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Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Efforts by the Republican establishment to “stop Trump” are virtually guaranteed to fail. Why? For three main reasons:

1. Just what the heck are they going to use to scare people away from Trump that GOP voters don’t already know about him? That he has no government experience? That he isn’t a “true” conservative?

2. If Trump is elected president, what could he do that hasn’t already been done by other Republican presidents? There are things they could say that might stop people from voting for Trump, but those are also good reasons to not vote for any current Republican for president.

3. The things the establishment doesn’t like about Trump are the reasons people are supporting him. Like his lack of government experience. Or the fact that he isn’t politically correct. Or that he is racist.

I mean, what is the worst thing that Trump could do as president? Start stupid wars that cost trillions of dollars and half a million lives? Destroy the economy and millions of jobs, like their last president did? Siphon billions of dollars to his cronies, like their last VP did with Halliburton? Shut down the government, like Reagan, Bush Sr., Newt Gingrich, and Ted Cruz did? How about torture or other war crimes?

They can complain he’s not a social conservative, but what kind of success have the Republicans had on social issues like abortion and gay rights?

Or they can complain he’s not a fiscal conservative, but the last three GOP presidents all increased the deficit and two of them raised taxes more than Obama did with the ACA.

It doesn’t even matter that he isn’t actually a successful businessman. He plays one on TV, and (unfortunately) that’s close enough.


Late Night Political Humor

“Tonight in Houston, Texas, there was yet another Republican debate. Even the people on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ were like, ‘How long does this go on?'” – Jimmy Fallon

You can tell the candidates are getting bored up there ’cause at one point they took turns prank calling Jeb Bush.” – Jimmy Fallon

U.S. astronaut Scott Kelly is about to return to Earth after spending an entire year in space. Then he saw Donald Trump’s poll numbers and said, ‘You know, I’m good up here.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The Oscars are this Sunday, which marks the official end of Black History Month.
CNN and Telemundo both carried tonight’s debate. So questions were addressed either ‘for Mr. Trump’ or ‘para El Diablo’.” – Seth Meyers

“It’s been reported that Donald Trump, despite his anti-immigration stance, hired over 500 foreign workers at his Florida resort. In fairness, the resort is called ‘Hypocrisy Cove’.” – Conan O’Brien

“The latest polls show Donald Trump beating Marco Rubio in Rubio’s home state of Florida by 16 points. To win back Florida voters, Rubio has started doing meth.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night, John Kasich said his favorite president was George Washington because he could have been president forever but stepped down after two terms. While Trump said his favorite president was George Washington ’cause he also wore a fantastic wig.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In a new interview, Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, said that she speaks English, Italian, French, and German. Which is good ’cause if she ever becomes first lady she’ll need to apologize for her husband in at least those four languages.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump has a powerful new enemy and his name is Mitt Romney. You remember Mitt Romney, the JC Penny mannequin who came to life and ran for president four years ago? He’s back.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Romney said there will be a bombshell in Donald Trump’s tax returns once they are released, and added that he’s either not as rich as he says he is or he didn’t give money to the veterans or disabled people like he’s been saying he does. How is that a bombshell? Of course he’s not as rich as he says he is. He’s not as anything as he says he is.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Mitt Romney recently accused Trump of having a bombshell in his tax returns, then Trump responded by tweeting that Romney blew an election. Yeah, Donald Trump is fighting with Mitt Romney. Even the Oscars were like, ‘That’s just too white.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“It’s been announced that Vice President Joe Biden will be a presenter at Sunday night’s Oscars. So, diversity problem — solved!” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama posted on LinkedIn today about his first job scooping ice cream. He’s the first president to post on LinkedIn — other than, of course, Abraham LinkedIn.” – Seth Meyers

“President Obama said that his very first job was scooping ice cream. After hearing this, Chris Christie said, ‘I thought he looked familiar.'” – Conan O’Brien

“There is a new website for Bernie supporters who are looking for love. It’s called In fairness, it makes sense that Bernie would have a dating website because he looks just like the eHarmony guy.” – James Corden

“On Bernie’s website you have two choices. You can swipe left or swipe far left.
The Clintons also have their own dating website. It’s called Ashley Madison.” – James Corden

“A woman in Oregon has opened a business selling homemade weed pipes with Bernie’s campaign logo on them. Weed pipes are the perfect gift for Bernie supporters. It’s like getting a nice bottle of wine for a Hillary supporter, or getting somebody who wants to vote for Ted Cruz a machine gun made out of Bibles.” – James Corden


Mother of the Year

A whole bunch of people I know are probably going straight to hell for laughing at this story, but it is just too ironic.

Jamie Gilt is a gun activist on social media. Her Facebook page is full of pro-gun messages. Earlier this week Gilt had an online discussion where she claimed that having a gun was the best defense against burglars because criminals might change their plans if they knew they were going to get killed. She even bragged about how her children all like guns, saying “All of ours know how to shoot too. Even my 4-year-old gets jacked up to target shoot the .22.”

The very next day, she found out just how much her 4-year-old likes to shoot. While she was driving and her young son was in the back seat, he somehow managed to get his hands on a loose .45 caliber handgun and shoot her, with the bullet going through the seat and through her torso. Luckily, she is expected to survive.

It is against the law to leave a gun unsecured so that children can get access to it.


Presidential Penis Measuring Contest?

I promise, I will never say that this presidential race can’t go any lower. Stephen Colbert shows us what’s below rock bottom:


The Primary Beginning of the End

I know, less than half the primary delegates have been allocated, but it is starting to look like the primary season is wrapping up.

On the Democratic side, The Daily Kos has announced that unless Sanders can narrow Clinton’s delegate lead by March 15 (less than a week away), then the entire site will declare the primary over and transition to General Election mode. Not just in the presidential race, but also the Senate, House, and state-level races. The time for intra-party fighting is over.

The bottom line for them is that the Supreme Court is just that important. Bill Clinton put both Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer on the court. No matter what you think of Hillary Clinton, the nominees that would come from any of the GOP frontrunners would be a disaster for a generation to come. We need a court that will overturn Citizens United, protect voting rights, and end partisan gerrymandering.

However, the Republican side seems to still be in denial. RedState is trying to get Republicans to unite behind Ted Cruz, but their appeal is only half-hearted. They don’t like Ted Cruz, but he is the only person who has any chance (however slim) of stopping Trump.

Another sign that the primaries are almost over is Michael Bloomberg has announced that he will not run for president. His main reason is that he feels that running could help Trump or Cruz get elected, and that would be a disaster. How? “Bloomberg was afraid that Bernie Sanders might get the Democratic nomination and then be subjected to a hate campaign the likes of which the country has never seen before, with the result of Trump or Cruz becoming President. Now Bloomberg is convinced that Clinton will be the Democratic nominee and is the country’s best hope for averting a Trump or Cruz presidency.”


Late Night Political Humor

“Last night was the Republican caucus in Nevada, and Donald Trump scored a big victory, bringing him one step closer to the Republican nomination. A Trump presidency is getting so real, Mexico is starting to think a wall is a pretty great idea.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Trump even won the Latino vote. Which is amazing. It makes me wonder if people really come here from Mexico for a better life or if they come to get away from their relatives. Maybe they want the wall to keep their in-laws out.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Although she herself is an immigrant, Donald Trump’s wife Melania says she is fine with her husband’s tough anti-immigration stance. When asked why, Mrs. Trump said she had about 4.5 billion reasons.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump said yesterday that his supporters are so loyal that they would kill for him. In fact, that’s who killed that thing he wears on his head.” – Seth Meyers

“Trump won the Nevada caucuses in every demographic last night. He won white men, white women, white rich people, and white poor people. Rural whites, urban whites. He got one vote from a Chinese guy, which was nice.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“NASA said this week it has received a record high number of 18,000 applications for their astronaut training program. NASA said it shows a growing interest in space exploration. Then people said, “Nah, we just wanna get off the planet before this election.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“After he won yesterday’s Nevada caucus, Donald Trump said, ‘I love the poorly educated.’ Trump then said, ‘And when I’m president there’ll be more of them than ever.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Following his win at last night’s Nevada caucus, Donald Trump told supporters that he won in almost every voter demographic, and said, quote, ‘I love the poorly educated.’ To which they replied, ‘Us love you more, Mr. Trunks!'” – Seth Meyers

“Dr. Ben Carson finished a distant fourth in Nevada. He only got 5 percent of the vote. But for some reason he’s still not dropping out. He’s promised to continue on. He said, ‘I believe that things are starting to happen here.’ You know it’s time to drop out when it has been weeks since Donald Trump even bothered to call you a moron.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“I was thinking about why Ben Carson is still running today and my first guess is he’s retired and he’s bored. He has $10 million in the bank. Why not run? But there’s another possibility. Maybe he’s sleepwalking.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Wealthy GOP donors are now lining up behind Marco Rubio. Not because the donors think he can stop Trump, but because they think Rubio is the valet.” – Conan O’Brien

“Despite Jeb Bush’s poor campaign, some analysts are already talking about the political rise of his son, George P. Bush. George P. Bush has already got his campaign slogan: ‘Don’t Worry I Was Adopted.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary came to Los Angeles and she visited the set of the political drama ‘Scandal’. There was an awkward moment when Hillary told the writers, ‘Man, have I got some ideas for you.'” – Conan O’Brien


The Empathy Gap

I’m not a big fan of Bill Maher, but this is pretty darn funny:

How did we go from the land of immigrants (well, except for the natives, whom we killed and put on reservations) to a land that hates immigrants and wants them to build a wall to keep themselves out.


The Media is the Message?

Ted Koppel schools Bill O’Reilly on the role of the media in politics.

He doesn’t quite say it, but he strongly implies that the media is not doing their job. The news has completely succumbed to “shiny object syndrome” and are far more concerned with ratings and entertainment.


SNL – Racists for Trump

OMG, this is hilarious.

That’s the news from America. What does Britain think of all this?

trump queen 007


Late Night Political Humor

“We have Bill Gates on the show tonight. We wanted to have a soft-spoken, thoughtful billionaire who is trying to make the world a better place, but since Donald Trump wasn’t available — we went with Bill.” – Jimmy Fallon

“At a rally in Las Vegas last night Donald Trump told supporters he’d like to punch protesters in the face. Though he looks more like the kind of guy who would stroke a white cat while somebody else punched you in the face.” – Seth Meyers

“Today is the Republican caucus in Nevada, and Donald Trump is projected to win. When asked why they’re voting for him, Americans said, ‘We’re used to doing things in Nevada that we’ll regret tomorrow.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump was heavily favored to win. Not just by Donald Trump, by other people too.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Trump is actually doing very well in Nevada. That’s right, Trump appeals to Nevada’s key demographic — people who’ve declared bankruptcy.” – Conan O’Brien

“It was a big day for Donald Trump yesterday, the Nevada caucuses took place. Voting in the state of Nevada is a little different. In Nevada you pull the lever first and then you find out who you voted for. It is more exciting.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are in a fierce battle for second place. Ted Cruz is very ‘Trumpy’ lately. He just released an ad promising to sell off or give away all of Nevada’s public lands, national parks, forests and monuments, which is a great idea if you’re a cult leader or the founder of a polygamist sect. If you’re a citizen, maybe not.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Ted Cruz’s dad said that God sent a message to Ted Cruz’s wife giving his permission to run for president. Though I’m not sure that’s what God meant when he told Cruz’s wife, ‘Run!!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Ted Cruz said on ‘The O’Reilly Factor’ that if he is elected, he would not allow aliens to return. Cruz says he is so strict on immigration, if he is elected president, he will even deport himself back to Canada.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Meanwhile, Ben Carson held a town hall event at a casino in Reno, and despite polling in last place, he said it’s too early to give up. Even the old ladies sitting at the slot machines said, ‘This is just depressing’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“We’re now a week away from the Super Tuesday primaries and Ben Carson’s so excited he barely got 14 hours of sleep last night.” – Seth Meyers

“In a recent interview, Ben Carson said President Obama couldn’t identify with black Americans because he was ‘raised white.’ So if you’re keeping score, according to Republicans, President Obama was raised white as a Muslim in Kenya.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama today announced plans to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. It’s a pretty simple plan, really. He’s going to put a RadioShack sign on it.” – Seth Meyers

“President Obama has unveiled his plan to finally shut down Guantanamo Bay. And to make sure no one ever goes in there again, Obama is handing it over to the people who run RadioShack.” – Conan O’Brien

“Meanwhile, the Democrats have a primary in South Carolina this weekend and Bernie Sanders, who has had trouble attracting African-American voters, just got a high-profile endorsement from Spike Lee. Spike Lee taped a radio ad and just threw a garbage can through Hillary Clinton’s pizzeria window.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Yesterday, a group of more than 20 unions released a statement supporting Hillary Clinton for president, including the Bricklayers Union. Then Donald Trump was like, ‘Et tu, wall builders?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump said as president he would prosecute Hillary Clinton for using a private email server. He also said he would arrest Hillary Clinton for being a woman over 40.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton recently visited the set of the hit ABC show ‘Scandal.’ Is that really the show you should be visiting right now? Why not drop by the set of ‘I Did Nothing Wrong,’ or maybe ‘There Was Nothing Illegal in Those Emails!'” – Seth Meyers

“The Cuban government recently returned a missing U.S. missile that was sent to Europe for training, but was accidentally shipped to Cuba. So the good news is that the missile was returned to America. But the bad news is THAT CAN HAPPEN!” – Jimmy Fallon


Real Christian Values

It is nice to find a Republican who, at least on one issue, acknowledges reality.

The GOP governor of the state of Georgia, Nathan Deal, has strongly denounced a proposed “religious freedom” bill that would exempt religious bigots from prosecution if they discriminate against people with different sexual orientation.

What really impressed me, however, is that Deal didn’t oppose the bill just because it could trigger a boycott of the state (as similar bills have done in other states) and hurt their economy. He opposed it on religious grounds. Deal argued that Jesus preached love and acceptance of society’s outcasts, particularly those scorned by religious institutions:

What the New Testament teaches us is that Jesus reached out to those who were considered the outcasts, the ones that did not conform to the religious societies’ view of the world … We do not have a belief in my way of looking at religion that says we have to discriminate against anybody. If you were to apply those standards to the teaching of Jesus, I don’t think they fit.

What that says is we have a belief in forgiveness and that we do not have to discriminate unduly against anyone on the basis of our own religious beliefs. We are not jeopardized, in my opinion, by those who believe differently from us. We are not, in my opinion, put in jeopardy by virtue of those who might hold different beliefs or who may not even agree with what our Supreme Court said the law of the land is on the issue of same-sex marriage. I do not feel threatened by the fact that people who might choose same-sex marriages pursue that route.

The religious right should realize that they should not feel threatened by same-sex marriage. Or to put it more bluntly, if they are threatened by it, then they don’t have much of a religion. They make a huge mistake when they try to legislate their religious beliefs against gays.

Deal has some good advice for social conservatives with a persecution complex:

I hope that we can all just take a deep breath, recognize that the world is changing around us, and recognize that it is important that we protect fundamental religious beliefs. But we don’t have to discriminate against other people in order to do that. And that’s the compromise that I’m looking for.


Back in the Closet

Berkeley Breathed
© Berkeley Breathed

How can Trump make America great again if he is a direct symptom of the problem with America?


Supreme Arguments

It is easy to get caught up in the politics of the Supreme Court, especially with the unexpected death of Antonin Scalia and the fight over his replacement. But meanwhile, the court is still hearing important cases.

This week saw oral arguments about a Texas law that requires stringent new standards on abortion clinics that will force many of them to close. The issue is whether these standards impose an “undue burden” on a woman’s right to abortion. Texas claims that these standards are required to “protect women’s health”.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg shot a huge hole in the arguments for the law. The law would shutter a clinic in El Paso, Texas, but Texas argued successfully at the appeals level that this did not pose an undue burden because residents of El Paso could merely go to a clinic in a town across the border in New Mexico.

Ginsburg pointed out the hypocrisy of this argument. If Texas is arguing that this law is required to protect women’s health, then sending women to a clinic across state lines, where the same standards don’t exist, has them claiming that these standards are not important. Or as Ginsburg put it “If that’s all right for the women in the El Paso area, why isn’t it right for the rest of the women in Texas?”

Also hypocritical is that abortion clinics are being singled out as requiring tougher standards, while clinics that perform significantly more dangerous procedures (like colonoscopies) are allowed far more lax standards.

While not part of the Supreme Court arguments, I also have to point out the hypocrisy of conservatives who fight against the smallest restrictions against the right to own guns, completely ignoring the obvious safety issues. But the same people argue, without evidence, that safety is a valid reason to severely restrict a woman’s constitutional right to privacy.


Dueling Twitter Bots!

When the machines take over, will they speak via Twitter?

First, Gawker created a Mussolini bot named @ilduce2016 that tweeted quotes from Benito Mussolini at Trump. The goal was to get Trump to retweet Mussolini, and they succeeded.

But now, an AI researcher at MIT has created an AI bot named @DeepDrumpf that tweets just like the real Donald. The AI was trained on several hours of Trump’s debate lines and victory speeches. The researcher says that training an AI to speak like Trump was easy because Trump talks at the level of a third grader. Besides, when in doubt, you just have to add the words “very”, “great”, “we” and (Trump’s favorite word) “I”.


Those Who Don’t Learn from the Past

Staff pick from one of the best bookstores ever – Powell’s Books in Portland:


To be serious, I don’t think Trump is a actually a fascist, he is just playing one on TV in order to get attention (and it seems to be working). Yes, he is extremely authoritarian, but he doesn’t have any particular ideology behind it other than narcissism.
