Obama is on record against PACs and SuperPACs, which can funnel unlimited amounts of money into protected political speech. So of course, when he accepts money from them, he is attacked for being hypocritical. And yet, it seems that the only way this country will get any restrictions against PACs and SuperPACs, is by them […]
Who keeps funding these stupid propaganda videos made by James O’Keefe? The guy isn’t even very good at lying, and he certainly is a very sorry excuse for a journalist. His latest video, which you can watch here (if you can stand to), he harasses two men claiming that they voted in North Carolina elections […]
via bartcop I can’t think of anything to add to this that I haven’t already said. UPDATE: I guess I do have something to add. While the Newsweek cover (sensationally) calls Obama “the first gay president”, an excellent article in Salon points out that James Buchanan, who was president just before Abraham Lincoln, was our […]
In an interview in Ohio, Mitt Romney tried to take credit for the recovery of the auto industry: I pushed the idea of a managed bankruptcy. And finally, when that was done, and help was given, the companies got back on their feet. So I’ll take a lot of credit for the fact that this […]
When Republicans say that we need to shrink the size of government, that sounds pretty good on paper, but they fail to mention that shrinking the government means that the government will employ fewer people. In fact, the Wall Street Journal calculated that if government were the same size it was back in December 2008 […]
Arizona has had more than a few problems since turning over a dozen of its prisons to private corporations. Security problems increased, most famously allowing two convicted killers to escape from a private prison in 2010 and wreak murder and havoc. Even worse, the annual review of the private prisons shows that in many cases, […]
The main thing that gives me hope for this country is that modern (so-called) conservatives are so ideologically driven that they cannot seem to avoid shooting themselves in the foot. Repeatedly. This explains why — despite having way more money than the 99% of us, most of the power, control of the mainstream media, a […]
The Republicans and Fox News have gotten to the point where they just reflexively attack Obama for everything he does, even if it is something they themselves do all the time. They are blind to their own hypocrisy: My big question now is, are the Republicans just projecting? Have they actually attacked Obama for anything […]
At a British judicial inquiry Thursday, Rupert Murdoch talked about being “mobbed by journalists and paparazzi” and said he was being harassed. Ironically, the inquiry is over illegal harassment done by Murdoch’s News Corp, which broke into people’s voicemail boxes. Murdoch’s reporters are notorious for harassing not just celebrities, but even ordinary members of the […]
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
It takes three videos from Jon Stewart to contain this much delicious irony and hypocrisy. And the latest twist to all of this is that even Ann Romney was cynically milking Hillary Rosen’s comment, pretending to be outraged that Rosen was disrespecting stay-at-home moms: It was my early birthday present for someone to be critical […]
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Now that Rick Santorum has officially suspended his campaign, the only things in the way of Mitt Romney are Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich. In other words, we now know who the Republican candidate for president will be. So I guess it is time to start examining the record of Mittens in earnest. We all […]
Reagan and Obama agree on the Buffett Rule. I guess Republicans will oppose anything Obama does, even if it means disagreeing with their Saint Ronnie. UPDATE: Picking up on this, Obama has offered to change the name of the bill to the “Reagan Rule“: Some years ago, one of my predecessors traveled across the country […]
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This morning in a campaign speech Mitt Romney said “We have a president, who I think is is a nice guy, but he spent too much time at Harvard, perhaps.” There’s just one problem, Romney also went to Harvard. In fact, he got both his JD (same as Obama) plus an MBA at Harvard, so […]
© Joel Pett Yes, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia really did say that if the government can force you to buy health insurance, then it could force you to buy broccoli. Steven Pearlstein easily tears this argument to shreds: Another of Scalia and Alito’s cute debating tricks was to latch on to an opposing argument […]
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Tagged Health
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court discussed severability — whether overturning the individual mandate in the health care reform law would require overturning the entire law. Justice Antonin Scalia scoffed: If we struck down nothing in this legislation but the — what’s it called, the Cornhusker kickback, okay, we find that to violate the constitutional proscription […]