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Trump and the Honeymooners

I wish someone would stand up to Trump like this.


Donald Trump Lies and Steals

With the primaries essentially wrapped up, PolitiFact did an analysis of the 2016 presidential primaries and the statements from all the candidates. It is an interesting read.

The primaries lasted 465 days (100 days more than a year), and PolitiFact published 650 fact checks (1.4 checks a day).

The first conclusion is somewhat unexpected — the rating given the most to statements from political candidates was “Mostly True”. So those who think that all politicians lie all the time are being a little too cynical. In addition, if you divide the ratings into two groups, they are almost evenly split between those that rate True, Mostly True, and Half True, and those that rate Mostly False, False, or Pants on Fire. In fact, the “truthy” ratings slightly outnumber the “falsey” ones.

But when they compare the two last politicians standing (Trump and Clinton), the results are sadly expected. Donald Trump received more “Pants on Fire” ratings than all the other candidates for president combined. And 78% of all his ratings were “falsey”.

On the other hand, 73% of the ratings received by Hillary Clinton were “truthy”. She only received one “Pants on Fire” rating (she claimed she was the only presidential candidate — on either side — who had ads run against her by Wall Street).

Bottom line? “Donald Trump lies. A lot. Even for a politician.

One of the things that Trump lies about is his generosity and charity. He keeps claiming to have given lots of money to charities, even when the charities have no record of him making any donations.

But it is much worse than that. Four years ago, at a charity fundraiser, Trump bought a Denver Bronco’s helmet autographed by Tim Tebow, and a Tebow jersey. The $12,000 he paid went to the Susan G. Komen foundation (which itself has been the subject of controversy).

The problem is that Trump used money from his Trump Foundation to pay for the helmet and jersey, and then kept the items himself. The Trump Foundation is largely funded by other people’s money — at the time of the fundraiser, Trump had not put any of his own money in the foundation for at least three years.

That’s right, Trump took money that other people had donated to his “charity” and used it to buy a rather expensive gift for himself. So Trump not only lies, he steals. And despite Trump’s claim to be a good businessman, now that Tebow is no longer quite as famous, the helmet and jersey that Trump bought for $12,000 can be bought online for about $415.


Happy Fourth of July

[This is a shortened version of an even better comic, which you can see here. It was written by Phil Plait and drawn by The Oatmeal.]

The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal

This comic was based on a Facebook rant by Phil Plait:

You remember how when you were a kid on the Fourth of July and your parents bought fireworks from a shady roadside shack, and when you lit them off that night one of the fountain cones would fall over and start sputtering and spewing sparks and flames in random directions as it floundered and spun chaotically on the ground, and you weren’t sure whether to point and laugh or run for your life due to the very real possibility it might horribly burn you or a child standing too close or that it would set all the trees on fire?

That cone is Donald Trump.

For some reason, this reminded me of conservative columnist George Will, who recently left the Republican party because of Donald Trump. So we already know a few people who have decided to run for their life.



Actor Aziz Ansari recently published an opinion piece in the NY Times titled “Why Trump Makes Me Scared for My Family“. Ansari isn’t a religious person, but he is the son of Muslim immigrants.

You should read the whole article, but I just wanted to quote one thing. Mainly because it supports my theory that the nasty things that Donald Trump says about other people really apply more to Trump himself.

Xenophobic rhetoric was central to Mr. Trump’s campaign long before the attack in Orlando. This is a guy who kicked off his presidential run by calling Mexicans “rapists” who were “bringing drugs” to this country. Numerous times, he has said that Muslims in New Jersey were cheering in the streets on Sept. 11, 2001. This has been continually disproved, but he stands by it. I don’t know what every Muslim American was doing that day, but I can tell you what my family was doing. I was studying at N.Y.U., and I lived near the World Trade Center. When the second plane hit, I was on the phone with my mother, who called to tell me to leave my dorm building.

The haunting sound of the second plane hitting the towers is forever ingrained in my head. My building was close enough that it shook upon impact. I was scared for my life as my fellow students and I trekked the panicked streets of Manhattan. My family, unable to reach me on my cellphone, was terrified about my safety as they watched the towers collapse. There was absolutely no cheering. Only sadness, horror and fear.

Mr. Trump, in response to the attack in Orlando, began a tweet with these words: “Appreciate the congrats.” It appears that day he was the one who was celebrating after an attack.


Serious State Department Breach!

Back in 1987, when Reagan was president, at the height of the cold war, top state department official Ronald Spiers (accidentally) leaked one of the government’s most sensitive documents (above top secret), which ended up in the hands of nearly every government in the world. The leaked document was a photo of the “National Intelligence Daily” — the daily report produced by the CIA that is so sensitive that each copy is numbered, and nobody else is allowed to even be in the room when the document is not secured.

What is truly ironic is that Spiers was the chief security officer in the state department — the person in charge of making sure that breaches like this didn’t happen. So he investigated the leak himself.

Spiers’ punishment? He was told “to exercise more caution in the future”. The point is that his violation back then was far worse than anything that Hillary Clinton has been accused of about her email, and yet he received less than a slap on the wrist.

On the other hand, in Clinton’s email “scandal” there is no evidence that any documents that were classified at the time were leaked at all. And yet Clinton’s incident has received unrelenting media coverage and condemnation from government officials. The FBI and the Department of Justice were brought onto the case to investigate. And people are freaking out because Bill Clinton had a private conversation with the Attorney General who is investigating, when Spiers, who committed an actual leak of a highly classified document, was allowed to investigate himself, and there was no criminal investigation at all.

The point is not whether Clinton made a mistake. Nor is it that Spiers should have had the book thrown at him. The media response back then was overwhelmingly light, on the order of “mistakes happen”.

The point is that the enormous response to Clinton’s email (and Benghazi) incidents is completely political, and is way beyond what would normally happen in any case like this.



David Horsey
© David Horsey

I don’t get it. If Bill Clinton wanted to compromise the Benghazi investigation by having a sneaky private conversation with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, why would it happen in a public place?

And after dozens of Republican investigations into Benghazi, why does anyone even listen to this noise anymore?



What’s worse than a cheapskate? A cheapskate who lies about being generous.

Trump repeatedly promises money to charities and then stiffs them.

According to the Washington Post:

In the past 15 years, Trump has promised to donate earnings from a wide variety of his money-making enterprises: “The Apprentice.” Trump Vodka. Trump University. A book. Another book. If he honored all those pledges, Trump’s gifts to charity would have topped $8.5 million.

Trump also brags about his charitable foundation, but the last record of any gift from him to the foundation was in 2008.

The Post also contacted 167 charities with some connection to Trump (like, he appeared at an event for them, or praised them publicly), but between 2008 and this May they could only find one donation to any of them, and that was for less than $10,000. That’s right, in eight years a person who claims to be worth $10 billion only donated one millionth of his (claimed) net worth to charity. To put that in perspective, the person just behind Trump on Forbes’s ranking of net worth gave $120 million to charity in 2013 alone.

But that doesn’t stop Trump from lying about his generosity. As the Post put it “What has set Trump apart from other wealthy philanthropists is not how much he gives — it is how often he promises that he is going to give.”

Trump seems to use promises of gifts to charity as a sleazy sales technique. After all, people are more willing to buy something (and Trump is always selling something) if they think the proceeds are going to charity.

Don’t get me wrong. Trump has donated money to charities from time to time. Like recently, when Trump held a rally for Veterans and claimed he had raised $6 million dollars. But he didn’t actually give the money to any charities until the media forced his hand.

The Post provides example after example of Trump promising to donate money to charities, or even worse, claiming that he did donate a lot of money to charities, but there is no record that he ever did. Or if he did, the amounts donated were relatively small, and much smaller than what he claimed.

And then of course there is the fact that Trump refuses to release any tax returns. One can only imagine what is he hiding.

UPDATE: A new document uncovered by The Guardian filed by Wells Fargo Bank with the SEC on behalf of Trump, offers strong evidence that despite Trump’s repeated claims that he is worth more than $10 billion, that in 2012 his net worth was around $4.2 billion (less than half that). Even more troubling, his liquid assets were around $250 million. As The Guardian points out, this puts the lie to Trump’s claim that he could self-fund his presidential campaign. He has already loaned his campaign around $50 million and will need far more than $250 million for the general election.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 21, 2016]

“A new Election Commission report just came out saying that the Trump campaign isn’t doing so well financially, and is practically broke. It’s not good — in fact today, Trump stole a bunch of towels from his own hotel.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night, the Federal Election Commission announced how much cash each campaign has on hand. And Hillary Clinton is burying Donald Trump $42 million to $1.3 million. I always knew those huge skyscrapers were overcompensating for something in his pants. I just never imagined it was his wallet.” – Stephen Colbert

“The report revealed that Donald Trump’s campaign started this month with only $1.3 million, which is almost $8 million less than Bernie Sanders’ campaign. – Jimmy Fallon

Even Bernie was like, ‘How does it feel to be poor, you LOSER!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“$1.3 million isn’t even enough to afford a one-bedroom apartment in Trump’s own building. Not that he would want it. I hear the landlord is a jerk.” – Stephen Colbert

“Hundreds of demonstrators showed up in Times Square today to protest Donald Trump’s meeting with evangelical leaders at a nearby hotel. That’s how much those protesters hate Donald Trump: They’re willing to go to Times Square.” – Seth Meyers

“Today members of the conservative Christian clergy met with Donald Trump. They came out of the meeting proclaiming ‘THERE IS NO GOD!'” – Conan O’Brien

“At a meeting with nearly 1,000 evangelical leaders today, Donald Trump told the attendees that Hillary Clinton is not worthy of their prayers. Although I’m pretty sure Hillary’s prayers were already answered when Trump won the GOP nomination.” – Seth Meyers

“The election is still going to be Hillary Clinton versus Donald Trump. It is the very first time in American history that both political parties have the same slogan, ‘2016, look, it is what it is. What are you gonna do.'” – Stephen Colbert

“A recent report found that 52 percent of voters think Hillary Clinton is more intelligent than Donald Trump. While the rest disagreed with that statement ‘bigly’.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton gave a speech in Columbus, Ohio, where she called Trump an uncaring businessman. Which I guess is supposed to be an insult, except those are the exact words he has printed on his business card.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Clinton’s senior adviser said if we were to put Trump behind the wheel of the American economy, he would drive us off a cliff. That’s ridiculous. He’s going to drive us into a wall, a nice beautiful wall paid for by Mexico.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hillary Clinton’s shortlist for running mate includes Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Tim Kaine, and HUD Secretary Julian Castro. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s shortlist includes ‘anyone from the cast of Entourage’.” – Conan O’Brien

“President Obama will be attending the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in California. The only place to see more people describing themselves as ‘entrepreneurs’ is on ‘The Bachelorette.'” – Jimmy Fallon


Trump’s Email Scandal?

The Trump campaign was caught sending fundraising emails to politicians. That wouldn’t be weird, except that they were sent to politicians in other countries, like the UK, Iceland, Australia, and elsewhere. It is hard to know where all the emails went, but there were a lot of them. Multiple email blasts were sent out both before and after Trump’s trip to Scotland to visit his two golf courses.

The main problem is that soliciting campaign donations from foreign nationals is illegal (and for them to actually donate would also violate US law). Already, complaints have been filed with the Federal Election Commission.

The GOP keeps screaming about Clinton’s email, and while she has admitted that it was a bad idea to use a private email server, she didn’t actually violate any laws. Trump isn’t even waiting until he works for the government –– he’s a lawbreaker already (in addition to all the times he violated the law as a businessman).

Trump claims to be a smart businessman, but this move is absolutely stupid. Foreign politicians would have to be idiots to contribute to Trump. Campaign contributions are published public information, and would look really bad in other countries (especially a contribution to someone who is as disliked internationally as Trump).

But there are even more problems. How can anyone believe that Trump is going to place “America First” if he is already selling himself to the highest bidder, including politicians from other countries? Maybe the word “treason” is a little too strong, but not by much.

And finally, this explicitly demonstrates how completely unaware Trump is about world politics. He targeted fundraising emails at foreign conservatives, but “conservative” means something very different in the UK than it does in the US. For example, when Brexit passed, the Conservative Prime Minister in England resigned, while Trump praised it.

UPDATE: The Trump campaign kept sending out these emails, even after it was widely reported that they are illegal. The list of countries whose politicians have received fundraising emails from Trump now includes UK, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. Even worse, fundraising emails are not just being sent from the Trump campaign, similar emails are also being sent to the same people from a pro-Trump super PAC called Crippled America PAC. And it is illegal for super PACs to coordinate with political campaigns.

Talking Points Memo looked up Crippled America PAC and found that as of their last filing a couple of weeks ago, their total budget was $40. That’s right, forty dollars. I wouldn’t be surprised if we ever find out who runs that super PAC, their name is John Baron.


Trolling the GOP Convention

Ronald Reagan’s son Ron has rented a billboard in Cleveland so he can troll the GOP convention using his father’s own words. Here’s an example:


The quote on the billboard really is from the Republican’s Saint Ronnie. The speech it comes from is even more explicit:

We in the United States, above all, must remember that lesson, for we were founded as a nation of openness to people of all beliefs. And so we must remain. Our very unity has been strengthened by our pluralism. We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief.

Even though Republicans claim to revere Reagan, it is clear that Reagan would have trouble getting elected as a Republican in today’s party. But that’s ok, because the feeling is definitely mutual. Reagan’s other son, Michael, has tweeted that he would not vote for Trump, and that his father wouldn’t have either, saying there’s “nothing really Reaganesque” about Donald Trump.


Equal Rights

I’m very happy about the Supreme Court ruling throwing out the Texas law that had already closed half the abortion clinics in the state and would have closed half of the remaining clinics if it had fully gone into effect, leaving just ten clinics for the entire state.

What really pisses me off about the whole thing is that proponents of the law just keep claiming that it was only trying to protect the health of women. The law would have required clinics to have the same surgical facilities as full hospitals, even though they are only performing outpatient surgery. The other part of the law required that clinic doctors have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles, which ironically is difficult to get because doctors who perform abortions don’t send enough patients to hospitals.

Even after the ruling, which found that the claim to protect women’s health was merely cover for making abortions harder to obtain, the governor of Texas announced “The decision erodes states’ lawmaking authority to safeguard the health and safety of women” and that the goal of Texas is to ensure “the highest health and safety standards for women”.

Except that making it much harder for women to get an abortion means they will have to have a baby, something that is far more dangerous to the health of a woman than getting an abortion. Or I guess the woman could find someone to give her an illegal abortion, which is even more dangerous.

Besides, when did Republicans start putting even small amounts of health and safety above constitutionally-protected rights? Can you imagine the outcry over a law that closed three-quarters of the gun shops in Texas, and made private gun sales illegal? And that would do far more to protect health and safety.

I mean, why would Texas need more than ten gun shops?


Is This Becoming the New Normal?

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

Has it really been just a year since Donald Trump announced he was running for the presidency? It seems way longer for some (unknown) reason. You can make a 23 panel comic just by quoting Trump’s greatest hits from the last year. And as Tom Tomorrow put it “Obviously I’m only scratching the surface, though — sad!”

And the lies just keep on coming. After an embarrassingly bad month of fundraising, Trump’s campaign just announced that a single campaign email blast raised $3.3 million. That’s more than he just raised in a whole month, which is frankly impossible. Plus we remember when he claimed that he raised $6 million for veterans, then had to repeatedly lower that number after the media questioned it.


Britain Blinks on Brexit

Samantha Bee has a marvelous rant about Brexit and Donald Trump. Extra special bonus for Doctor Who fans (like me!) is having not one but two Doctors from Doctor Who appear (both of them Scottish). Watch David Tennant read aloud some of the hilarious tweets blasting Donald Trump.

And remember, don’t blink!


The Debt Will Jump Under Trump

Will Republicans start accusing the Wall Street Journal (owned by the same people who own Fox News) of having a liberal bias? It wouldn’t surprise me after they published an article titled “Study Sees Debt Jumping Under Trump, Staying Steady Under Clinton“.

This is not just the WSJ’s opinion. Several studies have analyzed the tax and spending proposals from both major (presumed) candidates, and come to the same conclusion.

The most recent study is from the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (who promotes bringing down the national debt). They estimate that under current laws, the national debt will grow to 86% of the entire US economy (mainly driven by an aging population that will increase spending on Social Security and Medicare). So 86% is our baseline.

Under the economic plan put forward by Donald Trump, the US debt will grow to 127% of the entire economy, a stunning increase of $11.5 trillion to the national debt.

On the other hand, Clinton’s plan is estimated to increase the debt to 87% of the US economy (1% more than the baseline, which is within the margin of error for the study).

Other studies, from the Tax Policy Center, and the Tax Foundation, have similar results. They estimate that Trump’s tax changes would reduce government revenues by $9.5 trillion and $10 trillion, respectively.

And of course, there is the analysis from Moody’s Analytics a week ago that found that Trump could plunge the US economy into a prolonged recession with heavy job losses because his policies on immigration and trade would dramatically increase the cost of goods and labor. But that’s only if Trump isn’t lying and really does do what he repeatedly promises to do (although as we have seen with Brexit, even the threat of doing something really stupid was enough to severely damage the economy of the UK).

The bottom line is that Trump is likely to be far worse for our economy than Brexit was for the UK’s. But there may be a silver lining, as Trump could make more money on his golf courses in the US.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 20, 2016]

“Congrats to Chelsea Clinton, who welcomed her second child over the weekend. After the birth, Bill brought flowers, while Hillary brought a focus group to help name the baby.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Chelsea Clinton gave birth to a son this weekend. Unfortunately, due to his young age, he’s a Sanders supporter.” – Seth Meyers

“Even though he has no chance of winning the nomination, taxpayers are still paying for Bernie Sanders to have Secret Service. It’s not that expensive though, it’s just one guy that goes out late at night to buy Fig Newtons.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Cleveland Cavaliers beat the Golden State Warriors last night and became the first NBA team to ever come back from a 3-to-1 deficit to win the championship. Said Bernie Sanders, ‘So you’re saying there’s a chance!'” – Seth Meyers

“Last night, the Cavs made one of the biggest comebacks of all time to defeat the Golden State Warriors, who many people thought were unbeatable. Then Bernie Sanders said, ‘Is everyone as turned on as I am right now?'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Donald Trump thanked crowds in Phoenix for their support this weekend, saying, ‘I feel like a supermodel, except like times ten.’ By the way, ‘supermodel times ten’ is also his spray tan setting.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump has dumped his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. Lewandowski said he’s going to return to his old job, as a manager in pro wrestling.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump fired his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski. Trump said Lewandowski was controversial, impulsive and short-tempered — and will make a great running mate.” – Jimmy Fallon

“A new poll came out and it claims that 25 percent of voters remain undecided. Apparently, they’re undecided on whether to move to Canada or Mexico.” – Conan O’Brien
