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London’s New Mayor

Europe has been experiencing far more radical Islamic terrorism lately (especially compared to the US – thanks Obama!), which makes it doubly amazing that London, England just elected a Muslim mayor in a landslide victory. This, despite the fact that Conservatives have won a number of electoral victories lately.

But the Conservatives miscalculated on this one. They attempted a dog whistle campaign attempting to paint him as sympathetic to Islamic extremists. Just before the vote, the Conservatives published an op-ed piece that was illustrated with a photo of a terrorist attack in London. But their racist attacks backfired on them. Even fellow Conservatives expressed shame and anger over their own party’s attacks during the mayoral race.

The new mayor, Sadiq Khan, was born in London to Pakistani immigrants, and went on to become a civil rights lawyer and in 2005, London’s first Muslim member of Parliament. He was elected mayor with the largest personal mandate of any politician in UK history. At his inauguration Khan pledged to be a mayor for people of all faiths and none, saying “I’m determined to lead the most transparent, engaged and accessible administration London has ever seen, and to represent every single community and every single part of our city as a mayor for Londoners”.

We can only hope that racist politics can backfire in the US as well.


Trump Calls Obama to Chat

Jimmy Fallon dons his Trump persona and calls Obama to gloat.


With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?

The Hillary Clinton campaign wasted no time after Donald Trump became the presumptive nominee of the Republican party. She released an online campaign ad that is made up of video of other Republicans sharing their opinions of Trump.

Republican politicians are in a tight spot, especially ones who are up for reelection this year. Nearly all of them have publicly made disparaging remarks about Trump, and Clinton is going to make sure that nobody forgets what they said. If they pivot, they will be chastised at the polls for being two-faced political opportunists. But if they remain negative about Trump, they will be helping a fellow Republican lose.

The Washington Post has published an interesting article “Anti-Trump Republicans confront a dilemma: Are they ready to help elect Clinton?”. As the Party of No, the Republicans have often benefited from having someone they hate in the White House, and Clinton fits the bill. With Clinton as president, they would be on familiar terrain. The GOP would just keep doing what they have been doing during the Obama presidency, which (unfortunately) has worked for them. Dubya was bad enough for the Republican party, they can only imagine the hurt they will go through if Trump is president and uses the power of the White House to remake the Republican party.

A former aide to presidential candidate John McCain tweeted “The GOP is going to nominate for President a guy who reads the National Enquirer and thinks it’s on the level. I’m with her.”

Conservative blogger Erick Erickson of Red State said the likely option is to let Trump run and lose on his own. Of course, that strategy didn’t work all that well in the primary. But what’s the alternative? Erickson admits “There are a number of us who can’t bring ourselves to vote for him, and there’s more and more polling showing just how badly he would cause the Republicans to lose other races.” So many Republicans will spend their efforts (and their money) on down-ballot races, to limit the GOP losses.

Another alternative would be to launch a third-party candidate, but this option has two big problems. First, who would be the candidate? How are they going to find someone who wants to permanently end their political career? And second, that candidate would likely take votes away from Trump, and so would help Clinton even more.

And the future doesn’t look none too bright either. Even if Cruz didn’t win the nomination, he gained stature and power in the Republican party. He caused enough problems for the Republicans as a freshman senator, so they can imagine the havoc he will inflict going forward. And it seems like the only reason Ted Cruz dropped out was so he could run for president in four years.

UPDATE: Trump wasted no time to piss off the Republican Party. During a campaign rally speech in West Virginia last night, Trump told a crowd of 13,000 to not bother voting in Tuesday’s Republican primary:

What I want you to do is save your vote — you know, you don’t have to vote anymore. Save your vote for the general election, okay? Forget this one. The primary is gone. Save your vote for the general election in November, and we’re going to show you something, and then you’re going to show me something, okay? … The vote was supposed to be on Tuesday, but now I can say: Stay home but get twice as many people in November, right?

The problem is that there are a number of contested local races on Tuesday’s ballot, and those candidates were depending on a large turnout. Trump needs to make peace with the Republican Party if he is going to win the general election, but he sure didn’t help his case by telling Republican voters not to vote. But then, it always was just all about Trump.


Mike Ohman
© Mike Ohman


Conan Remembers the 2016 Republican Candidates

You may not really want to remember the GOP primary race, but this video is short, vulgar, and pretty funny. Looking back at the people that the Republicans threw at the electorate, it maybe shouldn’t have been surprising that Trump floated to the surface. After all, hot air rises.


Six Year Old Pundit

I wish more presidential experts were like Macey Hensley. She is far more mature than her supposedly older counterparts.

I believe all presidents deserve respect, even ones you don’t like. And I say this as someone who moved to another country when George W Bush got reelected. But I still respected the office, and respected him as president. Besides, he and Laura are pretty funny in this video.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from April 26, 2016]

“Happy birthday to Melania Trump, who turned 46 today. She spent her birthday like she always does — telling Donald that she’s 23.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to a new poll that just came out, 50 percent of Republicans say they could support Donald Trump. The other 50 percent are a group calling themselves ‘Women’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Lena Dunham, star of the HBO show ‘Girls’, threatened to move to Vancouver if Trump became president. Trump said, ‘Well, she’s a ‘B’ actor and, you know, has no mojo.’ I can’t believe Trump snapped back about Lena Dunham. Usually, he just ignores that kind of stuff and gracefully moves on.” – James Corden

“Over the weekend, Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a loose cannon and said, ‘Loose cannons tend to misfire.’ Trump was like, ‘My cannon works just fine, I guarantee you, there’s no problem. I’ve already discussed this.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hillary Clinton has been attacking Donald Trump over his ‘country club’ lifestyle. Hillary made the remarks during a speech none of us could afford to attend.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders said it’s a great idea to have a woman as vice president. John McCain was like, ‘Is it?!'” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump is now making fun of what he calls John Kasich’s ‘disgusting’ table manners. As an example, Trump named Kasich’s gross habit of having dinner with a wife who’s about his own age.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s the sequel to Super Tuesday 3. There were primaries in five states. I feel like we’ve had primaries in some of these states — didn’t we do Connecticut already? I was interested to find out who won, but what I’m more interested in is to see what new way the losers will explain why they still have a chance tomorrow.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Of course, the biggest loser is us. We have six more months of this.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today was Super Tuesday where states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware hold their primaries. Seriously, we have to stop calling these Super Tuesdays. Nothing super has ever happened on a Tuesday in Delaware.” – James Corden

“Today was another big day for the election. There were five different primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. Or as Hillary Clinton put it, ‘Why, those just happen to be my five favorite states!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were favored to sweep today’s primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island. And John Kasich is still polling very high in the state of denial.” – Seth Meyers

“The polls said Donald Trump was going to steam-roll his rivals in Pennsylvania, and he did. Next, he’s going to build a hotel on top of them.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Ted Cruz and John Kasich made a pact so they would each have a better chance of stopping Donald Trump from getting the delegates he needs. It’s a halfhearted alliance between two guys who don’t like each other. Somehow Donald Trump has turned this into an episode of ‘The Apprentice’. This is exactly what Gary Busey and Meatloaf would do.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In a new interview, Ted Cruz said, ‘I’ve changed a lot of diapers.’ After hearing this, Bernie Sanders made him his running mate.” – Conan O’Brien



Bernie Sanders currently has 1,399 delegates (counting both pledged and superdelegates). The Democratic candidate needs 2,383 delegates in order to win at the convention. For Sanders, 2,383 minus 1,399 equals 984. Sanders needs 984 additional delegates.

If you add up all the available delegates in the remaining primaries, there are now a total of 933. Unfortunately for Sanders, 933 is less than 984.

As Politico puts it “it’s now mathematically impossible for him to reach the magic number for the Democratic nomination by winning the remaining pledged delegates alone.”

That’s right. Even if Sanders wins every single remaining pledged delegate (extremely unlikely, as Democratic primaries are all proportional), his only path to victory involves convincing a large number of superdelegates to change their minds and vote for him. That is also highly unlikely, and gives Sanders the hypocritical (albeit required) goal of winning over the superdelegates that he has repeatedly mocked as being undemocratic.

Last night, Sanders again claimed “I think that while the path is narrow — and I do not deny that for a moment — I think we can pull off one of the great political upsets in the history of the United States.”

Yes, that will be a political upset, but it won’t be great, coming at the expense of the democratic values that Sanders professes to love. Clinton leads in raw vote (she now has over 3 million more votes than Sanders in the primaries), in pledged delegates (she has 321 more pledged delegates than Sanders), not to mention a huge lead in superdelegates (520 to 39).

Sanders argues that the superdelegates should overrule the voters and switch their allegiance to him because he has a better chance of winning over Trump. Even if that were true (and prior to the convention, polls about hypothetical general election match-ups are notoriously unreliable), the reason why the superdelegates are so strongly in favor of Clinton is because they believe she has a better chance of winning against Trump. Even more importantly, they believe she will be better for the other Democratic races. Sanders has been good at raising money for himself, but he has done nothing for other candidates, while most of the money that gets raised at the expensive fundraising dinners that Clinton appears at (and Sanders mocks) will go to the Democratic party and not to Clinton’s campaign (because of the $2,700 limit on contributions to a candidate’s campaign).

The fight now is not about who will be the Democratic nominee for president. The bigger fight for the Democrats is about Congress. The Democrats need to take over the Senate and win as many seats in the House as possible in order to overcome GOP obstructionism and get anything done (let alone enacting any progressive legislation).

If internal bickering hands over the presidency to Trump along with a Republican Congress (which will then hand over the Supreme Court), it will be a very sad day for the Democrats, and Sanders should know that.


Reverse Boat People

The first flotilla of boat people left Florida this week, bound for Cuba. Actually, it was just one boat containing 700 people — the first cruise ship in more than 50 years from the US to visit Cuba.

There was one hiccup. Ironically, Carnival Cruise Line was initially prohibited from selling tickets to any Americans born in Cuba because of a Cuban law that prohibits Cuban-born people from arriving to the country by sea. Eventually, that snafu was worked out by the Cuban government, and there are 16 people aboard who were born in Cuba. Half of those are employees of the ship.

Technically, tourism is still prohibited by the US embargo of Cuba, but “people-to-people educational travel” is allowed, so the cruise is billed as a “cultural exchange”. Hopefully, the US will eventually get rid of the embargo, which rather than getting rid of the communist government in Cuba helped keep it in power for so long by driving it into the arms of the Soviet Union.


Liberal Redneck

Liberal Redneck responds to the news that the American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target because of their bathroom policy that allows transgendered people to use the restroom that matches their gender identity.

But now things are getting worse. Now the American Family Association is deliberately sending men dressed as women into women’s restrooms at Target.




I just have one question. For people who believe human life begins at conception, do they also believe a fetus should only be allowed to enter a public bathroom of the correct sex?


Final Turn as Comedian in Chief

Obama’s final appearance at the White House correspondents dinner is hilarious:



Scott Stantis
© Scott Stantis

I’m glad that Trump’s campaign has announced that he will be more “presidential”. But what (specifically) does that mean?

And is it just me, or does he remind anyone else of Archie Bunker?


Late Night Political Humor

“This election is heading into the home stretch and it seems like the whole world is watching. In fact, I read that sales for Donald Trump piñatas have been soaring recently. Or as Donald Trump put it, ‘Told you I could make the Mexicans pay for something!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Yesterday, Donald Trump said, ‘If I lose, I don’t think you’ll ever see me again.’ So finally, a Trump campaign promise we can all get behind.” – Conan O’Brien

“Apparently four out of Donald Trump’s five airplanes are more than 20 years old, which they say is rare for most billionaires. I guess Trump doesn’t know you’re supposed to change PLANES every few years, and keep your WIFE forever.” – Jimmy Fallon

“In order to block Donald Trump’s path to the Republican nomination, John Kasich is pulling his campaign out of Indiana. Indiana should notice sometime in 2018.” – Conan O’Brien

“A woman who looks exactly like a female Ted Cruz has been asked to star in a porn movie. So finally, a cure for your porn addiction.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump did an impression of Hillary Clinton at a rally this weekend accusing Clinton of needing a teleprompter, speaking in a robotic manner and being boring. And then Hillary did an impression of Donald Trump by crushing a poor person’s dreams.” – Seth Meyers

“On Saturday, Beyoncé released a surprise album called ‘Lemonade’ where she directs some of her anger at her husband, Jay Z. Yeah, an entire album where she yells at her husband. Or in other words — looks like Hillary’s found her running mate!” – Jimmy Fallon

“A restaurant in Pennsylvania has unveiled a pizza inspired by Hillary Clinton. Apparently, the pizza is not that fresh or tasty, but it sticks around your stomach until all the other food has given up.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton said Pennsylvania is where she learned to shoot a gun. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders said Pennsylvania is where he learned to load a musket.” – Conan O’Brien


Playing the Cards

Joel Pett
© Joel Pett

Donald Trump has played just about every card in the book. I guess he is just jealous because he can’t play the “woman card”.


Late Night Political Humor

“Donald Trump said something un-Trumpy this morning. He was on ‘The Today Show’ and Matt Lauer asked him about the transgender law, and whether Caitlyn Jenner would be welcome to use the bathroom at Trump Tower, and Trump said she should be able to use whatever bathroom she wants. Ted Cruz believes that transgender people should hold it in.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Why is this even a thing? Why does this have to be legislated? I mean, really, how many transgendered people can there even be in North Carolina? Five, maybe? Eight tops.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If you think that you’re worried about what is going to happen in this race, just consider Reince Priebus, RNC chairman and man whose name is an anagram for ‘crisp bee urine.'” – Stephen Colbert

“Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina Seek Two Additional Horsemen” – Andy Borowitz

Gary Varvel
© Gary Varvel
