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Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from July 6, 2016]

“The Juno satellite probe which hasn’t been heard from in five years and has been traveling through deep space finally reached Jupiter yesterday and reestablished contact with Earth. The Jupiter satellite’s first message was, ‘The Republican Nominee is WHO?'” – Conan O’Brien

“In a speech yesterday, Donald Trump praised Saddam Hussein for killing terrorists. He also said Hitler was a wonderful dancer and Stalin made a great omelette.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s rumored that Snoop Dogg will perform at the Democratic Convention. When he heard this, Donald Trump immediately took him off his vice presidential list.” – Conan O’Brien

“Although Hillary Clinton was cleared of charges in the investigation of her deleted emails, her actions were described by the FBI as ‘extremely reckless’. However in her defense, the report pointed out that she was Hillary reckless, not Bill reckless.” – Conan O’Brien


Tim Kaine

I must admit that I wasn’t paying too much attention to the VP selection contest, and so when Clinton announced Tim Kaine as her VP pick, I didn’t know much about him. I know that people say he’s boring, or that he is too moderate. So I took some time today to investigate.

I might get some flak for this, but I have to say I like him and I think he is a very good choice. He is strongly principled without being an ideologue. He’s certainly an extremely likable person and wins the contest of the candidate with whom you would most like to have a beer, or even stretch it out to a long interesting dinner. He’s much more comfortable with himself while speaking than Clinton, which is good. He has humor and humility. I just feel like I can trust him, which is more than I can say for most politicians.

Tommy Vietor, a former Obama foreign-policy aide was also pleasantly surprised, tweeting:

I had no idea Kaine was this good. His bio is relatable but impressive, and he can deliver a tough hit on Trump while still being endearing.

And Michael Tomasky’s article about Kaine’s first campaign speech today starts with “Holy crap. He killed it.” and ends with:

Lots of people are going to like this guy. He’s a happy warrior who is clearly genuine about being of service to others and to community and country. He embodies what we all think is best about this country and what we hope still exists. It exists in Tim Kaine.

But don’t take it from me, watch his speech for yourself.

UPDATE: In the comments, a reader pointed out Jim Wright’s excellent article in Stonekettle Station about Clinton’s choice of Tim Kaine. He talks about Kaine’s achievements as mayor of Richmond:

Kaine turned Richmond around, he renovated schools in poor neighborhoods and built new ones, he gave tax breaks to projects that directly benefited the city and opposed tax increases that didn’t, he brought back business and jobs, and his policies reduced gun crimes by more than 55%. Under Kaine, Richmond went from poverty and crime to being named one of the 10 Best Cities in America to do Business by Forbes – and the key to all of that was Kaine’s commitment to and leadership on racial reconciliation.

Wright gives similar examples about Kaine as governor of and senator for Virginia. Go read it.

UPDATE 2: Electoral Vote has some things to say about Tim Kaine. Not all of them positive, but their usual unflinching hard look, both pro and con.



Things you should read:

Bernie Sanders live-tweeted during Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC. A few samples:

Those who voted for me will not support Trump who has made bigotry and divisiveness the cornerstone of his campaign.

Trump’s big economic plans: Give trillions in tax breaks to millionaires, refuse to raise the federal minimum wage.

Trump is wrong. The real cause of instability in the Middle East was the Bush-Cheney invasion of Iraq. By the way, where is President Bush?

What a hypocrite! If Trump wants to “fix” trade he can start by making his products in the US, not low-wage countries abroad.

Trump: “I alone can fix this.”
Is this guy running for president or dictator?

Hillary Clinton also live-tweeted Trump’s speech, and with a sense of humor even.

Electoral Vote has a short and to-the-point summary of the acceptance speech, titled “Trump Swings and Misses“.

If you want a summary of the whole convention, even Politico calls it “Trump’s four dysfunctional days in Cleveland“, and giggles that after Trump’s speech the loudspeakers played “You can’t always get what you want” by the Rolling Stones.

Speaking of fear, gloom and doom, Ezra Klein says “Donald Trump’s nomination is the first time American politics has left me truly afraid“. And then he clearly and succinctly explains why. It is useless to summarize something that is already the perfect length, so go read it.

UPDATE: Fortune points out the 8 ton elephant on the convention floor — the fact that during the entire convention (including the day supposedly about the economy), Republicans never once mentioned Governor Sam Brownback and his conservative revolution in Kansas (the state that is home to the Koch brothers). Why? Because Kansas is an utter mess, with their economy in a shambles. And yet the Republicans are still promoting the trickle-down economics that are such a disaster in Kansas.

As an added ironic twist, when the roll-call vote happened — which is when each state extolls their own virtues — the most prominent thing from the Kansas delegation was the Kansas City Royals baseball team, with the delegation wearing Royals T-shirts. As some of you may know, the Royals (as is Kansas City itself) is actually in the neighboring state of Missouri.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 30, 2016]

“Hillary Clinton was endorsed by the president of France. When she heard this, Hillary said, ‘Shut up, I’m trying to win this thing.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton has unveiled a technology plan that would offer broadband Internet access to all Americans. Which is why today Hillary was endorsed by the CEO of PornHub.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is upset today because so many of his former Republican rivals have not endorsed him. He says he feels like he is running against two parties because none of the guys have jumped in to lend their support. Which makes no sense at all. Donald Trump has been nothing but nice to them.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Donald Trump says what they’re doing is disgraceful and there should be consequences for it. What consequences? I don’t know. Maybe he is planning to feed Jeb Bush to his dragons.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“At this point, the Republican Party is like the scientists at ‘Jurassic Park’. Now, it’s going to eat us.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Thirty-eight percent for Trump, 13 percent for a meteor, which adds up to 51 percent of the people are OK with the world coming to an end. Two giant destructive orange balls.” – Stephen Colbert

“The giant meteor hitting the Earth polled particularly well among independent voters, and unsurprisingly, poorly amongst dinosaurs.” – Stephen Colbert

“Now Trump might be getting a boost in the polls because sources say Trump is vetting Chris Christie as a potential running mate. Christie would definitely help Trump win voters in New Jersey, who are anxious to get rid of Chris Christie.” – Stephen Colbert

“Yesterday President Obama met with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. Obama said he’s trying to figure out where to live if Trump wins.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Fourth of July holiday weekend is almost upon us. The original Brexit is the Fourth of July. It’s my favorite holiday. You don’t have to wrap anything, other than bacon around a hot dog.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Nancy Grace is leaving Headline News in October. The network announced she will be replaced by an especially loud leaf blower.” – Conan O’Brien


He’s Baaack!

Jon Stewart can’t help himself, and takes over Stephen Colbert’s desk at the Late Show for a delicious rant:

God I miss him.


Make America Safe, Again?

The theme of the first night of the Republican national convention was “Make America Safe Again”. As Rudy Giuliani put it:

The vast majority of Americans today do not feel safe. They fear for their children, they fear for themselves. They fear for our police officers, who are being targeted with a target on their back. It’s time to make America safe again.

So if we are going to make America safe again, when was it safe before? Giuliani answered that question by saying that Donald Trump “will make America, like the president I worked for, Ronald Reagan, once again be the shining City on the Hill.”

There’s just one problem. America is far safer now (under Barack Obama) than it ever was under Ronald Reagan. When Reagan was president, there were an average of 20,377 murders a year. The most recent year for which the FBI has records is 2014, when there were 14,249 murders. That’s a drop of 30%, and it doesn’t even account for the fact that the US population has grown by 35%. The per capita murder rate has dropped from 89 people per million, to 46 people per million. That’s right, we are about half as likely to be murdered now as when Reagan was president. This might be explained by the new car gun safe laws and new accessibly laws, but for now, it will be hard to tell without more data.

During the Reagan administration an average of 101 police officers were intentionally killed every year. Under Obama, that number dropped to 62, the lowest number ever recorded.

And there has never been a safer time to be a child in America.

The national crime rate peaked in 1991 (when George H. W. Bush was president) and has been declining ever since. It is currently around half what it was at its peak. Violent crime (the definition of what should make us feel unsafe) has fallen by 51%.

But Giuliani is right, Americans don’t feel safe. 70% of Americans think the crime rate is increasing — and that percentage has been going up — even though they are safer now than they have ever been.

Could it be because of fear mongers like Giuliani and Donald Trump?


The Right to Party!

Tony Award winning actress Laura Benanti is brilliant as Melania Trump on Stephen Colbert’s Late Show:

But plagiarism isn’t the only scandal around the potential first lady. According to CBS news, Melania Trump’s bio on the RNC website lies when it says that she graduated from college. As does her website. And Snopes looked into it, and couldn’t find any evidence that she had ever received any degree.

But wait, there’s more! The Trump campaign finally came up with someone to blame for the plagiarism. It only took them three days, which is suspicious enough. They claim that Melania Trump enlisted help writing her speech from a Trump employee who is not connected with the campaign. According to their story, Melania read that person some passages over the phone that she liked, including lines from Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech at the DNC, but that she only meant them as examples. Of course, when Melania saw those quotes in the final speech, didn’t she even notice?

But the bigger problem is that if this story is true, then it reveals criminal activity. It is a federal crime for corporations to contribute cash, products, or services to political campaigns, but the Trump campaign seems completely unconcerned about the law. So why am I not surprised?

Steve Breen
© Steve Breen


Cruzing for a Bruising

Leave it to Ted Cruz to stab GOP nominee Donald Trump in the back, while simultaneously eliminating any possibility that he will ever be president (or even the nominee). Well done, sir!


The GOP Convention Hacked!

The Republican National Convention has been hacked by security researchers. This despite the fact that the GOP keeps hammering Hillary Clinton about the insecurity of her private email server.

How did they do it? In this case, it was amazingly simple. They simply set up some WiFi access points. You know the same thing that most of us have done when we set up wireless access for our homes. For fun, they gave those access points names like “Google Starbucks”, “Trump free Wifi”, and even “Hillary Free Wifi”.

Of course, more than 1,200 people attending the convention connected to those WiFi access points. But the bad part is that of those who connected, 68% of them did so with no security in place, leaving their personal information completely exposed. So it would be trivial for anyone to access their “online bank accounts, emails, dating and messaging apps, even ‘Pokemon Go’.” Those people didn’t use encryption, or virtual private networks, or any of the common techniques of protecting your data when connecting to a public shared WiFi network.

Meanwhile, the convention itself is fending off hacking attacks from Asia and Russia. Indeed, the GOP convention was described as “a bulls-eye for hackers”. But no amount of security deployed by the GOP can protect someone who connects to a network that is not under their control. And without any security on their device, they are totally exposed.


Jill Stein: Just No.

Dan Savage has a good rant about recent third-party candidates titled “Dan Savage on Jill Stein: Just No.”

The bottom line is that you don’t build a real political party just by running someone for president every four years. You actually have to do work, and get people elected at all levels: city, county, state legislatures, governors, and Congress.

Or as Savage put it a bit more colorfully: “If you’re interested in building a third party, a viable third party, you don’t start with president.” “You don’t do that by trotting out the reanimated corpse of Ralph fucking Nader every four fucking years.” He complains that there has been “no sustained effort to build a Green Party nationally. Just this griping, bullshitty, grandstanding, fault-finding, purity-testing, holier than thou-ing, that we are all subjected to every four fucking years by the Green Party candidate.”

It’s true. It is easy to complain. It is much harder to actually do something about it.

He also takes to task the lie that there is no difference between the parties:

People supported Ralph Nader in 2000 and said there was no difference between Al Gore and George W. Bush, therefore we could all afford to throw our votes away, protest-style, on Ralph Nader, who had no hope of getting elected, because there was no difference between Bush and Gore.

These same people, at the same time, said that George Bush was so manifestly obviously terrible that he would bring the revolution if he got himself elected somehow. They didn’t say this about Gore, he wouldn’t bring the revolution. They’re exactly the same, exactly as awful, but one would bring the revolution and one wouldn’t. Which means they weren’t exactly the same and they weren’t equally awful.

And now people say the same thing about Trump, “that his election will bring the revolution.” Savage says that is “bullshit”.

The revolution did not come in 2000 when George W. Bush got close enough to winning to steal the White House. It will not come if Donald J. Trump gets his ass elected.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from June 29, 2016]

“I read that a record number of Americans are expected to travel this 4th of July. And if Trump wins the presidency, twice as many Americans are expected to travel this 4th of November.” – Conan O’Brien

“Trump is making a real effort to appear more presidential these days. Yesterday, he went to a Pennsylvania recycling plant where he unveiled part of his economic platform. And instead of wearing his trademark baseball cap, he stood in front of a giant pile of garbage.” – Stephen Colbert

“Yesterday, Donald Trump gave a speech at an industrial plant while standing in front of a giant wall of trash. Before the speech, Trump welcomed his new campaign manager, Mike Metaphor.” – Conan O’Brien

“Here’s the plan: Trump is going to revive the economy by turning in empties for the refund.” –Stephen Colbert

“In a speech yesterday, Donald Trump spoke in favor of waterboarding. Trump said, ‘It’s how I got two of my three wives to say yes.'” – Conan O’Brien

“A new Quinnipiac University poll has Trump and Clinton almost tied. This is the first tie for Donald Trump that wasn’t manufactured in China.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hillary Clinton unveiled her technology plan which would offer broadband internet access to all Americans. Then she quickly added, ‘Except for my husband’.” – Conan O’Brien

“It’s hard to believe that there are only seven months left in the Obama presidency. You never know how much you’re going to miss a guy until you see the options.” – Stephen Colbert

“A lot of people are wondering what Barack Obama will do after he’s president. I read today that he is thinking about becoming a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. So, evidently, Obama is going to be going for the cash. Good for him, but he may have to make a slight adjustment to his poster from ‘Change’ to ‘Ka-ching!'” – Stephen Colbert

“A new ballot measure will allow Californians to vote in November on whether to legalize recreational marijuana. Californians will have the option of voting either ‘Yes’ or ‘Hell yes’.” – Conan O’Brien

“In November, California voters will vote on a measure to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Supporters of the amendment turned in the required amount of signatures on time to get on the ballot. Whether the measure passes or not, turning something in on time is a huge victory for marijuana enthusiasts.” – Jimmy Kimmel


Make America Fear Again

Trevor Noah of the Daily Show has the best summary of the start of the Republican convention:

As for Melania Trump and her plagiarism. As Noah says, who cares? If that’s what it takes for Republicans to cheer for Michelle Obama’s words, then they can steal all they want! What we should be worried about are the parts that she didn’t steal from Obama:

Melania Trump


Lipstick on a Pig

The ghostwriter of (i.e., the person who actually wrote) “The Art of the Deal” can’t take it anymore and speaks out on Donald Trump, saying that Trump is not just a sociopath, but is “The Sociopath”. Tony Schwartz spent 18 months following Trump around an listening in on Trump’s office phone conversations. And the prospect of Trump becoming president terrifies him: “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

Other things he says about Trump: “He has no attention span.” Trump is “like a kindergartner who can’t sit still in a classroom.” It is “impossible to keep him focussed on any topic, other than his own self-aggrandizement, for more than a few minutes, and even then …” Trump’s short attention span has left him with “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”

Schwartz also says about Trump, “Lying is second nature to him.” “More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true.” Schwartz also says about Trump’s lying “He had a complete lack of conscience about it.” Most of all, Trump lies about his deals, but he lies about almost everything: “Trump describes his father as having been born in New Jersey to Swedish parents; in fact, he was born in the Bronx to German parents.”

Trump claims to be “a warm family man with endless admirers” but according to Schwartz “Trump spent very little time with his family and had no close friends.” Trump describes himself as a self-made man, and even derides wealthy heirs as members of “the Lucky Sperm Club”. But the truth is that “Trump’s father was instrumental in his son’s rise, financially and politically.” Fred Trump had to co-sign many of Trump’s contracts, and when Trump couldn’t make payments on some loans, his father bailed him out.

In summary, Schwartz says “Trump stands for many of the things I abhor: his willingness to run over people, the gaudy, tacky, gigantic obsessions, the absolute lack of interest in anything beyond power and money.”

UPDATE: Of course, after this was published in the New Yorker, Donald Trump had his lawyers send a cease-and-desist letter to Schwartz. Schwartz responds by saying “I fully expected him to attack me, because that is what he does, so I can’t say I am surprised. But I’m much more worried about his becoming president than I am about anything he might try to do to me.”


A Plague Upon Your House?

As if the Republican convention wasn’t cursed enough, now the health commissioner for the county containing Cleveland is reporting a Norovirus outbreak among some GOP convention staffers. Norovirus triggers “explosive bouts of vomiting and diarrhea” and is “exceedingly contagious”. Symptoms typically last up to three days, which is just long enough to cover the convention.


Robert Ariail
© Robert Ariail


More from the RNC

You have undoubtably heard about this, but it is interesting to hear it side-by-side:

List of items prohibited from being brought into the convention perimeter: tennis balls, sound equipment, umbrellas with metal tips, padlocks and bicycle locks, sleeping bags, gas masks, ornaments, tents, coolers, lasers, canned goods, light bulbs, aerosol cans, ropes longer than 6 feet, non-plastic containers, ice chests, mattresses, BB guns, paintball guns, and water pistols.

Allowed: AR-15 assault rifles. Well, except you can’t bring them into the convention hall itself, because the Secret Service but their foot down.

UPDATE: Paul Manafort first tried to deny that there was any plagiarism scandal at all, and then repeatedly tried to blame the scandal on Hillary Clinton!

UPDATE 2: Republicans are arguing that Melania Trump is not guilty of plagiarism, but that she was just using common themes. But the company whose software is used by most universities to detect plagiarism ran her speech through their program and declared that the chances that she did not plagiarize parts of it are “1 in 1 trillion” (translation: effectively a mathematical impossibility). In addition, a number of former presidential speechwriters and communication aides for both parties said that given the scrutiny that is applied to convention speeches, this kind of plagiarism is unheard of and is a sign of deep problems in Trump’s campaign.

UPDATE 3: There was one difference between Melania Trump’s speech Monday night and Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic convention in 2008. Trump wore a dress made by a foreign designer while Obama (both in 2008 and in 2012) wore a dress from an American designer. Trump is not alone — both Ann Romney and Cindy McCain wore outfits from foreign designers. Which is only interesting because Trump and the Republicans claim to always put America first.
