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Who is to Blame for the Incredible Trump?

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

I think Donald Trump is the personification of The Big Lie. Even liberals can’t believe he would be as bad as he says he would be.


Jon Stewart on Hillary Clinton

Jon Stewart was interviewed by David Axelrod on Monday. He has some sharp criticism of Hillary Clinton:

I agree with Stewart about how Clinton appears inauthentic, and I think Clinton might agree with him as well (if she were being candid). She has said on more than one occasion that she is not a natural politician (like her husband). Plus the fact that Clinton is attacked for pretty much everything she says or does (and even quite a bit she didn’t actually say or do) makes her cautious, and as a result appears calculating. But as Stewart also says, that is not necessarily bad. Appearing to be authentic can also be a sign of being a sociopath.

Speaking of sociopaths, Stewart savaged Donald Trump, calling him “Fuckface von Clownstick”, and a “man-baby”:

There is also a good discussion of what’s wrong with our current politics.


Trump Might Just Destroy the World Economy

If you were worried about whether Donald Trump would destroy our economy, you don’t have to worry any more. In an interview last week on CNBC, Trump explained how he was going to destroy our economy. Bonus points: he will not just destroy our economy, but likely most of the world economy.

Don’t believe me? Just read this article by Matthew Yglesias in Vox.

Short version: you remember how the out-of-control national debt is a really bad thing. Heck, most of the argument against Obamacare was that it would explode the national deficits (it didn’t, but still). Well, according to Trump you don’t have to worry about that any more. Trump just said “I am the king of debt. I love debt. I love playing with it. … I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal. And if the economy was good, it was good. So therefore, you can’t lose.”

Trump is describing his career as a “successful businessman”. Using his Trump brand, he has repeatedly borrowed other people’s money for a series of “huge” projects. When the projects failed, he declared bankruptcy, leaving his investors holding the bag. When they succeeded, he raked in the cash, despite having invested little of his own money. You could call it a “celebrity economy”. Trump’s brand is a license for him to print money.

There’s just one problem. As Yglesias puts it:

With his statement, Trump not only revealed a dangerous ignorance about the operation of the national monetary system and the global economic order, but also offered a brilliant case study in the profound risks of attempting to apply the logic of a private business enterprise to the task of running the United States of America.

If the United States were forced into bankruptcy, all hell would break loose. Your savings would likely lose most of its value, including your home. Many businesses (including most banks) would fail. Unemployment would spike to unprecedented levels.

Want even more evidence that Trump could cause this? Trump recently proposed that Puerto Rico declare bankruptcy to solve their financial problems, even though doing so is illegal. Taking advantage of the bankruptcy laws to dump his debt on other people has worked very well for Trump, and it is the only game he knows.


Bad Hair Day

Steve Breen
© Steve Breen

What will the Republican party look like, after it is restyled by Donald Trump?


Hillary Clinton is a Progressive

Some people have called Hillary Clinton a Republican in Democrat’s clothing, but does that claim pass scrutiny? One of the arguments for this was that she was actually a Republican for part of the 60’s, but that was mostly before she was even old enough to vote. If there is some rule that once a Republican, always a Republican, then I guess Elizabeth Warren (whom I love) can’t be a progressive Democrat, as she was registered with to GOP as late as 1996.

But what about Clinton’s policies, you ask? Well, Jonathan Cohn ran the numbers and well, yes, compared to Bernie Sanders, Clinton is to his right. The problem with this argument is that pretty much every Democrat (and every Republican) in office is to the right of Bernie Sanders. Furthermore, according to DW-NOMINATE scores, when Clinton was a member of Congress, she was the 11th most liberal member of the Senate.

And what about her current priorities? Those are pretty progressive too. Like raising the minimum wage, phasing out fossil fuels, twelve weeks of family leave for new mothers and fathers, making a college education possible without taking out loans, and higher taxes on the wealthy. In some cases, her positions are to the left of Sanders, such as gun violence, abortion, and (in some ways) immigration.

Yes, Sanders is definitely to the left of Clinton, but he is so far to the left he didn’t even call himself a Democrat until he decided to run for president. If you compare Clinton to any other Democrat who ran for the nomination this election, including Jim Webb and Martin O’Malley she is far more progressive.


Return of Church Lady

Church Lady returns to interview Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.


Republicans Should Apologise to Bill Clinton

This is ironic – an article titled “Republicans, Apologize to Bill Clinton“. No, it wasn’t written by a Democrat (not even by Hillary Clinton). It was written by influential conservative Erick Erickson. His point:

Seventeen years after Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for covering up an affair, they are handing their party over to a man who has openly bragged about his affairs. On the day the Republicans first meet in Cleveland, Donald Trump will be taken to court for allegedly defrauding hard working Americans through Trump University.

On the campaign trail, Trump was more a pathological liar than Bill Clinton ever was. He smeared his opponents, their wives, and their families. He embraced 9/11 trutherisms that George Bush was to blame for the attacks, he peddled malignant, false stories about Ted Cruz’s father, and few Republicans ever called on him to account. Many gave him passes on the lies they would never give to Bill Clinton.

Republicans owe Bill Clinton an apology for impeaching him over lies and affairs while now embracing a pathological liar and womanizer. That apology will not be forthcoming. In fact, for years Republicans have accused the Democrats of gutter politics and shamelessness. Now the Republicans themselves have lost their sense of shame.

Bottom line?

The party that fancies itself as the grown up party has handed itself over to a huckster with a cult of ill behaved children.

I can see his point. The Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for having an affair and for lying about it. Now they have nominated a man who brags about his affairs and lies so casually it takes your breath away. Not to mention is so racist he purposely incites violence.

Is Trump still a womanizer? Or is his third marriage “the charm”? I sincerely doubt age has changed him. For Cinco de Mayo, Trump tweeted a tacky photo of himself eating a taco salad. The accompanying text was pure Trump: “Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!” Always the self-promoter, and claiming to love Hispanics, after he has repeatedly called Mexican immigrants “rapists” and criminals.

If you look more closely at the image, you can see that he does love something.

Marla Maples

Down in the bottom right is a photo of a woman in a bikini. And the woman has been identified as Marla Maples, Trump’s second wife, with whom he had a “scandalous affair” while he was married to his first wife. Still keeping tabs on her I guess. Did he do this accidentally, or purposely?


Angry Tweets

Matt Wuerker
© Matt Wuerker

I can’t help but wonder if the Internet played a role in our current political predicament. Would Donald Trump have been able to to become the presumptive nominee without Twitter? Is it any wonder that the mainstream media abdicated their responsibility to vet the candidates?

With each generation, the dominant media changes. At one time, there were only three major networks and they had a profound influence on our democracy. Then cable news happened, along with the unholy alliance of Fox News and Republicans. And now, with Trump, even Fox News was blindsided.

As many people have pointed out, the Internet makes it easier to find oneself in an echo chamber, only listening to opinions and “facts” that we already agree with. Where will this lead? Does the Internet make democracy easier, or are we doomed?

Don’t get be wrong. I love the internet. I make my living from it. And even if I didn’t, it is a large part of my life (I am a blogger, after all). I would not want it to ever go away. In fact, I’m not even sure if I can imagine what it would be like any more to live without the internet. But I do wonder, and even worry, about it.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from the night of April 27, 2016]

“Yesterday was a huge win for Donald Trump, who won all five of the primaries in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. During his victory speech, Trump called it a ‘diverse victory’. And it’s true! Some people in those states shop at J Crew, and others shop at the J Crew OUTLET.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump now appears to be the likely Republican nominee. In a related story, Canada is getting ready for 45 million people to come crash on their couch.” – Conan O’Brien

“During his victory speech last night Donald Trump dismissed the idea of facing a contested convention, saying, ‘As far as I’m concerned, it’s over.’ And by ‘it’, I assume he means civilization as we know it.” – Seth Meyers

“After all the speculation and the campaigning and craziness and this unprecedented cartoonish election, we seem to be down to two candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. I don’t know why. Nobody seems to like them, but they’re both way ahead in the delegate count.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“While it’s not officially over, it’s over. Everyone knows it except Kasich, Sanders, and Cruz. At this point the only chance they have of stopping Clinton and Trump is an angry Beyoncé with a baseball bat, but they’re not giving up.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Now that the election is narrowing to a two-person race, Donald Trump said he will have to get used to Hillary Clinton’s shouting. After hearing this, Bill Clinton said, ‘You never really get used to it.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A restaurant in Pennsylvania has started selling a pizza inspired by Hillary Clinton topped with buffalo chicken and hot sauce. They also have a Trump pizza, it doesn’t have any toppings but the crust is folded over to hide it.” – Seth Meyers

“In his campaign against Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump says he’s going to start quoting some of Bernie Sanders’ speeches. Which means Trump’s opening line will now be, ‘My nurse is stealing from me.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Today the Sanders campaign announced they’re downsizing and firing hundreds of people, but he’s vowed to stay in the race until the race ends in June or until his life ends. I’m trying to say he’s old. There was a miscommunication, I guess.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Sanders offered Elizabeth Warren to be his running mate. Bernie said the women of this country understand it would be a great idea to have a woman as vice president. Yeah, or as president, right?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today, Carly Fiorina was announced as Ted Cruz’s running mate. Fiorina said it’s always been her lifelong dream to lose twice in the same election.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Earlier today, despite losing five primaries, Ted Cruz stunned everybody by announcing his vice presidential candidate is Carly Fiorina. This means Fiorina is now just a heartbeat away from never being president.” – Conan O’Brien

“You almost have to hand it to Ted Cruz. Even though he lost all five primaries, today he named a running mate. He named Carly Fiorina as his running mate. For what, I don’t know. Maybe they plan to go running together.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Should he win the nomination, Ted Cruz has selected former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina as his running mate. But, unfortunately, he did so by announcing, ‘Ted Cruz has HP VP!'” – Seth Meyers

“Former presidential candidates Martin O’Malley and Mike Huckabee might actually be starting a bipartisan band together. The band has a great way to make money: Their concerts are free, but earplugs cost $200.” – Jimmy Fallon

“ISIS has reportedly started rolling out ‘reductions in benefits’ to try to cut down costs. And now al-Qaeda is trying to compete with them by launching ‘Osamacare’.” – Seth Meyers


London’s New Mayor

Europe has been experiencing far more radical Islamic terrorism lately (especially compared to the US – thanks Obama!), which makes it doubly amazing that London, England just elected a Muslim mayor in a landslide victory. This, despite the fact that Conservatives have won a number of electoral victories lately.

But the Conservatives miscalculated on this one. They attempted a dog whistle campaign attempting to paint him as sympathetic to Islamic extremists. Just before the vote, the Conservatives published an op-ed piece that was illustrated with a photo of a terrorist attack in London. But their racist attacks backfired on them. Even fellow Conservatives expressed shame and anger over their own party’s attacks during the mayoral race.

The new mayor, Sadiq Khan, was born in London to Pakistani immigrants, and went on to become a civil rights lawyer and in 2005, London’s first Muslim member of Parliament. He was elected mayor with the largest personal mandate of any politician in UK history. At his inauguration Khan pledged to be a mayor for people of all faiths and none, saying “I’m determined to lead the most transparent, engaged and accessible administration London has ever seen, and to represent every single community and every single part of our city as a mayor for Londoners”.

We can only hope that racist politics can backfire in the US as well.


Trump Calls Obama to Chat

Jimmy Fallon dons his Trump persona and calls Obama to gloat.


With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?

The Hillary Clinton campaign wasted no time after Donald Trump became the presumptive nominee of the Republican party. She released an online campaign ad that is made up of video of other Republicans sharing their opinions of Trump.

Republican politicians are in a tight spot, especially ones who are up for reelection this year. Nearly all of them have publicly made disparaging remarks about Trump, and Clinton is going to make sure that nobody forgets what they said. If they pivot, they will be chastised at the polls for being two-faced political opportunists. But if they remain negative about Trump, they will be helping a fellow Republican lose.

The Washington Post has published an interesting article “Anti-Trump Republicans confront a dilemma: Are they ready to help elect Clinton?”. As the Party of No, the Republicans have often benefited from having someone they hate in the White House, and Clinton fits the bill. With Clinton as president, they would be on familiar terrain. The GOP would just keep doing what they have been doing during the Obama presidency, which (unfortunately) has worked for them. Dubya was bad enough for the Republican party, they can only imagine the hurt they will go through if Trump is president and uses the power of the White House to remake the Republican party.

A former aide to presidential candidate John McCain tweeted “The GOP is going to nominate for President a guy who reads the National Enquirer and thinks it’s on the level. I’m with her.”

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson of Red State said the likely option is to let Trump run and lose on his own. Of course, that strategy didn’t work all that well in the primary. But what’s the alternative? Erickson admits “There are a number of us who can’t bring ourselves to vote for him, and there’s more and more polling showing just how badly he would cause the Republicans to lose other races.” So many Republicans will spend their efforts (and their money) on down-ballot races, to limit the GOP losses.

Another alternative would be to launch a third-party candidate, but this option has two big problems. First, who would be the candidate? How are they going to find someone who wants to permanently end their political career? And second, that candidate would likely take votes away from Trump, and so would help Clinton even more.

And the future doesn’t look none too bright either. Even if Cruz didn’t win the nomination, he gained stature and power in the Republican party. He caused enough problems for the Republicans as a freshman senator, so they can imagine the havoc he will inflict going forward. And it seems like the only reason Ted Cruz dropped out was so he could run for president in four years.

UPDATE: Trump wasted no time to piss off the Republican Party. During a campaign rally speech in West Virginia last night, Trump told a crowd of 13,000 to not bother voting in Tuesday’s Republican primary:

What I want you to do is save your vote — you know, you don’t have to vote anymore. Save your vote for the general election, okay? Forget this one. The primary is gone. Save your vote for the general election in November, and we’re going to show you something, and then you’re going to show me something, okay? … The vote was supposed to be on Tuesday, but now I can say: Stay home but get twice as many people in November, right?

The problem is that there are a number of contested local races on Tuesday’s ballot, and those candidates were depending on a large turnout. Trump needs to make peace with the Republican Party if he is going to win the general election, but he sure didn’t help his case by telling Republican voters not to vote. But then, it always was just all about Trump.


Mike Ohman
© Mike Ohman


Conan Remembers the 2016 Republican Candidates

You may not really want to remember the GOP primary race, but this video is short, vulgar, and pretty funny. Looking back at the people that the Republicans threw at the electorate, it maybe shouldn’t have been surprising that Trump floated to the surface. After all, hot air rises.


Six Year Old Pundit

I wish more presidential experts were like Macey Hensley. She is far more mature than her supposedly older counterparts.

I believe all presidents deserve respect, even ones you don’t like. And I say this as someone who moved to another country when George W Bush got reelected. But I still respected the office, and respected him as president. Besides, he and Laura are pretty funny in this video.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from April 26, 2016]

“Happy birthday to Melania Trump, who turned 46 today. She spent her birthday like she always does — telling Donald that she’s 23.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to a new poll that just came out, 50 percent of Republicans say they could support Donald Trump. The other 50 percent are a group calling themselves ‘Women’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Lena Dunham, star of the HBO show ‘Girls’, threatened to move to Vancouver if Trump became president. Trump said, ‘Well, she’s a ‘B’ actor and, you know, has no mojo.’ I can’t believe Trump snapped back about Lena Dunham. Usually, he just ignores that kind of stuff and gracefully moves on.” – James Corden

“Over the weekend, Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a loose cannon and said, ‘Loose cannons tend to misfire.’ Trump was like, ‘My cannon works just fine, I guarantee you, there’s no problem. I’ve already discussed this.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hillary Clinton has been attacking Donald Trump over his ‘country club’ lifestyle. Hillary made the remarks during a speech none of us could afford to attend.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders said it’s a great idea to have a woman as vice president. John McCain was like, ‘Is it?!'” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump is now making fun of what he calls John Kasich’s ‘disgusting’ table manners. As an example, Trump named Kasich’s gross habit of having dinner with a wife who’s about his own age.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s the sequel to Super Tuesday 3. There were primaries in five states. I feel like we’ve had primaries in some of these states — didn’t we do Connecticut already? I was interested to find out who won, but what I’m more interested in is to see what new way the losers will explain why they still have a chance tomorrow.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Of course, the biggest loser is us. We have six more months of this.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today was Super Tuesday where states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware hold their primaries. Seriously, we have to stop calling these Super Tuesdays. Nothing super has ever happened on a Tuesday in Delaware.” – James Corden

“Today was another big day for the election. There were five different primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. Or as Hillary Clinton put it, ‘Why, those just happen to be my five favorite states!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were favored to sweep today’s primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. And John Kasich is still polling very high in the state of denial.” – Seth Meyers

“The polls said Donald Trump was going to steam-roll his rivals in Pennsylvania, and he did. Next, he’s going to build a hotel on top of them.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Ted Cruz and John Kasich made a pact so they would each have a better chance of stopping Donald Trump from getting the delegates he needs. It’s a halfhearted alliance between two guys who don’t like each other. Somehow Donald Trump has turned this into an episode of ‘The Apprentice’. This is exactly what Gary Busey and Meatloaf would do.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In a new interview, Ted Cruz said, ‘I’ve changed a lot of diapers.’ After hearing this, Bernie Sanders made him his running mate.” – Conan O’Brien
