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Back to Fox?

We reported recently that Donald Trump had pretty much only appeared on Fox News after a disastrous interview on CNN after the conventions. Well, I guess Trump is reading this blog (hah!) because he actually (finally) gave an interview to CNN.

It did not go well. In fact, it went really badly.

Maybe he should just stick to being interviewed by Sean Hannity on Fox News, where they won’t ask him any difficult questions.


Try Yelling Fuck

Obviously, this is not safe for work (good thing it is Saturday!), but it is a lot of fun. If you are at the end of your rope, there is something you can do. And it is even approved by Obamacare!

From “Funny or Die“.


Sex and Politics

It is good that The Late Show is on late, because it seems Stephen Colbert can’t stop himself from having fun and discussing sex and politics:

Go ahead, Google “Donald Trump Rudy Giuliani Drag Queen Motorboat”. Of course, starting today the top result is now Colbert telling you to Google “Donald Trump Rudy Giuliani Drag Queen Motorboat”. If the internet is anything it is self-referential, and loves to take selfies of itself (and then selfies of itself taking selfies of itself, ad infinitum).

If you want the actual video of Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani, you should instead Google “Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump”. But remember, as the internet says, you can’t unsee it.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Aug. 4, 2016]

“I want to wish a happy birthday to President Obama, who turned 55 today. Big celebration at the White House. The White House staff sang to him. Then the president blew out the candles on his vegan, whole-grain, carrot prune loaf.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Happy birthday to President Obama who turned 55 today! He made a wish and blew out the candles, but then when he opened his eyes, he was still president.” – Seth Meyers

“Donald Trump also offered birthday wishes on Twitter this week. He wrote, ‘President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States.’ It’s sweet, though, because he said ‘perhaps’, and he wouldn’t do that on any other day.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“You know if Trump becomes president, he’s definitely going to make his birthday a national holiday, right? ‘Sorry, Lincoln, you’re a loser and you are out.'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“It looks like all the controversies are taking their toll, with reports that Trump’s campaign staff feel like they are wasting their time and that Trump’s staff is suicidal. They’d jump off the building, but they’re afraid they’d see the word ‘Trump’ on the way down.” – Stephen Colbert

“Donald Trump yesterday met with RNC officials who reportedly grew so angry with Trump during the meeting that they yelled at him, ‘Do you realize how badly you’re screwing this up?’ Said Trump, ‘The best? I’m screwing it up the best, right?'” – Seth Meyers

“Trump and his party raised $82 million last month, much of it from small donations, with supporters pitching in $10 to $25 apiece. And they can feel good knowing that every dollar will help Donald Trump reach his ultimate goal — attack ads against Paul Ryan.” – Stephen Colbert

“A CNN reporter spoke to one of Trump’s donors, who said, ‘Unfortunately, I set up a recurring political contribution on Donald Trump’s website, and there’s no place on the website to stop the recurring payment.’ Oops! Supporting Trump is like joining a gym, only it’s democracy that isn’t working out.” – Stephen Colbert

“A Fox News national poll found that people prefer Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump by 10 points. While an MSNBC poll found that Hillary Clinton has already been president for two years.” – Seth Meyers

“A new survey finds that Hillary Clinton has more support in the marijuana industry than Donald Trump. Or in other words, Hillary Clinton will definitely win the vote of people who won’t remember to vote.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I saw that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has picked his wife to run as his vice presidential candidate. Then Bill and Hillary looked at each other for a second and went, ‘Nah, nah.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“With the basketball players not being in the Olympic village, it means they’re going to miss out on all the sex. Because I don’t know if you’ve heard this but the Olympic committee announced they’ll be handing out 350,000 condoms and 175,000 packets of lube. Or as Brazilians call that, ‘A weekend’.” – James Corden

“But in the athletes’ defense, the accommodations in Rio are so bad, the cleanest place to sleep is on top of another person.” – James Corden

“The Olympic torch arrived in Rio today in preparation for Friday’s opening ceremony. And the cool thing about Rio is, if the torch runs out of fuel you can just dip it in the ocean and it’ll reignite.” – Seth Meyers


Self Funding?

Trump made a big deal about self funding his own campaign, but maybe he was using an alternative meaning of the term “self fund”. It looks like he meant that he would be using his campaign funds to enrich himself.

Now that Trump is raking in money from donors, his campaign quadrupled the rent that they are paying the Trump Tower (owned by Donald J Trump). The Trump campaign tried to explain that they still pay somewhat less in rent than Clinton’s campaign, but that ignores the fact that Clinton’s campaign has more than 700 paid staff, while Trump only has 170. That works out to the Trump campaign paying $1000/month in rent per employee, while Clinton is paying $300/month per employee.

It also doesn’t explain why Trump doesn’t actually, you know, fund his own campaign and donate the rent in his own building (which obviously had the space) to his own campaign. After all, he claims to be really rich, right?

And this is not the only example. Federal records show that almost a fifth of Trump’s campaign cash has gone to companies to which he is linked.


Disaster Preparedness

Matt Wuerker
© Matt Wuerker

I get the feeling that given the attention generated by the primaries (and despite any burnout) that the presidential debates (assuming Donald Trump shows up for them) will be the most watched in history.

This comic is pointing out the difficulty of preparing for a debate against Donald Trump, who has taken the propaganda concept of the “big lie” to a new level. Clinton is primarily a policy wonk, which definitely will not work. Will she be able to attack Trump and put him on the defensive?

During Clinton’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel on Monday, she did say that she was taking the debate preparation seriously, and knows that she needs to be “prepared for, like, wacky stuff.” “I’m planning on drawing off my experiences from elementary school.”

Of course, Trump may find a way to lose the debates all on his own:

Matt Davies
© Matt Davies


Trump’s Path Forward?

Frank Luntz gained fame as the conservative “public opinion guru” who created many of the GOP talking points though the use of “focus groups”. So it is extremely interesting that Luntz put together a focus group of Trump supporters in Pennsylvania — a state that Trump claims he will win unless Clinton somehow cheats — to see how they are feeling:

Can Trump regain their vote? Or is Clinton cheating by merely letting Trump be Trump?


The Continuing Election

Tom Tomorrow
© Tom Tomorrow

I’m worried that most people are already burned out on our presidential election, just when things are starting to get interesting. This should be the time when people start actually paying attention, but the primaries were such a circus (on both sides) that fatigue has set in.


Out Foxing Himself

Donald Trump used to appear on any TV program that would have him, garnering him billions in free publicity. But those days seem to be (mostly) over. In fact, Trump is now appearing only on Fox News. What happened?

The last time Trump appeared on any network other than Fox News was July 31, when Trump was interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on ABC. That was the time he questioned whether the Gold Star mother of the killed Muslim army officer was not allowed to speak because of her religion, starting his very public argument with the soldier’s family. Oops. He hasn’t appeared on ABC since.

His last appearance on NBC News was July 24 (and not on MSNBC since May 20), on CBS was July 17, and the last time on CNN was June 13.

Trump has completely retreated into the echo chamber of Fox News. Since his appearance with Stephanopoulos he has appeared 11 times on Fox News. His favorite interviewer? Sean Hannity, who also advises Trump.

How much of an echo chamber? One where the echoes are softer than softballs. On Sean Hannity’s show, Trump was asked “You’re doing events starting early in the morning. Wednesday night, we didn’t finish dinner until well after midnight. And I’ve watched you through this process. Where do you get that stamina to do this?”

Then five days later, on a town hall, Fox News asked “How do you have the stamina to keep going and going and going? You’ve only taken two days off this month, Hillary’s taken seven days off.”

Just a few days later yet another interview began with “You have had a banner week. I don’t know how you do it. But you have given at least four or five major speeches, you have been to Louisiana, you just gave a speech this afternoon.”

Trump’s desire to talk to only people who fawn over him means that he is singing to the choir and won’t be able to reach out to voters beyond his core constituency (which is angry blue-color men who watch Fox News). That’s a good way to lose an election (assuming you are trying to win it).


The Final Solution

John Oliver has the solution to Donald Trump’s dilemma. It is also provides a happy ending for virtually everyone.

Will Trump go for it? You know, stranger things have happened in this election.


You’re Killing Me

Texas famously slashed funding for reproductive health clinics in the state by two thirds, which caused more than 80 clinics to shut down. This reduced health services to women by half across the state. Texas also defunded all Planned Parenthood clinics completely (regardless of whether they provided abortion services).

The result? The number of women who died due to complications related to pregnancy doubled in the state in just two years. Texas now has the highest mortality rate for pregnancy in the developed world. To put that in perspective, the probability of dying from a pregnancy is more than ten times higher in Texas than your chances of dying from terrorism in the entire world.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world managed to reduce the mortality rate from pregnancy. Similar defunding efforts in other states caused to that rate go up around 27% for the entire US. The exception to this was California, which has similar demographics to Texas but fully funds reproductive health. As a result, the maternal mortality rate declined in California.

Republican efforts to cut funding for women’s health has had very real, and very deadly, results. Now, how are they actually going to “Make America Safe”?


We Are Devo

The more Trump’s campaign evolves, the more it stays the same.

Kevin Siers
© Kevin Siers

It didn’t take long after reorganizing his campaign and even sorta kinda apologizing for the stupid and hateful things he has said, that Trump put his foot firmly in his mouth again. “With one arrogant boast, Donald Trump stumbled into a perfect Hillary Clinton trap.” He boasted that if elected he would win 95% of the African-American vote in 2020, and asked blacks “What do you have to lose? You’re living in poverty. Your schools are no good. You have no jobs.”

There are two problems with this boast. First, most African-Americans (not counting those who are in school or are retired) have jobs and are not living in poverty. But I guess Trump would not be aware of that. So while trying to appeal to blacks, Trump instead insulted them.

Even worse, there is plenty for blacks to lose, and by asking the question he gave Hillary Clinton’s campaign an opening to discuss the answer. They responded:

Donald Trump asks what the African American community has to lose by voting for him. The answer is everything, from a man who questions the citizenship of the first African American President, courts white supremacists, and has been sued for housing discrimination against communities of color. Trump painting the entire community as living in poverty with no jobs continues to show he is completely out of touch with the African-American community.

Donald Trump has a long and well-documented history of practicing discrimination and racism. Expect this to be pointed out repeatedly now.


When Facts Don’t Matter

An important question I have been pondering is why people insist on supporting Donald Trump, even though there is plenty of evidence that he not only lies, lies about things that are easily verified to be false, and even contradict himself. From a progressive perspective, how do we get people to “wake up” and realize that they are being duped by a charlatan? Are we wasting our time?

A recent article can help shed some light on this matter. “Why facts don’t matter to Trump’s supporters” helps explain why people persist in misjudgments despite strong contrary evidence and why attempts to refute false information often backfire and cause people to hold onto their misperceptions even stronger.

The bottom line is that “arguing the facts doesn’t help — in fact it makes the situation worse.” This is called “confirmation bias” — our ability to ignore facts that challenge our beliefs while accepting arguments (even false ones) that confirm our views.

This is not confined to politics. In a study about consumer fraud, a study found that warning people about false claims made about consumer products actually made people believe the false claims even more. “It seems that people remember the assertion and forget whether it is a lie.”

But there is hope. Another study showed that people are more likely to accept information if it is presented unemotionally, and that people are even more willing to accept information if the factual presentation is accompanied by “affirmation” that asks them to recall an experience that made them feel good about themselves. Obviously, attacking someone is not a way to win their hearts or their minds.

Regardless of whether they are Trump supporters or parents who don’t want to have their children vaccinated, attacking them doesn’t help. In fact, it will usually backfire. Instead, in order to change someone’s mind, you need to follow some simple guidelines. Lucky for us there is help in the form of “The Debunking Handbook“. Here’s their introduction:

Debunking myths is problematic. Unless great care is taken, any effort to debunk misinformation can inadvertently reinforce the very myths one seeks to correct. To avoid these “back re effects”, an effective debunking requires three major elements. First, the refutation must focus on core facts rather than the myth to avoid the misinformation becoming more familiar. Second, any mention of a myth should be preceded by explicit warnings to notify the reader that the upcoming information is false. Finally, the refutation should include an alternative explanation that accounts for important qualities in the original misinformation.

So before you try to change someone’s mind, go read the handbook. It will help.


The Art of the Swag

Jack Ohman
© Jack Ohman

If he can sell enough, Trump could make money off of his presidential run. And maybe that was the whole point in the first place.


The Emperor Has No Balls

An anarchist collective named “INDECLINE” yesterday placed full-size naked statues of Donald Trump in public places in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and Cleveland. The artist who created the 300 pound statues is mainly known for creating monsters for horror films and haunted houses. The title is a reference to a Hans Christian Anderson story about an overconfident ruler, and indeed the statue has no balls.

Trump No Balls

Unfortunately, the statue in New York City’s Union Square was taken down by early afternoon, but the best part is a statement by a NYC Parks Department spokesperson: “NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small.” More photos here, but remember, you can’t un-see them.
