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Multiple Personality Tweets

A data scientist has analyzed the tweets coming from Donald Trump, and says that clearly many of the tweets are coming from someone other than Trump. Probably some staffer. People had already noticed that some of the tweets posted the the tweets were coming from two different phones: an Android phone by Samsung, and an iPhone. We already know that Trump uses a Samsung phone, so the iPhone tweets are likely the ones coming from his staff. In particular, the Android tweets are angrier and more negative. The Android tweets happen in the morning, while the iPhone tweets are mostly tweeted late at night.

You can see the whole analysis (in all its gory technical detail) here.

I find it hilarious that Trump’s twitter account is @realDonaldTrump, but many of the tweets are not actually written by him. But I guess someone who claims he wrote his books himself, but then admits that he doesn’t know what is in them because he only read them quickly, would also have no problems having a ghostwriter or two for Twitter.


Having Your Back

You know those people who get to stand behind the candidate at political rallies? So they can be seen while the candidate speaks? Last week seems to have been a big ironic example of the fact that the campaigns themselves don’t have much control over who gets to stand there.

First, a local TV station noticed that standing behind Hillary Clinton at a rally near Orlando was the father of Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen. While the father is cooperating with the investigation into the shooting and the rally was open to the public (Clinton had no knowledge that he attended until after the event) the optics look really bad.

So of course, at his next rally in Florida, Donald Trump said:

Wasn’t it terrible when the father of the animal that killed the wonderful people in Orlando was sitting with a big smile on his face right behind Hillary Clinton? How many of you people know me? A lot of you people know me. Right? When you get those seats, you sort of know the campaign.

Of course, Trump was suggesting a connection between the Clinton campaign and the shooting.

But here’s the irony. As Trump said those words, sitting right behind him with a big smile on his face was former congressman Mark Foley, who was forced to resign in 2006 when he was caught sending lewd emails and messages to teenage male House pages. When Trump asked who knew him, Foley raised his hand and waved in response. And after the event, Foley told NBC that Trump had been a friend of his for 30 years and was one of his biggest contributors.

What does that suggest to you?


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from Aug 1, 2016]

“The New York Post yesterday published several nude photos of Melania Trump that were taken during her modeling days. Trump’s communications adviser said the photos are a ‘celebration of the human body as art’. To me they look more like a celebration of the human body as a paycheck, but OK — art.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“In any other election, nude photos of the candidate’s wife would be far and away the biggest story of the campaign. It would be crazy. For Donald Trump this isn’t even a blip. By Wednesday we’ll never hear about this again.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“This isn’t the first time they’ve done something like this. I remember many, many, many years back when they pulled the same move with Eleanor Roosevelt. Bernie Sanders has a copy of that hidden under his mattress.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Many veterans’ families are speaking out against Donald Trump after he began attacking the parents of a Muslim-American soldier, calling Trump repugnant. Said Trump, ‘I’m the most repugnant. No one is more repugnant than me. Real quick, what does repugnant mean?'” – Seth Meyers

“Last Thursday at the Democratic convention, the parents of a fallen U.S. soldier criticized Donald Trump, and over the weekend, he repeatedly lashed out at them — which got me thinking, is there anyone Donald Trump won’t attack if they say bad things about him?” – Stephen Colbert

“After Army father Khizr Khan’s convention speech in which he pulled out a pocket-sized copy of the Constitution, sales on Amazon have skyrocketed, making it the second most purchased book. The first is ‘How to Move to Canada’.” – Seth Meyers

“A pocket Constitution is perfect for Trump, because it will look regular sized in his tiny hands.” – Seth Meyers

“A lot of people are talking about Donald Trump and Russia now. And not just because of how much he resembles Russian dressing.” – Stephen Colbert

“Trump was asked about his cozy relationship with Vladimir Putin and claimed unbelievably that he couldn’t even remember if he’d met Putin or not. Yeah, no offense, but I think I want a president who would remember meeting Vladimir Putin. How many shark-eyed shirtless equestrians do you know?” – Seth Meyers

“This entire campaign, Trump’s made us forget about his crazy statements by saying something even crazier. It’s the like the old woman who swallowed a fly, only Trump would never be seen with an older woman.” – Stephen Colbert

“Mike Pence is finding out that being Trump’s VP is like being a fireman who has an arsonist as a roommate.” – Seth Meyers

“There are now less than 100 days left until the presidential election. Or you could say, there are now less than 100 days left … period.” – Jimmy Fallon

“I saw that Apple CEO Tim Cook will hold a fundraiser later this month for Hillary Clinton. He had a long list of terms and conditions for the event, but Hillary just said ‘Agree!’ without really reading them.” – Jimmy Fallon

“The summer Olympics start this Friday, and I read that the organizing committee will stay aboard a docked cruise ship called ‘The Getaway’, which will act as a floating hotel. ‘Cuz nothing makes you feel safer about the Olympics than the organizers staying in a getaway boat. ‘You kids have fun! We’ll just be over here – with the engines running in case things go south.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“The 2016 Rio games start Friday, and there are some concerns. Athletes swimming in the heavily polluted Guanabara Bay have been warned by health experts to keep their mouths closed in the toxic stew. OK? Mouths closed. Or heads out of the water. I can’t wait to see who takes home the gold in the Olympic doggie paddle.” – Stephen Colbert

“It’s alleged that almost 100 athletes are suspected of using banned substances in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics. And they suspect many athletes this year, too, because anyone who wants to go to the Rio Olympics has to be on drugs.” – James Corden

“Ninety-eight athletes in the last two Olympics are suspected of doping, or as it’s technically called, ‘wanting it more’.” – James Corden

“At this point, they should just make peeing in a cup into an Olympic sport. Just let everyone do drugs. Everyone doing drugs is a fair playing field. What’s more exciting than a nine-second 100-meter dash? A three-second 100-meter dash.” – James Corden


Make Your Office Great Again

This is a one-minute humor video from the BBC. What’s really funny is all the little in-jokes. How many can you catch?


Late Night Political Humor

“This week, Hillary Clinton’s running mate Tim Kaine spoke at the Democratic convention and some people online said he came off as a corny dad. Or as Joe Biden put it, ‘The student has become the master.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Turns out Melania Trump’s professional website has been deleted following allegations that she lied about graduating from college. She just deleted the whole thing. As if copying Michelle Obama wasn’t enough, now she’s copying Hillary Clinton.” – Jimmy Fallon


Trump the Terrorist Founded ISIS!

Scott Bateman
© Scott Bateman

Trump continues to claim that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton co-founded ISIS. Even conservative foreign policy experts admit “What Trump is saying is not a legitimate criticism. What he is saying is just plain nuts.” And “If anybody else would be saying this, you’d be saying, ‘Oh my goodness. How on earth could he possibly say this?’ But with Trump, it’s become pretty standard fare because almost every single day he comes out with some literally insane statement.”

Further evidence that Trump founded evidence is the fact that Trump repeatedly lied under oath about his net worth. Where did all that other money go? To ISIS of course!


Off the Deep End?

Donald Trump seems have lost it, and is being reduced to lunatic raving in order to get attention. On Thursday, he just kept repeating his accusations that Barack Obama is the founder of the Islamic State (despite the fact that the IS was founded in 1999, ten years before Obama became president, and even before Obama was elected to the Senate in 2005).

How bad is it? On the conservative Hugh Hewitt radio show, Hewitt even offered Trump a way out by suggesting “I know what you meant. You meant that he created the vacuum, he lost the peace.” But Trump would have none of that, replying “No I meant he’s the founder of ISIS. I do.”

Hewitt tried again, saying about Obama, “But he’s not sympathetic to them. He hates them. He’s trying to kill them.” Trump, of course, doubles down, “I don’t care. He was the founder.”

According to Electoral Vote, Trump is caught in a “downward spiral“. Paul Krugman calls it a “derp spiral” because you have to consider that losing makes Trump behave even crazier.

Many Republican politicians rallied around Trump during the convention because there was a chance he could win. But now that Trump has started stinking like a loser, they will desert him like rats on a sinking ship. And the donors, campaign volunteers, and staffers will follow, along with any moderate or independent voters left.

And perhaps, deep down, Trump realizes this. When asked how he would win the election, Trump said he would “Just keep doing the same thing I’m doing right now. At the end it’s either going to work or I’m going to, you know, I’m going to have a very, very nice long vacation.” Let’s just hope that vacation is as long as possible.

UPDATE: Trump is now pathetically trying to claim he was just being sarcastic about Obama founding ISIS. What bullshit. Trump wouldn’t know sarcasm if it hit him in the face.

UPDATE2: After saying he was just being sarcastic, at a rally Friday afternoon he said “So I said, the founder of ISIS. Obviously I’m being sarcastic. Then, then — but not that sarcastic, to be honest with you.“.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from July 28, 2016]

“Tonight Hillary Clinton gave her big speech at the Democratic Convention, officially accepting the nomination for president. The speech went well, but the lightning shooting from her hands was a bit much.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Hillary Clinton broke the glass ceiling, and just in case that point was lost on you, with Trump so close to the presidency, Hillary just became the largest ‘break glass in case of emergency’ ever.” – James Corden

“Donald Trump vowed that when he is president he will replace the broken glass ceiling with a reinforced titanium steel ceiling and that women are going to pay for it.” – James Corden

“Hillary Clinton said tonight that Donald Trump has taken the Republican Party from Ronald Reagan’s ‘Morning in America’ to ‘Midnight in America’. Which frankly is a little insulting those of us who come on at 1:00 a.m. Midnight is not terrible.” – Seth Meyers

“Morgan Freeman narrated Hillary Clinton’s introduction video at the DNC, and for some reason, Hillary gave her speech as Morgan Freeman tonight.” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton gave her big speech at the Democratic Convention this evening. And there was an awkward moment when she finished the speech and said, ‘Now where’s my check?'” – Conan O’Brien

“After Hillary spoke tonight, instead of the balloon drop, Bill Clinton should have climbed to the top of the rafters and released all the old condoms he had.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Hillary’s choice for running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, gave a speech last night where he revealed that not only does he habla español, he can do a Donald Trump impression. He did such a convincing job that Tim Kaine is now leading Hillary Clinton by 3 percent.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“During President Obama’s speech last night, he referred to Donald Trump as a ‘home-grown demagogue’. In response, Trump supporters said ‘Hey — two syllable words only!'” – Conan O’Brien

“During his big speech, President Obama said that no matter how many times Hillary Clinton gets knocked down, she always gets back up. At which point, he was accused of plagiarizing his speech from Chumbawamba.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Last night, President Obama gave Mrs. Clinton a powerful endorsement, at the end of which, she joined him on stage for an embrace that was about as awkward as when the groom dances with his mother-in-law at a wedding.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Vice President Joe Biden spoke at the convention last night. He walked out to the theme from the movie Rocky. I’m guessing that’s how he enters everywhere he goes.” – Seth Meyers

“After Joe Biden used the word ‘malarkey’ in his speech, it became the most searched word on the internet. Mostly from people who thought ‘malarkey’ was a new Pokémon.” – Conan O’Brien

“Bill Clinton said he watched all six Police Academy movies with his daughter Chelsea, which got awkward when Chelsea was like, ‘That wasn’t me’.” – James Corden

“When George W. Bush saw this, he was like, ‘Pfft, a few days? I did that for eight years.'” – James Corden

“Former Republican Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg spoke at the DNC last night. He told the crowd Hillary Clinton understands this is not reality television. Though if it were, she is not here to make friends!” – Seth Meyers

“Bradley Cooper was spotted at the Democratic Convention and it angered conservatives because he portrayed Navy SEAL Chris Kyle in American Sniper. These are the same people who were angry when they learned that Ben Affleck isn’t really Batman.” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump told reporters yesterday that he doesn’t know who Vladimir Putin is. He then paused and went, ‘Oh, you mean Vlad? Yeah, of course I know Vlad.'” – Seth Meyers

“Today, Donald Trump said that when he asked Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails he was being ‘sarcastic’. Which makes sense — if anyone understands comedy, it’s the Russians.” – Conan O’Brien

“Trump wants to build a wall and bring in foreign workers. It’s like he’s playing a game of tic-tac-toe against himself. Or maybe this is a Telemundo prank show. We sent a bunch of workers to the United States. Wait until they find out who their new boss is.” –Jimmy Kimmel


This is How Democrats Will Take Back the Senate

Ann Kirkpatrick is running for the Senate against John McCain. She has released a devastating ad that directly links McCain to Donald Trump, while showing Trump saying nasty things about McCain. This is how Democrats can use Trump as a weapon against Republicans:

I’m noticing that Republican politicians are slowly announcing that they are not supporting Trump. Some have even gone as far as to announce that they are going to vote for Hillary Clinton. Why did they wait so long? Because they didn’t want to say anything against Trump during their primary. Primaries are increasingly partisan, forcing Republicans to swing to the right (or at least not piss off the wing-nuts). But after the primaries are over, they have to swing the other way. I expect that we will see more and more Republicans distance themselves from Trump in the future, as each state has their primaries and the winner stops being afraid of revealing what they really think about Trump.

Robert Ariail
© Robert Ariail

Drew Sheneman
© Drew Sheneman


Trump Says No to Transparency

During the Republican primary, Donald Trump claimed he couldn’t be bought. Well, it sure looks like he is now for sale. He’s even bragging about how much money is being donated to his campaign. And what’s worse, we have no idea who is buying him. Trump is refusing to name any of his fundraising bundlers.

The executive director of the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics says “The fact that he has not released his bundlers is very upsetting. This is a basic piece of information that the voters need: Who is bankrolling the campaign? And who are the bag men who are holding out the bags collecting the contributions?”

Indeed, Hillary Clinton has already voluntarily released the names of her bundlers who have raised at least $100,000, and the Clinton campaign discloses the name and location of all fundraisers that either she or Tim Kaine attend. And, of course, she has released decades of tax returns. Trump refuses to do any of this.

A spokesperson for “Every Voice”, a group working to reducing the influence of money in politics, said “Trump spent his entire primary campaign calling his opponents puppets of big donors and now some of those same big donors are raising money for his campaign. He’s been all talk and no action on money in politics.”

Trump has simultaneously flipped “from attacking donors to soliciting [money from] them, from bashing super PACS to embracing them, from promising to release his taxes to refusing.” Trump claimed that Sheldon Adelson was backing Marco Rubio during the primary “because he feels he can mold him into his perfect little puppet.” But now it is Trump who is taking money from Adelson.

And Trump is already paying his big donors back for their money. His newly named economic advisory council is filled with campaign contributors who have chipped in more than $2 million.


Stalling Tactics

Last night, Donald Trump announced that his wife Melania will hold a press conference sometime “over the next couple of weeks” to address allegations that she violated US immigration laws by working illegally in the US.

Who is willing to bet that no such news conference will actually happen, and that Trump is just trying to get the story out of the news cycle? After all, he is doing the same thing about plenty of other allegations.


Voter Fraud?

Many Republican controlled states have passed voter fraud laws, which make it much harder for people (cough, Democratic-leaning voters) to vote.
Electoral Vote has a short, pointed article about voter fraud, pointing out what a fraud it is. Here’s an excerpt (and by excerpt, I mean about half the whole article):

From time to time we see an article in which the author cites the case of someone who impersonated a voter as a test and got a ballot. From one or two instances, the author concludes in-person voter fraud must be rampant. An analogy could be made with tiger teams trying to smuggle weapons onto airplanes. Often the latter works. But there is a huge difference between the two exercises. If one person smuggles one weapon onto one plane, it could result in a plane crash, with hundreds of people being killed. If one fraudulent voter manages to vote illegally, it is not going to change an election result, except maybe for dogcatcher in a town with seven voters.

Consider what it would take to actually change, say, a congressional election. The closest congressional election in 2012 was in IL-13, where Rodney Davis (R) defeated David Gill (D) 137,034 votes to 136,032. To flip that election, Gill would have had to get 1,003 people to vote for him illegally. How would one recruit 1,003 people to cast fraudulent votes? Place an ad on Craigslist or in the local newspaper? Probably not a great idea, since asking people to commit a felony is not something you want to get caught doing. Maybe a radio spot? Attend a meeting of the College Democrats and pass out a flyer? Remember, this has to be done very covertly. Once you explain to an interested party what you want, most of them are going to sense you are asking them to commit a crime, even if they don’t know the exact penalty. Most likely you are going to have to talk to thousands of people to get 1,003 who agree. Obviously, there is a great danger that more than a few of the people who you approach and who say “no” might go to the police.

In short, even flipping the closest congressional seat would be an extremely difficult and risky process, with thousands of people knowing about it, any of whom could expose the scheme. When considering Voter ID laws, and other “anti-fraud” measures, this microscopic chance of fraudulent voting changing an election result has to be weighed against the very real possibility of thousands of actual voters being disenfranchised because they lack voting credentials and are unable to overcome barriers intentionally put in place to make it difficult to get them.


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from July 27, 2016]

“Tonight, President Obama is going to make a speech trying to convince people to vote for Hillary Clinton instead of Donald Trump. It’s a speech entitled, ‘I Can’t Believe This Is Necessary.'” – Conan O’Brien

“The first sentence of Bill Clinton’s speech was “In the spring of 1971, I met a girl.” You can imagine the relief in the room when they realized he was talking about Hillary.” – Conan O’Brien

“Last night Bill Clinton said the first two times he proposed to Hillary, she said no. Clinton then said, “So let’s stop all this talk about Hillary’s bad judgement.” – Conan O’Brien

“After Michelle Obama’s speech where she said the White House was built by slaves, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly said the slaves who built the White House were “well fed” and had “decent lodging.” Leave it to Fox News to provide a fair and balanced view of slavery.” – Conan O’Brien


Manchurian Candidate?

Ruben Bolling
© Ruben Bolling

Can Donald Trump really be called a Manchurian candidate if he betrays his country willingly?


Late Night Political Humor

[Jokes from July 26, 2016]

“Of course, it’s the Democratic Convention, which began last night. There were several big moments, and by the end, everyone was chanting ‘I’m With Her!’ Unfortunately for Hillary, they were talking about Michelle Obama.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Experts are saying that the highlight of the Democratic Convention’s first night was Michelle Obama’s speech. In fact, Melania Trump said she already knows it by heart.” – Conan O’Brien

“The Democrats have had some impressive speakers so far. Last night Michelle Obama delivered her second convention speech of the week. The first lady made a very powerful point. She noted that she and her husband wake up every day in a house built by slaves. To which Donald Trump replied, ‘Really? Can I get the name of your contractor?'” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Michelle gave a really big speech last night. But she wasn’t the only one. Bernie Sanders gave the final speech of the night, which kept being delayed by applause. Bernie was like, ‘Please stop with the clapping! You’ll make the lights go off and on!” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bernie Sanders said that he knows people are disappointed in the results of the primaries, saying, ‘I think it’s fair to say nobody is more disappointed than I am.’ At which point, Jeb Bush threw his empty Hagen Daazs container at the TV.” – Jimmy Fallon

“Bernie Sanders supporters were so angry last night that they booed each mention of Hillary Clinton’s name, and even booed the pastor leading the pre-convention prayer. Of course, this was Philadelphia. Booing is just how people exhale.” – Seth Meyers

“It was a big night for Bernie Sanders. You could tell. For the the first time ever it appears he combed his hair.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Boyz II Men opened up the Democratic Convention yesterday performing their hit ‘Motown Philly.’ Then they closed it out with Bernie Sanders singing ‘It’s so Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday.'” – Jimmy Fallon

“Democrats held a roll call vote today to formally elect Hillary Clinton as their party’s nominee. Delegates had the option of voting either ‘no’ or ‘ugh, fine.'” – Seth Meyers

“Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated by a major party in the United States, which even if she doesn’t win is going to look great on her resume.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“If Hillary wins, it will be interesting to see because Bill Clinton would be our nation’s first first man. Which is interesting. We’ve had a first man on the moon, a first man to climb Mount Everest, a first man to run a four-minute mile. Nobody ever thought to be just the first man. I guess Adam maybe was the first first man.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Bill Clinton spoke tonight. He was the major speaker of the evening. Of course he strongly supported his wife to be our next president. In a surprise move he asked Melania Trump to be his first lady.” – Jimmy Kimmel

“Today, shortly before we taped the show, Hillary Clinton became the first female presidential nominee of a major party. So now little girls everywhere can say, ‘One day I’m gonna grow up and run against an insane reality TV star.'” – Conan O’Brien

“Yesterday at the DNC, Elizabeth Warren said, ‘Trump’s entire campaign is just one more late-night Trump infomercial.’ Trump called her ‘stupid’ then said, ‘But wait there’s more…” – Conan O’Brien

“Donald Trump is now leading Hillary Clinton by 28 points with white voters without a college degree. However, Hillary is ahead by 98 points with voters who went to Trump University.” –Conan O’Brien

“It’s being reported that 19 out of the 31 apartment buildings in the Rio Olympic Village are not ready yet. Today, Rio organizers asked, ‘How does everybody feel about a ‘Fall Olympics’?'” – Conan O’Brien
