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Colbert on Scalia

This is really sweet:


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump’s plane made an emergency landing in Nashville yesterday after reporting engine problems. When asked what the issue was, the pilot said, ‘Nothing, I just couldn’t take it anymore.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump somehow made the list of nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize. He’s on the list, right next to Pope Francis, which might seem ludicrous because it IS ludicrous. But Trump is excited about it. He might be the first person ever to campaign for Nobel Prize consideration.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump said in a new interview that President Obama visited a mosque yesterday because ‘he feels comfortable there.’ Or maybe it’s just because it’s the one place Obama knew he’d never run into Donald Trump.” – Seth Meyers

“Ted Cruz’s wife revealed that the way he alleviates stress is by singing show tunes. Whenever he’s feeling anxious or overwhelmed, like right before a debate, he calls her and sings Broadway show tunes into the telephone. Make no mistake, he still believes that marriage is a sacred union between one guy and one doll.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“The Marco Rubio campaign is now selling a T-shirt that calls Marco Rubio ‘bae’. Hillary Clinton called it ‘such a desperate attempt to appeal to young people, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it first.'” – Conan O’Brien

“At last night’s CNN town hall debate for the Democrats, Hillary Clinton said that during her time in the White House, she would actually put on a baseball cap and sunglasses so she could walk around Washington, D.C., unnoticed. The only time it went wrong was when Bill pulled up and said, ‘Hey baby, do you — oh, never mind.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“During last night’s Democratic town hall Hillary Clinton told voters, ‘I never thought I’d be standing on a stage here asking for people to vote for me for president.’ Because she thought she’d already be done being president by now.” – Seth Meyers

“There was another debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire. They’ve already had so many debates they’re starting to run out of things to fight about. Tonight they sat there quietly like an old married couple at a restaurant.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“At last night’s town hall, Bernie Sanders said, ‘I’ve had good endurance my whole life.’ Then there was an awkward rebuttal by Mrs. Bernie Sanders.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders yesterday interrupted his own speech to rush to the aid of a man who fainted in the audience. Luckily, Bernie was able to shout him back to consciousness: ‘ARE YOU OK? WAKE UP, THE MIDDLE CLASS IS DISAPPEARING!'” – Seth Meyers

“A tattoo shop in Vermont is currently offering a free tattoo of the outline of Bernie Sanders’ head. Or as they’re calling it, a ‘gramp stamp’.” – Seth Meyers


Dead Air

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

The Republicans have already announced that they are going to refuse to confirm (or even have a hearing to consider) anyone nominated by Obama to replace Antonin Scalia. Even before they hear who Obama is going to nominate. The Party of NO is nothing if not consistent.

The GOP claims that it is standard practice to not consider a Supreme Court appointment in the last year of a president’s term. So, how does that explain Anthony Kennedy, who was unanimously approved by a Democratic Senate in February during the final year of Ronald Reagan’s second term? Or the many other judges appointed in the last year of a president’s term.


Late Night Political Humor

“On Monday, Hillary Clinton narrowly won in Iowa, with the final results showing that she beat Bernie Sanders by less than 1 percent. And you thought Bernie was mad at the 1 percent BEFORE.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton were named the winners of Monday’s Iowa caucuses. Cruz celebrated by giving a speech to his supporters, and Hillary celebrated by moving her stuff into the White House.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary is facing criticism for declaring victory in Iowa prematurely. The final results weren’t actually announced till around 1 p.m. on Tuesday, but she declared victory back in April of last year.” – Jimmy Fallon

“This Sunday is Super Bowl 50, between the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers. Of course it’ll be weird when they do the coin toss before the big game, and the winner is still somehow Hillary Clinton.” – Jimmy Fallon

“On the Republican side, Ted Cruz made history by becoming the first Hispanic to win the Iowa caucus. Then Cruz said, ‘And the first Canadian! — I mean, nothing!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Sarah Palin accused Ted Cruz of lying about Ben Carson and stealing the Iowa caucus. This is my favorite thing in politics, when people lie and cheat to get the evangelical Christian vote.” – Conan O’Brien

“This morning, Donald Trump tweeted that Ted Cruz ‘illegally stole’ the election. Trump said, ‘Everyone knows you’re supposed to illegally BUY the election.'” – Conan O’Brien

“After the caucus in Iowa, the candidates who had no chance to win are finally starting to realize that and drop out. Rick Santorum announced he’s suspending his campaign after he finished 11th in Iowa and Rand Paul is suspending his campaign after finishing fifth. I like that they call it suspending, as if their campaigns got caught having sex under the bleachers and will be back in a couple of weeks.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This week, Mike Huckabee, Martin O’Malley, Rand Paul, and Rick Santorum have all decided to drop out of the race. Which explains Jeb Bush’s new campaign slogan, ‘I can’t take a hint.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Jeb Bush finished sixth behind Rand Paul who dropped out, but Jeb Bush is still running. He doesn’t know what to do — if he loses he can’t go home because his father and brother will laugh at him.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Rand Paul deserves a lot of credit. He said time and time again he believes in smaller government. Now that he’s out of the race the government is indeed one person smaller. That’s called practicing what you preach.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“After receiving less than 1 percent support in the Iowa caucuses, Martin O’Malley suspended his presidential campaign. In a related story, the New York Jets have announced that they’ve decided to not play in the Super Bowl this weekend.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Recently released documents show that former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer donated $50,000 to Martin O’Malley’s presidential campaign. It’s not the first time Spitzer spent that much on something that only lasted an hour.” – Seth Meyers

“Bernie Sanders says his campaign is trying to appeal now to senior citizens. The problem is, every time Bernie says, ‘Feel the Bern’, the seniors think he’s talking about acid reflux.” – Conan O’Brien

“A Papa John’s customer is suing the restaurant over what he calls an improper 16-cent tax. He’s also suing them for ‘improper use of the word ‘pizza’.'” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama today made his first visit to a mosque while in office. He visited a mosque! Which means he’s officially entered the phase of his presidency known as ‘come at me, bro’.” – Seth Meyers


Did he keep us safe?

Sometimes, I really appreciate Donald Trump’s big mouth. During Saturday’s Republican debate, Trump brought up the GOP elephant in the room – that despite Republicans constantly screaming that the Democrats are weak on security, both 9/11 and the Iraq war (which led to IS) happened on their watch.

Trump attacked Jeb Bush, saying that he was wrong about the Middle East. Bush responded with a barb saying that Trump “gets his foreign policy from the shows.” Trump then talked about Jeb’s brother George, and Jeb responded “I’m sick and tired of him going after my family!”

Trump countered, saying “The World Trade Center came down during your brother’s reign. Remember that. That’s not keeping us safe.

Then Marco Rubio defended Bush, claiming that 9/11 was Clinton’s fault. “The World Trade Center came down because Bill Clinton didn’t kill Osama bin Laden when he had the chance to kill him. I just want to say, at least on behalf of me and my family, I thank God all the time it was George W. Bush in the White House on 9/11, and not Al Gore.”

Trump responded, “How did he keep us safe when the World Trade Center–the World Trade–excuse me. I lost hundreds of friends. The World Trade Center came down during the reign of George W. Bush. He kept us safe? That is not safe. That is not safe.”

I always wonder if somewhere, deep in the Republican psyche, they realize how stupid they sound when they keep repeating that Bush kept us safe. Not just 9/11, but anthrax attacks after that, and lying us into a disastrous war in Iraq? Do they really think that they can just keep repeating that nonsense and people will give them a pass for the worst terrorist attack on America ever?


Late Night Political Humor

“The Bernie Sanders campaign is demanding proof that Hillary Clinton beat him in yesterday’s Iowa caucus. Today Hillary said, ‘Sure, let me check my server.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders lost the Iowa Caucus by .03%. In other words, Bernie would have won if six stoners had managed to get off the couch.” – Conan O’Brien

“In last night’s Iowa caucus, Ted Cruz won first place and gave a 32-minute speech. To be fair, 31 of those minutes were just people shouting ‘Really? Him?! This guy? We’re going with this guy? We’re kidding! I did it as a joke!'” – James Corden

“Ted Cruz’s victory last night raises a lot of questions, like one: ‘Can he keep this momentum going into New Hampshire?’ And two: ‘Just how much does it cost to move to Canada?'” – James Corden

“Last night was caucus night in Iowa and Ted Cruz was the winner on the Republican side with 28 percent of the vote. Donald Trump came in second with 24 percent, and Marco Rubio is right behind him with 23 percent. Third is pretty good considering the fact that most Iowa voters think that Marco Rubio is a game you play in the swimming pool.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A member of Marco Rubio’s inner circle said his boss benefitted from the Trump-Cruz fight because, ‘Marco is everyone’s second choice.’ That explains Rubio’s new campaign slogan, ‘I’m the Least Worst.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump lost the Iowa Caucus. Trump blamed the media, bad weather, and Iowa’s three Muslims.” – Conan O’Brien

“People have unearthed a tweet from 2013 where Donald Trump tweeted: ‘Nobody remembers who came in second.’ Famously said by Walter Hagen. And if anyone can tell you who won’t be remembered, it’s Walter Hagen. Donald Trump really has egg on his face now which pairs nicely with the hash browns on the top of his head.” – James Corden

“After his disappointing showing among Evangelicals, Mike Huckabee dropped out of the race. Huckabee said, ‘On the bright side, now I can stop going to church.'” – Conan O’Brien


How voters turn into suckers

There is an excellent column in The Guardian, titled “The phony in American politics: how voters turn into suckers“.

Another good title could be “The more things change, the more they stay the same”. America has a long history of being taken in by political hucksters. This article talks about a few of them and their tactics. It doesn’t then bring up the current presidential candidates. It doesn’t have to, you can’t miss the similarities.


Late Night Political Humor

“Today is the Iowa Caucus and tomorrow is Groundhog Day. That’s the day the groundhog peeks out of the hole, sees Trump has won Iowa, and burrows to Canada.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Iowa caucuses are an important part of our election process. There are a few key differences between a caucus and a primary election. First one is, no one knows what a caucus is or how it works.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today is the first day of Black History Month. And when you think about it – what better way to celebrate Black History Month than with a caucus in Iowa.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders said if he beats Hillary Clinton in Iowa, it will be, ‘one of the biggest political upsets in the modern history of our country.’ It’s true, nothing like it has happened since the last time Hillary Clinton ran in Iowa.” – Conan O’Brien

“Analysts say that for Bernie Sanders to win he needs college students to show up at the polls. Which explains Sanders’ new campaign slogan: ‘I’ve Got Pizza!'” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama is planning to visit a U.S. mosque for his first time as president. When asked why, Obama said, ‘I wanted to go to the one place in America where I won’t see Donald Trump.'” – Conan O’Brien

“We tape our show before the results are in so we don’t know who won either primary yet. All we do know is that Jeb Bush lost.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Jeb Bush hasn’t done a good job of marketing himself. First mistake was to eliminate the word Bush. The slogan was Jeb! With an exclamation point, which is not a slogan, it’s just his name with upbeat punctuation. But then ‘Jeb can fix it’ which sounds like a local roto-rooter or someone’s uncle’s YouTube channel.” – Jimmy Kimmel



Nick Anderson
© Nick Anderson

I think the only good thing that came out of this farce was the fact that they finally arrested Cliven Bundy and his sons. These jerks pretended to be fighting for their rights (which is something I can respect) but they just turned out to be some rich entitled yahoos who felt that being allowed to graze their cattle for almost nothing wasn’t a sweet enough deal for them. They give all protestors, even those with legitimate grievances, a bad name.

So they took over a historic and important wildlife refuge (Malheur was instrumental in saving many Egrets and Herons from extinction, after they were slaughtered for their lovely feathers to make fancy rich-people hats). They claimed to be protesting some ranchers who were convicted of arson, but the supposed beneficiaries of their protest didn’t want to have anything to do with them. The locals also didn’t want them there at all. Most of them came from out of state and had no idea of the importance of that refuge. Instead, they wanted to turn it over (for free) to local ranchers (who also wanted nothing to do with these yahoos).

In the end, they destroyed property, endangered the local residents, and made fools of themselves, and one idiot even got himself killed. All while snacking out on candy bars. What’s next? Will they mount a twinkie defense?

I hope they rot in jail.


Late Night Political Humor

“Nearly 70 percent of Americans said a Trump presidency would make them ‘anxious’. And 30 percent said a Trump presidency would make them ‘Canadian’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Huge Republican debate tonight, and the big story is Donald Trump refuses to participate. He looked at the other candidates and said ‘these guys are crazy.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Earlier tonight on Fox News was the Republican presidential debate without Donald Trump, which is kind of like Corn Flakes without the milk.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If this were WWE, Donald Trump would have shown up in Iowa tonight with a mask and a folding chair and started beating everyone over the head.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump said his war with Fox News is Christian because it’s ‘an eye for an eye’. When told the actual quote from the New Testament is ‘turn the other cheek’, Trump said, ‘Hey, no gay stuff’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Trump refused to appear in the debate because of a dispute he’s having with Fox News and one of their hosts, Megyn Kelly. He’s had a problem with Megyn Kelly ever since she followed him back to his cottage in the woods and found out his real name is Trumpelstiltskin.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Trump got a major endorsement this week from the reverend Jerry Falwell Jr. It does seem strange that a Christian leader would endorse a candidate who’s kind of a poster child for the seven deadly sins: Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and Sloth; which in this case is living on his head.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Mike Huckabee has released a campaign video where he parodies Adele’s song ‘Hello.’ And just like Adele, we only hear from Mike Huckabee every four years.” – Conan O’Brien

“On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders is acting a little Donald Trump-y and said he wants more debates but not on Hillary Clinton’s terms, he wants them on his own terms, specifically two hours long with a half-hour break in the middle so he can watch ‘Wheel of Fortune’.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Cat Fight?

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

Open warfare broke out in the Democratic party last week, with Bernie Sanders aggressively attacking Hillary Clinton. Clinton realized that retaliating directly would alienate Sander’s supporters even more, and she needs them for the general election. But surrogates, including Madelene Albright, Gloria Steinem, and even Bill, jumped into the fray. And it got personal, which is funny because Clinton and Sanders pretty much agree on goals, they mainly disagree on tactics.

Oh well, it was a welcome relief from the Republican party candidates, who had jumped the shark long ago and were becoming tiresome and predictable.


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump announced that he’s not going to participate in the Fox News debate tomorrow night. The other candidates are really excited to present their views in a serious, yet respectful manner — which means they haven’t been told that nobody is going to watch this one.” – Jimmy Fallon

I have to believe Jeb Bush is excited. It’s like when the bully stays home sick from school, you get one day of not getting beat up.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Dr. Ben Carson said today that although Donald Trump has announced he will boycott the debate, Carson ‘wouldn’t be surprised if he did show up.’ Then again, it’s Ben Carson. He wouldn’t be surprised if he was licked awake in the morning by a unicorn.” – Seth Meyers

“Last night, Ted Cruz challenged Donald Trump to debate him ‘mano a mano’. In response, Trump said, ‘See, he’s not from this country.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is refusing to take part in the debate on Fox News tomorrow night because Megyn Kelly, one of the moderators there, is someone he does not like. This morning he tweeted, ‘I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo because that would not be politically correct. Instead I will only call her a lightweight reporter.’ The reason that he doesn’t like her is he claims Megyn Kelly is unfair, which makes sense. Fox News has a long and dark history of being unfair to Republicans.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Trump said that he’s not going to the Fox News debate, because moderator Megyn Kelly is biased against him. And Trump has a right to be scared, because usually when a younger, attractive woman disagrees with him, she ends up taking half his stuff.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump’s campaign released a statement announcing he will boycott tomorrow’s debate, saying, ‘Roger Ailes and Fox News think they can toy with him, but Mr. Trump doesn’t play games.’ A statement that would carry a lot more weight if Trump hadn’t LITERALLY hosted a game show.” – Seth Meyers

“Remember the kid whose parents said he floated away in a balloon as a hoax in 2009? Well, Balloon Boy has officially endorsed Donald Trump for president. He was like, ‘What can I say, I’m prone to getting carried away by hot air.” – Jimmy Fallon

“When did the Republican race for president turn into ‘The Real Housewives?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“A recent poll found that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have the most recognizable faces of the 2016 campaign. While Mike Huckabee and Chris Christie just have the most face.” – Seth Meyers

“In New Hampshire, somebody broke into Rand Paul’s campaign headquarters. Police became suspicious when they noticed someone in Rand Paul’s campaign headquarters.” – Conan O’Brien

“An analyst for Time magazine says the key to the survival of the Republican Party is bringing in young women. When told this, Bill Clinton said, ‘Hey man, that’s the key to every party.'” – Conan O’Brien

“At a town hall in Iowa, a voter asked Hillary Clinton how her views align with the Ten Commandments, and she said that ‘in many areas judgment should be left to God.’ Then God was like, ‘OK. You really shouldn’t have deleted all those emails.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Ben of Ben & Jerry’s is coming out with an ice cream for Bernie Sanders called ‘Bernie’s Yearning.’ It’s selling a lot better than Jerry’s ice cream for Hillary, ‘Pantsuit Email Crunch’.” – Conan O’Brien

“The advocacy group One Million Moms has called for a boycott of the new Fox show ‘Lucifer’ because they believe the series ‘glorifies Satan’, and is complaining to the show’s main sponsor, Olive Garden. Wait, Olive Garden sponsors Lucifer? I always assumed it was the other way around.” – Seth Meyers


Legacy Obama?

Conservative David Brooks, who never had much good to say about Obama, has suddenly turned around with a column in the NY Times titled “I Miss Barack Obama“. Ignore for a moment that Brooks seems to forget that Obama is still in office and going strong. And Brooks still disagrees with most of Obama’s policy decisions. But still.

What are the things he says he will miss about Barack Obama?

First is “basic integrity”. When was the last time we had a presidency without any major scandals?

Second is “a sense of basic humanity”. Trump wants to deport Muslims and anyone else he doesn’t like. Obama went to a mosque and reasserted their place in America.

Third is “a soundness in his decision-making process”. Obama makes good decisions based on what is good policy, not just based on politics like the previous occupant.

Fourth, “grace under pressure”. Marco Rubio got attacked in the last debate and fell apart. Obama has been under attack since before he was inaugurated, but has virtually never lost his cool.

Fifth, “a resilient sense of optimism”. Most of the current presidential candidates are telling us that America is no longer great or is on the verge of complete collapse. Not Obama.

I believe that Obama will have a legacy of not just America’s first president who was not a white man, but as a great president. After his detractors have been forgotten and Fox News is long off the air (if you don’t believe it, read this), people will still remember Obama, what he accomplished, and the “integrity, humanity, good manners and elegance” that Brooks says he will miss.


Colbert & O’Reilly

Stephen Colbert’s previous fake persona was a parody of blowhard Bill O’Reilly. Who knew that the two of them could have one of the most sensible and entertaining discussions about current politics? Heck, I even agree with a couple of O’Reilly’s points.


Late Night Political Humor

“We’re one week away from the Iowa caucuses and all the candidates are doing whatever they can to appeal to voters. Donald Trump even went to a church service in Iowa over the weekend. You can tell he doesn’t go to church much because he was like, ‘I really like the part where they passed me the basket of free money.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“California police are on the fourth day of a manhunt for three escaped convicts. The dangerous sociopaths are believed to be headed to Iowa so they can vote for Donald Trump.” – Conan O’Brien

Donald Trump said this morning during an interview that Ted Cruz ‘looks like a jerk’. And claimed that Cruz has no friends in Congress and is usually standing all by himself. So is he running for president or leader of the Plastics?” – Seth Meyers

“Ted Cruz has been joined on the campaign trail by former candidate Gov. Rick Perry. So in other words, Ted Cruz is the No. 1 choice of the guy who was nobody’s choice.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump said that Ted Cruz is a liar who looks like a jerk. Not to be confused with Trump, who is a jerk who looks like a liar.” – Seth Meyers

“On CNN last night they had what they call a town hall meeting where the Democratic candidates try to woo the Iowa voters. The only clear winner of this debate-slash-meeting was the farmer who got $30,000 to let CNN park the satellite trucks in his corn field.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Democrats held a presidential forum last night on CNN where candidates were interviewed individually. Candidates were asked questions like, ‘What would you do about the wage gap?’ ‘Do you plan to raise taxes?’ And, ‘How did you get in here?’ – Seth Meyers

“Someone asked Hillary who her favorite president was, and she said — with apologies to President Obama — ‘My husband, Bill. My favorite is Abraham Lincoln.’ And then Bernie Sanders said, ‘Senator, I knew Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was a friend of mine. And you, ma’am, are no Abraham Lincoln!'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Last night CNN hosted a Democratic forum where Hillary Clinton said that if she’s elected she wants to work together with Republicans and even said she’d give them all bear hugs. By bear hugs she means like the ones you saw in ‘The Revenant’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Martin O’Malley, who for some reason is still under the impression he’s running for president, got some good shots in, but this was his big moment. During the Q&A portion he said, ‘I can’t just sit here. I have to take off my jacket and stand up!’ And he rolled up his sleeves and showed off his body. It’s like ‘Magic Martin’.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Ben of Ben & Jerry’s has come out with an ice cream inspired by Bernie Sanders. A carton costs $3.99 but when you include tax, it’s $200 million.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Iowa caucuses are less than a week away. Then after that the candidates can go back to ignoring Iowa completely.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“We give so much attention to who Iowa picks. Since 1980 the Iowa Caucus has predicted the Republican nominee incorrectly four times. They only got it right twice. You get better odds when you have a zoo animal predict the winner of the Super Bowl than these Iowa caucuses.” – Jimmy Kimmel
