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Let’s Change the Rules!


So, do you believe in democracy or not?

The Washington Post couldn’t find any change in the rules that would give Sanders a win. Right now, the only way he could become the nominee is if most of the superdelegates ignore the will of their voters, abandon Clinton and decide to vote for Sanders. Sanders has been touting this argument since March, but so far not a single superdelegate has switched (none have even talked about doing it).

To his credit, Bernie Sanders himself is starting to make some motions of coming around. He is spending more time attacking Trump — even giving Trump the nickname of “Mr. Macho“:

Let me not worry about Hillary Clinton right now. Let me worry about Donald Trump — this big, brave, macho guy, my goodness. He said he wanted to debate Bernie Sanders, then he said he didn’t, and then he said he did, and then he said he didn’t. So I say to Mr. Macho that I am open to a debate anytime, any place here in the state of California, hopefully before the June 7 primary.

Sanders also hasn’t ruled out being Clinton’s pick for vice president.

And for those of you who still have an uneasy feeling about Clinton, here are two posts from Facebook. The first is from Gavin Newsom, the current Lieutenant Governor of California and formerly the mayor of San Francisco:

In 2004, after I ordered the city clerk to give same-sex couples marriage licenses, I quickly became a pariah in the Democratic Party. I was accused of endangering Sen. Kerry’s campaign for president, my speech at the national convention was cancelled, and most hurtful, major democratic candidates and elected officials — some of whom were my friends — refused to be photographed with me or even be in the same room with me. I was being demonized by the left and the right. Only one major figure in the Dem party was willing to be photographed with me: Hillary Clinton. In 2004, we did an event together down at Delancey Street in San Francisco. I’ll never forget that moment — that when I was being attacked for my position on same sex marriage and what we did in San Francisco, she was willing to stand with me in public when no one else was. ‪#‎ImWithHer‬

The second Facebook post is from someone named Scott Wilson:

Just who were you expecting? Seriously. When a woman finally captured the nomination of a major party for President, what kind of a woman did you think she would be? Did you think that she might be tough-minded and pragmatic, someone who knows how to work the system and who is willing to do that? Did you think she might be someone flawed, who has made mistakes, but who is also resilient enough to withstand two and a half decades of relentless attacks? Did you think she might be a fighter, carrying the scars of a fighter? And if you thought she would be any of those things, did you really expect that anyone would like her, given what we demand of women in this culture? Let me tell you something: I have not liked this woman, either. I don’t agree with some of the things that she’s done, and some of the things that she stands for now. But I admire her. I am moved by who she is, given what we have put her through. And I am absolutely for her.

Matt Bors
© Matt Bors


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 17, 2016]

“I read that a new super PAC is actually trying to convince Amish people to vote for Donald Trump. And those people were like, ‘We’re not Amish – we just got rid of our TV’s so we could stop hearing about Donald Trump.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump’s ex-girlfriend says her quotes in the New York Times expose this week were twisted to sound negative, but that she didn’t have a negative experience with Trump. Then she said, ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go drive the new Porsche I can suddenly afford.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Scott Adams on Donald Trump

Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, explains to Bill Maher why Trump will win the election:

I’m not sure I buy what Adams is selling — that Trump is really an evil genius and knows exactly what he is doing. But I could easily believe that Trump is a charming sociopath who lucked onto an election where people are extremely willing to vote for someone who constantly tells them what they want to hear (even if what they want to hear is a pack of lies). And unfortunately, Adams is also right that Clinton has not been very good at marketing herself.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 16, 2016]

“A New York Times exposé on Donald Trump reveals some pretty questionable interactions with women. Including claims that when Trump ran the Miss USA Pageant, he would frequently rate women’s appearances right to their faces while they just stood there. Which is really sexist. And also pretty much the definition of any beauty pageant.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Despite the fact that it was freezing here today, climate scientists say that April was the hottest month on record. It was so hot, Donald Trump tried to make out with it.” – Stephen Colbert

“The article makes the point that Donald Trump has hired many women to run his businesses and even quotes him as saying, ‘A good woman is better than 10 good men.’ And Hillary was like, ‘Thanks for the new campaign slogan.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The article goes on to detail how Trump bragged about his sexual prowess, as well as his daughter’s hotness, and had a preoccupation with women’s bodies. Which means Trump could be the first president to appoint an actual ‘federal bikini inspector’.” – Stephen Colbert

“RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said yesterday that Donald Trump will ‘have to answer for’ his behavior towards women. Said Trump, ‘I’ll have my girl write something up.'” – Seth Meyers

“The New York Times emailed a news alert reading: ‘Special report: Donald Trump has repeatedly unnerved women in private encounters over 40 years.’ Unnerving women for 40 years? That implies there were 29 years where he was not unnerving women. I’m going to want a fact check.” – Stephen Colbert

“A restaurant in Lithuania is stirring up controversy by displaying a mural on its wall that shows Donald Trump kissing Vladimir Putin. Trump said he’s not mad that it shows him kissing a man, he’s mad that it shows him kissing someone over 40.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Audio has surfaced showing that in the 1980s and ’90s Donald Trump may have used a fake name to pose as his own publicist. Or, maybe a little-known publicist named John Miller used a fake name to pose as a New York real estate mogul and run for president.” – Seth Meyers

“Former Republican hopeful John Kasich said today that ‘somebody’ had called him to encourage him to run as a third-party candidate, but declined to say who. Oh my God, John, the calls are coming from inside the house!” – Seth Meyers

“Tomorrow is the Kentucky Democratic Primary. And, in an act of desperation, Bernie is now going by ‘Colonel Sanders’.” – Seth Meyers


The Good Old Days

Do you remember the “good old days” that Donald Trump speaks about? I do.

If that’s what Trump supporters hanker after, I want nothing to do with it.


Scandals and Conspiracy Theories

To help refresh your memory, The Guardian has put together a comprehensive list of all the scandals that the Clintons were involved in in the 90s. I say “involved in” facetiously, because pretty much none of them actually turned up anything substantial directly on the Clintons themselves (other than the fact that Bill Clinton, like many presidents before him, slept around).

Donald Trump has mention a few times the Vince Foster suicide (claiming that the Clintons had him bumped off), but Foster’s suicide was investigated by two separate Whitewater independent counsels and two bipartisan congressional panels, and all of them concluded that Foster took his own life. Even his sister says that he had been severely depressed before his suicide.

And speaking of Whitewater, in the end several prominent politicians were convicted of various fraud charges, while Hillary Clinton herself was cleared of all charges. But that won’t stop the Republicans (including Trump) of continuing to bring it up.

Now let’s look at the other side. Here’s a list of all the conspiracy theories that Donald Trump has tried to spread. There are a stunning 58 of them. Some are real doozies.

We all know about Trump being a “birther”, but did you know that Trump claims that a Hawaiian official was murdered covering up Obama’s birth certificate? Or that Trump asserts both that Obama never attended Columbia University, and that Obama was radicalized while attending Columbia! Trump also claims that “net neutrality” is actually a “top down power grab” of the internet by Obama. And that Obama was running guns from Libya to Turkey in order to arm ISIS terrorists? Oh, and the US is also purposely importing terrorists. He also argues that both Obama and Clinton are planning on “taking your guns away”. Trump has also repeated the false claim that vaccines cause autism.

If you’ve heard a crazy conspiracy theory recently, Trump probably passed it on, and may have even originated it. If this doesn’t convince you that Trump is a nutcase, nothing will.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 12-13, 2016]

“The big Trump news today is this audio tape that resurfaced from 1991, where Donald Trump apparently posed as his own publicist during a phone call with People Magazine. People are saying it’s definitely him, but he’s saying it’s not. Hillary Clinton was like, ‘Isn’t it annoying when people dig stuff up from the 90’s and use it against you?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump is now saying that his proposed ban on Muslims was ‘just a suggestion.’ Then he admitted his presidential campaign is ‘just a bar bet.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump yesterday began walking back his proposed ban on Muslim immigration and called the plan a suggestion rather than a firm policy idea. In much the same way he doesn’t have hair so much as the suggestion of hair.” – Seth Meyers

“I hate to break it to Donald Trump, but there is already a Broadway show called ‘Hairspray’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Here in California, a white supremacist has resigned from being a Donald Trump delegate. When asked why, the white supremacist said, ‘Because that guy’s crazy.'” – Conan O’Brien

“We have Drake on the show tonight — a black, Jewish, immigrant rapper from Canada. Or as Donald Trump would say, ‘I’m speechless. I need to sit down, I’m getting lightheaded. I’m getting lightheaded. I’m seeing my spirit animal.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee, but there are a few people he still has to win over. For instance, everyone in the GOP.” – Stephen Colbert

“Donald Trump is finally sitting down with his nemesis, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, to discuss unifying the Republican Party after they have been trash-talking each other for months. Ryan is in a difficult spot. On the one hand, Trump has made a lot of offensive statements. On the other hand, Trump is his party’s only chance at winning — and because it’s Trump, both of those hands are very, very tiny.” – James Corden

“Paul Ryan right now is like a girl at a bar at the end of the night where all the hot guys have left. So she’s trying to convince herself that it would be worth taking home the guy with the orange skin and weird hair.” – James Corden

“But Ryan is not the only one who seems to be changing his mind about Trump. Former presidential candidate John McCain stated this week that he thinks Donald Trump could be a ‘capable leader’. John McCain spent several years in a Vietnam prison, and now saying ‘Donald Trump is capable’ sounds like the hardest thing he’s ever had to do.” – James Corden

“I’m sorry, but saying Donald Trump could be a capable leader is not very reassuring. If you are about to have an operation and they tell you that your doctor could be a capable surgeon, you would be like, ‘You know what? It was a minor heart attack. I’m good. Don’t worry.'” – James Corden

“Of course, when it comes to Donald Trump, there are so many other things that are not happening. For instance, he hasn’t picked a running mate, but rumors say he’s considering Newt Gingrich. Yes, between them, they’ve had six wives.” – Stephen Colbert

“Apparently, Trump is trying to win the women’s vote by marrying them all. If they get elected both the first and second lady will be the third lady.” – Stephen Colbert

“Donald Trump told the Associated Press yesterday that he had whittled down his list of possible running mates to ‘five or six people.’ Five or six people is also how Trump describes his kids.” – Seth Meyers

“An artist is hoping to protest the Republican National Convention in Cleveland by having 100 women pose nude outside the event. Or as Republican men put it, ‘Hey. No. Stop. Please don’t have all those nude women. This is the worst day ever.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“During the Republican convention in Cleveland, an artist is going to photograph 100 nude women to make a statement. The statement is, ‘This is the only way to get people to Cleveland.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The FBI just announced yesterday that fewer and fewer Americans are going off to join ISIS. Or as Fox News reported it, ‘Once Again, Jobs Drop Under Obama.'” – Conan O’Brien



Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

This comic highlights the thing that has always made me laugh about the whole bathroom bill controversy — just how in the hell would you determine the sex that someone was assigned at birth? There is just no practical way. So the claim that these laws protect children in bathrooms from harassment by deviants and monsters is complete bullshit. It won’t protect anyone from anything.


How the GOP created the Abortion Issue

At the time of the Roe v. Wade decision, most evangelical Christians didn’t care about abortion. Back then, people who were against abortion were almost exclusively Catholics, while evangelicals are protestants — you know the people whose name comes from the fact that they protested against the Catholics.

But six years later the GOP needed a new issue to rile up the social conservative base, so they got together and invented one. However, it didn’t work at first, so they had to really “force the issue”. After all, abortion isn’t mentioned at all in the bible, so they couldn’t just do what they did with gay rights and twist a few obscure passages to meet their needs. They had to make it up from whole cloth.

And they succeeded. They succeeded so well they actually got people to commit murder in the name of protecting the sanctity of life.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 11, 2016]

“Yesterday on ‘Good Morning America,’ Joe Biden said he is ‘confident’ that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee. Then he said, ‘Of course, I also bet against the Mighty Ducks in all three movies, so what do I know?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new poll shows Hillary Clinton just one point ahead of Donald Trump nationally. And now Canada is thinking about building a wall.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton could lose all the remaining primaries and she’ll still get the nomination, but at this point Bernie has a better chance of being drafted by an NBA team than being the nominee.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Speaking of old people surrounded by screaming young people, Bernie Sanders won the primary last night. For a guy with no chance of winning, he sure does seem to win a lot.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Trump is still out there taking aim and most recently, Trump gave Bernie Sanders a nickname. Now we have Crazy Bernie, Lyin’ Ted, Little Rubio and Crooked Hillary — it’s like the Spice Girls.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump won last night’s Nebraska Republican primary with 61% of the vote. Which is impressive until you remember he’s the only one left running.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump also dominated last night’s West Virginia Republican primary with 76% of the vote. Trump told the press that he did really well with black voters, but it turned out they were just coal miners.” – Seth Meyers

“NASA scientists have discovered over 1,200 planets that are possibly habitable — where humans could live. In other words, if Donald Trump does become president, Canada’s not your only option.”” – Conan O’Brien

“Paul Ryan and Ted Cruz are saying they’re not ready to support Donald Trump. What do you have to do to get ready to support someone? Is it like getting a wax?” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump said this morning that he will not be changing his tone as he gears up for the general election, and said, quote, ‘You win the pennant, and now you’re in the World Series. You gonna change?’ Well, it depends. Did you win the pennant because you’re really good, or because your division stinks?” – Seth Meyers


Face Off

An eerie and slightly frightening article in The Guardian has photos from a factory in China that is mass producing Donald Trump masks, for use not just for the election, but for Hallowe’en. Here are two of the photos:



Click on either photo to see more photos; it is worth it. Scary!

Speaking of face-offs, Trump is already backing out of debating Bernie Sanders before the California primary, saying that the plan, which Trump said was a good idea on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”, was a joke. He’s also saying that he wouldn’t do it unless whatever network that airs it gives him $10 million, which Trump claims he would give to charity. Of course, the last time he promised to give $6 million dollars to a veterans group, he lied.


Extreme Prejudice

Thursday morning, an op-ed from Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) was published in the Deseret News (a major Salt Lake City newspaper that is owned by the LDS Church). In it, Hatch says:

Like many of my Senate colleagues, I recently met with Chief Judge Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court. … Our meeting, however, does not change my conviction that the Senate should consider a Supreme Court nominee after this presidential election cycle.

There’s just one problem. Hatch hasn’t yet met with Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. The op-ed was published early by mistake.

But at this point, it doesn’t seem to matter how the meeting goes. Hatch has already made up his mind. And it also doesn’t matter that Hatch has always given high praise to Garland both as a judge and as a personal friend. Indeed, Hatch says in the op-ed “I met with Judge Garland as a personal friend and out of respect for his position as a distinguished federal judge.” We now know that the first three words of that sentence are wrong. Anything else?


Politically Correct?

Politically Correct?

I’m not totally sure if I agree with what this is saying, but it is true that it is politically correct to not say racist things in public.

But I really posted it because it is funny.


Elizabeth Warren on Donald Trump

You’ve probably heard a few sound bites from this speech, but likely nothing from the most important part. Trump claims that he can’t be bought, but now that he is the presumptive Republican nominee, he has pivoted and is now begging for money from the same Wall Street bankers who already own our political system (especially because of Citizens United). I guess Trump didn’t have to be bought, because he was already a cheerleader for the rich and powerful.

Need proof? Trump has already promised to dismantle Dodd-Frank. That’s right, he wants to take us back to the situation that caused the economic collapse of 2008 — the biggest recession since the Great Depression. And why shouldn’t he? He’s already bragged that he made lots of money during that time buying up property on the cheap.

So when Trump makes bad business decisions, he declares bankruptcy and leaves the rest of us holding the bag. And when the economy goes south, he makes lots of money. For Donald Trump, it may be win-win, but for the rest of us it is lose-lose. Will we ever learn?


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from May 10, 2016]

“In an upcoming interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, Donald Trump tells her that although they’ve reconciled their feud, ‘this could happen again.’ Especially if Megyn Kelly continues to stubbornly insist on being a woman.” – Jimmy Fallon

“According to a new survey, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are tied in Florida. Hillary is winning with Jews and Hispanics, and Trump is winning with meth and bath-salt dealers.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump said that Hillary was nasty and mean to the women who slept with her husband. Trump’s wives did not treat his mistresses like that at all. They had the courtesy to let him marry them.” – Stephen Colbert

“Donald Trump has been married three times. Attacking Hillary Clinton for having marital problems is like the pot calling the kettle black, or in Trump’s case, calling the kettles ‘the blacks’. By the way, the kettles love him.” – Stephen Colbert

“Yesterday, the State Department said that it can’t find any emails belonging to Hillary Clinton’s senior technology staffer from when Clinton was secretary of state. Then Hillary said (WIPES OFF HANDS), ‘You also won’t find that staffer, either.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Apparently, Facebook censored popular stories about conservative topics from appearing on the trending news section. Folks, I think this is wrong. If Facebook is going to censor things, why not get rid of the stuff people really don’t want to see, like your ex’s tropical honeymoon? Or invitations to coworkers’ improv shows? ‘Mike, I’m glad you’re getting out after the divorce, but I’m not going out at midnight on a Tuesday to see your improvised episode of ‘Dawson’s Creek’.” – Stephen Colbert
