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Late Night Political Humor

“After weeks of back and forth, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have finally agreed to hold a debate in Brooklyn next Thursday. You know you’re in New York when you have to argue over the date of when you’re going to argue.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Next Thursday’s debate will be at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Bernie says he chose the location because of its history, while Hillary liked it because it’s remote, poorly lit, and close to the East River.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Hillary Clinton campaign believes that Donald Trump is going to go after her occasional ‘health problems’. Today, Hillary reminded Trump that being a woman over 40 is not a ‘health problem’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is polling so badly with women that at a rally last night, he had his wife, Melania, introduce him. Because if there’s one thing that’s guaranteed to get American women on your side, it’s a foreign model who’s married to a billionaire and never has to work.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump said yesterday that acting more presidential would make his campaign ‘boring as hell’. Though if he gets elected, I suppose ‘boring’ is the best version of hell we can hope for.” – Seth Meyers

“At a campaign event in Wisconsin yesterday, a 16-year-old boy threw an egg at Donald Trump but missed. And I can’t quite explain it, but somehow it hit Jeb Bush.” – Seth Meyers

“In an attempt to win over Wisconsin, Ted Cruz said, ‘To be honest, I like cheese on cheese.’ Of course when he was campaigning in Florida he said, ‘I like meth on meth.'” – Conan O’Brien

“More than 11.5 million documents called the ‘Panama Papers’ just leaked, and they link Vladimir Putin to $2 billion held in secret offshore accounts. If confirmed, it could be the LEAST bad thing Putin’s ever done.” – Jimmy Fallon


What is a Politician?

Should a politician have their own principles and stick to them even if they are unpopular, or is the job of a politician to represent the opinions of their constituents? Electoral Vote puts it this way:

Some voters like their politicians to be completely principled and refuse to compromise those principles, ever. Better a principled loss than half a win. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is like this and his supporters love him for it. Other people think that politicians shouldn’t actually have any principles. They should represent their constituents and do what their constituents want. When Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) was promoted from being a representative in a rural district in upstate New York to senator of the whole state she instantly switched from being a right-wing Blue Dog Democrat to one of the most liberal senators. She then explained that her job was reflecting the views of her constituents and now she had very different constituents. The same could be said of Clinton. She clearly has some principles (she’s never wavered on gun control or abortion) but now that Sanders has demonstrated that a lot of Democrats oppose TPP and Keystone and support a $15 minimum wage, she is coming around to absorbing their views.

I believe that we have a “representative democracy” and so the representatives should really reflect the views of the voters. If we accept the fact that voters change their views (as they did quite quickly on gay marriage), then why do we believe that our representatives should not change their views based on the views of their constituents?

However, one point that Electoral Vote left out is figuring out just who are the real constituents of a representative. Are they the voters, or are they instead the donors? Especially after Citizens United, it may be that money is more important than voters, not just because politicians can pass laws to disenfranchise voters they don’t like, but because they can sometimes (but not always) persuade voters to change their views, even to the point of voting against their own interests.

Indeed, in this election especially, both Trump and Sanders are popular because of the view that their loyalty cannot be bought.



During the Democratic debate last week, Bernie Sanders said:

Secretary Clinton cleaned our clock in the Deep South, no question about it. That is the most conservative part of this great country. But you know what, we’re out of the Deep South now. And we’re moving up.

Let’s ignore for now the racist implications of this statement. After all there are only six states where more than one quarter of the population is black, and five of them are part of the “Deep South“.

But let’s stick to the numbers, and for numbers, we always turn to Nate Silver of

Silver points out that Sanders’s statement is very misleading, if not outright wrong. Clinton is not just doing well with blacks in the deep south, she is doing well with all minorities (including hispanics and asian-americans) everywhere. And minorities are increasingly important to the Democratic party. In the last presidential election, only 55% of voters for Barack Obama were white, and that percentage is expected to go down over time. Silver predicts that for this election, whites will make up 54% of Democratic voters, with 24% black, 15% Hispanic, and 7% asian. And in fact, in states whose demographics mostly match these numbers (such as Ohio and Nevada), Clinton has consistently done well, much better than Sanders.

In fact, the only kind of state where Sanders is consistently doing well are states that have a caucus instead of a primary. If all states had a primary, then, as Silver puts it, “Sanders couldn’t even maintain the pretense of a competitive race”.


Late Night Political Humor

“Tomorrow is the Wisconsin presidential primary, which could actually be pivotal for the Republican race for president. While Milwaukee has already played a major role by making all the beer that’s helped us through it.” – Jimmy Fallon

“House Speaker Paul Ryan today continued to shoot down rumors that he could be a surprise candidate at the Republican convention and said that he’s not the fresh face his party needs. I guess he hasn’t gotten a look at the other faces in contention.” – Seth Meyers

“Ted Cruz said that a ‘white knight’ is not going to parachute into the Republican convention and walk away with the nomination. To which the GOP responded, ‘You had us at ‘white’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump said in a recent interview that the press conference held to announce his candidacy for president looked like the Academy Awards. No black people.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump told The Washington Post that he’ll be able to get the United States completely out of debt in eight years. When asked how, Trump was like, ‘Easy, declare bankruptcy and start fresh! It’s fantastic. I’ve done it already. It’s amazing.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A man was arrested on Friday by Secret Service officers for climbing over the White House fence. ‘I just wanted to see the Oval Office,’ said Jeb.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton said on ‘Meet the Press’ yesterday that the FBI has not reached out to schedule an interview with her regarding her private email server. When asked how she’d respond to such a request, Hillary said, ‘Oh, I’d delete it.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Members of Bernie Sanders’ campaign staff say they regret not reaching out to black voters earlier. They also regret that, when they did reach out to black voters, it was to ask if they could touch their hair.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders said today that none of the ideas he’s proposed in his campaign are radical or unrealistic other than, of course, the idea of a 74-year-old Jewish president with a $2 haircut.” – Seth Meyers


Great American Speeches as Delivered by Donald Trump

[This was written by reader Stephen Statler, who asked me to post it. Yeah, we are all suffering from Trump burnout, but this is pretty funny. Reading this, I could just imagine Trump saying these things. –iron]

Some time ago, I’m not sure how long, and frankly it doesn’t matter, our forefathers brought forth a new nation. Right here, right where we’re standing. Not in Mexico. Not in China. This nation was conceived in liberty. And it was dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. There’s nothing about women. I personally would have included women in that, because I love women and they love me. And, by the way, no one is a bigger fan of women than me. But that’s what it says — all men. But this nation right now, I’m sorry to say, is in the toilet. I’m sorry, but it’s true. We have to start winning. We’ve been losing for years. Losing to China, losing to Isis, losing to Mexico. China is devaluing their currency to a level you wouldn’t believe. Winning is the only way to make sure that a government of the people, by the people, for the people, never perishes from the earth.

I have a dream. Honestly, it’s an amazing dream. It’s probably the best dream ever dreamt by anyone. In my dream, freedom rings from the top of my tower, which is the biggest tower. The biggest. And there’s a bell. The biggest bell you’ve ever seen. Mexico pays for that bell. In my dream, the bell rings and suddenly every single child in America is not judged by their color. Why? Because they’re all white. Seriously. What’s wrong with white? It’s a simple color. It’s not even a color. It’s all the colors together. Like Benetton. I had a lot of good friends at Benetton. It went belly up. Those guys were wrecked, they were devastated. Why? Because they were trying to be politically correct. It didn’t work. They wanted to make everybody and everything “free at last.” It never works. I’m sorry. Nothing’s free. I wish it were but it’s not.

Vice President Rubio, Mr. Speaker, Chief Justice Obama. Thank you all very much. All I can say is, you made the right choice. Without a doubt. I’ll be the best president ever. Honestly, in the history of presidents, I’ll be the best. I’m doing it already. This is the best acceptance speech, the best inauguration. Why? Because there’s millions of people here. And I’m keeping it short. All those senators like Ted do in Washington is give each other speeches. I’m sorry, but it’s true. But I’m not going to do that. I’m only going to ask one thing from you. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for me. Seriously, this country doesn’t owe you anything. It used to be the greatest country in the world. Now it’s a toilet bowl, and we’re going down the drain begging our country to save us. “Save me, save me!” Don’t ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for me. I mean it. What can you do for me? I’m the President. I’ve made thousands of deals. I know everybody. Who are you? You’re just some schlub going down the drain crying “Save me, save me!” Why should I listen to you? It doesn’t make sense.

What good is life if I have to live it in chains? Seriously, what kind of life is that? But the donors keep begging me. All those special interests. They’re begging: “Please, please, take our money!” But their money is made of chains. They want my liberty for their money. But I say give me liberty or, frankly, give me death. I’m serious. I’d take death over chains in a heartbeat. In a heartbeat. America’s in chains now. Every single one of us is in chains, and the chains are made by China. And we keep buying them. I buy them, too, they’re so cheap. But our chains have a little tag on them that says “Made in China.”

People tell me the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Decent people. But they’re wrong. We have a lot to fear. Like Mexicans. I love the Mexicans, they’re wonderful people. And they love me. But they’re rapists and murderers. So we need to build a wall to keep them out. A big wall. Fifty feet high. A hundred feet. And we’ll make them pay for it. Also China needs a wall to keep them in. Don’t get me wrong. I love China. Chinese people are the hardest working people. Wonderful people, with their families and their bowing and their “ching chong choo.” Nobody speaks faster. They get a lot done. But we’ve got to keep them behind a wall because they’re killing us. So we’ll build a wall, a Great Wall. And I’ll make them pay for it.

Honestly, my only regret is that I have just one life to give for my country. I wish I had more. Frankly, we need a lot more of me. Can you imagine 20, 50, 100 Donald Trumps? What couldn’t we do? A nation full of me, standing up to China? Standing up to Mexico? We’d win. I’m telling you right now, we’d win everything. But there’s only one me. However, it’s a big one, let me tell you. Big in all departments. Megyn Kelly knows what I mean. The truth is, the world couldn’t contain a hundred Donald Trumps. It’d explode. I’d have to negotiate with Donald Trump. And let me tell you he’d win. I’d be a winner and a loser at the same time. A paradox. The time-space continuum would explode. Ted’s wife would suddenly be hot, Jeb Bush would grow a pair. So I have only one life to give for my country, and I regret that, I honestly do. But let’s make the most of me. Let’s make Donald Trump the man every child in America aspires to be, the man with his finger on the button, the man with the nuclear launch codes. Let’s make Donald Trump the most powerful man in the world. Let’s make Donald Trump President and let’s make America great again!


Late Night Political Humor

“We have New Jersey governor Chris Christie on the show tonight, which means right now, Donald Trump is unlocking his basement going, ‘Oh, no, he escaped.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I saw that Jeb Bush is going back to giving speeches after his failed run for the Republican nomination. He’s actually a very talented motivational speaker, because after you listen to his life story, you feel great about yourself.” – Jimmy Fallon

“An STD clinic in Los Angeles is copying Bernie Sanders’ campaign slogan to advertise its testing services. ‘Feel the burn?’ Makes sense because just like STDs, Bernie’s campaign is super popular on college campuses.” – Jimmy Fallon



I’m traveling. Bad internet connection here. Things might be slow until Monday.


Late Night Political Humor

“Tomorrow is April Fools’ Day, which means everyone will be waiting for Donald Trump to finally say, ‘Gotcha! I never wanted to be president! I can’t believe you dummies let it go on this long!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“After saying in an interview that there should be punishment for women who undergo illegal abortions, Donald Trump last night started to walk back his comments by claiming he meant to say doctors should be punished. And I have to say, it’s pretty ironic that Trump had to use Plan B.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump met with the Republican National Committee today. I wish I could have been a part of that meeting. Like Dr. Frankenstein meeting with his monster.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump was in Washington, D.C., today to meet privately with members of his newly established foreign policy team. They went over key points like, ‘This one’s Europe,’ and ‘No, no, no, THIS one’s Europe.'” – Seth Meyers

“Trump is busy preparing for what might be a losing battle in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin primary is on Tuesday and in the most recent polls, Trump trails Ted Cruz by 10 points. Try saying that 10 times fast.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are the two nominees, it will be the first time both parties’ nominees are over 65 years old. Which should explain that one debate where they just play checkers in the park. ‘King me!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Trump and Hillary would be the oldest nominees since 1848. Or as Bernie Sanders put it, ‘My first campaign!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bernie Sanders today held a campaign rally in the South Bronx. Sanders said it was great to be in a neighborhood where he wasn’t the loudest person.” – Seth Meyers

“Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton said Republicans are trying to act like President Obama’s not still president. Also doing that: President Obama. He’s going to Cuba, doing the tango in Argentina. He’s basically checking off his bucket list.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama yesterday commuted the sentences of 61 federal prisoners, most of whom were low-level drug offenders. Then he had lunch with a bunch of them. Obama ate lunch with seven former inmates. Usually former inmates have to be on the team that won the Super Bowl to get invited to the White House for lunch.” – Jimmy Kimmel


First Colleague!

Bernie Sanders was just endorsed by Jeff Merkley, the junior senator from Oregon. Why is this newsworthy? Because for Sanders, this is the first endorsement from one of his colleagues in the Senate. I think this is great.

No, I haven’t become a Bernie Bro. I still feel exactly the way I have from the beginning. I like Bernie Sanders, I agree with much of what he says, and I think him being in the primary mostly helps Democrats. On the other hand, I still think Hillary Clinton will make a better president (because she is more pragmatic, and Sanders is too ideological). Although that doesn’t really matter, because barring some huge unforeseen event, she will be our next president (whether I like it or not).

No, I like Merkley’s endorsement because it lends legitimacy to the Sanders campaign and promotes progressive policies, while at the same time eliminating some of the more annoying aspects of Sanders being an “insurgent candidate”. It doesn’t matter that Merkley is, as the Washington Post puts it, the senator most likely to endorse Sanders. Or that his endorsement could be viewed as a political expediency for a very liberal senator in a state that will almost certainly vote for Sanders in the primary. The fact that until now, no senator had endorsed Sanders fed the myth that Sanders is an outsider who is fighting a corrupt Democratic establishment that is “in the bag” for Clinton. This demonstrates that Democratic politicians are free to endorse anyone they please.

Merkley gave the best endorsement possible. He explicitly acknowledged that Sanders’s chances are small (because math), but that Sanders represents a re-imaging of the Democratic party that reaffirms its progressive ideals. And that is something that all progressives can get behind. This allows Merkley to act as a uniting force. Despite our differences, Democrats are largely fighting for the same thing. Our tactics may differ but our goals are virtually identical, especially compared to the goals of the Republican candidates.

In order to win – not just at the ballot box but in changing America for the better – we must be strong, and we must be united.


Late Night Political Humor

“We have New Jersey governor Chris Christie on the show tonight, which means right now, Donald Trump is unlocking his basement going, ‘Oh, no, he escaped.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“I saw that Jeb Bush is going back to giving speeches after his failed run for the Republican nomination. He’s actually a very talented motivational speaker, because after you listen to his life story, you feel great about yourself.” – Jimmy Fallon

“An STD clinic in Los Angeles is copying Bernie Sanders’ campaign slogan to advertise its testing services. ‘Feel the burn?’ Makes sense because just like STDs, Bernie’s campaign is super popular on college campuses.” – Jimmy Fallon


Benghazi Won’t Die!

Last Thursday marked the 700th day since the Select Committee on Benghazi was authorized. To put “700 days” into perspective, the 9/11 commission only took 604 days to investigate the worst terrorist attack in our country’s history, including writing a report that was endorsed by all members of the commission (of both parties). The Select Committee on Benghazi has been going on longer than the federal investigations into the assassination of JFK, Hurricane Katrina, Watergate, and the Iran-Contra scandal.

This investigation isn’t even the first investigation into what happened at Benghazi, it is the eighth Congressional investigation. And a lifelong conservative Republican and a major in the Air Force Reserve who worked as an investigator for the committee complained that the committee was primarily focused on attacking Hillary Clinton. And House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy even bragged about how the committee had succeeded in dragging down Clinton’s poll numbers.

It is a purely political operation, paid for with your taxes to the tune of almost $7 million.

Yet the committee lives on, with no end in sight. Even questioning Clinton for 11 hours last October wasn’t enough, even though virtually no new information emerged (how could it, after all those investigations?).

You know, the Republicans aren’t stupid. They keep doing this because they know it works. And not just to rile up their base against Clinton. It has also worked to convince liberals that Clinton is plagued by scandals.

I just wish the same amount of effort had been spent investigating the war in Iraq, or why Dubya failed more than once to keep us safe from terrorists.


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump says that if he is president, he will punish women who have abortions, although he doesn’t yet know what that punishment would be. You know, aside from Donald Trump being the president.” – Conan O’Brien

“Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was recently arrested and charged with battery of a female reporter after he allegedly grabbed and twisted her arm, but Trump is dismissing the allegations and is standing by his campaign manager. I know what you are thinking — how is this the one time that Trump doesn’t say, ‘You’re fired.'” – James Corden

“Donald Trump suggested this morning that his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who has been accused of harshly grabbing a reporter at a rally, could have just been keeping her from falling down. Sure. And Bill Cosby was just helping those ladies get a good night’s sleep.” – Seth Meyers

“Trump’s explanation for keeping Lewandowski on staff is that he’s a loyal person. And Trump IS a loyal person. Just ask any of his three wives.” – James Corden

“Anderson Cooper told Donald Trump that he acts like a five-year-old. Trump then laughed really hard and said ‘Well, Cooper rhymes with ‘pooper.'” – Conan O’Brien

“All the candidates who promised to support the Republican nominee no matter who it was now say they might not. Back in September they all signed a pledge to support the eventual Republican nominee, but that was when no one thought the nominee would be Donald Trump.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Trump only signed the pledge because he assumed they were asking for his autograph.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Last night was the GOP town hall on CNN and of course all of the focus was on Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. I have to say, Trump and Cruz are turning into the real-life version of ‘Batman v Superman’: It’s taking too long and it sucks.” – James Corden

“At yet another town hall last night, Ted Cruz was asked about his weaknesses, and admitted that he’s ‘hard-charging’ and has stepped on some toes. Then he was like, ‘But enough about my high school prom.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Marco Rubio reportedly wants to play a role in the upcoming Republican convention. It all depends on whether or not they need a sign-spinner.” – Conan O’Brien

“A new study has found that people often zone out on purpose when the tasks they’re doing are not challenging enough. So maybe Ben Carson was too qualified?” – Seth Meyers

“An opening speaker at a campaign event for Hillary Clinton yesterday asked the attendees in the audience to welcome Clinton by chanting her campaign slogan with enthusiasm. And the crowd immediately started chanting, ‘It’s! My! Turn! It’s! My! Turn!'” – Seth Meyers


You’ve Made Your Bed…

Obama explains why he said that Trump and Cruz have done us a favor:

I said when I was in L.A. yesterday, and initially people were surprised — I said that I actually think that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have done us a favor. People said, well, how so? This notion that Donald Trump or Ted Cruz are outliers and that now suddenly the Republican establishment wants to — they’re embarrassed by them. Why? They’re saying the same things that these members of the Freedom Caucus in the House have been saying for years. In fact, that’s where Trump got it. He said he’d been listening apparently to their positions on immigration, and their views with respect to national security, and their views on slashing taxes for the wealthiest among us, and slashing Medicaid and changing Medicare, and he’d been paying attention, and he said, you know what, I can deliver this message with more flair — [laughter] — with more panache.

And the reason I actually think that they’ve done us a favor is because it has stripped away any veneer of responsible governance from what had been the central tenets of an awful lot of Republicans in both the House and the Senate during the course of my presidency and before that.

Now, that is different from saying that all Republicans agree with him. I think there is a substantial number of Republicans out there who are embarrassed by it. It’s just that they hadn’t been hearing what was being said on talk radio and Fox News, and blogs and so forth. And so now there’s a little bit of recoil. Is that what we’re standing for? Blocking Muslims from coming into our country? Building walls? Surveilling neighborhoods?

What is the Republican establishment embarrassed about? We’ve had Republicans even more extreme than Trump or Cruz running for president before, like Michele Bachmann. Some of them, like Richard Nixon, even became president before being forced to resign. I think what scares the GOP establishment was that they were always able to control their extremists. After all, their favorite president was Ronald Reagan, who gave a good speech but slept through most of his presidency.


Obama on Fox News

President Obama appeared on Fox News Sunday and was interviewed by Chris Wallace. Wallace asked Obama why he thought voters were expressing such anger and frustration this election. Obama responded by calling out how both sides are in their own bubble where they just hear things that reinforce their own opinions and fears, saying “I think the danger both among Republicans and among Democrats who just listen to each other or they just listen to people that already agree with them — you know, Republicans have their own TV station.”

Wallace interrupted, saying “Go ahead, you can say Fox News.”

Obama continues, “They’ve got their own publications, their own blogs. Democrats, same thing. Increasingly what happens is, we don’t hear each other. And so what happens then is when Republicans promise to repeal Obamacare and it doesn’t get repealed, they’re outraged. … Democrats get frustrated they say ‘well why didn’t we have a public option in our health care system or have a single-payer system.”

Obama ends by pointing out all that’s good about our country:

America’s got the best cards. We are the envy of the world. We have the most powerful military on earth by a mile. Our economy right now is stronger than any other advanced economy. We have the best workers, we have the best universities, we are the most innovative, we have the most advanced scientific community, we have an incredibly diverse and talented population. This can be our century, just like the 20th century was, as long as we don’t tear each other apart because our politics values sensationalism or conflict over cooperation and we don’t have the ability to compromise. And if we get that part right, nobody can stop us.

Watch it:


Late Night Political Humor

“It’s the second week of spring, but New York City was under a high wind advisory all day, with wind gusts up to 50 mph. Most New Workers went about their daily routines, while Donald Trump went into his panic room.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to the State Department, virtually every foreign leader who meets with Secretary of State John Kerry has expressed concern about the Republican presidential primary election. There’s no need to be concerned. It’s silly. Once President Trump builds a wall around your country, you’ll never see us again.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump’s campaign manager is facing charges for grabbing a female reporter’s arm. Trump scolded his campaign manager and said, ‘On my campaign we only abuse women verbally.'” – Conan O’Brien

“According to a new NBC News poll, Donald Trump now has support from 48 percent of Republican voters. All the men and none of the wives.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump in a new interview supported the idea of holding back attacks on the wives and children of rival candidates, before adding, ‘All you have to do is tell that to Ted Cruz because he started it.’ Trump then added, ‘I’m not touching him! I’m not touching him! I’m not touching him!'” – Seth Meyers

“There are rumors that Ted Cruz has had affairs with up to eight different women. Ted Cruz refuses to answer questions about the scandal, but he is accepting high-fives.” – Conan O’Brien

“Conservative pundit Glenn Beck said Friday that Ted Cruz was ‘anointed’ by God to become president. To which God replied, ‘No, no, no, I said he was ‘annoying.'” – Seth Meyers

“John Kasich is in third with 18 percent, but he says he won’t give up. He’s vowed to keep running. He’s going to keep running until one person in America can identify him by face and then he will stop.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Fidel Castro wrote a letter addressing President Obama’s historic trip to Cuba and said that Cuba doesn’t want any presents from the U.S. — which, as any husband will tell you, means they definitely want presents.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The weather here in New York was sunny, but chilly. Or as meteorologists call it, ‘The Hillary Clinton’.” – Jimmy Fallon
