Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Republicans have been accusing Obama of waging war on the Catholic Church, if not on religion in general, because he won’t let the church have its way on issues like birth control. However, the same politicians who are attacking Obama have voted against the Catholic Church in a number of other (even bigger) policy issues. […]
Friday, February 10, 2012
Since when does religious freedom equal the freedom for religions to control the lives of people, even people who don’t believe in their religion? Religious freedom is the freedom for people (not corporations as people, not churches as people, but real people) to practice whatever religion they please, without interference from the government. So how […]
Republicans have repeatedly made a big deal out of voter registration fraud, but actual voter fraud (illegal votes rather than just registration) is relatively rare. But it seems like Republicans are working to change that too. The top elections official in Indiana, Secretary of State Charlie White, was convicted of six felony charges related to […]
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t said anything about Mitt Romney’s recent gaffe, where he said he didn’t care about the poor. That’s because despite his rather poor choice of words (pun intended), what he was really trying to say was that it is the middle class he really cares about. The […]
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Romney debates himself: It is going to be a very interesting presidential election. UPDATE: CNN, CNBC, and others have forced the removal of this video from YouTube, despite the fact that it is clearly fair use. This really pisses me off.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Jon Stewart is definitely on a roll: I think Newt Gingrich has actually invented a new propaganda technique. I guess the Republicans were using the “Big Lie” too much, so now we have the “Humongous Hypocrisy” technique. Seriously, is there anything Gingrich stands for that is not hypocritical? Serial philanderer Gingrich is now the family […]
I’ve often wondered why nobody calls out the Republican party for claiming to be the party of small government. It isn’t like there isn’t plenty of data to refute this claim. We have long known that the federal deficit has increased dramatically more under Republican presidents than Democratic ones, but Republicans could just claim that […]
Saturday, January 14, 2012
© Matt Bors In 2003, Rick Santorum warned that the Supreme Court using the right to privacy to strike down laws against having gay sex in your own home would essentially mean you also have the right to bigamy, polygamy, and incest. I actually have some sympathy for this viewpoint (even though I don’t agree […]
Also filed in
Tagged Gays
© Tom Tomorrow Why are we so willing to go to war? Is it because the US media keeps us in a state of constant fear? Is it because corporations with strong government connections make lots of money off of war? Or because politicians get a boost in their approval rating during times of war? […]
Also filed in
Tagged War
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
© Jen Sorensen Mitt Romney keeps trying to paint Obama as a Soviet-style socialist, which is clearly false. Earlier this month, he declared: [Obama] seeks to replace our merit-based society with an entitlement society. In an entitlement society, everyone receives the same or similar rewards, regardless of education, effort and willingness to take risk. That […]
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
It always seems like the people who complain the most about other people sucking money from taxpayers are the people who actually do it the most (this may be a corollary to the premise that those people who bash gays the most are themselves afraid to come out of the closet). The latest example is […]
Monday, December 26, 2011
After the 2010 midterm elections, the Republicans declared that their top priority was creating jobs. Mike Stanfill started keeping a list of all Republican Congressional activity, to see if the Republicans were telling the truth. As Stanfill notes, the fact that his list “has reached its currently imposing length without one anecdotal citation of new […]
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Ironically, Rachel Maddow is shocked about Obama’s Christmas Card. But that’s ok, Fox News and Sarah Palin are on the job pointing out this latest blatant attack on Christmas. How dare Obama!? Personally, I can’t decide if this is merely shoddy reporting on the part of Fox News, or if they are going to attack […]
Monday, December 19, 2011
Everyone downloads copyrighted files. Everyone. A new website tracks what files have been downloaded using bittorrent by you (or any other user, by IP address). Just click on the link, and it will tell you if you (or someone at the same IP address) has been naughty. Now the hypocritical part. The same data has […]
Friday, December 16, 2011
© Henry Payne Lowe’s home improvement stores pulled their advertising from the TLC network’s show “All-American Muslim” after the conservative Christian group “Florida Family Association” mounted an email campaign against the show, saying that it was “propaganda that riskily hides the Islamic agenda’s clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values“. I guess […]