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Trumper Tantrum!

Donald Trump famously has a very thin skin. If you say something negative about him, he attacks you and calls you names. Well, unless he wants something from you.

But the worst thing you can do to Trump is not pay attention to him. It wouldn’t surprise me if he started a nuclear war just to spite someone or get attention.

Jack Ohman
© Jack Ohman

While Trump is good at blustering and bloviating, Hillary Clinton is relatively boring. Which is a very good thing. But she has already achieved something historic, and that’s not boring at all.

UPDATE: That was quick — we already have a new Trumper Tantrum. On Saturday, Trump fought back against Khizr Khan, the Muslim man whose son died an American war hero in Iraq, and who gave a powerful speech at the DNC. Khan said that Trump has “sacrificed nothing” for his country.

So of course, Trump is throwing a hissy fit, saying “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard.” And adding that he has created “thousands and thousands of jobs”, and has raised “millions of dollars” for veterans. Of course, the Washington Post discovered that Trump lied about the amount of money he raised for veterans. Furthermore, that isn’t the first time Trump lied about his charitable giving.

In the same interview, Trump doubled down, and for good measure started talking trash about Khan’s wife, Ghazala, who stood next to her husband during his speech but did not speak. Trump said she looked “like she had nothing to say”. He then added “She probably, maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me.”

But just the day before, an interview with Ghazala Khan was broadcast on MSNBC, which puts the lie to Trump. In that interview she said she didn’t speak at the convention because she is still overwhelmed by grief, and could not look at her son’t photos without crying.

Trump has absolutely no shame.

UPDATE 2: Trump’s tone-deaf protests that he has suffered hardships “prompted ridicule on Twitter under the hashtag #TrumpSacrifices, with users listing such hardships as flying commercial class and playing on a municipal golf course.”

Trump’s attacks on Khizr and Ghazala Khan prompted rebukes from both Democrats and Republicans. But Trump just continued the attacks, saying “While I feel deeply for the loss of his son, Mr Khan, who has never met me, has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution, (which is false) and say many other inaccurate things.” During his DNC speech, Khan questioned the constitutionality of Trump’s proposed ban on Muslims, and asked if Trump had even read the constitution or visited Arlington National Cemetery. But apparently Trump doesn’t understand rhetorical questions.

In response to Trump’s continued attacks, Khan responded, saying:

What he said originally — that defines him … People are upset with him. He realizes, and his advisers feel that [his original statement] was a stupid mistake. That proves that this person is void of empathy. He is unfit for the stewardship of this great country. You think he will empathize with this country, with the suffering of this country’s poor people? He showed his true colors when he disrespected this country’s most honorable mother… all the snake oil he is selling, and my patriotic, decent Americans are falling for that. Republicans are falling for that. And I can only appeal to them. Reconsider. Repudiate. It’s a moral obligation. A person void of empathy for the people he wishes to lead cannot be trusted with that leadership. To vote is a trust. And it cannot be placed in wrong hands.

As for Trump’s attacks on his wife, Khan said that Trump’s words were “typical of a person without a soul.”

Emotionally and physically — she just couldn’t even stand there, and when we left, as soon as we got off camera, she just broke down. And the people inside, the staff, were holding her, consoling her. She was just totally emotionally spent. Only those parents that have lost their son or daughter could imagine the pain that such a memory causes. Especially when a tribute is being paid. I was holding myself together, because one of us had to be strong. Normally, she is the stronger one. But in the matter of Humayun, she just breaks down any time anyone mentions it.

Trump and Christie

UPDATE 3: The Washington Post this morning published an article by Ghazala Khan. You should read the whole thing, but the last paragraph is “Donald Trump said he has made a lot of sacrifices. He doesn’t know what the word sacrifice means.

And incidentally, even though Trump claims to have read the constitution, apparently it didn’t stick. Earlier this month, Trump spoke to congressional Republicans and told them that he would be the “best constitutional president ever” and promised to protect “Article XII”. However, the constitution only has seven articles. Oh, and he also told the Republicans that golf legend Jack Nicklaus would be attending the RNC, but Nicklaus’ spokesman said that was “inaccurate”. It is a good thing for Trump that we have so many ways to describe a “lie”.


Pensive Hypocrisy

Friday, VP nominee Mike Pence appeared on conservative Hugh Hewitt’s radio show and condemned President Obama for referring to Donald Trump as a “homegrown demogogue”. Pence said, seemingly without irony “I don’t think name-calling has any place in public life. And I thought that was unfortunate that the president of the United States would use a term like that.”

Is Pence unaware of who his running mate is? According to the Washington Post, “At almost exactly the same time as the Pence transcript was being sent out to reporters, here’s what Trump was tweeting:”

Trump name-calling

And that doesn’t even include “Lyin’ Ted Cruz”, or all of the “losers” and “morons”. Heck, is there anyone that Trump hasn’t called a name, other than Vladimir Putin?

UPDATE: The New York Times has a list of 250 people, places, and things that Donald Trump has insulted on Twitter, including the names he has called them. They keep the list updated, so it continues to grow. They highlight the insults that are from the last 60 days. And no, Putin is not on the list. The winner of receiving the most insults is Hillary Clinton. Trump must really be afraid of her.

My favorites include him insulting CNN for being “so negative”. And insulting a podium/lectern in the Oval Office as being “not good” and “looks odd”. He even insulted a song by Neil Young after being asked to stop using it at his campaign events. He insulted five countries (Britain, Germany, Iran, Mexico, and Saudi Arabia, but not Russia).

He has also insulted just about every Republican politician, including those who support him, and the Republican Party.


Release the Tax Returns

There are lies, and there are damn lies.

In a TV interview with CBS, Trump’s campaign manager said “Mr. Trump has said that his taxes are under audit and he will not be releasing them. It has nothing to do with Russia, it has nothing to do with any country other than the United States, and his normal tax auditing processes — so that issue will be dealt with when the audits are done.”

How stupid does he think we are? Absolutely nothing prevents a person being audited from releasing their tax returns. In fact, Richard “I am not a crook” Nixon released his tax returns, even though he had been under an audit. Ironically, a congressional investigation determined that Nixon had cheated on his taxes and owed the government a half a million dollars (which would be over 2 million dollars in today’s dollars).

And in February of 2015, Trump said he would “certainly” release his personal tax returns. He told a conservative radio host “I would release tax returns” and “I have no objection to certainly showing tax returns.”

More recently, according to the recent reports and posts made by a Scottsdale financial planning research manager, in January, Trump again promised that the returns were forthcoming. By May, after he became the presumptive nominee, he changed his tune, saying “So, the answer is, I’ll release. Hopefully before the election I’ll release. And I’d like to release.” His excuse then was that the hold up was the audit. But even then the Associated Press reported that Trump told them that he “doesn’t believe he has an obligation to release his tax returns and won’t release them before November unless an ongoing audit of his finances is completed before Election Day.”

Bottom line — “Trump’s vows to release his tax returns, like so many of his promises, were totally worthless. And his stated reason—that he is under audit by the IRS—doesn’t hold up either.”

In an interview Wednesday, Trump continued to obfuscate. Responding to allegations that Russia leaked the DNC emails to aid his campaign, Trump claimed “I mean I have nothing to do with Russia. I don’t have any jobs in Russia. I’m all over the world but we’re not involved in Russia.” In fact, Trump tried to build some properties in Russia, but they fell through. Trump may have no jobs in Russia, but he certainly has taken tons of money from Russians, including those with strong ties to the Russian government. So saying he has “nothing to do with Russia” is bullshit. The Washington Post fact checker gave Trump four Pinocchios for that statement.



Donald Trump Jr., Let Me Google That For You.

I’m sure everybody knows how Trump’s wife Melania got in trouble for plagiarizing parts of her convention speech from First Lady Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic convention speech. I guess Trump’s son, Donald Jr., was trying to get his revenge. So today, Jr claimed that Barack Obama, in his DNC speech last night, stole the line “That is not the America I know” from Trump Jr’s RNC speech last week.

There’s just one problem. If you Google the phrase “That is not the America I know” you will get many many hits. Including of course, Barack Obama, in a speech in 2010 (and several other times). Or George W Bush, in a speech in 2001 where he spoke about tolerance for Muslims at a mosque. Or Hillary Clinton. Of course, it only took a few minutes for the internet to point this out to Donald, Jr.

Donald Jr., which one of them did you steal it from? Next time you might want to check your facts before accusing the president of stealing something. Especially when doing so will remind everyone about what your step-mom just did.


The Devil in the Details

Jen Sorensen
© Jen Sorensen

Look, as someone who has started and run companies that did a lot of marketing, I understand what Trump is doing. He is “selling the sizzle, not the (Trump) steak”. Details and specifics just get in the way of removing money from your customers’ pockets. As a casino owner, he knows that his customers are gamblers who are attracted to the allure of money and glamor, no matter how false. That’s what he does, so he treats voters the same.

If you Google Trump’s official website and click on it, all you see is one page hitting you up for money. Here are the only details from that page:

To every parent who dreams for their child, and every child who dreams for their future, I say these words to you:

I’m With You, and I will FIGHT for you, and I will WIN for YOU.

This is a MOVEMENT. Contribute today.

That’s all you need to know. Send money to Trump, a billionaire who promised to self fund his campaign so he would never be beholden to special interests.

Trump called his opponents “puppets” for using super PACs and for taking contributions from wealthy donors that he said always come with strings attached, but he just totally flip-flopped. Ironically, the chairman of his new super PAC is Florida governor Rick Scott, who has used his position as governor to enrich himself.

In the press release for the new super PAC, the first thing Scott says is “It’s time for us to fire the politicians. That’s what this election is all about.” That’s right, a sitting politician is promising that he will fire the politicians. And the super PAC itself will be run by veteran Republican operatives like Chris Christie’s former campaign manager and people like Alex Castellanos, who used to work for Mitt Romney and the Bush family.

Even though the super PAC was just formed, it has already received a $2 million contribution from a California real estate developer, and $100,000 from the nation’s largest coal company. So Trump, what strings were attached to those contributions?

Back to Trump’s official website. Like I said, it was just one page asking for money, with no links to anything else. But I’m persistent and finally figured it out. Way down, the last thing on the page, in small type are the words “Privacy Policy”. If you click that, you are taken to a page that has links to the “details”. So let’s look at them.

The very first link on the page is “Issues”. If you click on that, the very first thing on that page, and four times larger than anything else on the page, is a video titled “FORMER STUDENTS SPEAK OUT IN SUPPORT OF TRUMP UNIVERSITY”. And if you scroll down, the last thing on the page is another video titled “TRUMP UNIVERSITY TRUTH”. I am not kidding you.

UPDATE: Trump’s lack of specifics, or even predictability, seems to be working on some people. In an interview, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks made it clear that he was working to harm Hillary Clinton and keep her from being elected, adding that he not only opposed her candidacy on policy grounds, but that he considered her a personal foe. When asked if he would prefer Trump to be president, Assange gave the excuse that what Trump would do as president was “completely unpredictable”.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from July 12, 2016]

“The L.A. Times just revealed that Bill Clinton has demanded private jets to get to speaking engagements. In their defense, Bill and Hillary need private jets ‘cuz they’re the only planes that can fit ALL of their baggage.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Today, Bernie Sanders officially endorsed Hillary Clinton at a rally in New Hampshire. Hillary said she’s glad Bernie is behind her 100 percent, then Bernie said, ‘Let’s just start off with 1 percent.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bernie Sanders’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton has angered many of his supporters. Many of them are threatening to not vote for her when they don’t vote in November.” – Conan O’Brien

“Sadly, today we lost the bravest tribute of all. A man who we actually lost months ago, but who courageously kept pretending not to be dead because, today, Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton.” – Stephen Colbert

“Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton this afternoon and told his supporters that while he lost the primary, the revolution continues. Though I don’t think he should have ended by saying, ‘Seize her!'” – Seth Meyers

“This morning, Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton. So, as promised, this afternoon, the Clinton campaign released Bernie Sanders’ wife.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders gave a speech where he endorsed Hillary Clinton, effectively ending his campaign. When asked what he’ll do next, Bernie was like, ‘Live my dream and be a contestant on ‘The Bachelorette’!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Before giving his endorsement, Bernie Sanders noted that Hillary only has 389 more pledged delegates than him going into the convention. Then he said, ‘But I, on the other hand, have caught 400 more Pokémon!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The game Pokémon Go is actually making people visit remote, potentially dangerous areas. On the bright side, they finally found a way to get people to attend the Rio Olympics.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. has had to ask visitors to stop coming there to catch Pokémon characters because they say it’s inappropriate. The players said, ‘We’re so sorry, can you direct us to the Vietnam Memorial?'” – Conan O’Brien

“The Washington Times is now reporting that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has a 95 percent chance of being Donald Trump’s pick for vice president. I’m not saying Chris Christie’s upset, but he was last seen at the top of the Empire State Building swatting at planes.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Over the weekend, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said that Donald Trump ‘says whatever comes into his head.’ To which Trump responded, ‘That is not true, clambucket pencil raft!'” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump has begun referring to himself as the ‘law and order’ candidate, while his sons look more like ‘Law & Order’ suspects.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump has begun referring to himself as the ‘law and order’ candidate, though I think that title should go to Hillary, since she’s also been running for the last 25 years.” – Seth Meyers

“Last week Donald Trump vowed to protect Article 12 of the Constitution despite the fact that the Constitution only has seven articles. Said Trump, ‘I don’t know. I don’t read it for the articles.'” – Seth Meyers

“The Republican National Convention is next week. Quick programming note — the ‘Late Show’ will be live every single night. So tune in for a mockery of our political system — and then watch the ‘Late Show!'” – Stephen Colbert

“We in the media have enjoyed every minute of this knock-down, drag-out fight, reveling in the political fisticuffs like it’s some kind of vicious blood sport — like it’s the ‘Hunger games.’ No, it’s worse than that. It’s the Hungry for Power Games!” – Stephen Colbert

“Gay Republicans are pushing for pro-LGBT language in the GOP platform. In response, the GOP said, ‘Not gonna happen, girlfriend.'” – Conan O’Brien

“So few remain. But the bar is closing and America has to go home with someone.” – Stephen Colbert

“Jeb Bush yesterday said in an interview that Donald Trump is a master at understanding how the media works. Whereas Jeb did the entire interview with the lens cap on.” – Seth Meyers


More Republican Racism

In her speech at the Democratic National Convention last night, Michelle Obama beautifully talked about the progress that has been made in America:

That is the story of this country, the story that has brought me to this stage tonight, the story of generations of people who felt the lash of bondage, the shame of servitude, the sting of segregation, but who kept on striving and hoping and doing what needed to be done so that today I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves.

And I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, black young women playing with their dogs on the White House lawn.

And because of Hillary Clinton, my daughters and all our sons and daughters now take for granted that a woman can be president of the United States.

So, look, so don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great, that somehow we need to make it great again. Because this right now is the greatest country on earth!

But conservative media immediately jumped on one small part of one sentence “I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves”, pulling it out of context to make it sound like Obama was complaining about slavery, rather than rejoicing in how far we have come as a nation. They also questioned whether it was true that the White House was built by slaves. Unfortunately for them, reality continues to have a liberal bias. Historians say that there is no debate about the use of slaves to build the White House, and many other buildings in early America.

Michelle Malkin claimed Obama “stretched the truth” and linked to an article that asserts that the government paid the slaves who worked on the White House”. But in reality, it wasn’t the slaves themselves who were paid, but rather their masters. That’s a big difference.

The conservative site NewsBusters quibbled about Obama’s statement by pointing out that the White House had been “renovated multiple times” since being built by slaves. I guess that is supposed to make it all better.

Bill O’Reilly on Fox News finally admitted that Obama was “essentially correct” about slavery, but then tried to excuse it by claiming that the slaves were “well-fed and had decent lodging”.

What bullshit. Washington DC was built on a mosquito-infested swamp, and the living quarters provided for slaves were “not much more than huts.”

O’Reilly also pointed out that the federal government stopped using slave labor in 1802, but failed to mention that the White House was finished before then. And even so, subcontractors continued to use slave labor on construction jobs for the government.

Why are Republicans so incensed about talking about slavery, to the point where they take Obama’s statement of hope and progress and try to either deny it or make excuses for it. Does it get in the way of their nostalgia for the old times, which they need in order to believe that we can “make America great again”? As Obama said in her speech, America, right now, is the greatest country on earth. Not despite its past, but in part because of it. We’ve come a long way, even just in the recent past.


DNC Demographics

Many pundits talk about the profound influence of demographics on US elections, but what about the demographics of the national conventions of the political parties. Other than an observation of the dance skills of RNC attendees, what do we know about the relative makeup of the conventions?

Without further ado, here is Scott Bateman’s ironic comparison of the demographics of the two major conventions:

Scott Bateman

And speaking of “Trump’s Shady-Ass Russian Pals”, new evidence strongly links the hacker of the DNC emails to Russia. In summary:

While the FBI is still investigating the hack of the DNC servers, evidence is mounting that the hacker, known as Guccifer 2.0 and who may well be a group of people rather than one individual, is based in Russia. Guccifer 2.0 communicates with journalists using different email accounts each time, to make it harder to trace the true origin. But it now appears the anonymity software being used is associated with a Website, Elite VPN, that is largely in Russian. When the cybersecurity firm ThreatConnect tried signing up for an account, they discovered the entire signup process was only in Russian. Guccifer 2.0 claims to be a Romanian, but when he sends messages in Romanian, they are clunky and give the impression they were produced by an online translation service.

The software used to hide Guccifer 2.0’s identify is only one piece of evidence indicating a Russian connection. The service used is not free and the payment methods use Russian financial institutions. The methods, tools, and command servers used in the DNC hack have been used by Russian intelligence before. Rich Barger, CIO and cofounder of ThreatConnect, said: “The noose is tightening around Russia.” If it turns out that the Russian government is trying to influence a U.S. election, the consequences could be unforeseen and severe, including a possible new Cold War.


RNC Dance Moves

I’m not really sure why I find this so funny, but I do. I hope you enjoy it.

From Funny or Die.



I’m really glad that the historic candidacy of Hillary Clinton is (finally) leading to some discussion about sexism in America. After all, many other countries have elected women leaders (over 70 women have become the leaders of their countries), but the US hasn’t ever nominated a woman even as the presidential candidate for a major party.

But I didn’t expect the best article I’ve seen about sexism in America to come from the Mormon Press. That’s right, a Mormon publication made the following statement: “To put it simply: in America we teach our children that women are liars.”

Their bold assertion would help explain why Hillary Clinton is mistrusted by so many, when she is rated by PolitiFact as one of the most honest politicians, is someone who has survived an insane number of attacks and false scandals from Republicans without ever being even charged of any crime, and who The Guardian reported as being fundamentally honest.

Who Lies More: A Comparison

Don’t believe me? Read this article “How We Teach Our Kids That Women Are Liars“.

If you want more, here’s another excellent article “Men Just Don’t Trust Women — And It’s A Huge Problem“.

And the article in the Mormon Press is definitely worth a read.

Matt Davies
© Matt Davies


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from July 11, 2016]

“People are now saying that Hillary Clinton has narrowed her list of potential vice presidents down to five people. I’m sorry, she’s ‘deleted’ the list down to five people.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The Hillary Clinton campaign recently released an ad that features clips of Donald Trump praising world dictators. In the video, Trump praises Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, and Abby Lee from ‘Dance Moms’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by the Wu-Tang Clan and when Hillary heard that, she bowed in appreciation and said she looks forward to working with China.” – Seth Meyers

“According to Forbes magazine, in the past year Taylor Swift has earned $170 million. When she heard that, Hillary Clinton said, ‘I didn’t know she gave speeches.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders is expected to actually endorse Hillary Clinton at an event in New Hampshire tomorrow. In fact, Bernie Sanders is set to give his most enthusiastic endorsement of all time: ‘Eh, could be worse!'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bernie Sanders is expected to endorse Hillary Clinton tomorrow. Said Sanders, ‘But before I do, are we sure there are no more states?'” – Seth Meyers

“The presidential debates have been announced and, guess what, the final one is gonna take place in Las Vegas. Trump and Hillary will have a 90-minute debate and then be married by Elvis.” – Conan O’Brien

“Hip-hop group the Wu-Tang Clan has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Which makes this the first presidential election where both candidates have been endorsed by a ‘clan’.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump has dropped hints that he may name a Democrat as his running mate. In fact, today he chose Donald Trump from 2008.” – Conan O’Brien

“House Speaker Paul Ryan today announced that he will appear at next week’s Republican National Convention to deliver a 10-minute speech that he is writing himself. As opposed to Trump, who will be giving a 10-hour speech that he will be writing as he goes.” – Seth Meyers

“It’s been found that one of Saturn’s moons has an atmosphere somewhat like Earth’s, except you can’t breathe the air, drink the water, or survive the surface temperature. Yet, still a better venue for the Summer Olympics than Rio.” – Conan O’Brien


The ManTrumpian Candidate?

There’s an article going around by Josh Marshall titled “Trump & Putin. Yes, It’s Really a Thing“.

People, including comedians, have made jokes about the seeming bromance between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. While it is scary enough that equal-opportunity-attacker Trump has nothing but good things to say about autocrat Putin, Marshall’s article points out that there is plenty of evidence that we should be even more worried. Mind you, we don’t have any direct, solid evidence that Trump is a “Manchurian Candidate” whose strings (at least his purse strings) are pulled by Putin, but there is plenty of evidence that something underhanded and potentially disastrous is going on.

In particular, there is far more evidence that Putin is trying to manipulate a US election than there ever was that Obama was not born in the US and is some kind of foreign agent, something that Trump himself promoted strongly.

Substantiating evidence can be found all over the place. First of all, there is a large amount of Russian money flowing into Trump’s coffers. According to an article in the Washington Post, “Since the 1980s, Trump and his family members have made numerous trips to Moscow in search of business opportunities, and they have relied on Russian investors to buy their properties around the world.” Indeed, in 2008, Trump’s son Donald Jr. told a real estate conference “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets.” And “We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”

The article goes on to give examples where Trump has taken money from foreigners with close ties to the Russian criminal underworld. Or where Trump projects “received unexplained infusions of cash from accounts in Kazakhstan and Russia.”

Bottom line is that since his bankruptcy a decade ago, Trump has had trouble finding investment money. All major US banks have blackballed him, with the exception of Deutschebank (which is of course a foreign bank, albeit one with a big US presence). Increasingly, Trump has gotten investment from people with close ties to Vladimir Putin.

Then there is the fact that before he became Trump’s campaign manager and top advisor, Paul Manafort’s job was working for Viktor Yanukovych, the former Prime Minister and then President of the Ukraine, who is a close ally of Putin (until his subjects deposed him). Coincidence?

Other Trump advisors have extremely close ties to governmental entities in Russia.

Looking from the other side, Putin has aligned all Russian state controlled media with Trump. Putin is known to support and fund right-wing nationalist politicians across Europe, whether to try to win influence in those countries or just to stir up instability in their governments. Why not the same thing in the US? Indeed, there is evidence that Russians were involved in the release of the DNC emails this last weekend, which is stirring up Sanders supporters against Clinton.

Putin has never been shy about expressing his hatred of Hillary Clinton. He has publicly blamed her for the 2011 protests in Russia against him. The protestors were accusing Putin of rigging his reelection.

But the thing that made people really suspicious was that Donald Trump’s entire campaign didn’t seem to care about the Republican Party Platform; they completely ignored it, except for one thing. Trump’s team insisted on, “changing the party platform on assistance to Ukraine against Russian military operations in eastern Ukraine.” Before that, the Republican platform called for heavily arming Ukraine against the Russians. That’s right, even if Trump loses, he’s already done a big favor for the Russians.

And then there was Trump’s statement that maybe the US (and thus NATO) should not come to the defense of NATO member states in case of a Russian invasion, which was too much even for many of his strongest Republican supporters.

Let’s put this in perspective. One of the major complaints against Hillary Clinton is that she accepted money from Wall Street for some speeches she gave, and so is too much in bed with them. But Trump has accepted far more money from the Russians, and isn’t even waiting for the election to start giving them quid pro quo.

Lastly, could this be why Trump refuses to release his tax returns? Would it show him hugely in debt to Russians? In the last year alone, we do know that Trump’s debt has grown from $350 million to $630 million.

This isn’t a single article. The Atlantic has noticed this as well. And we also heard from Paul Krugman, and he agrees that there is something going on. Republican Erick Erickson believes that Russians are working to influence our election. And of course the Clinton campaign is starting to pick this up.

At the very least, Trump has a YUUUGE conflict of interest. At worst, the unthinkable is happening — a foreign country is covertly sabotaging a US election for their own gain, and Trump is the traitorous agent. The only question may be whether Trump is doing this willingly, is being pressured to do it against his will, or is simply too stupid to know that he is being manipulated.

Shouldn’t Congress put as much effort into investigating this as they did on, say, Benghazi (including Clinton’s email server)?

John Deering
© John Deering

UPDATE: More details from the NY Times.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from July 7, 2016]

“Donald Trump met with 200 House Republicans who were described as ‘nervous’. And following the meeting, many of them were described as ‘Democrats’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is now saying the media took his praise of Saddam Hussein ‘out of context’. Trump also said the media misinterpreted his 5 star Amazon review of ‘Mein Kampf’.” – Conan O’Brien

“Analysts are now saying that Florida could be one of the biggest threats to Donald Trump’s campaign. In other words, Trump may be crazy, but he’s not Florida crazy.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bernie Sanders is reportedly going to endorse Hillary Clinton next week. Bernie said, ‘I was going to do it sooner but I thought I’d wait ’til everyone hated me.'” – Conan O’Brien


Political Parties

Does anyone really believe that it is the job of political parties to be fair? It is the job of the political party to elect as many candidates from their party as possible. Nothing more.

Why is the media holding the Democratic party to a different standard than other parties? Where are the leaked emails from the Republican National Committee? Does anyone have any doubts that such a release would be full of emails critical of Donald Trump, and trying to figure out ways to derail his campaign?

As far as anyone can tell, the very worst email was one where the DNC’s CFO suggested that someone ask Sanders if he believed in God (in order to expose him as an atheist). But even that was never done. I’m sure there was much more skullduggery among the Republicans.

As they say, “politics ain’t beanbag”.

And the smaller political parties are even worse — they don’t even pretend to be fair. Did anyone even pay attention to how Gary Johnson was nominated by the Libertarian Party? It wasn’t very pretty; you can read about it here. Was that fair?

Or the Green Party, where Jill Stein offered to give the Green nomination to Sanders and step aside herself. Would that be “fair” to anyone else who wanted the Green nomination, to just hand it to someone who wasn’t even a member of the Green Party?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Political parties are inherently unfair, and complaining about that misses the point. The only way to make political parties fair is to take away their main event and have a nonpartisan blanket primary, which already works in several states.

I’m also suspicious of this email leak. As we’ve already seen, it doesn’t really matter what is in the emails, this will just be used by the Republicans to attack Hillary Clinton. And according to experts, it was the Russians who did the hacking. Do the Russians have something to gain if Trump gets elected?


Unscheduled Events at the RNC

There were many unscheduled events at the Republican convention, including plagiarism and speakers getting booed off the stage. But did you catch these?

Brian McFadden
© Brian McFadden

The cartoonist explains that he drew this comic before the convention started. Now that the Trump Show is over, how did reality compare to his satiric prediction?
