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Why did Trump pick Mike Pence as his VP, when he really wanted Chris Christie? It is likely because Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner — who is also Trump’s de facto campaign manager — has not forgiven Christie for putting his father, Charles Kushner, in prison, back when Christie was a US attorney. In 2005, Charles Kushner was convicted for making illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering.

What a family.

UPDATE: Be sure to read “Mike Pence: Sarah Palin Without The Charisma“. Did you know that Trump hired the same person who vetted Sarah Palin to vet Mike Pence? Or that a former colleague in Congress said of him “Pence, smart? I used to eat salads at the Rayburn cafeteria that had more brains than Mike Pence.” Or that Indiana Republicans are so tired of Pence that they wanted Trump to pick him so they could get rid of him?


Slavery and the Civil War


Those of us who have lived in the south have seen in person that some people there are still fighting the civil war. They think that losing the actual war was a temporary setback that they will someday overcome. It has almost turned into a religious war, which is why the KKK had such religious overtones. They are the chosen people who will take back America.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 27, 2016]

“Because of England’s Brexit vote, there’s now talk in Scotland and Northern Ireland about leaving the UK. And when I say ‘talk,’ I mean loud, angry, incomprehensible talk.” – Conan O’Brien

“Critics are calling those in Britain who voted to pull out of the European Union ‘racist’ and ‘anti-immigrant.’ After hearing this, Donald Trump said, ‘Wow, I’m running for leader of the wrong country.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Over the weekend, Bernie Sanders’ press secretary left his campaign. Bernie said, ‘Now it’s just me and my podiatrist.'” – Conan O’Brien



Garry Trudeau
© Garry Trudeau

Donald Trump seems to be the master of being everything to everybody, sometimes taking contradictory positions in the same day. Which should mean that people will figure out that you can’t believe anything he says. Instead, his run-on mouth seems to be working for him, giving him tons of free media exposure. And the people who support him don’t seem to care if he lies to them. He’s almost like an abusive spouse, whose victim is willing to forgive him for any transgression.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 23, 2016]

“The UK officially voted to leave the European Union. It caused the British pound to hit a 31-year low. You could tell Brits were struggling today. Queen Elizabeth was wearing one of those cardboard crowns from Burger King.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Following the vote, British Prime Minister David Cameron actually resigned, saying that the country needs new leadership. An American was like, ‘Can you start here next January?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“It was such an important vote and it’s good to know that people were making an informed decision. Check out the number two trending topic in the UK while people voted whether or not to leave the EU. ‘What is the EU?’ Half the Britons thought they were voting to leave the ‘EW’.” – Jimmy Fallon

“President Obama is apparently interested in owning an NBA team after he leaves office. You’ll know it’s Obama’s team when they travel too much and never pass anything.” – Jimmy Fallon


Reality is Strange

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

While it is true that the world is a better place than it has ever been in the past, it is still sad to think that we are doomed to continue fighting racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry and intolerance for a long time.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 23, 2016]

“Democrats held a big sit-in on the House floor to protest Congress’ refusal to vote on gun control. Or in other words, Democrats were tired of Congress not getting anything done, so they refused to get anything done until someone got something done.” – Jimmy Fallon

“House Democrats staged a dramatic 26-hour sit-in on the floor of the House to force a vote on background check provisions. The Democrats decided to get the Republicans’ attention by doing something they can relate to: sitting on their butts and getting nothing done.” – James Corden

“Democrats staged a 26-hour sit-in on the floor of the House to try to force a vote on new gun control legislation. You know the state of our Congress is terrible when you see a bunch of politicians sitting on their asses and you think to yourself, ‘Wow, they’re finally doing something!'” – Seth Meyers

“The sit-in in the House of Representatives is pretty dramatic. It is so rare that Congress does anything interesting. So I want to take a moment to say something I never thought I would: ‘Thank you Congress for sitting on your ass.'” – Stephen Colbert

“Yesterday House Speaker Paul Ryan referred to the Democratic-led sit-in for gun control as ‘nothing more than a publicity stunt’. He then added, ‘Now if you’ll excuse me, my party’s nominee has a WWE match to fight.'” – Seth Meyers

“After the protest began, Paul Ryan declared a recess and cut off C-SPAN’s live feed. Now, personally, I don’t want to live in a world where Paul Ryan decides what’s on TV. I’m guessing it would just be P90X infomercials and ‘Top Gun’ 24 hours a day.” – Stephen Colbert

“Last night’s sit-in by Congressional Democrats was live-streamed and got over 3 million views. Which is why today, Congress got picked up for two seasons on Netflix.” – Conan O’Brien

“After ending their 26-hour sit-in, House Democrats vowed to continue fighting for gun control when Congress resumes in July. Because it’s going to take that long for some of these guys to get up off the floor.” – Seth Meyers

“The truth is the sit-in failed to force a vote, but it was a huge success in at least one way: It finally bumped Donald Trump out of the news for 24 hours — which, seriously, thank you Democrats.” – James Corden

“Donald Trump is actually taking a break from the campaign to go visit his golf resort in Scotland tomorrow. Right after he leaves the U.S., Republicans will say, ‘Quick! Build the wall!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Trump’s campaign isn’t doing so well financially. A recent report said his campaign even spent over $100,000 for meals just last month. Trump was like, ‘Well, that’s the price you pay for hiring Chris Christie.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“In response to Hillary Clinton’s slogan ‘I’m with her’, Donald Trump debuted his new slogan, ‘I’m with you’. Then Bernie Sanders debuted his new slogan, ‘I’m still here, dammit!'” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders still hasn’t officially dropped out of the race for president, but earlier today, he gave a speech with the theme ‘Where do we go from here?’ I think he was basically asking the crowd for directions back to Vermont.” – Jimmy Fallon

“House Speaker Paul Ryan has unveiled a Republican alternative to Obamacare. It’s called ‘Dying at 50’.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s been reported that after leaving office, President Obama is considering owning an NBA team. They say Obama wants to be an NBA owner because it’s his only chance to get someone on the court.” – Conan O’Brien

“In its last few days before break, the Supreme Court has been arguing about race, immigration, and abortion. So basically, the Supreme Court has become most people’s families at Thanksgiving.” – Conan O’Brien


Spammer Trump

You know how Donald Trump raised money last month? By sending out YUUUGE amounts of email spam! I never imagined that anything could be worse than spam clogging up my inbox, but spam from a racist billionaire begging for money?

Trump sent out so much spam that he was cut off by his bulk email vendor. They said they shut him down because the “email in question has raised serious security and legal concerns”.

We’ve already noted that he sent email to numerous foreign politicians, but it turns out that he sent even more to lots of foreigners, even though legally they are not allowed to donate to his campaign, and it would be illegal for his campaign to accept donations for foreigners. But why would that stop Trump?

According to companies that monitor spam, a stunning 79% of fundraising emails from Trump were caught in spam filters, a number which is considered “very high” even in the spam industry. This made Trump’s campaign likely one of the biggest spamming operations out there at the moment.

In all, just 12% of recipients opened Trump’s email, but that is someone balanced by the fact that he sent an estimated 30 to 50 million emails.

Lee Judge
© Lee Judge


Nailed It!

I highly recommend that you read a new article in Medium by Bernie Sanders. It hits all the bases, including making the point that in order to get progressive reforms, we must elect progressive candidates at all levels of government, not just at the top.

I (once again) thank Sanders for making it ok to be a liberal and a progressive. The right almost succeeded in turning the word “liberal” into an insult. The right had their chance to govern this country, and they shot themselves in the foot, repeatedly. But now, how can anyone look at where we were as George W Bush was leaving office, and where we are now, and argue that we aren’t much better off now.


Swing State Stunner

While national polls are pretty consistent in showing Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump, you have to remember that darn Electoral College, which makes national polls next to meaningless. The important thing is who wins the swing states.

And in new polls of swing-states, Trump is leading Clinton in the mother of all swing states, Florida. He’s also leading in Pennsylvania, and tied in Ohio. The same polls show that Clinton has higher unfavorable ratings in those same three states than Trump.

So if you think that Trump has absolutely no chance of winning the election and becoming president, think again.


If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em

[Helen Philpot from Margaret and Helen has a good rant about Donald Trump.]

Margaret, which voters have their heads farther up their asses, Trump supporters or Brexit voters? Wait a minute. Is it farther or further? I don’t know, but either way the asshats they are now wearing aren’t making anyone great again.

I know I offended some Bernie fans when I posted my support of Hillary. But let’s be clear on how the cow ate the cabbage. We need to get on the same team or we’re gonna end up a lot deeper in the shitter than the Brits. If Donald Trump wins this election, the only Bern anyone will be feeling is heartburn.

Donald thinks the way to handle terrorists is to fight fire with fire. According to him, water boarding is bad but it’s no worse than what the terrorist do. So Donald’s plan to deal with terrorists is to be more like the terrorists? In my book, that’s kind of like solving gun violence by giving more people guns. No wait…

You know what? I give up. If violence is your answer then you are too stupid to be asked the question in the first place. Donald’s response to terrorism is torture. His response to a global financial crisis is to celebrate the increase in greens fees at his Scottish golf club. His response to abortion is to punish the woman. His response to immigration is racism. His response to Orlando is to double down on racism. His response to a debate question about sexism is to attack the female moderator. His response to a disability is to mock the disabled.

I’m willing to agree to disagree with the Bernie supporters about who is the better Democratic nominee. In the end, I think we can find common ground. But Donald doesn’t like common ground because he can’t develop it for a profit. News Flash: his supporters aren’t looking for common ground. They (and their leader) seem to prefer scorched earth.

I wish I had something funny to write. I really do. But this isn’t funny anymore. I mean it. Really.


Donald and Hobbes

I always knew that Bill Watterson was a genius, but who knew that he could predict the future? And kudos for whoever (DeForester?) pasted in Trump’s face.

Donald and Hobbes








Donald and Hobbes

Donald and Hobbes


Jane Elliott on Racism

Jane Elliott, the teacher who became famous for the “blue eye / brown eye” experiment in her classroom, spoke recently about racism. She makes a point that I don’t hear often enough — that racism is so pervasive and insidious that we are all influenced by it. Indeed, even Elliott admits that she has exhibited it. We all have to guard against it, not just in others but in ourselves. And luckily, there are simple things we can do to fight it, but only if we work together.

The whole video is worth watching, but the best parts are from 1:10 to 1:58, and 9:23 to 24:08. And I absolutely love her calling him “Donald-saurus T Rump”.

And if you have never seen “A Class Divided”, you can watch it on PBS for free. It should be required watching for everyone.


Do Not Fret What You Do Not Control

Bloom County has some advice for people who are freaking out about our upcoming election.

Berkeley Breathed
© Berkeley Breathed

Actually, I think things are going well. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are working together to produce the most progressive Democratic party platform in history. And there is hope (and even some evidence) that the current eruption of racial violence will force us to actually do something about it.


The Hypocrisy of the NRA

The National Rifle Association usually doesn’t mince words when defending the right of Americans to arm themselves. But we now have a case where a person, legally licensed to carry a concealed weapon, was stopped by the police for a broken taillight. He informed the officer that he had a firearm. The officer asked him for his driver’s license and he reached for his wallet, and the officer shot and killed him.

Normally, I suspect the NRA would be howling. But this case is different. The dead man is an African American. I guess they believe that the second amendment doesn’t apply to black people.

The NRA released a statement expressing “deep anguish” about the killing of police in Dallas, but that statement did not even mention the reasons for the protest there, nor anything about either Alton Sterling or Philando Castile. On the NRA’s Facebook page, NRA members have taken them to task for their silence. Here’s just one example of many:

Why the silence on the Philando Castile’s shooting? As a member I expect you to support and speak out when a person’s rights are viloated. A man was killed for exercising his second amendment rights. If you don’t speak out on this, then why should I bother to be a member?

Probably in response to the complaints, the NRA did belatedly release a statement about the “reports from Minnesota” (Castile, whose name was not even mentioned, was killed in Minnesota), but all they said was that they would not comment “while the investigation was ongoing”.

Not surprisingly, America has a long history of racial disparity regarding guns. In fact, the first gun control law in this land, even before it became the United States, was passed in Virginia in 1640. It explicitly prohibited blacks from owning guns, even if they were not slaves.

Two hundred years later, in 1857 the Dred Scott case denied constitutional rights to slaves. One of the main reasons stated was because doing that would give them the right to “keep and carry arms wherever they went.” Even after slavery was abolished, many Southern states enacted laws that prohibited former slaves from owning guns.

In 1956, Martin Luther King Jr was denied a gun permit even after his house was bombed and he received numerous death threats. And in 1967, in response to Black Panthers openly (but legally) carrying their guns into the State Capitol building in California, then-governor Ronald Reagan signed into law a bill sponsored by Republicans that banned the open carrying of firearms. The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 (the first major gun-related law since the 1930s) was passed mainly to outlaw the cheap handguns owned by blacks and poor people. In both cases, the NRA supported those laws.

There are lots of other examples. The NRA claims to support the second amendment, but is silent when the person exercising that right is not white. Indeed, if the firearm-toting ranchers who illegally took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge at gunpoint had been black, do you think the response might have been a little bit different?
