bias reappears.

There are other examples of how when money is at stake, people do understand (and act according to) actual reality. For example, the recent news that oil companies, even while they were completely claiming that climate change was not a problem and even strongly donating to politicians who also denied that it existed, nonetheless were internally making plans to deal with the reality of climate change. Another example is Obamacare, where many Republicans will say that it is terrible, but will still take advantage of it to get health insurance. Or Republican politicians who expanded Medicaid in their states, even though they voted against the ACA.


Y’all Qaeda waging YeeHawd

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

This has become a very political issue, with some people on the right calling them patriots, and some people on the left calling them terrorists. As usual, the reality is somewhere in the middle. There is a good, balanced article in the New Yorker discussing this called “The Bundys and the Irony of American Vigilantism”.

Meanwhile, the Twittersphere is going nuts calling the occupiers hilarious names. And they deserve it. After all, these people who are threatening to kill (or die) to defend their right to abuse public land are the same people who want to deport Muslims who are living in the US legally, close their mosques, and do other horrible things to their rights.

But regardless of your politics, can you help but laugh when people mock this so-called militia by calling them “Y’all Qaeda”, “Yokel Haram”, or “Al-Shabubba”? Or – because they are pretty much all white – the “Vanilla ISIS”? And instead of Jihad, they are waging “YeeHawd”. Even their choice of target is a joke, as pointed out by Jim Wright of Stonekettle Station in a tweet:

Jim Wright


Cutting Out the Middleman

Jerry Holbert
© Jerry Holbert

This comic would be way funnier (albeit a bit more subtle) if the first panel said “I am sick of politicians being bought off by billionaires.”

After all, why should billionaires go the indirect and inefficient route of bribing politicians, when they can just do whatever they want directly?



To nobody’s surprise, the very first act of Congress in 2016 is a bill that (once again) attempts to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood. Speaker Paul Ryan seems proud of this action, and even admits that he knows the bill won’t become law, telling a conservative talk host: “You’re going to see us put a bill on the president’s desk going after Obamacare and Planned Parenthood so we’ll finally get a bill on his desk to veto.” Pure politics.

Also on the docket, the House Benghazi committee will continue its partisan investigation of Hillary Clinton.

The only new thing is legislation clamping down on Obama’s Syrian refugee program, which continues the GOP’s long record of being the “Party of No”.

Is this the bold new agenda that Republicans promised us? It suspiciously looks exactly like the old agenda.


The Stupidity of the Republican Party

To help you start the new year right, here’s an excerpt from Margaret and Helen, by Helen Philpot:

Yesterday was the anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights, a document that gave me the right to call Sarah Palin a bitch (1st Amendment) and idiots the right to own guns (2nd Amendment).

And to prove my point, even Christmas has been turned into a war. Honestly, is it really that offensive to just wish someone Happy Holidays? After all, Merry Christmas doesn’t exactly evoke images of the birth of Jesus as much as it does a fat man in a red suit with a bag of toys. Realizing that counting down the number of shopping days to his birthday might be a little off-putting to Jesus, I think I’ll gladly stick with my Happy Holidays regardless of some haughty born-again’s desire to hear Merry Christmas.

But what I find most confusing these days is the Republican Party’s constant insistence that banning Muslims and Mexicans is not a Republican value and that Donald Trump’s extreme views are not representative of the GOP. Funny. Maybe in their efforts to roll back the Voting Rights Act, Republicans have forgotten that votes actually mean something, and currently the one Republican counting the most votes wants to ban Muslims and Mexicans.

Sometimes you might not like where you end up, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t actually there. Like it or not, the place they have landed is a debate stage filled with angry politicians calling for more wars. And Trump is what you get when card-carrying NRA members hell bent on wishing everyone a Merry Christmas are the largest voting block in your party. Nine of the GOP’s finest were debating on that stage but I swear there’s a tree stump in a Louisiana swamp with a higher IQ than all of them.

If you ask me, it’s time for a new party, but sadly nobody asked me.


Gloom and Doom

One of my favorite things is checking up on people’s predictions of the future. Even better is when someone else does the checking up for me.

Which brings us to this interesting article in ThinkProgress, containing four predictions made before the 2012 election of the dire things that would happen if Obama was reelected.

The price of gas. Mike Lee (R-UT), on the Senate floor no less, predicted that (if Obama was reelected) gas would hit $6.05 per gallon by the start of 2015, and keep rising after that. Likewise, Newt Gingrich predicted that if Obama was reelected he would push gas to $10 a gallon. Even funnier, Gingrich claimed that he could hold the price of gas to $2.50 (and printed that price on his presidential campaign signs). That would be 50 cents higher than the current average price of gas in the US.

You can almost laugh that one off, because in reality the president doesn’t have much control over the price of gas. But what about unemployment? Mitt Romney predicted that if Obama was reelected, we would see “chromic high unemployment” for the next four years. At the time, unemployment was at 8.1%. Romney pledged he could bring it down to 6% by the start of 2017. And now, a year earlier, unemployment stands at 5%.

Rush Limbaugh predicted loudly that “the country’s economy is going to collapse if Obama is re-elected. There’s no if about this. And it’s gonna be ugly. It’s gonna be gut wrenching, but it will happen.” He even went into detail, saying that first California would declare bankruptcy and Obama would force red states like Texas to “bail them out”. Of course, California now has a $4 billion budget surplus and it is the reddest states that are the most in the red (financially speaking). And as for the US, other than a problem with wage stagnation caused by the GOP, the economy is doing fine.

Finally, after the election was over and Obama won, many people predicted that the stock market would crash. Including this guy:

Trump on Obama

He wasn’t alone. Forbes magazine’s “Intelligent Investing” column claimed the “market selloff after Obama’s re-election [was] no accident” and “stocks are dropping with no bottom in sight” because of policies the Obama administration would persue in his second term. Likewise, Bloomberg TV claimed that the stock market would drop at least 20% because of Obama’s reelection, and joked that investors seeking to protect their assets should “buy themselves a machine gun.” Meanwhile, back in the world of reality, the stock market is up 27% since Obama was reelected.


Coded Messages

Matt Bors
© Matt Bors

When I first heard about protestors with signs saying “All Lives Matter” I thought they were protesting abortions.

Of course, the same people want us to indiscriminately bomb some countries until the “sand glows in the dark“. And Donald Trump doubled down on his proposal to kill the family members of ISIS terrorists, saying “I would intentionally kill families to defeat ISIS”. Never mind that intentionally killing civilian non-combatants is a war crime.

When did we sink to the level of the terrorists?


The Joke is On Us

Go read Matt Taibbi’s latest column in Rolling Stone, “In the Year of Trump, the Joke Was On Us.

Yes, even if you are sick and tired of reading about Trump. This isn’t about Trump, it is about us.

UPDATE: If you need something lighter to read on this fine New Year’s day, I suggest you peruse the article in Salon about Ronald Reagan. It turns out that the GOP saint was not only grossly ill informed, he just didn’t care, and spent the majority of his presidency either on vacation or napping. Oh, and his schedule was controlled by an astrologer.


Late Night Political Humor

“Let’s talk about Donald Trump, because we do it every night. He said that he may skip the next Republican debate on CNN unless the network pays him $5 million. But CNN laughed it off, saying, ‘We don’t have $5 million.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“CNN was like, ‘Fine, we’ll just let Jeb Bush talk for two hours — oh my God, where do we send the check?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump was in Macon, Georgia, this week. Again, he suggested that CNN should pay to get him to come to the next debate. He’s treating the Republican primary like it’s an entertainment show and he is the star – which, let’s be honest, he is kind of exactly. It’s like ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ but with even worse celebrities.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“What Donald Trump should do is start firing his opponents one by one every week. Ted Cruz, you’re fired.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Of course CNN’s not just going to give Donald Trump $5 million. They’re not his dad, they’re a news network. You know that if Donald Trump wins we are going to have a Kardashian as president one day, right? It’s the only logical step forward.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“After years of being banned, Adolf Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ is headed back to German bookstores. The new edition has a foreword by Donald Trump.” – Conan O’Brien

“We’re into December and Donald Trump is still running for president, which I don’t even think even he expected would happen. According to a new Quinnipiac University poll, Trump is in first place among Republicans with 27 percent of the vote; Marco Rubio is in second place at 17 percent; Ben Carson is fast asleep somewhere, dreaming of sugarplums.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In an interview with Charlie Rose yesterday, Hillary Clinton admitted that she has Wall Street connections, but said that she can’t be bribed with campaign donations. Then Hillary said, ‘And especially they can’t bribe me at Hillary for America, P.O. Box 526, New York, New York, don’t even think of sending money there, this weekend.'” – Jimmy Fallon


A Happy New Year from Obama

Obama believes that not only was 2015 a good year, but 2016 will be even better:

And it looks like Obama has reason to be happy. According to Real Clear Politics, Obama has broken the “second term curse”.

What’s the “second term curse”? When a president is reelected, they often have problems midway through their second term. Nixon was forced out of office. Reagan had the Iran-contra scandal. Clinton was impeached. And Dubya had a double: Hurricane Katrina and a quagmire in Iraq.

But Obama has so far avoided any scandal like his two-term predicessors, and with one year left to go has already racked up a number of wins. Most recently a budget deal with the Republicans, but before that leading the push for climate change accords, the nuclear deal with Iran, normalizing relations with Cuba, huge wins for gay rights, stopping federal raids on medical marijuana users, and rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline (which especially didn’t make sense with the current low oil prices).

There is also good news that (despite the best efforts of the GOP to sabotage the economy, like with government shutdowns and tax cuts for the wealthy) the economy has finally recovered from the Great Recession. The median annual household income has just surpassed levels it was at before the recession started in December 2007.

I can’t wait to see what he accomplishes in the new year.

UPDATE: Yet another win, at least according to Jeb Bush. Bush is attempting a twofer, blaming the rise of Donald Trump on Obama, saying on NPR:

He would not exist were it not for Barack Obama. He is the [antidote] in some people’s minds to the politically correct, divisive policies of Barack Obama.

I guess he has a point. If Obama weren’t president, the GOP would not have had anyone to blame everything on, spewing hatred and lies for so long that their base doesn’t seem to be able to recognize the truth anymore. Which opened the door for Trump. Thanks Obama!


The Year in Review – Part 2

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Can we take any more of this presidential race? Can we survive another eleven months? Is there anything that can happen that hasn’t already happened?


Will Trump Destroy the GOP?

Eugene Robinson has an interesting opinion piece in WaPo titled “How Donald Trump destroyed the Republican Party in 2015”, as if it is a fait accompli. He does soften that, saying “An entity called the GOP will survive — but can never be the same.”

His point is that Trump has exploited the resentments and fears that have been so carefully cultivated and used by the Republican establishment to keep the base in line. However, the GOP action has never matched their rhetoric. Not on immigration, on abortion, on gay marriage, on terrorism, even on whether Obama was born on American soil. As Robinson puts it “Trump has given voice to the ugliness and anger that the party spent years encouraging and exploiting. He let the cat out of the bag, and it’s hungry.”

Bottom line? One of two things will happen:

The party might nominate Trump, in which case the establishment will have lost all control. Or party leaders might somehow find a way to defeat him, in which case they will have lost the allegiance of much of the base. In either event, the GOP we once knew is irredeemably a thing of the past.
