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Keeping your story straight?

Apparently, I’m not the only person who noticed that the Republican story is, um, evolving rapidly.

© Tom Tomorrow

And Critical Race Theory to combat in our schools, even though it isn’t actually taught in any schools. But it seems that the sheeple are more than happy to become enraged at anything, even if it is totally made up.



First, two quotes from former ambassador Nikki Haley. I can visualize her talking out of both sides of her mouth simultaneously.

Putin knows it’s costly, and he knows he can’t do it. This is him leveraging to see what he can get. He doesn’t want to expand… I don’t think Russia wants to go to war.

— In an interview with Brian Kilmeade on January 26, 2022

When an evil dictator thug says they’re going to do something, we need to believe them. Putin said he was going to take Ukraine, and he is.

— in an interview with Dave Rubin on March 7, 2022 (just 40 days later)

Either way, I’m sure the GOP will blame everything on the Democrats. After all, they are already doing crazier things. For example, on a UFC podcast Donald Trump was asked how he sees the war in Ukraine unfolding, and he went off on a rant about windmills and “green energy”. Seriously.

Speaking of people who seem morally unbalanced, giving a speech to Republicans last weekend, North Carolina Congressperson Madison Cawthorn seemed to blame the invasion of Ukraine on (wait for it), Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy and “woke ideologies”:

Remember that Zelenskyy is a thug. Remember that the Ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and is incredibly evil and has been pushing woke ideologies.

This is also a pretty stupid thing to say, as 61% of Republicans have a favorable opinion of Zelenskyy, compared to 6% with an unfavorable opinion. In fact, the North Carolina house just passed a resolution in support of Ukraine (unanimously, 112-0) put forward by the GOP House Speaker.


Dear Putin

This is a photo taken during a recent protest in Berlin, in front of the Brandenburg Gate. The gate itself is showing the Ukrainian flag colors.

There is some irony here, since when he killed himself in a bunker, Hitler was the leader of Germany. But the ironic change is welcome.



© Ruben Bolling

Vladimir Putin is being blasted by almost all of the countries of the world, including people in Russia. But here in the US there are a few (seemingly insane) people who are cheering Putin on in his invasion of Ukraine. And ironically, Joe Biden’s popularity ratings have jumped up 8% since his State-of-the-Union address, where he condemned Putin. Even Republicans think that Biden is doing a good job supporting Ukraine. That can’t be good news for Putin’s useful idiots in the US.


This is the way the Pandemic ends

Not with a bang, but a whimper. SNL discusses the ultimate Covid questions.

Personally, I wish more people had worn masks and been fully vaccinated. Considering that around 6 million (and counting) people have died from Covid-19, it was obviously incumbent on us to do everything we could to combat it. After all, when 6 million people died from the Holocaust, we didn’t wonder afterward whether or not we should have fought the Nazis.


Oh Shit!

Lauren Boebert is a Republican far-right congressperson from Colorado who loves Donald Trump, QAnon, conspiracy theories. She is famous for insulting people who hold religious beliefs different than hers, and she supported the rioters who stormed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. She regularly carries a firearm to her workplace in the Capitol, and rails against gays, abortion, sex education, “critical race theory”, and immigration.

So how do you defeat someone like Boebert in the upcoming election? Alex Walker is running against her, and his advertising frankly fights fire with fire, in an attempt to put an end to her constant jetstream of bullshit.

Warning, definitely not safe for work!


Russian Social Disinformation

Who knew that the latest arms race would center around social media disinformation?


Fighting Discrimination?

© Jen Sorensen

Sometimes, you just can’t make this stuff up. Here is the first section of a model bill produced by the American Legislative Exchange Council.

  • 1) fossil fuels currently supply more than 80% of the world’s primary energy, and the U.S. Energy Information Administration still projects global consumption of fossil fuels to increase steadily at least through 2050;
  • 2) restricting the supply of fossil fuels, without an immediate substitute for those fuels, only serves to raise prices on energy consumers, profoundly impacting the poorest among us;
  • 3) denying financing to American and European fossil energy producers, who are among the most socially and environmentally responsible companies in the world, only serves to support hostile nations and less responsible producers;
  • 4) banks are increasingly denying financing to creditworthy fossil energy companies solely for the purpose of decarbonizing their lending portfolios and marketing their environmental credentials, to the detriment of potential returns for their shareholders;
  • 5) institutional investors are divesting from fossil energy companies and pressuring corporations to commit to the goal of the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050;
  • 6) large investment firms are colluding to force fossil energy companies to cannibalize their existing businesses and direct time and attention away from increasing shareholder returns;
  • 7) corporations are boycotting fossil energy companies by refusing to provide them with products or services; and
  • 8) it is in the social and financial interest of energy producing states to combat attacks on their key industries and employees.

Of course they are doing this to help the poor! And did you know that our fossil fuel companies, including oil companies whose tankers create massive spills, and gas companies that do fracking, “are among the most socially and environmentally responsible companies in the world”? Who knew?

These selfless companies need protection against discrimination! This must be why we already heavily subsidize them with tax breaks and other corporate welfare to the tune of around $20 billion per year.



If I can post a comic comparing us to a Monty Python skit, surely we can be compared to a fictional parallel earth where they actually try to do the right thing.

© Tom Tomorrow

Although I will point out that Biden Prime did come through with free Covid test kits. Order yours now at


At Least They Are Wearing Masks!

© Jason Adam Katzenstein

How many people recognized the source of this joke? With an updated caption to make it about the pandemic.


Capitalism and Covid

I mean, what’s the point of a pandemic if you can’t make lots of money from it?

© Tom Tomorrow

Happy New Year!

© Nick Anderson

At the end of last year, Los Angeles County released the following data:

  • Unvaccinated people in the county are 14 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than those that have been fully vaccinated.
  • The hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated has increased to 28 per 100,000 people, while for vaccinated people it has remained relatively flat at 1 per 100,000.
  • The percentage of all people (both vaxed and unvaxed) who have gotten tested and were positive is now 21%. But if you are vaccinated, the positive rate is only 2%.

And this doesn’t even take into account whether or not people wear masks.


Dance of the Virus Proteins

This may not be humorous, but how ironic is someone doing an interpretive dance about their own PhD research on the proteins in SARS-CoV-2. This will make all you science nerds dance with joy!


God’s Tech Support

This would be even more hilarious if it weren’t so true!


Fauci Funnies

I’ve been waiting for something that makes me laugh out loud to post. And SNL provides the goods.
