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Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Context is Everything

When the Wall Street Journal was bought by Murdock’s News Corp, people were worried that it would be turned into another Faux News. Well, you don’t have to worry any longer, it has been. With the publishing of the recent editorial by Karl “Bush’s brain” Rove, the WSJ has become just another arm of the […]


The Drums of War, Nine Years Later

March 19th was the nine year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. If you are one of those people who feels disappointed in Obama because of some vague feeling that he hasn’t changed things enough, I just want to remind you of how much at least one thing has changed from just nine years ago: […]


The Root of All Evil

CBS smuggled secret cameras into a weekend-long fundraiser for twelve freshman Republican Congressmen, held at an exclusive resort in Florida and attended by lobbyists and special interests, who each paid a minimum of $10,000 and as much as $46,200 (the legal maximum) to attend. The CBS article points out the hypocrisy of the event, using […]


What Moral Decline?

Are you getting tired of all the wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth from the religious right about the moral decline of America? Rick Santorum claims that “Satan has his sights on the United States of America”. Newt Gingrich says “A country that has been now since 1963 relentlessly in the courts driving God […]


White House Involved In Sherrod Firing

USDA employee Shirley Sherrod was forced to resign after a misleadingly edited video of her was posted by Andrew Breitbart to his website, Big Government. At the time, the White House blamed her dismissal on Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, claiming that the White House had been informed, but not consulted about the firing. But that’s […]


Operation Hilarity

Is turnabout fair play? In February 2008, Rush Limbaugh announced “Operation Chaos“, where he encouraged Republicans to vote in Democratic primaries for Hillary Clinton, in order to prolong the primary fight between Clinton and Barack Obama. In some states, notably Ohio and Indiana, this might even have been a felony. Nevertheless, there is strong evidence […]


What’s All This I Hear About Youth In Asia?

Earlier this month, presidential candidate Rick Santorum went into a church and publicly lied through his teeth. This wasn’t some momentary hyperbole during a campaign speech, or while arguing with another candidate. The event was a forum at the Grace Bible Church moderated by Dr. James Dobson, the founder of the conservative group Focus on […]


Media Fail

Lewis Black has a good rant about the media coverage of the death of Whitney Houston.


Do Deficits Matter?

Given all the screaming going on that Obama is increasing the national debt, it is enlightening to see that the independent Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget released a study today that estimates that the economic plans proposed by Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Mitt Romney would increase the debt by between $250 billion and […]


Obama Wages a Very Dumb War

In 2002, then Illinois state senator Barack Obama gave a stirring speech where he said these (now-famous) words: I don’t oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul […]


Moving Past Yesterday

© Joel Pett This is exactly how I feel every time I hear someone who wants to restrict access to birth control. Didn’t we move past this a long time ago? The same politicians who tell you that if you don’t like something a company does you have the choice to not buy things from […]


Added Arizona Hypocrisy

Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu is a rising star in the Republican party, largely because of his strong stance against illegal immigrants. His first moment of fame was in 2010 when he appeared in a television ad with John McCain calling for the US government to “complete the danged fence” along the southern border. He’s also […]


We’ve been Framed!

© Lee Judge At the recently held Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) a panel session discussed that the fight against birth control wasn’t working. As this comic points out, how can the Catholics call birth control a deeply held religious belief when not only have 97% of Catholic women used birth control, but a majority […]


Honest Graft

Insider trading is bad, illegal, and morally wrong. Unless of course if you are a member of Congress. Then it is just “honest graft”. Why go to all the trouble of bribing a Congressperson with campaign contributions, when you can just give them some insider information that can make them rich, legally?


Supreme Constitutionalist

The conservative rag American Spectator is calling for Supreme Court justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to resign. They say “If she can no longer support and defend the Constitution, as she is sworn to do, she should leave — and take the New York Times with her.” What brought this on? It turns out that during […]
