During the 2010 election, Republicans promised to not just repeal the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), but to replace it with with some fairly specific things: allowing insurance companies to sell health insurance across state lines (increasing competition), tort reform (reducing malpractice insurance costs for doctors), and expanding health savings accounts (shielding money spent on health […]
The next time Romney tries to blame Obama for disappointing job numbers, someone should remind him of what he said at a press conference in 2006 to reporters who were trying to hold him accountable for disappointing job creation numbers from his time as governor: You guys are bright enough to look at the numbers. […]
© Ben Sargent And this doesn’t even include the fact that the Affordable Care Act was pretty much their idea in the first place.
When it is created by Mitt Romney of course. On Monday, Romney spokesperson Eric Fehrnstrom said that Romney did not agree with the Supreme Court ruling that the individual mandate was constitutional because of the government’s right to create taxes. “The governor believes that what we put in place in Massachusetts was a penalty, and […]
© Tom Tomorrow The debate around ObamaCare it getting stranger and stranger. Yesterday, a Republican running for Congress in New York declared that he is against health care reform because Americans “don’t die from prostate cancer, breast cancer” anymore. Over 28,000 men will die from prostate cancer this year alone, and 40,000 women will die […]
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© Mike Luckovich After the Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate, Romney repeated his plan to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with something else. Ironically, everything he proposed for his replacement plan were things that are already in ObamaCare. There’s just one teeny thing he left out — the individual mandate! Never mind that Romney […]
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Mitt Romney is now comfortable contradicting himself in the same statement. Today, after the Supreme Court ruling on the ACA (ObamaCare), Romney said: Obamacare raises taxes on the American people by approximately $500 billion. Obamacare cuts Medicare — cuts Medicare by approximately $500 billion. And even with those cuts and tax increases, Obamacare adds trillions […]
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I love it when the media actually does their job. Fortune Magazine investigated the whole “Fast and Furious” scandal. You know, the one where Republicans are accusing ATF of allowing guns to be sold to Mexican drug cartels, two of which guns were used to kill border patrol agent Brian Terry. I knew something didn’t […]
What the Republicans said three months ago when gas prices rose above $4/gallon: Mitt Romney, March 18, 2012: “He gets full credit or blame for what’s happened in this economy, and what’s happened to gasoline prices under his watch, and what’s happened to our schools, and what’s happened to our military forces. All these things […]
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[reprinted from the Booman Tribune] I think Mitt Romney broke his own recored for telling the most lies this week. I don’t think Steve Benen even had to try that hard to find 30 enormous whoppers. Most of them have to do with statistics and the budget. Some just grossly mischaracterize what the president has […]
For a while, I’ve been noticing the irony of Republicans at the state level taking credit for improving economic conditions, while at the same time GOP candidates at the federal level condemning Obama for the bad economy. Apparently I’m not the only one who noticed this. Mitt Romney’s campaign has asked Republican Governor Rick Scott […]
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Today on Fox News, Karl Rove complained about Obama’s use of executive privilege over a set of Department of Justice internal documents, calling it an “overreach” and saying “I’m not certain that that’s what the Founders thought about when they talked about executive privilege.” Rove conveniently forgot that the very first time Bush invoked executive […]
On the last day of their legislative session, Louisiana passed a funding plan for schools that includes school vouchers that can be used to pay tuition at religious schools. What’s ironic is that the Islamic School of Greater New Orleans has applied to be included in the voucher program. I’m looking forward to seeing religious […]
As usual, Romney is only too happy to support all sides of every issue (and lie about it). Back in 1965 while a student at Stanford University, Romney was a strong supporter of the Vietnam war and participated in pro-war protests. Not only did Romney not enlist in the war he praised, the same year […]
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New York decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana over 30 years ago. So why have arrests for marijuana possession skyrocketed there, making it the #1 arrest category in the state? The answer is ironic. When the state decriminalized possession of less than 25 grams of marijuana, they left possession of the same amount in […]
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