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Late Night Political Humor

“At a rally last night in Vermont, Donald Trump refused to let anyone in that wasn’t a Trump supporter, but several protesters got in anyway. So keep that in mind the next time you listen to the guy whose biggest campaign promise is keeping people from sneaking in.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In an interview on ‘Morning Joe’ yesterday, Donald Trump said that he thinks the media is starting to like him. Then the media said, ‘Like you? Have you seen our ratings? We LOVE you!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, gave an interview and said she remembers her first date with Donald like it was two months ago. Then it got awkward when she was like, ‘But the marks on my wall clearly show that it’s been 17 years, two months, and six days.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump is questioning whether his opponent Ted Cruz is actually a U.S. citizen because, in 1970, Cruz was born to a Canadian-Cuban father and an American mother and I’m going to guess a crock of Dippity-do.” – Stephen Colbert

“Donald Trump is now accusing Ted Cruz of having a Canadian passport. Cruz said he doesn’t have a Canadian passport, but like everyone else he’ll get one the minute Donald Trump becomes president.” – Conan O’Brien

“Cruz has mocked the ridiculousness of Trump’s allegations by posting a video on Twitter of Fonzie from ‘Happy Days’ jumping the shark. Which I say proves Cruz is an American, because if he were a Canadian he would have released a video of Celine Dion jumping a Tim Hortons.” – Stephen Colbert

“Jeb Bush in a new interview this week spontaneously announced that he loves his mother more than his father. And then he ended up the interview by running up to his room and slamming the door.” – Seth Meyers

“An autograph expert said that Hillary Clinton’s autograph is the most valuable of all the candidates. For instance, a Hillary Clinton-signed hat is worth about $1500 dollars, while a Jeb Bush-signed hat is worth… whatever the hat cost originally, minus a few bucks for the Jeb Bush signature.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hillary Clinton complained about having to take selfies with voters, saying that it takes up too much time at campaign events. Yeah, good one, Hillary. That’s the way to capture the youth vote — directly criticize their favorite thing in the whole world.” – James Corden

“Hillary said she doesn’t like selfies because the interaction is very impersonal. She said, ‘If anything is going to be impersonal on this campaign trail, I prefer it to be me.'” – James Corden

“Meanwhile Bernie Sanders announced that he loves selfies. He just hasn’t figured out how to take them on his rotary phone.” – James Corden

“Our current president, the one named Obama, is gearing up for what will be his final state of the union address on Tuesday night. His aides have been describing the speech that he plans to give as nontraditional. Which probably means he’s going to do that ‘watch me whip, watch me nae nae’ dance.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“We’re now just a few days away from President Obama’s final State of the Union Address. Which means Joe Biden only has a few days left to decide what weird thing he’s gonna do in the background.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Vice President Joe Biden in a new interview said that he wakes up every day regretting that he didn’t enter the 2016 race. And every day Hillary Clinton holds the rag over his nose and he goes back to sleep.” – Seth Meyers

“The federal government today unveiled its new list of nutritional guidelines, which recommends that people eat more fruit, vegetables, and whole wheat, or at the very least cut back on foods that have the word ‘triple’ in their names.” – Seth Meyers


Reality, Virtualized

Berkeley Breathed
© Berkeley Breathed

The bad news is that this presidential race is longer than any previous one in history. At least it is more entertaining than most (well, at least the Republican side).

Anyone still think Trump will self destruct? Will Cruz pull ahead, despite the fact that nobody likes him? Will an establishment candidate like Rubio make a comeback, like Romney did last time?


Late Night Political Humor

“At a rally in New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders mocked Donald Trump for thinking that climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese. So, at this point, most people are starting to feel like Trump is a hoax created by the Chinese.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, said she was initially attracted to Donald because of his energy. By the way, ‘energy’ is the Slovenian word for ‘money’.” – Conan O’Brien

“The former campaign manager for Dr. Ben Carson said today that it is becoming harder to see how Donald Trump will not win the Republican nomination — while Ben Carson said it’s becoming harder to see, period.” – Seth Meyers

“Very few people remember this, but Sen. Rand Paul is also an eye doctor, so I’ll ask him if he’s going to make America better? Or worse? Better? One? Or two? And he can ask Donald Trump ‘how many fingers am I holding up, Donald?'” – Stephen Colbert

“Members of the British Parliament are going to meet later this month to debate whether or not to ban Donald Trump from entering the UK. One member of Parliament said, ‘Look, we have enough guys with ridiculous-looking things on their heads making sure nobody gets over a fence.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I’m a little worried about Bernie Sanders. He is currently trailing Hillary Clinton by 17 points. Americans have stopped ‘feeling the Bern’ and are now feeling more of a mild chafing sensation.” – Stephen Colbert

“Bernie Sanders promised yesterday that if elected president, he would cap ATM fees at $2. Then he vowed to get banks to ‘Stop calling it a PIN number!'” – Seth Meyers

“Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson announced he is running for president as a Libertarian and he supports legalizing marijuana. You can tell he’s pro-marijuana, because he was supposed to announce he’s running four months ago.” – Conan O’Brien

“Since January 1st, Texas is allowing gun owners to carry their guns openly in most public places. However, you still have to conceal your science book.” – Conan O’Brien

“The FDA is planning to prohibit anyone under the age of 18 from using e-cigarettes. The head of the FDA said, ‘It’s not for health reasons, they just make you look so douchey.'” – Conan O’Brien

“North Korea’s claiming that they successfully detonated their first hydrogen bomb. They haven’t perfected color television yet, but they do have a hydrogen bomb.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“North Korea announced last night that they successfully tested a miniaturized hydrogen bomb. The announcement was made by a miniaturized dictator. To him it looked like a great big regular-sized bomb.” – Seth Meyers

“North Korea announced yesterday that it has successfully carried out its first hydrogen bomb test. Either that, or they just got their first Chipotle.” – Jimmy Fallon

“After they made the announcement, the people of North Korea were like, ‘This is great, now can we have food and shoes?'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The government of Iraq has offered to mediate between Saudi Arabia and Iran. You know the Middle East is in trouble when your greatest hope for peace is ‘meeting up in Iraq’.” – Conan O’Brien


Why I Won’t Vote for Sanders

I love the fact that Bernie Sanders is running for president. Unlike most Democratic politicians he is not embarrassed to be called a liberal. Heck, he’s not even embarrassed to be called a socialist (even though he technically isn’t one). Like some Republican politicians he speaks his mind and doesn’t mince words, and unlike those same politicians he doesn’t completely ignore reality.

Except in one area. Paul Krugman published an opinion piece recently, and I realized that some of the reasons why I love Bernie Sanders are the same reasons I don’t think he will make a great president.

The title is “Health Reform Realities”, and Krugman’s main point is that Sanders is ignoring political reality in this country when he says he wants to replace the ACA (Obamacare) with a single-payer, Medicare-for-all system.

It isn’t that I don’t believe that a single payer system is superior. I just don’t think it will ever happen. As Krugman points out, do we really want to re-litigate one of the biggest political successes in a half a century?

Indeed, another article points out that in Vermont, the home state of Sanders, he was unsuccessful at setting up a single-payer system just a few years ago. This, despite the fact that the governor, legislature, and even many hospitals and businesses were solidly behind the effort.

As recently as early 2014, everyone assumed that Vermont was going to get a single-payer system. I remember reading about it. But by the end of that year, they completely gave up on it.

Was it because of conservative opposition? No, it was because budget analysts figured out that it would require $2.5 billion in additional revenue, which would require raising the payroll tax by 11.5% and the income tax by 9% (essentially doubling state taxes).

Of course, many Americans would ultimately save money, because the increased taxes would be more than offset by the savings in health insurance premiums (which would drop to zero). But other people would have to pay more, which would likely cause a huge political backlash.

Part of the reason other countries have been able to set up single-payer systems is because they have kept health care prices down. Most countries do this by keeping the salaries of doctors and other health care professionals much lower than they are here. Imagine what would happen here if you suddenly slashed the income of all the doctors and nurses in the US!

Then imagine if you also slashed revenues for hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment companies, etc. All hell would break loose. It was a big enough problem that Vermont simply gave up on their single-payer system.

And that’s ignoring the problems of getting a national single-payer system past a Republican congress. Good luck with that. It is hard enough to keep them from dismantling Medicare and Social Security.

What bothers me is that Sanders is being an ideologue, instead of a pragmatist. I would much prefer it if Sanders were coming up with popular ways to modify Obamacare in order to push us (slowly) toward a single payer system. For example, he could be proposing that we bring back the “public option” in the health insurance exchanges (which Republicans removed from the ACA). Nobody would be forced to choose that option, but it would be there competing with private health insurance, and if it turns out to be competitive and people like it, then it would grow. It gives people more choices and provides more competition.

Such a proposal has a much higher chance of success than ramming a single-payer system (like the one in Vermont) down everyone’s throats. And I think in the long run, it would have a significantly better chance of leading us to a single-payer system, if that is indeed a good way for us to go.

Finally, Electoral Vote has a good post on why even if Sanders is able to win the Democratic primary (which itself is highly unlikely), he has pretty much zero chance of winning the general election. His popularity now has more to do with the fact that the Republicans are not smearing him (like they did with John Kerry); instead they are actually currently helping him to try to hurt Clinton. Donald Trump is even claiming that he is responsible for Sanders rising in the polls.

I am happy to have Sanders playing the role of pushing Clinton to the more progressive end of the spectrum, but nominating him would be a big mistake for the Democrats.

I’m sure many of you disagree. Tell me why I’m wrong.


The Year Obama Had No Fucks to Give

I somehow missed this article in Rolling Stone, titled “2015: The Year Obama Stopped Giving Any F–ks.

I won’t even quote from it, because some of the best parts are the photos and video clips. Feel free to go read it and have a good laugh.

And if that doesn’t satisfy you, here’s another good article: “You’ll miss Obama when he’s gone: Why Obama will be remembered as a good President and maybe a great one“. This article also includes a list of Obama’s worst failures. I tend to agree with their assessment, although a few of these failures were mainly due to GOP opposition and not because of a lack of trying on the part of Obama.


Late Night Political Humor

“In a recent interview, Hillary Clinton said that she would investigate UFOs, and said that aliens may have already visited Earth. When he heard that, Trump said, ‘Forget the wall. We need a dome! Just build a huge dome. A huge classy beautiful dome! We’ll make the aliens pay for the dome.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama this afternoon said that guns should come with new safety devices because ‘if a kid can’t open aspirin they shouldn’t be able to pull a trigger.’ And the gun lobby plans to cooperate by making aspirin bottles easier to open.” – Seth Meyers

“In an NPR interview last week, Jeb Bush revealed the ingredients for his guacamole recipe, but wouldn’t give away the specifics of how to prepare it. So now I guess we HAVE to elect Jeb Bush.” – Jimmy Fallon

“After being confronted yesterday by a homosexual protester on whether being gay is a choice, Dr. Ben Carson said, ‘That’s a long conversation.’ Of course, for him, ‘Hello, I’m Ben Carson’ is a long conversation.” – Seth Meyers


Best and Brightest?

Jim Morin
© Jim Morin

Donald Trump claims he hires the “best and brightest”, but often the record shows otherwise, unless what they are best at included being a con artist.

And even if it were true, do we really want a president who is the delegator in chief? That sounds like the job done by Dubya, who pretty much delegated most things to his vice president.

To his credit, the look on Trumps’ face during Sarah Palin’s endorsement seem to say that he couldn’t understand a thing she said.

UPDATE: A reader sent me this link to The Shovel, which is Australia’s answer to The Onion. The title says it all: Palin Brings Much-Needed Intellectual Rigour To Trump Campaign.


Late Night Political Humor

“According to a new poll, Donald Trump was the candidate Americans would least want to have as their neighbor. It makes sense, because he’d build a MASSIVE WALL between your yards and make YOU pay for it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump said yesterday that if he’s elected, he would ‘probably not talk as much.’ That’s right, if Donald Trump is elected, even HE will be speechless.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump released his first TV ad. The ad will air on the big four networks during prime-time, cable channels during the day, and on Univision when Hell freezes over.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump’s television ad mistakenly shows footage from Morocco instead of Mexico. Trump insists it’s not a mistake, and he’s going to build a fence along the US-Moroccan border and make Morocco pay for it.” – Conan O’Brien

“On ‘Face the Nation’ yesterday, Donald Trump accused Ted Cruz of copying his immigration reform plan, specifically his idea of building a giant wall. Then China said, ‘Uh, hello?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump called Bill Clinton a woman abuser and Hillary Clinton an enabler. Then he called the Clinton marriage ‘the best one I’ve ever seen’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Republican hopeful Carly Fiorina said on Sunday that Ted Cruz will say ‘whatever he needs to say’ to win the election. And it’s true. Just this morning, Ted Cruz said ‘Hi, I’m Hillary Clinton.'” – Seth Meyers

“I imagine Jeb Bush’s resolution was probably to spend more time with his supporter. Hillary Clinton’s resolution is currently being focus-grouped. Donald Trump doesn’t have any resolutions because resolutions are for losers and he’s a winner. Bernie Sanders’ resolution is to catch that damn squirrel that keeps eating the food out of the birdfeeder.” – James Corden

“A new poll found that women in America are angrier about current events than men. And if you want to make them even angrier, just tell them they seem angry.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A militia group that is protesting the U.S. government has taken over a wildlife refuge in Oregon. Of course you can understand why they’re angry, it’s really not easy being a white man in Oregon.” – Conan O’Brien

“Thanks to Congress, meat producers no longer have to tell consumers where their meat comes from. Upon hearing this, Arby’s said, ‘Waaay ahead of you, man.'” – Conan O’Brien


Is Their Sand Glowing Yet?

While the Republican presidential candidates have been talking up a storm about how they would bomb the Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL) back to the stone age and that Obama is too weak, Obama has been quietly, effectively doing something about the Islamic State. He’s been cutting off their sources of income.

First we blew up their oil refineries, tankers and trucks that were being used by IS to sell oil on the black market. Then we found and bombed the building that had been serving as their bank, destroying millions of dollars in cash.

Why has it taken so long? Because we were being careful to limit civilian casualties. No point in helping IS radicalize even more jihadists or foreign donors.

And that’s the whole point. Carpet bombing IS like the GOP chicken hawks want to do would only create sympathy for IS from Muslims around the world, which would result in them sending more money and fighters to IS. After all, the 9/11 attacks (carried out mainly with box cutters) didn’t require that much money. Overreacting to IS would just make the situation worse; overreacting to 9/11 by attacking Iraq was what made creation of IS possible in the first place. Using nuclear weapons against them (making the sand glow) would be one of the stupidest things we could do.

So is Obama’s strategy working? It appears to be working very well. A leaked document from IS (along with other corroborating reports) contains this revealing passage:

On account of the exceptional circumstances the Islamic State is facing, it has been decided to reduce the salaries that are paid to all mujahideen by half, and it is not allowed for anyone to be exempted from this decision, whatever his position.

Other evidence is that IS has lost 25% of its territory from their peak a year and a half ago. And controlling land is vitally important to IS, as they can’t have a caliphate without territory.

The downside of all this is that as IS loses territory and money, it will make them more likely to commit terrorist attacks abroad in a desperate effort to get us to overreact. Will we be fooled again?


Colbert Channels Palin

Stephen Colbert tasers his brain so that he can channel the original material girl, after she endorsed Donald Trump with an incoherent stream of unconsciousness.

Why is Colbert on such a roll? Because Trump and Palin together are a comedian’s wet dream.

UPDATE: Glenn Beck seems to be a bit upset that Palin endorsed Trump:

I’m going to say it. I don’t care what Sarah Palin says any more. Sarah Palin has become a clown. I’m embarrassed that I was once for Sarah Palin. Honestly, I’m embarrassed… I don’t know who she is any more, I don’t know what she stands for. I saw a clip of her talking to Donald Trump. What the hell is that? I don’t even know who she is any more.

But the best part was that later on Facebook he said that maybe the media was right about Palin all along. Ya think?

UPDATE 2: Tina Fey returns to Saturday Night Live as Sarah Palin, to (as she puts it) “take a break from my full-time career of writin’ things on Facebook”:


If you can’t Trump him, join him.

The Republican presidential race might have reached a tipping point. Up until now, the GOP establishment has been primarily ignoring Donald Trump – hoping he will go away – or occasionally taking pot shots at him. To their dismay, these shots have completely (and unsurprisingly) backfired, mainly because the environment of anger, racism, and incivility that feeds Trump’s popularity was largely created by the Republican establishment themselves (with the limitless help of Fox News).

But suddenly, the GOP establishment seems to be embracing Trump and even promoting him! What could make Trump so abruptly appealing? After all, Trump is still Trump (and might even be getting worse). How did this happen?

Two things. First, the Republicans have run out of establishment alternatives to Trump. After Jeb Bush bit the dust, their last hope was Marco Rubio, but they have come to the realization that Rubio doesn’t have the cajones to stop Trump. Instead, the race has already narrowed to two people. Secondly, and most important, as the Huffington Post puts it, “The GOP Establishment Has Found The One Thing That Can Make Donald Trump Palatable: Ted Cruz“.

Cruz has already done tremendous damage to the Republican party, including forcing a costly and unpopular government shutdown and pissing off almost everyone in Washington. His support is limited to the most hard-core right-wing evangelicals, and he doesn’t even try to appeal to other Republicans, let alone the independents who typically decide presidential elections. In fact, he delights in attacking everyone, wearing their hatred of him as a badge of honor. And on top of all that, Cruz isn’t even a very good evangelical.

Plus there is the question of whether Cruz is even eligible to be president.

The GOP establishment has come the realization that Cruz could be the bomb (or perhaps straw) that destroys the Republican party. As Bob Dole put it on Wednesday, it would be “cataclysmic” if Cruz wins the primary. “If he’s the nominee, we’re going to have wholesale losses in Congress and state offices and governors and legislatures.”

The same day, former Senate majority leader Trent Lott said that he would prefer Trump over Cruz. The day before that, the governor of the all-important state of Iowa, Terry Branstad (the longest serving governor in the country), broke his neutrality to encourage Republican caucus goers to vote against Cruz. And then, out of the blue, Sarah Palin endorsed Trump.

Ted Cruz represents an existential threat. While Trump – despite the fact that he is racist, sexist, even fascist – is all bluster. Perhaps the GOP is hoping that the voters won’t take him seriously.

Indeed, so what if Trump loses to Clinton? As one anonymous GOP establishment figure put it, “I’m rooting for Hillary. She can’t win a mandate, so we hold the House and don’t get slaughtered in the Senate. We will have a great midterm in 2018 running against her. We are a great opposition party.” They figure that they can distance themselves from Trump more easily, limiting the collateral damage.

As another anonymous GOP activist put it, there is a “feeling that with Trump, it’s easier for House and Senate candidates to separate themselves from the top of the ticket versus a fellow senator and particularly one who is running a hard-right campaign with no apparent desire to do outreach to independents and minorities.”

And that is how Donald Trump became the darling of the Republican establishment overnight.


Late Night Political Humor

“A new national poll found that Hillary Clinton is now more than 30 points ahead of Bernie Sanders among Democratic voters. I don’t want to say Hillary is overconfident, but at her last rally, she just stood behind the podium and drank champagne. ‘I got this.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Tomorrow is the third Democratic presidential debate. Experts say Hillary Clinton needs to hold on to her lead. Bernie Sanders needs to try to catch up. And Martin O’Malley will be there.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Warren Buffett yesterday joined Hillary Clinton at a rally and tried to drum up support for a tax increase on people making over $1 million a year. Chris Christie also showed up and reportedly said ‘ohhhh, Buffett…'” – Seth Meyers

“The Department of Health announced it’s extending the enrollment period for Obamacare to January 1st. What better time to sign up for Obamacare than the day we all lie to ourselves about being healthier.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Congress this weekend ended the federal government’s ban on medical marijuana. Good news for people with glaucoma as well as people with ‘glaucoma’.” – Seth Meyers


The Enemy of My Enemy

During Sunday night’s Democratic debate, the Republican National Committee did something unusual. They sent out four real-time emails to reporters defending Bernie Sanders against attacks from Hillary Clinton.

One of the emails defended Sanders’ single-payer health care plan. Another offered a rebuttal to Clinton’s attack on Sanders over gun control. A third defended Sanders’ argument that Clinton is too close to Wall Street and the pharmaceutical industry.

In addition, the chief strategist and spokesman for the RNC spent much of the evening live tweeting pro-Sanders commentary, even using the hashtag #FeelTheBern. At one point, he even chided Sanders for his poor response to a debate question and added “come on we are trying to help u“.

After the debate was over, a Republican PAC promoted the narrative that Sanders won the debate. And Karl Rove’s American Crossroads started attacking Clinton as a “Wall Street insider”.

Since when did the RNC develop a crush on democratic socialist Bernie Sanders?

Are they just trying to pick their opponent in the general election? After all, Republican presidential candidate John Kasich said last week “We’re going to win every state if Bernie Sanders is the nominee.”

Even if Hillary retains her lock on the Democratic nomination, bolstering her main challenger will force her to use up campaign money too early, and may push her to the left, which the GOP could use against her in the general election.


Late Night Political Humor

“Last night was the fifth Republican debate, and at one point Donald Trump was interrupted by a heckler yelling at him from offstage. Then the moderators said, ‘You’ll have more than enough time to speak at your next debate, Hillary.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night, the GOP debate took place in Las Vegas. CNN said the Republicans chose that location because ‘nothing says fiscal responsibility and wise choices like Las Vegas.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night was yet another Republican debate. CNN’s GOP-alooza went down in Las Vegas at the most American possible venue, the Venetian hotel and casino. The debate took place on the stage where ‘Phantom of the Opera’ played for over six years. Which explains Wolf Blitzer’s outfit.” – Stephen Colbert

“The fifth Republican debate was the third most-watched primary debate ever — 18 million viewers tuned in. More people watched the debate than the season finale of ‘The Voice.’ Maybe Carly Fiorina is the new Gwen Stefani.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Holding the debate in Las Vegas makes total sense. The stakes are high. There’s a lot of money riding on long shots. Most people are betting it all on red, or really orange.” – Stephen Colbert

“A new poll came out and it found that, of all the Republican candidates, people think Donald Trump would make the best Santa Claus. In response, Chris Christie said, ‘Oh COME ON, what do I gotta do?'” – Conan O’Brien

“At a Donald Trump rally the other night, a supporter shouted out the Nazi salute ‘Sieg Heil!’ Trump immediately responded, ‘There is no place for that here — save it for my inauguration.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump said last night that despite calling Ted Cruz a ‘maniac’, he has since learned that Cruz has a ‘wonderful temperament’. And if Donald Trump thinks you have a ‘wonderful temperament’, you’re probably a maniac.” – Seth Meyers

“Ted Cruz said he would carpet bomb ISIS until the sand glowed. When it was pointed out ISIS was centered in a city with a major population, he said carpet bombs should only target ISIS, which means Ted Cruz has invented a carpet bomb that only kills the bad guys, which is remarkable. I don’t know why we didn’t think of that before.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Ted Cruz has been moving up in the polls but still is only the fourth most popular cruise behind Tom, Penelope, and Carnival.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Dr. Ben Carson began with a moment of silence, then continued the debate with many, many more moments of silence. Although he may have been taking a power nap.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Rubio Prefers Arms Scandal Over Negotiation

Like most Republican candidates, Marco Rubio condemned Obama’s negotiated release of prisoners from Iran, just like they condemned the nuclear deal that Obama negotiated to lift sanctions against Iran in exchange for Iran giving up their nuclear weapons ambitions.

Iran released five prisoners, including Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian, who was convicted of espionage. In exchange, the US gave clemency to seven Iranians imprisoned or charged, not because of spying or even terrorism, but with sanctions violations.

The Republicans claim that the US citizens released by Iran were not prisoners, but were hostages, innocent of the charges used to imprison them. Rezaian’s situation was complicated by the fact that he holds dual US-Iranian citizenship. Iran does not recognize dual citizenship, so he was tried as an Iranian.

Of course, we will never know if Rezaian was actually spying for the US government. Personally, I don’t think so. However, the US has a long history of using journalists as spies, so it wouldn’t surprise me much.

But Rubio wasn’t content to just condemn Obama’s actions (it is typically a requirement to condemn Obama for anything he does). He had to take it one step further into irony.

Rubio claimed that Obama was weak, and that he (Rubio) would have negotiated with Iran the way Ronald Reagan did.

I guess Rubio is hoping that nobody will remember that Reagan (with Oliver North) sold arms to Iran (which was illegal trading with the enemy) in exchange for releasing US prisoners. Not content with one act of treason, Reagan and North then turned around and used the proceeds from the arms sale to Iran to illegally fund the right-wing Contra rebels who were trying to overthrow the democratically elected left-wing Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Reagan repeatedly lied about this, and later in a TV address to the nation even admitted he had lied. It was a huge scandal for Reagan, and was certainly grounds for impeachment (seems far worse than lying about sleeping with an intern). Not to mention a huge blow for America’s reputation.

But Rubio is holding up Reagan as an example of how to negotiate with Iran.

What’s next? Would Rubio like to overthrow the government of Iran and install a dictator, like we did with the coup in 1953 that installed the Shah of Iran and caused all the enmity between us?
