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Gun Control

Who’s in charge of our gun laws? Right now we are seeing fights in both houses of Congress over common-sense changes to gun laws. We already require background checks when someone buys a gun from a gun dealer, but that is easy to get around by buying a gun online or from an individual seller (who is probably hanging out in the parking lot of a gun show or other gun-related event). And public support for closing these loopholes is phenomenally high. In a recent poll, 92% supported supported expanded background checks.

A related change is preventing people who are suspected of being terrorists from getting guns. In the same poll, 85% supported that. Ironically, Republicans are even more in favor — 90% of them want to prevent people on the terrorism watch list from buying a gun.

This is nothing new. The same results have been shown in poll after poll.

And yet, the Republicans continue to block any gun safety measures, no matter how sensible or popular they are. In fact, they will do almost anything to keep these bills from even coming up for a vote. They just adjourned the House two days early to keep from voting on any gun safety measures.

The GOP is also in denial about public support for sensible gun safety. They even claim that the widely reported 90% number has been “debunked”.

It almost seems like politicians are being paid off in order to vote against any gun safety measures. Samantha Bee has a theory about this:

Even Saint Ronnie supported gun control. Especially after he got shot.

Note that (as I have often said) I support the second amendment. People do have a right to own guns, but no right is absolute. The right to own guns is not more important than our nation’s fundamental rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, just like free speech doesn’t mean I can yell fire in a crowded theater or slander someone.

I think we should treat gun ownership like driving. If you want to own a gun, you should be able to demonstrate that you know how to use one (by passing a test, taking a class or other means), and that you know basic gun safety. I would think that gun owners would like that too. Rights imply responsibilities.

I do have one suggestion, however. We should stop calling it “gun control” and start calling it “gun safety”. Gun control sounds like taking people’s guns away, and I’m against that. But if people want to own guns, they should be responsible for using them safely.

Jim Morin
© Jim Morin



An interesting article in Scientific American says that since legalization of Marijuana in Colorado, the number of high school students who use the drug has gone down. The opponents of legalization claimed that legalization of weed would cause teen usage to increase.

What’s even more interesting is that the percentage of high-school students in Colorado who smoke marijuana is now lower than the national average.

The proponents of prohibition were wrong. The war on drugs failed, and legalization does not necessarily increase usage.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of drugs, but I can’t see any good reason to throw people in jail over them.


Britain is Screwed

The British pound has already lost more than 25 cents against the dollar, the worst drop in the history of the UK. Similar drops in various stock markets are expected. It is estimated that the British economy will shrink by 3.8 to 7.5 percent.

This is what happens when xenophobia and rampant nationalism win. Brexit won because of fear of immigrants, but the cure might be far worse than the disease.

Sound familiar?


What We Need

Bernie Sanders just published an editorial in the Washington Post, and it is really good.

He immediately addresses the issue that has concerned me the most, that his campaign and supporters — with attacks on other progressives including Barney Frank and Hillary Clinton — had become a cult of personality (more about Sanders than about progressive goals):

As we head toward the Democratic National Convention, I often hear the question, “What does Bernie want?” Wrong question. The right question is what the 12 million Americans who voted for a political revolution want.

He lays it all out, and does an excellent job of describing what we should be fighting for.

This is the Bernie Sanders I love, who helped make it ok to be a progressive again. I am really glad he ran a strong campaign against Clinton, and I hope we see more of him in the general election, fighting the good fight.


An Out for Trump

The Republican establishment finally got Trump to read a speech from a teleprompter rather than winging it like he has been doing since he became the presumptive nominee. What I want to know is who wrote that speech?

I also wonder how long Trump will be able to avoid going off script again. It must be awfully annoying and painful for him.

Luckily, Seth Meyers has a deal for Donald Trump that might make everybody happy:


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 14, 2016]

“Donald Trump celebrated his 70th birthday today. And I guess instead of blowing out his candles, he just insulted them until they put themselves out. ‘You’re too hot! You smell like wax! You’re the worst part of this cake!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today is Donald Trump’s 70th birthday. For the occasion, Donald Trump’s friends got together and said, ‘Wait — why are we friends with Donald Trump?'” – Conan O’Brien

“Happy birthday to Donald Trump, who turns 70 years old today. And this is cool — so did his views on immigration.” – James Corden

“I imagine it’s tough to get Trump a gift. What do you get the man who hates everything?” – James Corden

“Today is Donald Trump’s birthday! Trump may have turned 70, but his views about women are 150 years old.” – James Corden

“At his party, they had cake, they had party favors, and they played some really fun games, like ‘Pin the bad economy on the Obama.'” – James Corden

“The best part is, they didn’t have to hire a clown.” – James Corden

“In a speech, Donald Trump said thousands of people in the United States are ‘sick with hate’. Then Trump said, “I’d like to thank them for their support.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump has called for a ban on all immigration to the United States. Of course, Trump said the ban would be lifted if he ever needs a new wife.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders is set to meet with Hillary Clinton this evening. Bernie said the meeting will give Hillary one last opportunity to bow out gracefully.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders met privately this evening. So privately even Bernie didn’t know.” – James Corden

“President Obama gave a speech this afternoon in which he angrily called out Republicans for being too obsessed with his refusal to use the term ‘radical Islam’ — or as Fox News reported it, ‘Angry Black Man Spotted Talking About Radical Islam Near Capitol Building.'” – James Corden


I know you are, but…

I have a new theory about Donald Trump. It is something I’ve been noticing about him for more than a few weeks now. We all know that Donald Trump likes to attack people, but what I’m observing is that the things that Trump accuses other people of are pretty much all things that he himself is guilty of.

For example, yesterday at a private meeting of evangelical leaders, Trump attacked Hillary Clinton over her religious faith, saying “we don’t know anything about Hillary in terms of religion. Now, she’s been in the public eye for years and years, and yet there’s no — there’s nothing out there. There’s like nothing out there. It’s going to be an extension of Obama but it’s going to be worse, because with Obama you had your guard up. With Hillary you don’t, and it’s going to be worse.”

It didn’t take more than a few minutes for Gawker to point out that if you simply type “Hillary Clinton religion” into any search engine, there is plenty of there there. Clinton is a life-long Methodist who has taught Sunday school, attends church regularly, and belongs to a prayer group. And there is an abundance of documentation online.

But it gets even more interesting if you turn the tables and search for “Donald Trump religion“. The results tell you that Trump has a long history of attacking people over their religion. That he now claims to be a Presbyterian, but rarely attends church. He’s also been reported to have been a Catholic, and a member of the Dutch Reformed Church, and he married his third wife in an Episcopalian church. That in his campaign speeches Trump mentions the late minister Norman Vincent Peale so frequently that Peale’s son has said that his father would not have been pleased (ironically, Peale grew up a Methodist). And all the other stuff we already know about Trump: that he has been married three times and has bragged about his cheating, is unapologetically crude, racist, and bigoted, and can’t even get the name of some of the chapters in the Bible correct.

See what I mean?

So the next time Trump attacks someone (he probably already has, before you even got around to reading this), see if the things he is saying about that other person don’t actually apply more to Trump himself. It’s kinda spooky!


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 9, 2016]

“Today Bernie Sanders had a private meeting in the White House with President Obama, which was fitting since they’re both beloved political figures who are just a few months away from not being president.” – Stephen Colbert

“Bernie Sanders had a meeting at the White House. He just had a meeting there. He’s not going to live there.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders met with President Obama at the White House today to discuss the status of the Democratic race. Though I’m not sure Bernie is getting the hint because he arrived at the meeting in a U-Haul.” – Seth Meyers

“After his meeting at the White House, Bernie Sanders said he’s going to do everything he can to ‘make sure that Donald Trump does not become president of the United States.’ Bernie said, ‘I’m even willing to make Hillary my vice president.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A lot of people want Hillary to pick Elizabeth Warren [as her running mate]. And Warren is already out there attacking Donald Trump. Just today she told a crowd, ‘Donald Trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud.’ That is just wrong. There’s no way that stuff covering his face is skin.” – Stephen Colbert

“Hillary Clinton said yesterday that she would like to see the FBI investigation of her emails wrapped up. Hillary then said, ‘Or deleted, whatever is easiest.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The president has a lot going on as he wraps up his term in office, including the construction of his presidential library in Chicago. It will be a place devoted entirely to Obama and his achievements — or as that’s also known, MSNBC.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Barack Obama is here tonight, which means even he can’t score tickets to ‘Hamilton’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“So much has happened during President Obama’s administration. Obamacare was passed. Same-sex marriage was legalized. He worked with 11 other countries to sign the historic Trans-Pacific Partnership. Whereas Donald Trump just walked around Epcot and insulted every country.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A Virginia man recently found an outline of what looks like Donald Trump in one of his bathroom tiles. Of course, at one point or another we’ve all found something in our bathroom that looks like Donald Trump.” – Seth Meyers

“The co-founder of Home Depot recently announced that he is supporting Donald Trump. He wasn’t planning to, but when your colors are orange and white, you kind of have to go with Donald.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Arnold Schwarzenegger is siding with the judge in the Trump University fraud case. Arnold said he took a speech class at Trump University and wants his money back.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump’s campaign staff is reportedly worried that Trump will suddenly announce his vice presidential pick online without consulting with his advisers. Said Trump, ‘Well, it’s not like I can just call him.'” – Seth Meyers

“Meanwhile, Trump says that he’s narrowed his list of candidates down to four or five. Though, if it’s a woman, she’ll definitely be a 10.” – Stephen Colbert


Believing Your Own Bullshit

There is a saying in business that the worst thing a company or person can do is start believing their own PR. PR is the bullshit that people and organizations put out in order to make themselves look better, but once you fall into the trap of believing your own PR, then you are in deep trouble.

For example, American auto makers convinced themselves that they didn’t need to innovate any more, that selling cars was like the fashion business. At that point, the major innovation that came out of Detroit was “planned obsolescence“. All they had to do was come out with something new and (slightly) different, and then sell it with slogans like “new and improved”. The height of this was when the entire industry decided that all they had to do to sell new cars was slap on some tail fins.

Dodge Coronet Tail Fin

When Detroit started believing that, it was only a matter of time before Asian automakers started eating their lunch.

So I always find it an interesting question whether people believe their own PR. And this is an obvious question with Donald Trump as he is pretty much only PR. The people who like him have all completely bought into his PR. But the question still remains whether the Donald himself believes it.

Let’s look at a recent example. Days after the San Bernardino shootings, Donald Trump proposed banning Muslims from the US, including tourists. This was not the first time Trump attacked Muslims, including the famous time when he claimed (without any evidence) that “thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey cheered on 9/11.

Two days later, boxer Muhammad Ali (a Muslim) released a statement saying that political leaders should be responsible about what they say about Islam, and that killings like those in San Bernardino and Paris go against the teachings of Islam.

When Muhammad Ali died earlier this month, Donald Trump spoke very glowingly about Ali, calling him a “terrific guy”, “so generous” and an “amazing poet”. But when asked about Ali’s recent statement, Trump claimed that Ali’s statement was not about him. Trump told the New York Times:

“He never mentioned the name or anything like that,” he said, adding that if it were about him, Ali “would have mentioned the name.”

“No, that wasn’t about me. That was about other things,” Mr. Trump said.

There’s just one problem. The title of Ali’s statement was “Presidential Candidates Proposing to Ban Muslim Immigration to the United States.” Not only was it issued just two days after Trump had done just that, but I don’t remember any other candidate ever proposing a ban.

Another example is Trump’s oft-repeated claim that he can self-fund his own presidential campaign and thus not be beholden to special interests. So how can Trump explain spending the last few weeks fundraising in heavily Republican states? That’s right, Trump is attending private fundraising events for donors. You know, those special interests that Trump claims to have no interest in.

Then on Saturday, the Trump campaign sent out an “emergency” fund-raising email, saying “Right now we’re facing an emergency goal of $100,000 to help get our ads on the air. We need your contribution by 11:59 P.M. Tonight. Crooked Hillary is about to invade your TV with ads attacking Mr. Trump. But we’re preparing to fight back.”

Let’s ignore for a moment that if Trump is half as rich as he claims to be, he should be able to write a check for $100,000 out of petty cash. The bigger issue is that the very same day at a campaign rally in Las Vegas, Trump again repeated his claim that he will self-fund, saying “I’ll just keep funding my own campaign. I’m ok with that. That’s the easy way. I mean for me, that’s the easy way.”

So when Trump says things like this, is he just bullshitting us? Or does he really believe them? Or, to put it more bluntly, is he a sociopath or just a congenital liar? Or maybe both.


A Question of Vice

Jack Ohman
© Jack Ohman

I will admit that I have to shake my head when I read or hear someone worry that having Elizabeth Warren as the Democratic nominee for vice president would have “too many women” on the same ticket. I look forward to the day when such concerns are a matter for derision.

But I have a related question, especially for readers who support Bernie Sanders. Would having Elizabeth Warren as the VP make you happier? Would it make you more likely to vote for Clinton (or more likely to vote at all)?

And a question for everyone (not just Sanders supporters). Who would you like to see as Clinton’s VP choice? Personally, I’d like to see Al Franken, because I think he is one of the few people who could make fun of Trump and get away with it. Laughing at Trump seems to be one of the best ways to attack him.

I won’t ask who should be Trump’s VP pick, as I am not sure there is anyone left who would take the job. Imagine having to kiss up to Trump 24/7, knowing that if anything goes wrong, it will somehow be your fault.


Too Crazy for the NRA

After the Orlando massacre, Donald Trump repeatedly asserted that the people going to the nightclub should have been allowed to carry guns to defend themselves against the shooter. That’s right, Trump actually thought it was a good idea to let people carry weapons while drinking in a dimly lit, noisy nightclub.

You know that’s insane when even the National Rifle Association thinks it is a really bad idea. The NRA’s chief lobbyist retorted “No one thinks that people should go into a nightclub drinking and carrying firearms. That defies common sense. It also defies the law.” And the NRA VP said “I don’t think you should have firearms where people are drinking.”

So Trump backed down from his statement, but he did it in typical disingenuous Trump fashion. He tweeted on Monday that he was “obviously talking about additional guards or employees” at the nightclub. Yeah right. Here’s what he said on a radio show the day after the attack:

It’s too bad that some of the young people that were killed over the weekend didn’t have guns, you know, attached to their hips, frankly, and you know where bullets could have flown in the opposite direction, Howie. It would have been a much different deal. I mean, it sounded like there were no guns.

Not only that, but his excuse doesn’t even hold water. According to, the nightclub did have armed security the night of the shooting. It was widely reported that an Orlando police officer traded gunshots with the shooter near the entrance to the club, before the shooter moved inside. A CNN news anchor even reminded Trump of this fact during an interview about the attack, but Trump ignored it. And two of the early responding officers who were nearby also shot at the attacker before he retreated into a club bathroom with hostages. There were plenty of guns, and they were used against the attacker, but they didn’t help.

UPDATE: Trump’s flip-flop on allowing nightclubbers to carry is just one of multiple occasions when Trump has changed his position on gun control:

In 2012, Trump tweeted that Obama had “spoken for me and every American” after the Newtown school massacre, talking about the need for gun control. But once he started running for president he routinely accused Obama and Clinton of wanting to destroy the Second Amendment. Just last month he said “The Second Amendment is on the ballot in November. The only way to save our Second Amendment is to vote for a person that you all know named Donald Trump.”

In 2000, Trump wrote in his book that he supported the ban on assault weapons (which expired in 2004). But he did a full flip-flop when he started running for president, claiming that bans on assault weapons were a “total failure”.

Last Wednesday, Trump said he would talk to the NRA about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list to buy guns. But by Sunday, he had modified his position and expressed concern about taking away Second Amendment rights, even for people who are on the list. He has also waffled on whether guns should be allowed in the classroom. I guess if you don’t like Trump’s position on something, you just have to wait a few days until he changes it.


Racial Profiling

Sunday, Donald Trump doubled down on racism, saying that the US will have to consider the use of racial profiling:

Well I think profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country. Other countries do it, you look at Israel and you look at others, they do it and they do it successfully. And I hate the concept of profiling but we have to start using common sense and we have to use our heads. Other countries do it, and it’s not the worst thing to do.


This is just the latest stupid idea coming from Trump. Immediately after the massacre in Orlando, Trump renewed his call for a ban on Muslims entering the country. Never mind that the shooter was born in the US, so a ban would have done absolutely nothing other than maybe helping to push more unstable Muslims like the Orlando shooter over the edge.

Then he claimed that Muslims should turn in other Muslims who display signs of being radicalized to the police and FBI, ignoring the fact that Muslims are already doing that.

He then tried to blame Orlando on Obama (with help from John McCain), but that didn’t work either.

So now he wants us to crack down on the vast majority of Muslims who are just as appalled by terrorism as the rest of us (probably more so since it can only cause them more problems). Like, is there any way Trump could play into the hands of the terrorists any more than that?

Jeff Stahler
© Jeff Stahler


Does Trump Measure Up?

This is hilarious. And the website is real!


When We Were Winners?

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Here’s the survey that this comic references. And indeed, as you can plainly see from this graph showing America’s greatest year according to Trump supporters, the most popular year is 2000. Which ironically was the last full year of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

Morning Consult/Lucid

Of course, the numbers are a bit more complex than a single date. Here’s the original data for the survey. And here is an analysis of the data, done by The Atlantic.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 8, 2016]

“It’s official now, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have both clinched the nomination for their respective parties. Which means we could be looking at our first female president or our last president.” – Seth Meyers

“In the general election, Donald Trump plans on painting Hillary Clinton as money-grubbing and unethical. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton plans on painting Donald Trump as Donald Trump.” – Conan O’Brien

“In a prepared speech last night, Donald Trump told supporters he is going to take care of our African-American people. Though, I don’t think he should have added, ‘Once and for all.'” – Seth Meyers

“In an interview, Donald Trump said he won’t have to ask God for ‘much forgiveness’. Unless, of course, God turns out to be a Mexican woman who’s a Muslim.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night was also a big one for Donald Trump, who destroyed his competition in every state where he had no competition.” – Stephen Colbert

“And last night he shocked the world when he gave his victory speech using a teleprompter. A teleprompter. This from a guy who got this far by shouting whatever comes into his mind. Trump using a teleprompter is like the Flash calling an Uber, Aquaman taking a ferry, or Bernie Sanders using a comb.” – Stephen Colbert

“Hillary Clinton became the first female candidate of a major party. It was an incredible moment 240 years in the making, because I believe that’s when the election began.” – Stephen Colbert

“Even though Hillary has more votes and delegates and superdelegates and states, Bernie Sanders still isn’t giving up. He says he will continue to fight. He’s like one of those old Japanese guys on an island who thinks the war is still going on.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hillary Clinton told supporters last night that her status as the Democratic nominee is thanks to the generations who struggled and sacrificed before her. ‘You’re welcome’, said Bernie Sanders.” – Seth Meyers

“You know who could use ‘Ghostbusters’ right now? Hillary Clinton. She’s still being haunted by a spooky ghost named Bernie.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Despite Hillary Clinton clinching the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders vowed to stay in the race and told supporters in Los Angeles that the struggle continues. The struggle to understand math?” – Seth Meyers

“Bernie Sanders is vowing to stay in the race until the Democratic convention. He says he owes it all to his supporters, who need something to do until Burning Man.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s being reported that Bernie Sanders is planning on cutting half of his campaign staff. Bernie said, ‘I’m saving money by only keeping the most delusional.'” – Conan O’Brien
