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Late Night Political Humor

“Some good news for the White House. They just announced that Obamacare added a million new customers in its third open-enrollment season. They say more people are signing up for healthcare due to the looming deadline, low costs, and the sales of hoverboards.” – Jimmy Fallon

“White House press secretary Josh Earnest said that Trump’s statement about banning Muslim immigrants ‘disqualifies’ him from being president. When he heard that, Jeb Bush was like, ‘You can get disqualified? What do I need to do?!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In a new interview with People magazine, President Obama said that his favorite book of the year was a novel called ‘Fates and Furies’. While Hillary Clinton said HER favorite book of the year was ‘Whatever yours was.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Tomorrow is the fifth Republican presidential debate. And if you’ve been keeping score, so far the winner of most of the Republican debates has been … Hillary Clinton.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Over on the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has been responding to Donald Trump’s comments about banning Muslims with a message of love, and said she wants to ‘weed out hate’ and ‘plant love and kindness’ instead. Then Bill went in for a kiss and Hillary was like, ‘Not now. Later. I’m talking to the people.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to a new national poll, Donald Trump has support from 41 percent of Republican voters. This story was first reported when it was yelled by Donald Trump. – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump’s doctor wrote a letter saying that if elected, ‘Mr. Trump will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.’ Then, when asked about Trump’s mental health, the doctor got very quiet.” – Conan O’Brien

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said today that Donald Trump is fanning the flames of hate. Which is what Donald Trump calls blow-drying his hair.” – Seth Meyers

“A golf course owned by Donald Trump is no longer being considered to host a major golf tournament due to remarks that Trump has made about Mexicans and Muslims. You know there’s a problem when your views on race are too extreme for a private golf club.” – Conan O’Brien

“The international climate talks in Paris wrapped up this weekend with 195 countries reaching a landmark agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions. And then they all drove to the airport in 195 cars.” – Seth Meyers

“They’re predicting the film [Star Wars] could gross more than $2 billion. The United States just promised $800 million as part of the Paris agreement to fight climate change, which means we’re spending more than twice as much to see ‘Star Wars’ as we are to save the actual world.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Paris climate agreement calls for countries to try and keep the temperature of the planet from rising more than 2 degrees. Or in other words, they have the same attitude about the Earth’s temperature that your dad has about the thermostat: ‘Who turned this up?'” – Jimmy Fallon


Drop Dead, Ted!

During the Republican debate this week, Ted Cruz referred derisively to Donald Trump’s “New York Values“. So New York gave Cruz the city’s official bird:

Drop Dead, Ted

The New York Post got in a jab against Cruz as well, saying about his “New York Values” jab:

That line aimed to get Iowa voters to contrast him with Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. But it rings pretty odd once you know of his history with at least two big New York banks.

The Post is referring to the revelation that Cruz borrowed $1 million from Goldman Sachs and Citibank for his Senate campaign and violated the law by not disclosing it to the FEC.


Late Night Political Humor

“I saw that after his recent comments about Muslims, Donald Trump was fired as a global ambassador for Scotland. Which is ironic, ‘cuz if there were ever a human version of bagpipes, it’s Donald Trump.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A Middle Eastern retail chain called Lifestyle announced that it’s pulling Donald Trump’s home decor products from its shelves. But I guess they’ll still be available at that other store, ‘Hate and Barrel.’ Or that OTHER store, ‘Walllllll-Mart.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump has canceled a planned trip to Israel. When asked why, Trump said, ‘They already have a wall and a fear of Muslims. My work there is done.'” – Conan O’Brien

“During a photo shoot for Time Magazine, a bald eagle tried to attack Donald Trump. The only thing that saved Trump’s life was the angry hawk living in his hair.” – Conan O’Brien

“The New York Times and CBS released a poll this morning that shows Donald Trump in his strongest position of primary season. While Jeb Bush remains in the SAME position – fetal.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton told People Magazine that her granddaughter called her ‘grandma’ for the first time on the same night as the first Democratic debate. Then Hillary gazed into her granddaughter’s eyes and said, ‘This is my night, not yours. Pick your moments.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In his interview with People Magazine, Bernie Sanders said that his grandchildren sometimes call him ‘Grandpa Bern.’ Which sounds less like a term of endearment and more like a medical condition. ‘You’ve got Grandpa Burn. That’s why it hurts when you go.'” –Jimmy Fallon

“Kim Jong Un will be sending his personal all-girl band to China next week in an effort to improve the relationship between the two countries. They’ll be playing all their hits, like ‘Never Let Me Go,’ ‘Can I Stay Here Awhile,’ and their newest single, ‘Seriously Though, I’m Begging You Please Don’t Make Me Go Back There.'” – Seth Meyers


Betting on the Odds

I guess you can’t get much more odd than the current presidential candidates, so you may as well bet on the odds. And you can. For the first time ever, the Atlantic Lottery Corporation (located in Canada) is taking bets on the US presidential election.

Here are the current payouts, based on a bet of one dollar a week ago:


Hillary Clinton $1.05
Bernie Sanders $7.50
John Kerry $67
Martin O’Malley $67
Elizabeth Warren $101
Jim Webb $101
Andrew Cuomo $101


Marco Rubio $2.50
Donald Trump $3.25
Ted Cruz $3.25
Jeb Bush $8.50
Chris Christie $13.00
Ben Carson $51.00
John Kasich $101.00
Carly Fiorina $101.00
Mike Huckabee $101.00
Rand Paul $101.00
Michael Bloomberg $151.00


Hillary Clinton $1.60
Marco Rubio $6
Donald Trump $5
Ted Cruz $8
Jeb Bush $19
Bernie Sanders $19
Chris Christie $23
John Kasich $101
Ben Carson $81
Carly Fiorina $101

As you can see, Hillary Clinton is the odds on favorite to win both the Democratic nomination and the presidency. Interestingly, Marco Rubio is more likely to get the Republican nomination than Donald Trump, but Trump is more likely to win the presidency. Ted Cruz is just as likely as Trump to win the GOP nomination, but is far less likely to be elected president than Trump, Rubio, or (of course) Clinton.

This is pretty much as I see it as well. Of course, in real life anything can happen.


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump skipped an RNC event here in New York City today called the Presidential Trust Dinner, even though his campaign said he would go. Then Chris Christie said, ‘So, does that mean there’s an extra plate at the dinner?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night was the annual Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show on CBS, and it featured models from Brazil, Sweden, and Portugal. Or as Donald Trump put it, ‘I’ve changed my mind on immigrants.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump told People Magazine that he’s good at sports. Which could be true, because it does seem like he’s had a lot of concussions.” – Conan O’Brien

“During an interview with Barbara Walters, Trump claimed he’s ‘the worst thing to ever happen to ISIS.’ Personally I feel he could have ended that sentence before the words ‘to ISIS.'” – James Corden

“Trump told Barbara he’s the worst thing that ever happened to ISIS. And I have to agree. People seem to forget this is the man who once fired Meat Loaf on television, a force to be reckoned with.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Everyone is talking about Donald Trump and the press release that he put out ‘calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.’ How is that going to work? I’m not sure how the TSA would be able to test for your religion. Though I will say their pat-downs are thorough enough to determine if you’re Jewish.” – Stephen Colbert

“A Scottish university today stripped Donald Trump of his honorary degree following his call to end all Muslim immigration to America. The degree of course was a B.S.” – Seth Meyers

“Trump this week angered a lot of people by proposing a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. But he’s sticking by it. He defended himself last night in an interview with Barbara Walters. Barbara Walters is technically retired but she comes back whenever there’s a natural disaster.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Even J.K. Rowling, the author of the ‘Harry Potter’ books, got in on the action, saying that Donald Trump is worse than Voldemort. If Trump is basically Voldemort, I guess Hillary Clinton would be Hermione, Chris Christie would be Hagrid, and Rick Santorum would be Colin Creevey. And of course Bernie Sanders is like Dumbledore — not because they look alike, just because they both graduated college together back in the year 1784.” – James Corden

“Time Magazine today revealed their person of the year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She is the first woman to be named person of the year on her own since Corazon Aquino. I know that because that issue of the magazine is still in my dentist’s office.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Not only is Angela Merkel the first woman to be honored as individual person of the year in 20 years, but she’s also the first person whose last name rhymes with ‘circle’ to get that award.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This morning Donald Trump tweeted, ‘I told you Time Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite. They picked the person who is ruining Germany.’ First of all, I don’t think you want to go on record saying ‘I liked the old Germany better!'” – James Corden

“Of course Donald Trump weighed in on this. He tweeted today, ‘I told you Time Magazine would never pick me as person of the year. Despite being the big favorite, they picked the person who’s ruining Germany.’ Even in defeat he’s gracious.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Time Magazine picked their Person of the Year and they chose German Chancellor Angela Merkel over Donald Trump. Trump tweeted that they picked ‘the person who was ruining Germany.’ Then Trump said, ‘Germany hasn’t had a great leader since the 1940s.'” – Conan O’Brien

“I love that Trump goes, ‘I told you Time Magazine would never pick me.’ You don’t get to brag about not winning, just because you predicted it. That would be like if last Sunday Tom Brady was like, ‘See, I told you we’d lose to the Eagles! Did I call it or did I call it? Everyone said we’d win, but I was like, no way man. Nuh-uh.'” – James Corden

“Jeb Bush has fallen to just 3 percent in a new poll, and his numbers continue to drop. Jeb says this isn’t the time to panic — because the time to panic was, like, five months ago.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Marco Rubio said in a new interview that his favorite show is ‘The Walking Dead.’ When asked why, Rubio said, ‘I’m a senator from Florida — those are my constituents.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Some political pundits are predicting that if Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic primary in New Hampshire, it will serve as a ‘death blow’ to the Bernie Sanders’ campaign. But Bernie’s hoping he still might have a shot in Old Hampshire.” – Seth Meyers

“The latest CNN/ORC Glade Plug-In Poll has her ahead of rival Bernie Sanders, 58 percent to 30 percent, with former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley registering just 2 percent — exactly the same as the milk that is more exciting than him.” – Stephen Colbert

“That 2 percent is up from 1.8 percent in November. That’s a .2 percent surge that some are calling ‘Martin O’Mentum.'” – Stephen Colbert

“Even though Hillary Clinton is the presumptive Democratic nominee, these days she’s harder to find than her emails.” – Stephen Colbert


Cruzing for a Bruzing

On Tuesday I did a post about Ted Cruz, asking how conservatives could be fooled by his flimsy tea party credentials when he is married to an investment banker who works for Goldman Sachs.

Well, it is worse than that. In a story published on Wednesday, the New York Times discloses that the Cruzes lied about how he financed his Senate campaign four years ago. Ted Cruz and his wife have repeatedly claimed that they scrimped and sacrificed to fund his campaign.

But it turns out that what they didn’t mention is two loans totaling around a million dollars, which were never reported to the FEC (which is against the law). Where did these loans come from? From Goldman Sachs and from Citibank.

And far from scrimping and sacrificing, their investment portfolio actually increased during that time, even though they claimed that they had liquidated everything to finance his campaign.

And what makes this especially hypocritical is that Ted Cruz campaigns as an enemy of Wall Street and the influence of big banks (like Citibank) in Washington.


If It Ain’t Broke

Pat Bagley
© Pat Bagley

Here’s a good summary of Obama’s final State of the Union address.

Right-wing media has convinced a lot of people that Obama is destroying our economy, sending illegal immigrants to take our jobs, waging war on Christmas, and plotting to take away our guns. But when you are dealing with voters who actually believe that Obama is a Muslim and wasn’t even born in this country, how are you going to get them to open their eyes to the fact that greedy and powerful people and organizations are using blatant propaganda to get us to vote against our own interests. Indeed, the worst thing you can say about Obama is that maybe he is not fixing the mess left by the last Republican administration fast enough.

UPDATE: I gained respect for Nikki Haley in her response to the SOTU, for her willingness to tell conservatives to “turn down the volume” of hate against immigrants. Of course, conservatives responded by turning up the volume. Ann Coulter tweeted that we should “Deport Nikki Haley” and called Haley an “immigrant”. Haley was born in South Carolina to parents who immigrated from India.


Late Night Political Humor

“The most popular reality TV show in America right now is Donald Trump’s campaign for president. Trump, yesterday, proposed a ‘total and complete shutdown’ of Muslims coming into the United States. Even former Vice President Dick Cheney said the ban goes against everything we believe in. And this is a guy who shot one of his friends.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump got a lot of people upset when he released a statement yesterday that called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, and even Dick Cheney said he’d gone too far. You know it’s bad when Dick Cheney steps in to say, ‘Come on, have a heart, any heart.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Dick Cheney said Donald Trump’s comments yesterday go against everything America stands for. Cheney said, ‘In other words, he’s got my full support.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump said that the United States should block all Muslims from entering the country. He said that in fact, the only reason we should ever allow ANYONE to come here from ANY country is to marry him.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump said he would not put Muslims in internment camps. He said they would all stay at his luxurious new ‘Trump Hotel and Internment Resort.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A new report claims ISIS has been using American weapons in their fight against the United States. The weapons include tanks, rifles, and Donald Trump.” – Conan O’Brien

“The New York Times analyzed the 95,000 words that Trump used in speeches last week and found patterns that aren’t common in most presidents’ speeches. Apparently Abraham Lincoln never insulted Rosie O’Donnell.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump said he could call Bill Gates and ask him to close down the Internet. Then Bill Gates said he could call Donald Trump and explain how the Internet actually works.” – Conan O’Brien

“The White House pastry chef made a 500-pound dark chocolate gingerbread White House. Obama was like, ‘Uh, but you made a REGULAR gingerbread house for all the OTHER presidents…'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama reportedly met Hillary Clinton yesterday for a secret lunch at the White House. And then when lunch ended, Hillary said, ‘OK, thanks for coming over.'” –Seth Meyers

“Bernie Sanders just unveiled a new climate change plan, and he promised to cut back on fossil fuels. Bernie really wants to cut down on fossil fuels — especially because they’re made from his high school friends.” – Jimmy Fallon


Cruz Missile

G B Trudeau
© G B Trudeau

Are conservative Christians going to be fooled again, the way they were with Dubya? I mean, for heaven’s sake, Ted Cruz is married to an investment banker and his only motto seems to be something like “Praise the Lord and gimme the greenbacks”. And while he has the most hardline stance against immigration of any presidential candidate, he himself was born in Canada to a Cuban father. Plus he talks way too much about his religious beliefs.

I’ve mentioned how almost everyone who has ever worked with him absolutely loathes him.

I just don’t get why anyone believes a word he says.


Late Night Political Humor

“A new poll shows Donald Trump has 36 percent support among Republicans and Ted Cruz is in second place with 16 percent. Meanwhile, Jeb Bush is at 3. Not percent — people.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump said today that all Muslims, even U.S. citizens and those serving in the armed forces, should be barred from entering the United States. Trump’s statement was so outrageous and so offensive, his poll numbers went up 20 points.” – Conan O’Brien

“Today Donald Trump called for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. I’m starting to think Donald Trump is sick of running for president. He’s trying to say crazy things to get himself thrown out. But the crazier the things he says, the more people seem to like him. It’s like the movie ‘The Producers.’ This campaign is his ‘Springtime for Hitler’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A new poll has found that half of the country thinks Donald Trump’s statements on the campaign trail are insulting and offensive, while the other half of the country thinks his statements are ‘insultante y ofensiva.'” – Seth Meyers

“Ted Cruz has jumped ahead of Donald Trump in the latest Iowa poll. The poll was called ‘Who’s crazier?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is 20 points ahead of the other Republican candidates. Even Trump was like, ‘OK, this isn’t funny anymore.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama gave a rare national address last night from the Oval Office. Then today, Hillary Clinton said it was her favorite episode of ‘House Hunters.'” – Seth Meyers

“It was reported today that more than 50 members of Congress still haven’t paid back their student loans. John McCain said he just needs a little more time.” – Conan O’Brien

“It has come out that a top Russian official recently met with Pamela Anderson. The Russian official said it was an honor to meet someone who’s posed for more topless photos than Vladimir Putin.” – Conan O’Brien


Can’t Tell The Players Without a Scorecard!

Adam Zyglis
© Adam Zyglis

Anyone who thinks our country is not still incredibly racist isn’t paying attention. Either that, or you are so racist yourself that you are clueless as to what is going on.

Like this situation, where an heavily armed group takes over a federal building by force and threatens violence.

Now imagine the same scene except the group is anything other than white Christians.


Late Night Political Humor

“Christmas is right around the corner which means any day now, Donald Trump should be tweeting out an insult to Santa. ‘He’s fat and old and he uses illegal laborers.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“After CNN said they would not pay Donald Trump the $5 million he wanted to appear at the next debate, Trump said he would appear for free. And then he went back to saying what an amazing negotiator he is. ‘I’ll do it for $5 million – No? Zero? Okay. Free is my final offer.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“There was a big ceremony at the Capital yesterday to unveil a marble statue of Dick Cheney. People said, ‘Wow, he looks so life-like.’ And then Cheney said, ‘Actually, the statue’s over there.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Russia is planning to build a base on the moon where astronauts will live permanently. When asked if they really wanted to spend the rest of their lives in a barren, lifeless landscape, the Russians said, ‘No, that’s why we want to go to the moon.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Republicans Piss Everybody Off

Trump pissed off Latinos by promising to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants. But he left open the possibility that those people could apply for a visa to return legally. This week, Ted Cruz decided to get even tougher, and said that not only will he deport all of them, but he will deny them the possibility of coming back legally.

Back in 2012 the Republicans did some soul searching to figure out why they lost the presidential race. Their conclusion was that in order to have any chance of winning, they had to get at least 40% of the Latino vote (Romney got 27%). But with the top two GOP presidential candidates pissing all over Latinos, it seems more likely that they will get less of their vote, not more.

But it gets worse. Also this week, the Republicans voted to repeal Obamacare (making it their 60th attempt to do that). So they are going to piss off millions of people who would lose their health insurance if Obama doesn’t veto the bill. Of course he will. Republicans claim that forcing Obama to veto this bill will cost him politically. But do they really believe that there is anyone who doesn’t know where Obama stands on the ACA? Seriously?

And if that weren’t enough, the same bill also defunds Planned Parenthood, which means that the GOP isn’t afraid to piss off women.

Does anyone really believe that the GOP has any chance of regaining the presidency?

UPDATE: Not only that, but Trump just picked a fight with one person you really don’t want to piss off.


Late Night Political Humor

“Things haven’t been going too great for Jeb Bush, but he’s not giving up. His campaign has spent the most money on TV ads, $30 million. I don’t want to say Jeb’s run too many ads, but his new Secret Service code name is ‘Geico’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In New York, Federal authorities have seized 274 pairs of shoes made from endangered species. The shoes were made from rhino horn, crocodile skin, and Jeb Bush supporters.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton recently started following a bunch of new people and organizations on Instagram, including the home improvement channel, HGTV. When asked why, Hillary was like, ‘Oh, I’m getting a new house soon.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hillary went on an Instagram binge and followed a bunch of celebrities like Beyonce, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. When asked if Bill Clinton follows any women on Instagram, he was like, ‘All of them’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s come out that last year, a man was able to get past the Secret Service and speak with President Obama by pretending to be a congressman. The Secret Service realized he wasn’t a congressman because he was willing to be seen with President Obama.” – Conan O’Brien



I’m out of town and just discovered the place where I’m staying has no internet (or even cell coverage). I’ve scheduled a post for each day, but I won’t be around much to respond to all your typically great comments. Back soon!
